History of Anatomy - Professor Joanne Kerr PDF

Title History of Anatomy - Professor Joanne Kerr
Author Camille Hamlin
Course Human Anatomy
Institution San José State University
Pages 7
File Size 92.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor Joanne Kerr...


History of Anatomy I.

Anatomy = to cut apart or separate a. Understanding of the human body by dissection


Ancient times a. Illegal to dissect humans by religion i. Only speculation of inner workings of body b. No understanding of the main causes of diseases c. Believed that life was part of 4 elements i. Earth ii. Air 1. Vary aware of quality and need iii. Water 1. Understood importance iv. Fire 1. Utilized and understood danger d. Aware of 4 conditions i. Hot ii. Cold iii. Wet iv. Dry e. aware of 4 types of fluids (humors) i. Blood ii. Phlegm

iii. 2 forms of bile 1. Yellow – thought it came from gallbladder a. Came from stomach truthfully 2. Black – thought it came from the spleen a. Spleen will give off venous blood (deep red) f. Thought the soul was centered in the liver III.

Hippocrates “Father of Medicine” 400 B.C. a. Was teaching men about medicine b. Believed in the 4 humors i. Taught that when the humors were out of balance, disease would occur c. First individual to describe tuberculosis as a disease d. First to organize different diseases into categories i. Acute disease 1. Came on rapidly 2. Symptoms discovered “right now” 3. Didn’t last long ii. Chronic disease 1. Develops slowly 2. Lasted for an extended period 3. Long lasting e. Distinguished between sporadic and epidemic diseases i. Sporadic = affected a small number of people

ii. Epidemic = affected many people and would spread throughout communities f. Distinguished between benign and malignant i. Benign = “friendly, kind”; would not kill you ii. Malignant = “deadly”; could die from 1. Originally didn’t refer to cancer g. Hippocratic Oath of Service i. Original oath includes that the physician “will do no harm” 1. Never give the patient something that would cause death or induce death 2. Forbid abortion ii. Physician must keep secret and say nothing that the patient tells them 1. Basis for doctor-patient confidentiality IV.

Aristotle 300 B.C a. Studied Hippocrates b. Became interested in observation of patient and taught to his patients c. Believed that the heart was the center of the soul and intelligence d. Thought that the purpose of the brain was to cool the blood e. When examined the bodies of those he could see i. Early investigations revealed vessels and called them arteries – thought they contained air  term stuck in medicine ii. Thought women had fewer teeth than men iii. Thought that men were missing a rib compared to women

1. Came from Adam & Eve f. Secret dissections were occurring without church leaders knowing V.

Galen “Father of Anatomy” a. No access to human remains b. Dissected animals and got his idea of anatomy from these animals c. Believed that human anatomy was just like those of the animals d. Wrote a textbook on human anatomy by using animal dissections e. Identified a whole series of muscles in animals f. Appreciated importance and significance of the spinal cord i. Found that injury to the spinal cord can cause paralysis and other problems g. First recognized pulse i. Rapid indicated disease ii. Very slow indicated disease h. First to examine the nerves coming from spinal cord i. Thought they were hollow i. Taught that sperm were produced at the end of the spinal cord j. Medical authority for hundreds of years


Michelangelo and Leonardo daVinci a. Appealed to religious leaders to attend dissections that were very few – permission was granted b. MA became good at representing human anatomy c. daVinci attended 30 dissections and wrote everything down in notebooks i. included diagrams

ii. first to identify that the spine is not complete straight – drawings indicate this VII.

Vesalius “Father of Modern Anatomy” a. Thought that something was wrong with the writings of Galen b. Started watching hangings and hoped to recovery bodies for dissections c. Wrote a book that included many illustrations of the human body d. His work was disregarded because he was going against Galen i. Not incorporated into medicine yet


William Harvey a. Had access to more cadavers b. Examined the heart and blood vessels i. Heart was fundamentally a muscular pump and contract continuously ii. Blood would enter arteries and distribute it to the rest of the body iii. Blood going to the heart was called veins iv. Blood was flowing in a circular pattern continuously = circulation v. Systemic circulation = blood flow to and from heart and body vi. Pulmonary circulation = blood from heart to lungs and back to the heart


John Hunter a. Interested in comparative anatomy i. What different animals had in common and what was different b. Created a museum of comparative anatomy (14,000 specimen) i. Many different specimens from around the world

c. Became acquainted with the “Irish Giant” and wanted his skeleton for his museum i. Waited for him to die ii. Hunter somehow acquired the skeleton d. Treating many patients with syphilis and gonorrhea i. Many people thought that gonorrhea would lead to syphilis ii. Hunter injected self with gonorrhea contaminated blood from a patient 1. Infected self with both gonorrhea and syphilis X.

“Body Snatchers” a. Members of the community would sometimes provide medical schools with cadavers by raiding freshly buried bodies after a funeral b. Would sometimes wait for after hangings to recover bodies c. Burke and Hare i. Traveling salesman staying at Hare House passed away ii. Took body to Dr. Knox and paid them handsomely iii. Began snatching for money iv. Smothered people at the house to take to medical center v. Eventually caught by police and found that they had murdered 16 people vi. Hare excused from hanging because he fessed up to everything, but burke was hung vii. Burke was taken for examination from the gallows


Sir Astley Cooper a. Received bodies from the body snatchers

b. Discovered many things in dissections that were not appreciated i. Discovered aneurisms ii. Realized that testes could have different diseases iii. Discovered ligaments in the breast – found in soft tissue in female breasts “Cooper’s ligaments of the breast” XII.

Henry Gray a. Educated a vast number of men in the b. Wrote the infinitive textbook of anatomy – Gray’s Anatomy i. Foundation book of anatomy for many years ii. Described human body in great detail c. Died by small pox – still no knowledge about infectious agents


John Grant a. Studied works of Gray b. Wrote many books about anatomy i. Grant’s Atlas still being used in medical and dental schools ii. Grant’s Dissector still being used


Anatomy is evolving and expanding constantly Willed body program a. National organization b. Located at many medical schools across the country c. Distribute paperwork for people who want to donate body to science – special will is made d. Body is perfectly preserved and becomes available for educational dissections...

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