HINM115 Chapter 8 Assignment PDF

Title HINM115 Chapter 8 Assignment
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Montgomery County Community College
Pages 7
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HINM115 Chapter 8 Assignment...


CHAPTER 8 ASSIGNMENT Review & Application: Select the best answer for each of the following questions. 1. The ovum is the: a. Female gonad b. Female gamete c. Embryo d. Fertilized egg cell 2. Area between the uterus and the rectum: a. Cul-de-sac b. Peritoneum c. Labia minora d. Perineum 3. Adnexa uteri: a. Fetus b. Chorion c. Ovaries and fallopian tubes d. Vagina 4. Finger-like ends of the fallopian tubes are called: a. Ligaments b. Papillae c. Cysts d. Fimbriae 5. Sac containing the egg is the: a. Corpus luteum b. Ovarian follicle c. Placenta d. Amnion 6. Hormone produced by an endocrine gland located below the brain: a. hCG b. Progesterone c. Estrogen d. Follicle-stimulating hormone 1

7. Premature separation of placenta: a. Ectopic pregnancy b. Placenta previa c. Abruptio placenta d. Pseudocyesis 8. A woman who has had 3 miscarriages and 2 live births: a. Grav 3, para 2 b. Grav 5, para 2 c. Grav 2, para 3 d. Grav 5, para 5 9. Physician’s effort to turn the fetus during delivery: a. Involuntary b. Cephalic version c. Presentation d. Retroversion 10. Painful labor and delivery: a. Dystocia b. Dyspareunia c. Eclampsia d. Endometriosis

Exercises: Create a medical term for the following definitions: 1. Pertaining to under the breast: Inframammary 2. Removal of the uterus: hysterectomy 3. Surgical repair of the breast: mammoplasty 4. Inflammation of the breast: mastitis 2

5. Visual examination of the uterus: hysteroscopy 6. Removal of a breast: mastectomy 7. Scanty menstrual flow: oligomenorrhea 8. Painful menstrual flow: dysmenorrhea 9. Absence of menstrual flow: amenorrhea 10.Abnormally heavy or long menstrual periods: menorrhagia 11.Pertaining to an ovary: ovarian 12.Inflammation of an ovary: oophoritis

13.Removal of a fallopian tube: salpingectomy 14.Suture of the perineum: perineorrhaphy

15.Pertaining to no ovulation: anovulation 16.Inflammation of the vulva and vagina: vaginitis

17.False pregnancy: pseudocyesis 18.Whitish discharge from the vagina: leucorrhea

19.Beginning of menses (first menstrual period): menarche 20.Pertaining to within the uterus: womb


Match the following terms with their meanings below: amnion areola cervix chorion clitoris coitus corpus luteum


1. Lower neck-like portion of the uterus: cervix 2. Sexual intercourse: coitus 3. Innermost membranous sac surrounding the developing fetus: amnion 4. Region in the lower abdomen midway between the rectum and uterus: cul-de-sac 5. Empty ovarian follicle that secretes progesterone: corpus luteum

6. Dark-pigmented area surrounding the breast nipple: areola

7. Sensitive erectile tissue anterior to the opening of the female urethra: clitoris 8. Outermost layer of two membranes surrounding the embryo: chorion

Match the following pathologic conditions with the definitions below: Carcinoma of the cervix cervicitis carcinoma of the breast Carcinoma of the endometrium endometriosis fibroids Fibrocystic disease ovarian carcinoma ovarian cysts Pelvic inflammatory disease 1. Inflammation of the lower section of the uterus: cervicitis 2. Benign tumors in the uterus: fibroids 3. Malignant tumor in the breast: carcinoma of the breast


4. Tissue from the lining of the uterus is located outside the uterus: endometriosis 5. Malignant tumor of the uterus: Carcinoma of the endometrium

6. Collections of fluid within a sac in the ovary: ovarian cysts 7. Malignant tumor of the ovary : ovarian carcinoma 8. Numerous small sacs of fibrous connective tissue and fluid in the breast: Fibrocystic disease 9. Inflammation and infection of organs in the pelvic region: Pelvic inflammatory disease 10.

Malignant cells within the cervix: Carcinoma of the cervix

Using the terms in the list above, match each with a description below: 1. Woman notices lumpy consistency of the breast in this benign condition: Fibrocystic disease 2. This type of cancer is often diagnosed in an advanced stage, ascites appears as an initial sign: ovarian carcinoma 3. Bacterial infections (chlamydia and gonorrhea) lead to salpingitis, oophritis, endometritis in this sexually transmitted condition: pelvic inflammatory disease 4. Dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, infertility, and dyspareunia are symptoms as ectopic endometrial tissue blocks the lumen of the fallopian tube: endometriosis 5. Leiomyomas are the problem and myomectomy and hysterectomy may be indicated: fibroids 6. Human papillomavirus is the cause; dysplasia and CIS are early and localized forms of the condition: carcinoma of the cervix 5

7. Acutely, cervical erosion is seen; cryocauterization and antibiotic treatment may be indicated: cervicitis 8. Postmenopausal bleeding in the most common symptom; hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy can be curative if malignancy is confined to the uterus: carcinoma of the endometrium 9. Teratomas can occur within these sacs, which are sometimes dermoid cysts: ovarian cyst 10.Invasive ductal carcinoma and lobular and medullary carcinoma are types of this condition: carcinoma of the breast

PRACTICAL APPLICATION – FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Operative Report: Preoperative Diagnosis: Menorrhagia, leiomyomata Anesthetic: General Material forwarded to Laboratory for examination: Endocervical curettings; endometrial curettings Operation Performed: Dilation and Curettage of the Uterus With the patient in the dorsal lithotomy position (legs are flexed on the thighs, thighs flexed on the abdomen and abducted) and sterilely prepped and draped, manual examination of the uterus revealed it to be 6- to 8-week size, retroflexed; no adnexal masses noted. The anterior lip of the cervix was then grasped with a tenaculum (hook-like surgical instrument for grasping and holding parts). The cervix was dilated up to a #20 Hank dilator. The uterus was sounded (widened) up to 4 inches. A sharp curettage of the endocervix showed only a scant amount of tissue. With a sharp curettage, the uterus was curetted in a clockwise fashion with an irregularity noted in the posterior floor. A large amount of hyperplastic endometrial tissue was removed. The patient tolerated the procedure well.

Operative diagnosis: Leiomyomata uteri Indicate the appropriate answer for the questions below as related to the case:


1. The preoperative diagnosis indicated: a. Excessive bleeding between menstrual periods b. Possibility of malignancy in the uterine lining c. Fibroids and excessive bleeding during menstruation d. Pelvic inflammatory disease 2. The operation described is: a. Scraping and burning the lining of the uterus b. Surgical removal of a malignant tumor c. Freezing and aspirating tissue from the cervix and uterus d. Widening the cervix and scraping the lining of the uterus 3. What materials were sent to the laboratory for analysis? a. Tissue samples from vaginal and perineal region b. Cervical and uterine tissue samples c. Ovarian and abdominal tissue d. Uterine and ovarian tissue 4. What were the characteristics of the uterus upon examination by hand? a. Bent forward and prepregnancy size b. Bent backward and early pregnancy size c. Narrowed and bent forward d. Filled with hyperplastic tissue 5. An adnexal mass would be located in the: a. Uterus b. Vagina c. Cervix d. Ovaries and/or fallopian tubes 6. The diagnosis following the operative procedure indicated: a. Endometriosis b. Endocervicitis and endometritis c. Benign growths in the uterus d. Malignant fibroid tumors


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