Homework#2 I Parcial Iliana Gallardo 2013 10010010 PDF

Title Homework#2 I Parcial Iliana Gallardo 2013 10010010
Course Ingles Iv
Institution Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras
Pages 13
File Size 428.3 KB
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UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE HONDURAS Subject: Inglés V Section: 1 Modality: Virtual Teacher: Mae. Madelin Mercedes Moreno Avila I Partial Homework: #2 Student: Iliana Lizeth Gallardo Carranza 201310010010

San Pedro Sula, 27/05/2021

Table of Contents Intrduction .................................................................................................................................. 3 General objective ..................................................................................................................... 4 Specific objectives .................................................................................................................. 4 Research Diagnosis Global Problems ................................................................................ 5 Causes or consequences of some problems ..................................................................... 6 The hunger in the world.................................................................................................. 6 The Pollution ..................................................................................................................... 7 The conflicts ...................................................................................................................... 8 The Corruption .................................................................................................................. 8 The Climate Change ........................................................................................................ 9 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 10 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 11 Annexes .................................................................................................................................... 12




Global environmental change refers to changes in the global environment caused by human impact, which can alter the planet's ability to support life. Environmental problems are increasing day by day: pollution is a daily issue that has exceeded our capacity, and our institutions have not been able to cope with the multiple problems that we face. All areas of knowledge have had to respond to this problem in accordance with their own field and the law is no exception. Caring for the environment and air quality, specifically, involves a shared commitment between the representatives of the governments of the countries, the institutions and companies, the industry and the citizen, who with responsible habits can help to control the CO2 emissions that are generated.



General objective The actions of the Plan must be oriented towards the fulfillment of the aforementioned objective, strengthening mutual cooperation, through the execution of programs and projects that promote their integral development, their reciprocal integration and that of them with their respective countries.

Specific objectives

Conserve the environment and biodiversity,

Manage natural resources in a sustainable way,



Research Diagnosis Global Problems The reality that exists in different parts of the world is different; For this reason, it is important that we learn to open our eyes and become aware of the problems of the current world in a global way, not only to know them, but to know what their causes are, learn to prevent them and seek solutions. Therefore, it is important to inform yourself and take action. Every day, on television, on social networks, on the internet or on the radio, we hear about the serious current problems of society such as hunger, conflicts, racism or gender violence. These are problems that concern us and on which we can act even with a small contribution that, added to that of everyone else, can change things. Currently, at a global level, we can highlight a series of problems in society that have serious consequences, such as the forced displacement of millions of people in the world. To give you an idea of the magnitude of the problem, there are currently 65 million displaced people, so humanitarian crises are multiplying. Knowing what is happening around us helps us to know the real significance of each problem. Some of the most outstanding problems in the world today and of which we must be aware to get down to work are the following: 1. Hunger in the world 2. Pollution 3. Drought and water scarcity 4. Climate change / destruction of nature 5. Conflict / large-scale wars 6. Inequality (income, discrimination) 7. Poverty 8. Religious conflicts 9. Government accountability and transparency / corruption 10. Lack of education 11. Safety / security / well-being 12. Lack of economic and employment opportunities



13. Destruction of Ecosystems 14. Uncontrolled Fires 15. Gender Violence

Causes or consequences of some problems Any attempt to deal with the problems of our survival as a species it should contemplate, in one way or another, the aspects that we are going to summarize, whose close relationship we have tried to highlight.

The hunger in the world In terms of food security, hunger is defined as the inability of populations to meet their food needs. Famine can be seen as a form of disaster secondary to other disastrous events such as droughts and war, which also result in other forms of disaster: mass displacement and refugees. As, for example, when large migratory movements occur due to causes related to a famine, an overpopulation occurs in small spaces, which entails problems, on the one hand, of security and, on the other, of humanitarianism. The stability of social, political and economic conditions are the determinants of food insecurity and define the capacity to cover when the population is vulnerable, such as in a drought. Immediate risk factors such as wars or droughts are closely associated with these fundamental factors; the most vulnerable populations are less able to cope with a setback and are more susceptible to famine. Political instability by itself often results in armed conflict or civil strife that can directly cause famine.

Armed conflicts are one of the main causes that explain why hunger is pushing millions of children in the world to the limit. The violence causes a domino effect that ends up blowing up the nutritional status of children. These are some of its



main effects: food insecurity increases during conflicts because the population, who very often practice subsistence agriculture, cannot farm. The price of food becomes unaffordable for families.

War destroys water and sanitation systems, essential to prevent diarrhea and diseases that prevent children from assimilating nutrients from the little food they can eat. Many health centers are left unusable, leaving children unable to receive the medical care they need to treat malnutrition. In addition, conflicts make it difficult to deliver humanitarian aid, which is so necessary to fight famines. Countries with the highest incidence of child malnutrition tend to be very prone to droughts. This not only damages crops, but also reduces the availability of drinking water, with the consequent risk of suffering from diarrhea when drinking from contaminated sources.

The Pollution It is one of the most serious problems we suffer, and it gets worse every day. It is the cause of many deaths a year, of the disappearance of various species among others. Unfortunately, they only act when alerts are triggered because weather conditions or polluting emissions have caused a pollution spike; and, once those alerts disappear, all the provisions are undone. The mechanisms that cause this type of pollution in the atmosphere can be many. However, the main causes of pollution come from the chemical industry and industrial processes that involve combustion (for example, oil combustion in automobiles or heating systems), the emissions of polluting gases resulting from the production processes of some industries and the use of pesticides or toxic products such as acids or detergents, among others.



The conflicts The conflicts that are experienced in the world have other consequences in addition to the material ones. Having to flee your home with nothing implies that you change your place, that you face the future with great uncertainty and that your life and that of your family may be in danger. These situations also usually generate problems that are not as visible as depression, anxiety or fear in children. Assistance to refugees or internally displaced persons, therefore, cannot focus only on meeting their basic needs for accommodation and food, but must also extend to all those less visible consequences.

Globally, the absolute number of deaths in war has been declining since 1946. However, conflicts and violence are on the rise, and most conflicts today are fought between non-state actors, such as political militias, terrorist groups. international and criminal groups. Unresolved regional tensions, the breakdown of the rule of law, the absence or encroachment of state institutions, illicit economic profits, and resource shortages exacerbated by climate change have become major causes of conflict.

The Corruption It prevents or reduces the allocation of resources towards social services from which the population would benefit. The resources destined to social aspects very often go to private hands that use them for their own benefit, which causes that there is not an equitable distribution in society. The four most important reasons for bribery and corruption, from highest to lowest, are: winning a new contract, personal gain, securing political influence, and maintaining an existing contract. The rulers must show a willingness to punish in an exemplary manner the officials involved in acts of corruption, who must be punished more harshly than an ordinary citizen for bearing greater responsibility.



The Climate Change The climate has undergone important changes throughout the history of the Earth, due to natural causes. For example, in the last glacial period, which ended about 10,000 years ago, the Earth's climate was colder than it is today, and glaciers occupied vast areas of the Earth's surface.

Climate change is already a reality that is expressed throughout the planet through the rise in average temperatures, the rise in sea level, the melting of the Arctic or the increase in extreme events.

Climate change causes diverse changes in natural systems: if they have the opportunity, wild species move around in search of the climatic conditions to which they are adapted; They can also change their vital rhythms to try to adjust to the changes in the seasons. As a result, ecological imbalances and imbalances can occur.

But climate change also affects human societies because it changes the scenarios of economic activities such as agriculture, forestry or tourism; and human health itself, threatened by heat waves and new diseases.

Models that simulate the Earth's climate have allowed scientists to explore future trends associated with increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. Estimates made include: 

Further increases in maximum and minimum temperatures

A moderate decrease in rainfall

A moderate decrease in cloud cover

Longer and more frequent dry spells

Longer, more frequent and intense heat waves



Conclusions Hunger is not only a consequence of conflict; it also transcends a more direct relationship. Hunger cannot be perceived solely as a technical, social or humanitarian issue, but we have to analyze it as a real problem with deep political roots and as an anomaly in the economic systems of production, distribution and access to food.

Political instability in many of the affected countries is also part of the hunger problem. The weakness of the institutions prevents taking measures to combat malnutrition of the population, such as, for example, the storage of food to cope with times of scarcity. To combat corruption, the participation of all is needed and not only of the rulers because it is common for people to complain and claim their rights to them without demanding anything from themselves. We must take this issue very seriously from within the family, instilling values and spreading honesty and responsibility.




https://blog.oxfamintermon.org/los-7-problemas-del-medio-ambiente-masgraves/ https://www.fundacionaquae.org/causas-y-consecuencias-cambio-climatico/ https://www.un.org/es/chronicle/article/la-devastacion-de-los-pobres-del-mundoel-cambio-climatico-amenaza-los-avances-logrados-en-materia








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