Ho condiviso lingua-e-trad.-inglese-2 con te PDF

Title Ho condiviso lingua-e-trad.-inglese-2 con te
Course Lingua E Traduzione - Lingua Inglese
Institution Università telematica e-Campus
Pages 44
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"The man as was driving the car" is a typical ......... feature of BE nonstandard grammar .......... from your window? what do you see ........... a video last night? Did he watch ........... always sit near the door at the restaurant? Why do you ........... any milk in the fridge? Is there ........... high school does Frank go to? St. Gloria's or Hordon's? which ............ experience is important, so I told him to keep trying. getting ............ from England? Does Noah come ............ me tonight after 8.00 pm? Can you call ............. for a pizza! Let's go ............. for an hour but not one has come. I have been waiting ............. go to the cinema after the conference? would you like to .............. a stomachache. I've got .............. early in the morning? Do you usually get up .............. people were singing in the concert? how many?

............... bag is this? whose ................. France is expansive, it's definitely worth visiting although ................................ drink, but now I have stopped Used to ___ to Canada? Have you ever been ____ a sofa in the living room? is there _____ I have a glass of water, please? May _____ there any coffee in the cupboard is ______ a couch in the bedroom? is there ______ difficult ________ see in foggy weather It's/to ______ I have another cup of coffee, please? Could ______ letters are generally precise and to the point, without any unnecessary detail. Formal ______ we have more salt on our salad, please? Could _______ letters are letters to people who we don't know on a personal level. Chain (???) ________ do you eat for breakfast? what ________ do you usually have for lunch when you are at work? what __________ well on that quiz? Did you do

__________ when it started to rain? Were you driving __________ when the telephone rang? Were you having a shower _______________Paul tonight, tell him I want to see him. Should you see (Had you seen)(???) _______sunny day! what a ______I leave a little early, please? May ______I use your pen, please? May ‘A pile of stones that marks the top of a mountain or some other special place’ is in Gaelic cairn ‘A small furry bag that hangs in front of a man’s kilt as part of traditional Scottish dress’ is in Gaelic sporran A complaint letter is an example of a(n) ________ letter. formal A couple of years ________ I met Anthony by chance Ago A formal letter does not use salutations or complimentary closings. False (it depends on the context)(???) A jet is ........... a helicopter faster than A lamp will "illuminate" this street nicely Light up A letter may be written to communicate something that's difficult to say face to face. True (it depends on the context)(???) A lingua franca is a language systematically used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue, in particular when it is a third language, distinct from both mother tongues. TRUE

A position slightly further back than alveolar, with the tip of the tongue bent or ‘curled’ backwards, is called retroflex A sceptic person is someone .......... doesn't believe to what you say. who A. "I don't mind going to the office by bus". B: ".............. Neither do I A. "The phone is ringing!" B. "Don't worry, ................. It" I answer (I will ansewer)(???) A. "What's your new English teacher ...........?" B. "She seems ok." like A. "Would you like to go to the park?" B. " Sorry , I can't. I need ................. For my exams. To study A."Excuse me, .................... does it take to get to Rome from here by train?" B. "It takes about e hours". How long A: "Da Gino" doesn't accept credit cards. B: This shop ............. But don't worry, I have enough cash on me. doesn't either A: ____________ John call back this afternoon? B: He promised to call, but he's usually in the gym afternoon. will A: Danielle is going to Japan, isn't she? B:..........She's flying there on Monday. Yes, she is A: Didn't she use to live in Las Vegas? B:........... She lived in Manchester. No, she didn't. A: Do you have any predictions about next year's election? B: I think Obama __________ Will win A: I can't believe I got into medical school. B: You..... a doctor in just a few years. Will be A: I should't have any more cake. B: ...............I. I woun't be able to sleep. Neither should A: I was planning to invite Jane to join us. B: That's great! I ................ I'm sorry we didn't. Was too

A: I'd love some dessert. B: ..................... I. The pear cake looks delicious. So would A: I'm full! B: I ......................... I can't eat another bite. Am too A: I'm happy we did that. B: ...............I. It was a lot of fun. So am A: I'm taking the train to Boston tomorrow. B: Oh. What time ____________ it leave? does A: Jane and I_______________ for the test every day next week. Are studying A: My dish tastes very salty. B: ....... mine. We're going to be really thirsty later. So does A: My sister often made this dish. B: My mother ............ It was always one of my favourites. Did too A: 'The phone;s ringing'. B:"OK. I .... Answer it" will A: There's a rock music concert in the park tonight. B: Great! I think __________. I'd like to hear some good music. I’ll go A: There's a time management seminar next week. B: Really? I think _________________ I missed the last one. I’ll go About half an hour ______ I saw Mr. Brown ago According to Graddol (1997), first-language speakers are 375 million According to the text you've read, what did Article 5 of the Constitution in Iran establish? Article 5 stated that the highest authority in the Islamic Republic was the Leader, who exercised the supreme political and religious powers and was a manifestation of the integration of politics with religion. According to you, Italy is part of the expanding circle According to you, which of the following words does NOT derive from French/Latin: Ghost

After a few months, he let .............. help her cook. me Alex should look at the employment advertisements. Nadia should too Alice has been working in London for five years. none of the above (But Jim hasn't)(???) Alice Munro has become famous for her short stories Alice Munro is .......... writer. A Canadian Alice Munro was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature All formal letters have one thing in common professionalism All the new African-English literatures have dealth with memories of the past. (recorded the disillusionment with the outcome…)(???) Amanda ______ me she got a new job! told An intralingual process where a new word is created by adding affixes to an old one is named Derivation Anne _______ play tennis last month. Didn’t Anne has always wanted .................... her own shop. To open Anne wants better grades next term. She ............. harder. will have to study Anne works so hard that she's sure to "succeed" get ahead Anne, when __________ the Tandem Cafe on the Internet? Did you begin Anne: "I have a cat." John: Anne just said _______________. that she has a cat

Anthony came _____ train by Archaeologists _________ the gold in a cave near the top of the mountain discovered Are there _________ books on the table? any Are you free ............... Saturday? on Arthur ___________ play the piano very well Doesn’t At first Roxane was terrible at ............ the restaurant. managing Be careful with those chemicals! They could "explode"! Blow up bed/bad is a minimal pair Ben .......... cooking. Does not like Betty says she ______ never liked her job has Blogs and online games become typical lingua-franca situations. true Borrowings such as clan, galore ‘in abundance’ have been introduced by Sir Walter Scott British "courgette" comes from French Byron: "I don't know what Dan said." Byron stated _______________. that he didn't know what he said Call me tomorrow. Anne said .... her the next day. Me to call (to call)(???) Can you ........... the door? open

Chiara has an interview tomorrow, doesn't she? None of the above (Yes, he does)(???) Chinua Achebe was born in 1930 in a small ........ vilage. Nigerian Claire and I see each other _______ a month twice Clear .......... any problems you have about your homework assignment before you start. up Colin is a serious criminal. If he _________ one more crime, he will be sent to jail. commits Colin is landing ________ midday at Colin: "I have missed the train, but I'll catch the next one." Colin said _______________. he had missed the train, but would catch the next one Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. It hasn't taken Sam long to learn Spanish. PICKED Sam has picked up Spanish very quickly (???) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. I can't wait to see the sights in London. FORWARD I am looking forward to seeing the sights in London. (???) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. We must take as much advantage as possible of any opportunity to speak English. MOST We have to make the most of any opportunity to speak English. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. We are noticing a rise in the cost of living again. APPEARS The cost of living appears to be rising again. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Will your neighbours look after your dog when you go away? TAKE Do you know if your neighbours will take care of your dog when you go away?

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. This new dining table is bigger than the one we had before. NOT The dining table we had before was not as big as this new one. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. The family always spent their holidays climbing in the mountains USED The family's holidays used to be spent climbing in the mountains. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. I think it's time the children went to bed now. HAD I think the children had better go to bed now. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. I'm not going to tolerate this untidiness any longer. UP I have no intention of putting up with this untidiness any longer Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Could you speak English when you were younger? ABLE When you were younger, were you able to speak English? Could you help ____? me Could you please look ......the screen and tell me what you see? at Dad didn't let me ______ to the gym go Danielle ............ drink too much. It's not good for her. shouldn't Dany's the woman .............. lives in Germany who Dennis writes ________ a pencil with Did she .................... go to the mall' Use to

Did the printing press also serve to standardize English? YES Dinner hasn't been served ______ yet Do you _______? always come here Do you like ______? watching films Do you think Japanese food will ever "become popular" here? catch on Do you think Stevens' behaviour is the sign of ......? A true professional (someone who is slave to his work)(???) Does Emilia .............. a lot? study Does Tom work for Pirelli & Co.? Yes, he does Does Tony ........... the date of your anniversary? Reminds (remember)(???) Dolphins and __________ other sea creatures use sophisticated navigation systems many Don't "belive" that offer. It's probably a scam. fall for Don't drive fast. Colin told Anne ..... fast. not to drive Don't touch this phone. It's _____ mine Double or multiple negation (I couldn’t find none nowhere) is a .......... feature of BE nonstandard During the Middle English period, from which two languages were many words borrowed? Latin and French EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language

ELF stands for English as a Lingua Franca Emails, cell phones, and social media are slowly declining the use of personal letters. true English affects the code of other languages, above all their ...... vocabulary Everest is _______ mountain in the world the highest Everybody ______ a good result wants Exposure is what the English learners listen to or read. true Farhan looked tired, because he .............. all day. had been travelling Fill .......... the school questionnaire completely out Florence has got a lot of museums ......... you can visit which Florida ........... avoided in autumn because of dangerous storms. ought to be Forrest comes back from work _____ night at Frank can't go to see Claire tonight. He hasn't got ______ time much Fred hasn't finished his homework .............. yet From the first lines of the excerpt you have read from Runaway, the couple lives in the countryside Gabriel ......... a shower before he goes to work. has Geena has bought another pair of shoes. She really likes collecting them, ..............? Doesn’t she

Gianna hasn't written to me ______ we saw each other last month since Giorgia "got" some interesting ideas from the Internet. Picked up Go deep sea fishing, and get your picture ............... with your catch. taken Grace's job is ............ than mine. better Has she ever been to Vancouver? Yes, she ______ there last year went Have you ever been to France? Yes, I ________ there last August went Have you met Bill and Jane yet?. John asked me ....... Bill and Jane yet. if I had met He asked me what I _____ if I failed to get the job would do He can't come to the phone. He ____ a shower. Is having He didn't ... last Sunday. call He goes to the office dressed ______ clown As a He had already _____ in Assisi for three months when I ___ to see him. been living/went He insisted on ________ me flowers buying He said he _______ a good film ___ a long time. had not seen/for He took accounting courses ............. for his business. To prepare He used to _______ to school there go

Hello, .................? is Mary at home? Henry arrived _____ home _______10 pm x/at (???) Henry arrived _____ the station _______9 at/at Her brother _____ to her if he had known that she had a problem would have talked Her husband ______ politics isn't interested in Heric was cutting the grass when he ............. Walter yesterday saw His mother _____ to him if she had known that he had a problem would have talked Honey is ............. than chocolate. sweeter How ............ Barbra meet her friends? often does How _______ you _______ to drive? Did / learn How are you _______ now? feeling How did the clansmen react to the Ibo interpreter? At first everybody laughed at him, then all listened to him. (???) How does the reader learn of Stevens's true feeling about his father? from Miss Kenton How is Kachru’s model defined? circle model How long did you study last night? For three hours How long did you work last night? for three hours

How long have you been playing the piano? for three years How long have you been playing the trumpet? For four years How many hours a day do you spend reading? Half an hour more or less How many hours a day do you watch TV? About two hours How many people ........... in your class? are there (are they)(???) How much .......... where you live? do flats cost How often do you play football' twice a week How often do you play tennis? Almost every day How will I recognize you when I get there? Tell me _____ what you look like How would you finish this letter? Dear Mrs McDonald, I am writing to apply for the Head of English position advertised in this week's Times Educational Supplement. As you will see from my application form, I have extensive experience of teaching English and have successfully led colleagues before. Please also find attached a copy of my CV. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you in due course. _______________(Signature) Yours sincerely How would you start this email? Dear _________ Over the weekend, we started having problems with our heating. Please could you call me as soon as possible so we can discuss having repairs done. As you will appreciate, the weather is very cold and we are finding having no heating a major inconvenience. Thank you in anticipation for your speedy response to this matter. Take care XXXXX Joe, (MR.Smith)(??) I ... TV yesterday. watched I .... late for work if the bus doesn't arrive soon. will be

I ..... a flight attendant if I didn't get airsick. would become (???) I ............ live in Barcelona , but now I live in Rome. used to I ................. Here ...... 2001. have been living/since I ............................ like dance music, but now I don't. Complete the following sentences using one of the choices. Used to I ............................. drive a new car. Didn’t use to (none of the above) (???) I .............................. like Indian music, but now I do Didn’t use to I _____ English since I was a child haven't spoken (don't speak)(???) I _____ ice-skate very well can I ______ French since I was at school haven't spoken (don't speak)(???) I ______ hungry am I _______ breakfast when Julie arrived was having I _______ Robert since I was six Know (have known)(???) I ________ go for a walk if the rain stops, but I'm not sure might I ________ since midday have been working (am working)(???) I ________ that if I were you wouldn't try

I ________ thirsty am I _________ like to buy a bigger television for my house would I _________________ my friends for dinner after work tomorrow. I've already booked in a restaurant. Am meeting I always .......... a tuna salad on a hot day! enjoy eating I am ................ the person talking. listening to I am sure she didn't do it, so if my client __________ to the crime, she would be lying. admitted I am writing to express my disappointment" is a typical formulaic expression of letters of complaint (greetings)(???) I asked John ........... not to go away I believe that mankind is generally honest. Most people will tell the truth if they __________ to do so. swear I can't talk right now. I _______ a hurry am in I come from a small town in the South-West ______ Portugal of I didn't ..................... play football. Use to I don't like chocolate. Neither does John I don't like this job, so I'm _______ a better one looking for I don't particularly enjoy _______ reading

I don't understand this show. Jane was in London on Monday, so she couldn't ........... the money from a Manchester bank that day. have stolen I drove by your house this afternoon, but you __________ home. Weren’t I forgot to bring my pen. Can I borrow _________? yours I found him sitting at a table ________ in papers covered I had a great time. Hugo told Franca ..... had had a great time. he I hate ______ I'm doing what I have ____ nicest ____. the/parents I have bought a new tie for Frank, but he ______ like it might not I haven't made any plans for Easter. I____________ in Hong Kong Will probably stay I know it's not likely, but if she __________ her plea to guilty, she would get less than five years in prison. had changed (???)...

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