HINM115 Chapter 9 Assignment PDF

Title HINM115 Chapter 9 Assignment
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Montgomery County Community College
Pages 8
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HINM115 Chapter 9 Assignment...


CHAPTER 9 ASSIGNMENT Discussion Questions: 1. Discuss 4 of the disorders that can occur in the male reproductive system?  Carcinoma of the testes (testicular cancer) -malignamt tumor of the testicles. Most commonly occur in men between the ages of 15-35. Most common tumor is a seminoma.  Hydrocele- Sac of clear fluid in the scrotum. Can be congenital or occur as a response to an infection or tumor. May resolve on its own, but if not procedure is required. Either the sac is aspirated with a needle and syringe or a hydrocelectomy, where the sac is surgically removed through an incision in the scrotum.  Testicular torsion- Twisting of the spermatic cord. This twisting results in cut off blood supply to the testis. Occurs most frequently in childhood. If surgical correction is not preformed within hours of onset, may result in loss of testis.  Carcinoma of the prostate (prostate cancer)- Malignant tumor of the prostate gland (adenocarcinoma). Most commonly occurs in men over 50. Prostatespecific antigen (PSA) test can detect early, however, a digital rectal examination (DRE) can detect the tumor at a later stage. 2. Describe the role of testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone secreted by the male reproductive system that plays a vital role in the production of male bodily characteristics such as facial hair and a deep voice. It also aids in the correct development of the testes as well as other organs such as the prostate gland and seminal vesicles that secrete fluids to ensure lubrication and viability of the sperm.

3. Victor, a 25-year-old man, has had surgery to remove one of his testicles due to seminoma. Can he still father a child? Why or why not? After having a orchiectomy, Victor would still be able to father a child because his remaining testis would still produce sperm normally.

Review & Application: Select the best answer for each of the following questions. 1. The male gonad: a. Sperm cell b. Scrotum c. Testis 1

d. Penis 2. Tissue that produces sperm cells: a. Seminiferous tubules b. Urethra c. Ureters d. Scrotum 3. Hair-like region of the sperm is called: a. Cilia b. Sperm head c. Flagellum d. Fimbriae 4. Tube that leads from the epididymis to the urethra: a. Seminiferous tubule b. Cowper duct c. Vas deferens d. Bulbourethral duct 5. Inflammation of the glans penis: a. Orchitis b. Hydrocele c. Varicocele d. Balanitis 6. Parenchymal tissue in the testes: a. Seminiferous tubules b. Vas deferens c. Bulbourethral fluid d. Connective tissue 7. Orchiopexy: a. Removal of a testicle b. Incision and removal of a piece of the vas deferens c. Fixation of an undescended testicle d. Prolapse of a testicle


8. Which of the following is NOT an STD: a. HSV b. Gonorrhea c. BPH d. Syphilis 9. A spermolytic substance: a. Produces sperm cells b. Destroys sperm cells c. Increases potency d. Is produced by the testes 10. The sac containing the male gonad: a. Perineum b. Peritoneum c. Epididymis d. Scrotum

Exercises: Match the following terms with their meanings below: bulbourethral glands ejaculation ejaculatory duct epididymis erectile dysfunction fraternal twins glans penis stromal tissue identical twins parenchymal tissue perineum prepuce 1. One of a pair of long, tightly coiled tubes on top of each testis: epididymis 2. Sensitive tip of the penis: glans penis

3. Two infants resulting from the division of one fertilized egg into two distinct embryos: identical twins

4. Pair of exocrine organs near the male urethra; secrete fluid into the urethra: bulbourethral glands


5. Tube through which semen enters the male urethra: ejaculatory duct 6. External region between the anus and scrotum: perineum

7. Two infants born of the same pregnancy from two separate egg cells fertilized by two different sperm cells: fraternal twins

8. Ejection of sperm and fluid from the male urethra: ejaculation

9. The essential, distinctive cells of an organ: parenchymal tissue

10.Inability of an adult male to achieve an erection; impotence: erectile dysfunction

11.Foreskin of the penis: prepuce 12.Supportive, connective cells of an organ: stromal tissue

Create a medical term for the following definitions: 1. Destruction of sperm: spermolytic 2. Lack of formation or ejaculation of semen: aspermia 3. Scanty production of sperm: oligospermia 4. Hernia of swollen, twisted veins in the scrotal sac: variocele 5. Pertaining to a testis: testicular 6. Tumor resembling a “monster” (composed of many different types of tissues): teratoma 7. Removal of the vas deferens: vasectomy 8. Formation of sperm: spermatogenesis 9. Hormone produced by the testis: testosterone 10.Condition of lack of sperm cells in semen: azoospermia 4

11.Fixation of the testis in place: orchiopexy 12.New opening between two parts of the vas deferens that were previously disconnected: vasovasostomy

Match the following pathologic conditions with the definitions below: Carcinoma of the prostate phimosis Prostatic hyperplasia cryptorchidism hydrocele varicocele hypospadias

carcinoma of the testis testicular torsion

1. Male urethral opening is on the undersurface of the penis: hypospadias

2. Twisting of the spermatic cord: testicular torsion 3. Malignant tumor of the exocrine gland lying below the urinary bladder: Carcinoma of the prostate 4. Enlarged, dilated veins near the testis: varicocele 5. Undescended testicles: cryptorchidism 6. Narrowing (stricture) of the opening of the prepuce over the glans penis: phimosis 7. Malignant tumor of the male gonad: carcinoma of the testis

8. Benign growth of glandular tissue lying below the urinary bladder: prostatic hyperplasia 9. Sac of clear fluid in the scrotum: hydrocele 5

Name the sexually transmitted disease from its description below: 1. Infection of skin and genital mucosa caused by HSV; marked by blisters: Herpes genitalia 2. Infection of skin and mucous membranes in the anogenital region by HPV: human papillomavirus infection 3. Inflammation of the genital tract mucosa caused by gonococcal infection: gonorrhea 4. Infection of the urethra and reproductive tract with bacteria (Chlamydia trachomatis): chlamydial infection 5. Chronic infection with a spirochete bacterium: syphilis

On the line provided, give meanings for the following abbreviations, then write each abbreviation next to its explanation below: 1. BPH: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 2. DRE: Digital Rectum Exam 3. ED: Erectile Dysfunction 4. HPV: Human Papilloma Virus 5. HSV: Herpes Simplex Virus 6. PID: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 7. PSA: Prostate-Specific Antigen 8. STD: Sexually Transmitted Diseases


9. TRUS: Transrectal Ultrasound

10.TURP: Transurethral resection of the prostate a. PSA Blood test that measures levels of a protein elevated in prostate cancer

b. PID Inflammation of organs in the genital region associated with sexually transmitted infection c. BPH Nonmalignant growth of tissue in the prostate gland d. HSV Virus causing blisters on the skin and mucosa of the genital area e. DRE Finger palpation through the anal canal to examine the prostate gland f. HPV Virus causing genital warts g. STD Group of diseases transmitted by sexual intercourse h. TURP Removal of prostatic tissue using a resectoscope through the urethra i. ED Impotence j. TURS Test to assess the prostate and guide precise placement of biopsy needle

Match the surgical procedures in Column I with the reasons they would be performed in Column II. Column I

Column II

1. Bilateral orchiectomy 2. TURP

A. Carcinoma of the prostate gland

3. Vasectomy

C. Sterilization (hormones remain)

4. Orchiopexy

D. Benign prostatic hyperplasia

5. Hydrocelectomy

E. Reversal of sterilization

6. Circumcision

F. Removal of swollen, twisted veins near the testes

7. Radical prostatectomy 8. Vasovasostomy

G. Abnormal fluid collection in scrotum

9. Varicocelectomy

I. Phimosis

B. Cryptorchidism

H. Seminoma


1.__ H___

4.__ B___

7.__ A___

2.__ D___

5.__ G___

8.__ E___

3.__ C___ 6.__ I___ 9.__ F___ PRACTICAL APPLICATION – MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Chart Note: History: The patient is a 55-year-old male with adenocarcinoma of the prostate. He had a TURP 1 year ago for presumed prostatic hyperplasia, but tissue fragments examined by a pathologist revealed a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. He received local irradiation to the prostate; however, PSA levels increased to 10 (normal is less than 4). A bone scan showed bony metastases. Bilateral orchiectomy was advised, but refused. Alternative hormonal treatment with Lupron and flutamide to decrease testosterone production will be offered. Indicate the appropriate answer for the questions below as related to the case: 1. What is the patient’s diagnosis? a. Prostate cancer b. Bone cancer c. Testicular cancer d. BPH 2. What procedure revealed the diagnosis? a. Irradiation b. Removal of the testicles c. Bone scan d. Transurethral resection of the prostate 3. Poorly differentiated means: a. Cells are mature b. Cells are very immature c. Cells have metastasized d. Cells are not malignant 4. What type of drug treatment was offered to the patient? a. Standard chemotherapy with cytotoxic agents b. Androgens c. Antiandrogen drugs d. PSA treatment


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