HCS 589 Different CAM Resources Presentation Slides AND Notes WEEK 1 PDF

Title HCS 589 Different CAM Resources Presentation Slides AND Notes WEEK 1
Author carie dearing
Course Health Care Strategic Management
Institution University of Phoenix
Pages 5
File Size 66 KB
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HCS 589 DIFFERENT CAM RESOURCES PRESENTATION SLIDES AND NOTES WEEK 1 Introduction There are many ways to asses the reliability and credibility of CAM resources with the access to the internet. Many people can do more research now then the way that it used to be on their own. With all of the information that is out there it is easy to educate a person on CAM. Consumer Attitudes The Positives  Many positive benefits  Healthy  Decreased Side Effects  Mind, Body and Spiritual Health  Greater focus on future prevention

Many people think that the benefits of CAM are positive and that the outcome is great. By using CAM instead of or with Western Medicine you can have great affects and actually live a more healthier lifestyle. Another one of the positives are that there seems to be decreased side effects by using CAM then with using another form of medicine or health care at times. When using CAM you are connecting the mind, body and spiritual health all in one to help whatever illness or disease you may be suffering from. With CAM a person can focus on the underlying issue that is causing the problem and that will help with the prevention of future illnesses for the person (“CAM Attitudes”, 2009). Consumer Attitudes The Negatives  Lack of proof or research  Possible dangerous interactions  Marketing can be confusing to some

There are some consumers that look negatively at the CAM approach to medicine and your health. The reason for this is that they feel that the lack of proof or research is associated with it and they are not able to see as much evidence that goes along with it. There can also be dangerous interactions that can happen if a person is not careful and not seeing a person that is educated and has the correct certification for whatever therapy they may be having. By people just seeing anyone and not researching

the person they are seeing it can give a negative attitude with some people. There is also a confusing marketing for it at times such as herbs and possible diet pills are some times labeled as natural when this is actually not the case and can confuse some people (“Everyday Health”, 2015). Judging Information  Medical Studies

One of the ways that the information is judged is by the medical studies that have been conducted. If a person is going to research the medical studies they at times have to do a lot of research and even have to dig real deep in order to get some credible information. Needless to say it is sometimes hard to find the medical studies and research that is done on CAM.  Evidence

The more evidence that is obvious the better off the CAM therapy you are researching will be for a person. When you are going to receive a CAM therapy you would want to make sure that the person you are seeing has received the proper credentials and education on the therapy. A person really wants to see as much evidence that they can on a therapy to see that it is going to work. But the tricky part about this is that not all therapies may work the same on all people. This is where a person may have to experiment to see what works for them and what does not. A person can research to see the evidence on each therapy they may be having in order to have the peace of mind to do it.  Source of Information

The source of information is extremely important when doing this type of research. You would really want to make sure that the source of information that you are receiving is from a credible source and that it is reliable information. All types of research should depend on the source of the information. When research about a CAM therapy if you are just reading about negative experiences you really need to see who the source of information is coming from and evaluate it that way. There are going to be negatives and positives about any type of medicine out there but it all boils down to where the source of information is coming from so it should be looked at closely.  Personal Opinions

Personal opinions are a tricky one as there are going to be all types of opinions. It is really good for a person to research and see what others opinions are about the type of CAM therapy you may be looking

into to. Of course when you are researching others opinions you have to keep in mind that it is just an opinion and that it can be negative or positive depending on the experience that they had. Massage  Relieves Stress  Relaxes  Anxiety  Headaches  Muscle Aches  Strains or Injuries  Joint Pain  Digestive Disorders

Massage is a good therapy to have done for a person that may be experiencing pain or other symptoms. A person that performs a message on someone usually has to be licensed and regulated in most states. Some people do not realize all the healthy benefits a person can receive from a message and how good they will actually feel both mentally and physically after receiving a message. On the above slide are just a few of the reasons that a person may receive a massage and what a message can help a person with. Massages can be a powerful tool to a person and can really help them in relieving what may be on their mind (“Mayo Clinic”, 2015). There are many types of massages that a person can receive. There is the Swedish Massage that has long strokes and kneading motions that can help a person relax. Another form of massage is a deep tissue massage which actually goes deeper in the persons tissues and is commonly used for injuries to the muscles. A sports massage is one that helps with people who are involved in sports and can be used for prevention to help prevent an injury from coming on. A trigger point massage is great for a person who may overuse their muscles and will help in relieving pain in the muscles that are overused. Website  Mayo Clinic ◦

Healthy Lifestyle

Stress Management

This is a good website for many types of medical and health information. A person can actually get really good information off of this website and can have the peace of mind that it is credible information. Many times the articles that are on this website are written by doctors or nurses or a person that is specializing in the information you are receiving. A person has to be very careful when looking up information on a website and to make sure it is reliable which will be covered in the next couple of slides. Reliability  Website address ends in .org  Who are the authors  How recent is the information that is posted  Other links on the website  Are resources cited

There are many ways to tell if a website is reliable and the above slide just shows a few ways. When conducting research on the internet you always want to make sure that the information is reliable and can be trusted. A person should always look at the end of the web address in the web bar and make sure that it ends it .org, .gov. .edu as these are mostly known as reliable websites. You would also want to check and see who the authors of the website are and conduct research on them to see what is out there regarding them. When looking at a website and researching information you would always want to see how up to date the information is so that you can be sure it is current. Usually on a website that is reliable you can often know that the other links on the website are also going to be reliable. Make sure that any information on the website is cited and you might want to check out those resources to make sure they are also reliable. They Mayo Clinic website is reliable as all of the information that is on there has been cited and it was researched by all of the reliability facts that were on the previous slide. The way that this research was conducted was a check list was used to make sure that it met all of the credible and reliable information that was needed. The checklist actually came back and it was proven that it was an excellent website to do research on all types of medical information that may be needed. Website Improvement  More information  Better layout  Personal opinions could be posted

The way that this website could be improved is that a better layout could be done in order for a person to find the information that shows it is a reliable website. There were times that in order to make sure that a specific fact that was given on the website was credible it took some digging to find. If there was more information given up front it would help in showing that the website was reliable right at the beginning. Also if there were some personal opinions that were posted it would have given a person a more open mind towards what they were researching and would possibly make a person feel better about it. Conclusion After conducting this presentation it should give a person a better understanding how to conduct research on a type of CAM therapy that they may be interested in. It will also help them in understanding if what they are reading is reliable and how they should go about finding a provider to do their therapy they are interested in....

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