HDCS 1300 Fall 2019 Syllabus PDF

Title HDCS 1300 Fall 2019 Syllabus
Author Vi Nguyen
Course   Human Ecosystems and Technological Change
Institution University of Houston
Pages 7
File Size 322.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 71
Total Views 143


Syllabus for the Fall 2020 year at University of Houston...


HDCS 1300


Instructor: Rana Rifai E-mail: Blackboard email OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL 1304 or equivalent. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to the study of human and consumer needs, values, and goals in relationship to natural, man-made, and behavioral systems within the context of dynamic technological change. The Prerequisite is ENGL 1304 or equivalent. This is a writing intensive course across the disciplines of social sciences, retail and consumer science, and technological change. One major paper and several shorter papers are required in response to the issues and ideas presented. Research principles are emphasized and required as part of the course. TEXTS Required:

Human Ecosystems and Technological Change, 7th edition Author: Ezell at al., Published by MCG CUSTOM ISBN: 9781260039283 *This book has the above title on the cover, but is listed with the following title at the UH Bookstore: HDCS 1300: TAKING SIDES MODULES AND AUTHOR MATERIAL. Author: Finterbusch, 7th edition

Recommended: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, current edition COURSE OBJECTIVES HDCS 1300 introduces the student to research techniques and lays the foundation for the student to conduct research in the social sciences, or any other field. To this end the student will learn to: 1. Recognize the issues that impact the relationships and interactions between the human being and essential social interfaces such as the family, the workplace, the education systems and the global economy. 2. Develop and express ideas clearly regarding current human-related issues. 3. Communicate persuasively a position regarding current human-related issues, while helping the audience understand the issue. 4. Analyze the opposing views (the pros and cons) of theoretical and practical solutions regarding current human-related issues.

HDCS 1300


FALL 2019

5. Examine current human-related issues from positions of neutrality and using skills of analysis and critique, speak to the soundness of the positions 6. Support and defend their positions regarding current human-related issues through research and resource identification. 7. Demonstrate sound research techniques, exposition, and persuasive skills through written papers while focusing on current human-related issues. To this end the student will learn to: • Formulate a research question or problem • Indentify basic principles and knowledge related to their research question • Develop a research plan to address the question • Collect information to resolve the question or problem • Demonstrate awareness if responsible conduct of research • Articulate their findings through written presentations 8. Present ideas in oral, written and visual literacy skills that are appropriate in exchanging messages appropriate to current human-related issues. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Writing Assignments There will be three writing assignments, one of which is a longer research paper, and a final analytical paper. All assignments MUST be submitted using the link provided for turnitin.com. All assignments submitted in this class must use APA. Papers must use APA style for parenthetical references and bibliographical information. Papers not following directions and not using APA will not be accepted and will be given an automatic 0. Please NOTE: NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED! Papers are due on the date and at the time prescribed on the Assignment link on Blackboard. Be sure to familiarize yourself with Blackboard and its functions, to make sure you have no difficulty upon the required posting of the first paper. *Papers not meeting these requirements will not be accepted. Connect Quizzes The textbook you purchase should come with an online code to access Connect. This code will be your personal code and will give you access to Connect for 4 years. The assigned Connect Quizzes are required and will be due at the time listed in the course calendar. No late quizzes are allowed. APA When writing at the college level, you must utilize sources to present credibility and you must learn how to adequately cite your sources using the methods given by the American Psychological Association (APA).


HDCS 1300


FALL 2019

Papers that do not adequately incorporate APA will not be accepted in this class! There is a PowerPoint Presentation that provides many useful tips on the basics of APA available on Blackboard, as well as the APA Manual (5th edition). A definition of plagiarism (taken directly from the site: http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/mla/plagiarism.shtml): Using someone else's ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas or phrasing as our own, either on purpose or through carelessness, is a serious offense known as plagiarism. "Ideas or phrasing" includes written or spoken material, of course — from whole papers and paragraphs to sentences, and, indeed, phrases — but it also includes statistics, lab results, art work, etc. This is not taken lightly in this class so be sure to follow all directions given on APA.

Other Assignments and Lectures A Blackboard Practice Assignment may be given to assure that you are familiar with Blackboard and how to submit assignments. You will also need to make sure you view all course material and Lectures posted by the instructor. These are generally found in the Lectures folder in Blackboard. Participation and Online Discussion (Please read carefully, as this is worth a large portion of your grade! See grade breakdown) Your participation grade will be derived from participation in the online discussions. Your comments will show your knowledge and understanding of the articles you will have read and your grade will be based on your ability to digest and analyze the text’s issues and their corresponding arguments in response to the initial discussion question. In previous semesters, I have noticed that a students grade may suffer drastically because they may have underestimated the value of these discussions. Do not make that mistake! A discussion question will be posted for each module. There is a finite period of time during which you can respond to the questions. Discussions begin when the module begins and end at 11:59 p.m. the night the module is scheduled to end. They will not remain open the entire semester, but will only be open on scheduled dates (see syllabi calendar). Each student is expected to respond critically and intelligently to at least two of the four issues from each module, unless otherwise specified. Total points will equal your discussion grade. Responses must be substantial in order to be given credit, i.e. “yeah, I agree” does not qualify for participation points. Additional discussion is encouraged. If you like, you may respond to others’ responses as well. Again only substantial responses are credit worthy. Grading Module Discussions Connect Quizzes Papers Paper 1 Paper 2 Research Paper Final Analysis

25% 20% 45% 10% 15% 20% 10% 100%


HDCS 1300


FALL 2019

The University’s Honor Code states, “We will be honest in all our academic activities and will not tolerate dishonesty.” Students are expected to do original work. Penalties include failure of the entire assignment (zero points) and referral to the department chair for consideration of additional action. ELECTRONIC DEVICES All electronic devices such as cell phones and pagers must be muted or turned off during class, so as to avoid the disruption they tend to cause. You may tape record classes with permission from the professor. Listening devices such as iPods are unacceptable in class and should be put away. You may, of course, take notes on your laptops; but activity unrelated to class is not acceptable. Should it become apparent that such activity is occurring, you will be asked to put away your computer. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Students who require individualized accommodations for this course must inform the professor in order that appropriate arrangements can be made. For information about services provided by The Center for Students with Disabilities, please call 713-743-5480. LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES Learning Support Services, a part of the Counseling and Testing Service, provides small group and individualized peer-tutorial instruction. This is designed to assist students in their academic work. Workshops are offered in both study and college survival skills. These services, supported by student service fees, are located in the Cougar Village – Building 563. For specific information, call 713-743-5411. UNIVERSITY SANCTIONED ACTIVITIES AND OTHER EXCUSED ABSENCES

Students who participate in University sanctioned activities such as sports, band, orchestra, conferences, etcetera must provide the professor with written documentation from the professor or department that sponsors the activity. With official documentation, you will be allowed an excused absence if you miss a participation activity. BLACKBOARD This online classroom will be an integral part of this class. You will be required to log on several times a week to check for additional information or changes to the syllabus or your group. All assignments will be turned in online. Be aware that your progress and attendance to Blackboard will be monitored. This will be a part of your participation grade. A Note Regarding Online Communications: Any communications made on Web CT should be of a purely academic nature. Any communication not maintaining this standard will be unacceptable. This translates to mean that you may not use contemporary computer abbreviations, such as letters and numbers for words and non-standard acronyms. Additionally, you must capitalize the first person personal pronoun, I. Please realize this is an academic environment and you may not use the colloquial abbreviated language you use to create text messages and chat messages. Blackboard Support is available: 1. In person in Room 116-PGH on the main campus, Monday-Friday, 8 am to 8 pm 4

HDCS 1300


FALL 2019

(except University holidays). 2. By phone at 713-743-1411, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except University holidays). COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE INSTRUCTOR All written communications with the instructor are expected to use Standard English with the associated conventions. (This is particularly applicable to the capitalization of the first person pronoun!) Also please keep in mind that emails will not be answered on Saturdays or Sundays. Please be advised that this is a tentative course syllabus/calendar. This syllabus is subject to change. It is your responsibility, as a student, to make sure that you are informed about any changes. Students may be informed about changes through either verbal or written means. Also, additional information or reading material may be assigned, either verbally or in written form, throughout the course of the semester. You, as the student, are responsible for making sure that you have this information or material.

University Grading Scale A= A-= B+= B= B-= C+= C= C-= D+= D= D-= F=

94 and above 90-93 87-89 84-86 80-83 77-79 74-76 70-73 67-69 64-66 60-63 59 and below

UH CAPS Statement Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help students who are having difficulties managing stress, adjusting to college, or feeling sad and hopeless. You can reach CAPS (www.uh.edu/caps) by calling 713-743-5454 during and after business hours for routine appointments or if you or someone you know is in crisis. No appointment is necessary for the “Let's Talk” program, a drop-in consultation service at convenient locations and hours around campus. http://www.uh.edu/caps/outreach/lets_talk.html http://www.uh.edu/dsaes/uhsugarland/


HDCS 1300


FALL 2019

Fall 2019 Agenda Please note that additional chats and lectures may be added as needed. August 19 - 25: Introductory Module To do: -Complete Introduction Assignment -Review Module 1 in Human Ecosystems textbook -Review syllabus, course agenda, and due dates -Review assigned PowerPoints in Lectures folder *Reminder: Discussions will always begin on scheduled Mondays and close on Sundays. _____________________________________________________________________________

Module 1: August 26 – September 8 Review Module 1 in Human Ecosystems and Technological Change *Respond to 2 of the discussion topics in module 1 _____________________________________________________________________________

Module 2: September 9 - 22 Review Module 2 in Human Ecosystems and Technological Change *Respond to 2 of the discussion topics in module 2 Tuesday, September 17 - PAPER 1 DUE ___________________________________________________________________________

Module 3: September 23 – October 6 Read Module 3 in HETC *Respond to 2 of the discussion topics in module 3 _____________________________________________________________________________

Module 4: October 7 - 20 Read Module 4 in HETC *Respond to 2 of the discussion topics in module 4 Tuesday, October 8- PAPER 2 DUE at 11:59 p.m. on Blackboard _____________________________________________________________________________

Module 5: October 21 – November 3 Read Module 5 in HETC *Respond to 2 of the discussion topics in module 5 ____________________________________________________________________________

Module 6: November 4 - 17 Read Module 6 in HETC *Respond to 2 of the discussion topics in module 6 Tuesday, November 5 - RESEARCH PAPER DUE at 11:59 p.m. on Blackboard _____________________________________________________________________________


HDCS 1300


FALL 2019

Module 7: November 18 – 24 (Only open 1 week) Read Module 7 in HETC *Respond to 2 of the discussion topics in module 7

Decemer 3 - Final Paper Due at 11:59 p.m. on Blackboard


Due Date *All assignments due at 11:59 p.m.

Paper 1

September 17

Paper 2

October 8

Research Paper

November 5

Final Analysis

December 3


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