HDFS 3277 Final Study Guide PDF

Title HDFS 3277 Final Study Guide
Course Issues in Human Sexuality
Institution University of Connecticut
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Final Exam Study Guide...


❖ What is asexuality? ➢ A person who does not experience sexual attraction ❖ What is the term that describes an individual who feels sexual attraction under rare/specific circumstances? ➢ Demisexual ■ Example: I only feel sexual attraction to someone after I’ve fallen in love with them ❖ Describe asexuality? ➢ It is a lack of sexual attraction ➢ The word Asexual can be used as an orientation; lack of sexual attraction ➢ An identity, “I am feeling a sexual, “It’s an a sexual relationship ➢ The word is a tool, not a label, and not everyone fits perfectly ❖ In what year was the first paper published that explicitly addressed and explored asexuality? ➢ Anthony Bogaert (2004) ■ Bogaert (2004). A sexuality: Prevalence and associated factors in a national probability sample. Journal of sex research ■ National probability sample (N < 18,000) ■ Approximately 1% (n=195) are asexual ■ “I have never felt sexually attracted to anyone at all” ❖ Is a Paraphilia defined (in the Text) as “any intense and persistent sexual interest other than sexual interest in genital stimulation or preparatory fondling with phenotypically normal, physically mature consenting human partners”? ➢ TRUE. ❖ Which are the normal phases of forming relationships (aka Courtship)? ➢ Finding potential partner ➢ Affiliation: Introductions; getting to know each other ➢ Tactile Phase: Early physical contact ➢ Copulatory Phase: Sexual intercourse ➢ *Those with courtship disorders focus intensely on just one phase with the others neglected

❖ Voyeurism can be understood as a disorder within which phase of Courtship? ➢ Disorder of “Finding” phase of courtship ➢ Repeatedly seeking sexual arousal by observing nude individuals without their knowledge or consent ➢ Low self esteem, poor social skills, shyness, dificulty in heterosexual relationships ➢ Usually not dangerous ❖ Which paraphilia is a disorder of the Affiliative phase of Courtship? ➢ Exhibitionism ■ Description: Exposing one’s genitals compulsively in inappropriate setting in order to obtain sexual gratification ■ Symptoms: They are emotionally immature, feel inadequate, fear rejection, and have trouble forming intimate relationships ■ Most have normal or above normal intelligence ■ Almost all are men who began exposing themselves in their late 20’s; half or more have been or are married ■ Yout best response is to give no facial or verbal reaction and report the incident to authorities ❖ Frotteurism is when sexual arousal is achieved by ____________: ➢ Frotteurism: Disorder of tactile courtship phase ➢ It is when sexual arousal is achieved by rubbing one’s genitals against other in public places ❖ Pedophilia is sexual arousal achieved primarily through sexual activity with ____________ ➢ Pedophillia: sexual arousal is achieved primarily and repeatedly through seuxal activity with children who have not reached puberty ❖ What does the research tell us about therapeutic interventions for paraphilia disorders? ➢ The large majority of paraphiliacs do not want to change, stifling hope of success in therapy ➢ Recidivism is very high

❖ Does Fetishism involve sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving the use of inanimate objects to produce or enhance sexual arousal with or in the absence of a partner? ➢ True ❖ Which are the two types of inanimate objects associated with Fetishism? ➢ Rubber Boots ➢ High Heeled Shoes ➢ Panties ➢ Leather ➢ Stockings ❖ Which type of paraphilia involves sexual gratification resulting from inflicting pain on another person? ➢ Sadism: arousal from infliction of pain on another person ❖ Which type of paraphilia involves sexual gratification resulting from experiencing pain? ➢ Masochism: arousal from experiencing pain ❖ Identify each paraphilia and its definition? ➢ Fetishism: sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving the use of inanimate objects to produce or enhance sexual arousal with or in absence of a partner ➢ Transvestic Fetishism: sexual pleasure from wearing clothes of other gender; more common among heterosexual males; Not drag queens ➢ Sexual sadism: sexual gratification resulting from inflicting pain on another person ➢ Sexual Masochism: sexual gratification from experiencing pain ➢ Voyeurism: obtaining pleasure from watching unsuspecting people undress or engage in seuxal behavior ➢ Frotteurism: sexual pleasure from rubbing or pressing against a non consenting person ➢ Exhibitionism: sexual gratification from exhibiting one’s genitals to observers

➢ Pedophilia ➢ Necrophilia: arousal from having sex with dead bodies ➢ Vampirism: attraction to blood ➢ Narratophilia: dirty language ➢ Vomerophilia: vomiting ➢ Stigmatophilia: Partner heavily tattooed/scarred ➢ Autogynephilia: Man imagines self as women ➢ Urophilia: arousal by urination ➢ Coprophilia: Arousal by excrement ➢ Mysophilia: arousal by filth ➢ Klismaphilia: arousal by receiving an enema ➢ Autoandrophilia: Man Fantasizes that he has a more attractive male body ➢ Beastilaity: arousal through sexual contact with animals ➢ Zoophilia: Beastiality is preferred over sex with human partners ➢ troilism : Sexual relations with another person while a third person watches ➢ Asphyxiophilia: sexual arousal through oxygen deficiency ❖ BDSM is known more generally as _____________. ➢ BDSM is known more generally as “Kink” is often confused with the DSM definitions of sexual sadism disorder and sexual masochism disorder ❖ To what does the acronym BDSM refer? ➢ B: Bondage and discipline ➢ D and S: Domination and submission ➢ S and M: sadism and Masochism (SM) (sadomasochism) ❖ Which term is not a Kink Identity label? ❖ What is the term that has increasingly replaced “prostitute” in regards to trading sexual activity for money or goods? ➢ Sex workers ❖ What was a finding from the study on Sex Workers who are under 18 in the US? ➢ Study on sex workers who are under 18 (under law: child victims of trafficking)

➢ Therefore, they are either imprisoned or referred to family services (considered to not have agency to decide to exhcange sex for money). ➢ Pimps are prosecuted and imprisoned as traffickers ➢ Problem: Little evidence that all adolescents are coerced victims and pimps traffickers ➢ Marcus spoke to underage sex workers in atlantic city ➢ Results: sex workers didn’t view the person referring them to clients as their pimp (Often partner, friend, or roomate), but under the current law this person is cosnidered their pimp ➢ The sex workers marcus interviewed has more agency than is typically assumed and are not coerced into sex work by the other person ➢ These young sex workers ofter turn to the sex industry die to a struggle to survive (and often to finance their drug addiction) ➢ This means that they have many other problems and may need help in the form of education, social services, housing, treatment of their addiction etc. but to merely have sex work be illegal will neither stop them from engaging in it nor does it address the real issues that led to their work in the first place ❖ What are considered services of a sex assistant for the Elderly? ➢ Sex assistants: offer their services (sex, physical closeness, massage, communication, etc.) to older people ➢ They visit the elderly in their homes (often retirement homes) ➢ Unlike sex workers who work in brothels and in the streets, sex assistants have to talk to the family members and/or nurses of the elderly, engage with an institution that acts as agent, negotiate prices and have an account the mney can be transferred ( there are more bureacratic structures ❖ How many people are estimated (globally) to have been trapped and forced into sexual exploitation? ❖ What is a physical or mental health benefit of masturbation? ➢ Relief from stress, migraine headaches, and menstrual cramps

➢ Self-knowledgeable about sexual functioning that can be shared with a partner ➢ No chance of STIs or pregnancy if done alone or if done safely with others ➢ You know just how you like it ❖ Are men more likely to begin masturbating before they begin having intercourse? ➢ Yes ❖ Facts about male masturbation? ➢ 60% of aged 18-59 have maturbated in the last year ➢ Rhythmic stroking of the penis; most men rhythmically stroke up and down the body and glans of the people with one hand; some simultaneously stimulate their testicles ➢ Men are more likely to begin masturbating before they begin have sexual intercourse ➢ Men who masturbate do so 2-3 times more frequently than women who masturbate, although women masturbate less frequently than men, their attitudes do not appear to differ ❖ Facts about female masturbation? ➢ 40% of aged 18-59 have masturbated in the last year ➢ Most stimulate clitoris, labia minora, or entire vulva ➢ More variability among women ❖ Of Americans who have sex, how many state to always, or almost always, have vaginal intercourse? ➢ 95% always. Almost always have vaginal intercourse ❖ In cross-cultural studies of sexuality, societies that view female sexual satisfaction as important as male satisfaction prefer which sex position? ➢ Face to face preferred in all known culture ➢ Where women's sexual satisfaction is considered as important as man’s, women on top is usually preferred ➢ Polynesia and many asian cultures have different perspectives (prefer women on back) ❖ In oral-genital sexual contact, which sexual act does not fit with its description?

➢ Intercourse ❖ What type of Urolagnia (Water Sport) involves the sexual arousal by wetting one’s clothes with urine or observing another person doing so? ➢ Clothes wetting: the person is sexually aroused by wetting one’s clothes or observing another person doing so. Usually that person prefers to stage the wetting so that his/her legs or other body parts become soaked with urine. The warm sensation felt when urine trickles on the body seems to give very relaxing and pleasurable feelings to the person. For the next 5 questions, please write your own questions related to some aspect of Sexuality and Health section of the Text.

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❖ Which statements are myths regarding rape and sexual coercion? ➢ Most sexual assaults occur between strangers ➢ Consenting to one sex act means you’ve consented to every sex act ➢ People false report rape all the time ➢ Sexual assault never happens in same gender relationships ❖ Acts of victim-blaming include: ➢ When the victim/survivor of sexualized violence is assigned whole or partial responsibility for the violence perpetrated against them ■ Example: lists of “tips” that limit women’s activities and access ■ Telling women to have firmer boundaries ➢ Questioning the survivor ➢ Putting the responsibility of preventing violence on women and survivors rather than on perpetrators and institutions ❖ Consent for sexual activity includes: ➢ Consent is and enthusiastic and freely given yes to any sexual activity that may take place ➢ Consent must be given before and during all sexual activity, even if consent has been given before ➢ Must be continuously negotiated ➢ Consent can be withdrawn at anytime

➢ Sex or sexual activity that takes place without consent is sexual assault ❖ Which is the most commonly used drug in drug-facilitated sexual assault? ➢ Alcohol ■ Giving someone more drinks than they can handle ■ Heavy pouring ■ Targeting someone who is heavily intoxicated ❖ Which is a common trauma response to sexual assault? ➢ Emotional Reactions: ■ Hyper alertness or hyper vigilance ■ Shock or disbelief ■ Fear or anxiery ■ Irritability or restlesness ■ Nightmares or flashbacks ■ Attempting to avoid places, people or memories associated with the trauma ■ Feelings of detachment ■ dissociation/emotional numbing ■ Anger and/or rage ■ Shame or guilt ■ Suicidal thoughts ■ Trouble concentrating/remembering ■ Difficulty trusting others ■ Depression and/or sadness ■ Feeling out of control ➢ Physical Reactions: ■ Aches and pains including headaches, backaches, and stomach aches ■ Changes in sleep patterns ■ Changes in eating patterns and appetitie ■ Increased or decreased interest in sex ■ Constipation, diarrhea, or nausea

■ Increased use of alcohol or drugs ■ Self-injury ❖ What are characteristics of boundaries? ➢ Boundaries are rules, limits, and expectations that keep us safe -physically, mentally, and emotionally ➢ Why have boundaries? ■ Tell other people what we will and will not accept ■ Let us have healthy relationships based on shared values, respect, love and safety ■ They are a recognition and enactment of self worth ❖ Facts about sexual violence and intimate partner violence? ➢ 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will experience some form of unwanted sexual contact before they are 16 ➢ At least 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will experience unwanted sexual contact in their lifetime ➢ 1 in 2 trans fold will experience sexual violence in their lifetime ➢ Less than 1 in 10 sexual assaults are reported to the police ➢ Women are 5 times more likely to be victims of sexual assault than men ➢ The majority of sexual assault reported to the police are by individuals between the ages 15-24 ➢ In 2007 82% of cases reported to the police show that the victim and the offener knew one another, with 18% of assaults being committed by a stranger to the victim ➢ 56% of sexual assaults occur in or near the residence of the victim/survivor ➢ Intimate partner violence: a pattern of behavior where one person intimidated isolates, dominates, or maintains power and control over another person. Can be physical, sexual, emotional, financial, spiritual, or a combination ❖ Is Erotic material only considered pornography unless there is widespread opposition?

➢ Erotic material is not considered pornography unless there is widespread opposition ❖ Statistics about the porn industry. ➢ $4.2 billion a year market in xxx rated films ➢ Sex industry contributes greatly to the economies of some countries ➢ Revenue from sexually explicit material in the U.S. is more than revenue from all professional sports combined ➢ 11,000 porn films each year ➢ Laws designed to control sexuality ❖ Which approaches are anti-pornography Feminist approaches? ➢ Anti-pornography feminist approach-portrays women as objects intedned to provide pleasure to men; presents women in dehumanized degrading ways ❖ What is the ratio of Hollywood films that show a rape scene? ➢ 1 in 8 hollywood films show a rape scene ❖ What effect can consistent exposure to pornography have on male arousal during sexual intercourse? ➢ Repeated exposure to same pornographic materials progressively lessens the sexual response to them ➢ Erectile Dysfunction? For the final 3 questions, please write your own questions related to some aspect of our classroom discussions, text, or PowerPoints.

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