HINM115 Chapter 7 Assignment PDF

Title HINM115 Chapter 7 Assignment
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Montgomery County Community College
Pages 6
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HINM115 Chapter 7 Assignment...


CHAPTER 7 ASSIGNMENT Critical Thinking Questions (utilize the Internet to expand on your responses): 1. What are the functions of the kidneys? The functions of the kidneys are:  Remove nitrogenous waste  Balance water and electrolytes  Release hormones  Degrade and eliminate hormones 2. Cathy, a 60-year-old woman, has been diagnosed with a stone in her left ureter. Why is this potentially dangerous condition? A stone in the ureter is potentially dangerous because it can block the flow of urine which could lead to serious complications. If urine is not expelled waste will build up and can cause kidney failure. 3. Why do women have a greater incidence of urinary tract infections (bladder infections) than men? Women have a greater incidence of urinary tract infections than men because the female urethra is much shorter than the male urethra. This allows bacteria easier access to the urinary bladder. 4. What is hydronephrosis? What might cause the kidney to be enlarged? What can be diagnosed in the urinary system using sound waves? Hydronephrosis is inflammation of a kidney due to urine build up. This occurs when there is a blockage preventing urine from draining from the kidney to the urinary bladder. An ultrasound examination can measure the size of the kidneys, detect the presence of tumors, hydronephrosis, polycystic kidney disease and ureteral and bladder obstruction. Review & Application: Select the best answer for each of the following questions. 1. Meatal stenosis a. Enlargement of an opening b. Stoppage of blood flow to the kidney c. Incision of an opening d. Narrowing of the urethral opening to the outside of the body 2. Nitrogenous waste: a. Creatinine b. Fatty acid c. Lipid d. Sugar 1

3. The term that means no urine production is: a. Diuresis b. Anuria c. Voiding d. Micturition 4. Oliguria a. Nocturia b. Polyuria c. Scanty urination d. Bacteriuria 5. Nephrosclerosis a. Hardening of blood vessels in the kidney b. Loss of protein in the urine c. Prolapse of the kidney d. Excess fluid in the kidney 6. Lithotripsy a. Renal transplant b. Shock waves crush urinary tract stones c. Radioisotopic study d. Foley catheterization 7. Urine a. b. c. d.

is held in the bladder: Urinary incontinence Polyuria Urinary retention Nocturia

8. Alkaline: a. Acidic b. pH c. Basic d. Acetone 9. High levels of ketones in the blood can lead to: a. High pH of urine b. Acidosis c. Diabetes insipidus d. Low specific gravity 10. a. b. c. d.

Nephrolithotomy Removal of the urinary bladder and kidney stones Bladder calculi Incision to remove a renal calculi Removal of the kidney and stones 2

Exercises: Match each vocabulary term listed with its meaning below: arteriole cortex erythropoietin glomerulus calyx renal artery filtration hilum catheter electrolyte glomerular (Bowman) capsule kidney

1. Cup-like collecting region of the renal pelvis: calyx 2. Blood vessel that carries blood to the kidney:

renal artery

3. Depression in organ where blood vessels and nerves enter and leave: hilum 4. Small artery:


5. Process whereby some substances, but not all, pass through a filter: filtration 6. Outer region of an organ:


7. Chemical element that carries and electrical charge: 8. Tiny ball of capillaries in the kidney:



9. Hormone secreted by the kidney to stimulate the production of red blood cells by bone marrow: erythropoietin 10. One of two bean-shaped organs on either side of the backbone in the lumbar region: kidney 11.

Tube for injecting or removing fluids:


12. Enclosing structure surrounding each glomerulus: glomerular (Bowman) capsule


Compose medical terms from the meaning given below: 1. New opening of the kidney to the outside of the body: 2. Incision to remove a stone from the kidney:



3. Abnormal condition of water (fluid) in the kidney: hydronephrosis 4. Incision to remove a stone from the renal pelvis: pyelolithotomy 5. Inflammation of a trigone:


6. Surgical repair of a ureter: ureteroplasty 7. New opening between the ureters and a segment of the ileum:


8. Inflammation of the urethra: urethritis 9. Surgical repair of the urethra: 10.


Pertaining to within the urinary bladder:


Match the following abnormal conditions with their descriptions below: Glomerulonephritis

nephrotic syndrome

Polycystic kidney disease


interstitial nephritis pyelonephritis

1. Inflammation of the lining of the renal pelvis and renal parenchyma: pyelonephritis 2. Kidney stones (renal calculi):


3. Inflammation of the connective tissue that lies between the renal tubules: interstitial nephritis 4. Multiple fluid-filled sacs within and on the kidney: 5. Inflammation of the glomeruli within the kidney:

Polycystic kidney disease Glomerulonephritis

6. Group of clinical signs and symptoms caused by excessive protein loss in urine: nephrotic syndrome 4

From the following descriptions, name the pathological condition: 1. High blood pressure that results from kidney disease: secondary hypertension 2. Cancerous tumor of the kidney in adulthood: hypernephroma (renal cell carcinoma) 3. Malignant tumor of kidney occurring in childhood: Wilms tumor 4. High blood pressure of unknown cause: essential hypertension 5. Kidneys decrease excretion of waste due to impaired filtration function: chronic kidney disease

6. Insulin is not secreted adequately or not used properly in the body: mellitus


7. Antidiuretic hormone is not secreted adequately or the kidney is resistant to its effect: diabetes insipidus

Give the meanings for the following abbreviations, and then write each abbreviation next to its explanation below: ESWL: extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy KUB: kidney, ureter, bladder IVP: intravenous pyelogram Na+: sodium pH: potential hydrogen PKD: polycystic kidney disease RP: retrograde pyelography sp gr: specific gravity UA: urinalysis 5

UTI: urinary tract infection VCUG: voiding cystourethrogram

UA Examination of urine to determine its contents Na+ An electrolyte necessary for proper functioning of muscles and nerves ESWL Use of ultrasonic waves to crush stones in the urinary tract PKD Cysts form in and on the kidneys RP X-ray of the kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder after contrast injected through the urethra UTI Bacterial infection of the urinary tract VCUG X-ray images are taken of the bladder while the patient is voiding IVP X-ray images are taken of the urinary tract after contrast is injected into a vein pH

Scale to indicate the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a fluid

sp gr Specific determination of the amount of solids in urine


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