Hamilton Soundtrack Annotated PDF

Title Hamilton Soundtrack Annotated
Author Mariam Antoine
Course Hamilton Revolutionary History
Institution Stonehill College
Pages 4
File Size 61.3 KB
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Act I of Hamilton Soundtrack annotated ...


Hamilton Soundtrack Annotated Act I ●

Song 1: Alexander Hamilton ● This song is an intro into the character of Alexander Hamilton. It gives us a background of who he is and how he came into New York. We learn about what his childhood looked like. On top of meeting Hamilton, we also meet the main characters of the story and we get a prelude to the part they will play later in the story. Song 2: Aaron Burr, Sir ● This song establishes the meeting of Hamilton and Burr. We learn that both of the men were orphans and share common aspirations though they disagree on ways to get there. We then also meet Laurens, Lafayette, and Mulligan as they are all drinking in a bar. As they are drinking they start talking about where they are in their lives and where they want to be. Song 3: My Shot ● The previous song leads right into “My Shot” with Laurens, Lafayette, and Mulligan asking ‘who are you” and in this song Hamilton answers. Hamilton goes into depth about he will “not throw away his shot.” He talks about where he came from and what his aspirations are and he wants to join the revolution and build up his legacy. Throughout the song we also get to hear what Laurens, Lafayette, and Mulligan aspire to do with their shot, and we start to see the differences between their styles. Song 4: The Story of Tonight ● This song is like an end of a good day, hope to see you soon, let's do this again feel. The four men are leaving the bar, drunk toasting to freedom and the upcoming revolution. Song 5: The Schuyler Sisters ● This song introduces the two female leads Eliza and Angelica, and their sister Peggy. This song establishes that while women in the revolutionary period often didn’t have strong roles, these women were not going to be bystanders. They talk about finding “a mind at work” but they also want to fight for their rights in the upcoming revolution and be recognized as equal counterparts as Angelica states “we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, but when I meet Thomas Jefferson I’m gonna compel him to include women in the sequel.” Song 6: Farmer Refuted ● In this song Loyalist Samuel Seabury is reading a letter advising against the American Revolution, and Hamilton is countering all the points that are being made. The songs titled is quite clever as “farmer” was a nickname for king George during the time period (Farmer George.) Song 7: You’ll Be Back ● In this song King George is reading a letter to the colonists confronting them about their grievances, but also warning them about the power that he still holds over them by saying things like “I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love.” This song is is meant to sound like a relationship where one partner is being forced to stay because the other partner is crazy Song 8: Right Hand Man ● In this song we meet General George Washington, and he speaks about how he needs a right hand man, and about the status of the current battles. Washington makes it clear that the patriots are “out gunned, out maned, out numbered, out planned” and thats when we see how Burr and Hamilton fit into Washingtons narrative. Though Hamilton wants nothing more than to fight in the war Washington convinces him of the importance of a “right hand man” and Hamilton sees this opportunity as “his shot” and takes it. Song 9: Winter’s Ball

In this song we see a different perspective of Hamiltons life as his love life is given a brief introduction. During the song Hamilton and Burr are discussing an upcoming ball where the Schuyler sisters will be the main event, as their family is very wealthy. Song 10: Helpless ● During this song we get to see the Eliza and Alexander’s relationship start through the eyes of Eliza. They meet at the Winter ball and Eliza claims she fell for him the first time she saw him, from across the room. The song takes through their very quickly developed relationship, and end with them tying the knot.

Song 11: Satisfied ● This song starts with Angelica Schuyler giving a toast at Eliza and Alexander’s wedding, but it quickly “rewinds” to the winter ball where Angelica reveals that when she met Alexander she was immediately beguiled by him. However she states three factors as to why she can not be with Hamilton. 1.) She realizes that as a women in the 1700s specifically the oldest of the family, she needs to marry rich, and “Alexander is penniless” 2.) She knows that While Hamilton might have feelings towards her or her sister, he’s also an upcoming young man in need of money and status two things she just happens to have. 3.) She has a deep love for her sisters, and she knows that Eliza has feelings for Hamilton, so she deiced to give him up and introduces him to Eliza. Angelica admits that while she wants the best for the happy couple, she is still in love with Hamilton, and she knows that they both “will never be satisfied” Song 12: The Story of tonight (Reprise) ● In this song Hamiltons friends are teasing him about getting married while slightly impaired, but we learn a more sobering fact about Burr. Burr confides in Alexander telling him that he is seeing a women that happens to be married to a British officer. This song then leads into Burr’s song “Wait for it” Song 13: Wait For It ● In this song we get an insight to Burr’s past and his philosophy in life. We learn of his dead family, and the principles they taught him. Going further he explains why he is so restrained in his actions saying “I'm not standing still I am lying in wait” we realize here that Burr has the drive and the passion and the means to be great, he is just waiting for the perfect opportunity to do so rather than taking the Hamilton route and just bulldozing through life. Song 14: Stay Alive ● In this song we are back in the midst of the war where the cast is fighting in the battle of Monmouth (which historically happened a few years before Hamilton got married.) Hamilton is dying to be put in command, but Washington is constantly having someone else take control. In the song we hear that Charles Lee is put in command, but is quickly overwhelmed with the level of cavalry he decided to retreat, which went against the generals order. In response to being scolded by Washington, Charles Lee starts bad mouthing General Washington to the commoners, which gets Hamilton and Laurens very upset, and leads the audience into the next song. Song 15: Ten Duel Commandments ● In this song the crowd is introduced to the past commonality of dueling, as Lee and Laurens prepare to Duel after the battle of Monmouth. What happens is both parties nominate a second that try to negotiation peace, which often was able to be reached, but in this case it wasn’t. So they go from New York to New Jersey, they stand across from each other with their pistols aimed and count to ten. If you aim your pistol at the sky if your intention is not to kill, but to prove a point, or you can shoot at your target. At this song we hear a gunshot, which then leads into the following song which reveals what happened. Song 16: Meet Me Inside

We find out that Laurens shot and Lee was hit in the side. Washington then enters the scene and express his disapproval at what had occurred. He asks Hamilton to “meet him inside” where he then scolds him for his action. Hamilton justifies the occurrence by explaining to Washington that the public does not know who he is or what he’s capable of, and pleads with Washington to take command of a battalion, to which Washington says no, because he needs Hamilton alive. After Washington uses the word “son” too many times causing Hamilton to become momentarily enraged, which in turn leads Washington to send him home. Song 17: That Would Be Enough ● In this song Eliza reveals her pregnancy to Hamilton, who has just come home from fighting in the war. Since he is not satisfied with where he is in his life, even though he is quickly rising in his platform, he feels that Eliza also must not be happy. She explains to him that their family is and always be enough for her. Song 18: Guns and Ships ● This song is centered around the very important Marquis de Lafayette and his role in America’s fight for freedom. Lafayette describes his battle adequate in his violent beginning lines. Then Washington enters and they talk about their plans to get French aid in order to end the war at Yorktown, but they know in order to do so, they need the help of Hamilton. Washington finally gives in and gives Hamilton a lead. Song 19: History Has Its Eyes On You ● In this song Washington is almost warning Hamilton about what was to come now that he was in command. He tells him that his first time in charge, he had to watch his men die, and the lasting effects of such events. But at the end of the very short song, Washington lets Hamilton know that he believes in him saying “I know that greatness lie in you” Song 20: Yorktown (The World turned Upside Down) ● This song is about what occurs in the final battle of the revolutionary war in Yorktown. We see the main male characters (minus Burr) all do a certain part of the job that end up winning the war. Hamilton and Lafayette are nothing leading their battalions planning on a surprise attack. Mulligan was working as a spy and was able to lead the two men to proper locations. Laurens was in South Carolina also aiding General Washington, and after the help from France and the Tactics from all these men the British Surrender, and the Battle is won, and “the world was turned upside down” Song 21: What Comes Next ● In this song King George is expressing his disdain at the outcome of the revolutionary war. He feels that since France (Britain enemy at the time) helped the patriots that means that they cheated and he is now suffering because of it. He then goes on quickly to say that while America might be excited about their newly found freedom, there are many more challenges coming next, like that of leading a nation. He talks about the difficulty about making tough decisions, especially since some people in the very country you are leading will claim they hate you. Song 22: Dear Theodosia ● In this song both Burr and Hamilton are singing a comforting song to their new borns. During this song we get to see the similarities the two share, as they echo each other saying “My father wasn’t around” the talk about how the birth of their children also comes at the time of the rebirth of America. Song 23: Non-stop ● In this song we get to check in on all the main characters, as person takes a turn telling the audience what has happened since the war has ended. Both Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, studied Law and became prominent lawyers. Burr complain of Hamiltons eagerness, and about his extensive proposal about the way the government should be run. We see Hamilton go Burr for help in fixing the constitution, but Burr declines his offer, as he does not think that Hamilton’s ideas will be very effective. Angelica is next in the song, as she is writing a letter to Hamilton letting him know that she got married to a rich man and will be going to London. She’s not very in love with this man,

as she states “He is not a lot of fun,” but she feels that no one can compare to Hamilton, as she asks him to write her while she is in London. Next is Eliza, and after the war is done she feels like her husband will be able to spend more time with his family, but he is too engulfed in his need to make the government that he is always busy writing. She only asks that she spend sometime with her husband, and “grant him peace of mind.” Next Burr tells the Audience that Hamilton teamed up with John Jay, and James Madison to write the federalists papers, but while Jay wrote 5, Madison wrote 29, and Hamilton wrote 51. At this point in their bumpy relationship, Burr is beginning to become fed up and almost jealous of the impact Hamilton has on the upcoming legal system. Washington then enters the Song, telling Hamilton that the people want him to be president, and he needs Hamilton by his his side as his write hand man, and he grants him lead of the treasury department in his new cabinet. After this part the song erupts, and multiple parts from many previous other songs, signaling the end of this act and a new chapter opening in American History. ●...

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