Honor code assignment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh PDF

Title Honor code assignment - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Author Anonymous User
Course Design In Power Engineering
Institution Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jhhhnjhiehfw hewgfjehfe fshrghruhgen rgerghipoht4w ijhgiokrjegbjrkehge jerhgoierhgiwpok. erjgheiohglwpokg regvierokhgw;oprgknrer gerjokhgowkhglerkg etghertphker gwrjthwilojuft2[4pow...


Essay 1: Greenspan's Harvard Commencement Speech Do you think Greenspan is being realistic about the possibility of business ethics? Cite specific language from his speech (in quotation marks) and .explain your reasoning Plagiarism is considered an ethical offense, but judges should be careful about the prospect of an attorney plagiarizing legal brief Plagiarism is described as taking someone else's work and using it for one's own purposes without giving the person proper credit.This case concerning Peter Cannon was one of those instances where the plagiarism claims were not based on erroneous citations, but rather on the full copying of seventeen pages from an essay. Such falsification goes beyond legal and moral standards, and the attorney agreed that his actions were a reflection of his dishonesty.A judge should deal with a terrible .case like this by taking necessary action

.Identify the core ethical values you plan to follow in your career The two lawsuits involving solicitor plagiarism had some parallels as well as some subtle differences that resulted in a harsher verdict for one of the prosecutors. The parallels stem from the fact that both lawyers have been embroiled in high-profile plagiarism lawsuits. Whereas Cannon plagiarized seventeen of nineteen pages from an essay without citing it, Lane was also engaged in wholesale copying of the content they plagiarized, removing material that was derogatory to their respective roles.The difference between the two now rests in the fact that during the legal hearings, Cannon took immediate responsibility for his conduct and informed his client of his error. Lane, on the other hand, chose to keep the misconduct he committed hidden from the judge. For starters, he failed to answer to the court for several months and attempted to bury the plagiarized materials. As a result, these facts make Lane's situation worse than Cannon's, who admitted to plagiarizing as a misconduct rather than an incompetence. As a result, the judges voted to revoke Lane's license for six .months and issue a public reprimand to Cannon

Essay 2: Lawyer Plagiarism Why should judges care if attorneys submit plagiarized legal briefs or .motions? Please explain your answer Greenspan is being positive about the possibility of business ethics and there is evidence of tangible success and improved efficiency of companies that implement or practice business ethics as central principles of their operations. When a company's

workers and staff have a high level of confidence with one another, the results are

obvious.Furthermore, businesses do not work in a vacuum; rather, they are part of a community whose members they must consider. Furthermore, corporate principles such as trust and loyalty enable businesses to collaborate in order to increase profits. As a result, when management ethics are incorporated into an organization's fundamental values, it benefits both the corporate entity and .society

The Iowa Supreme Court referred to another case involving attorney plagiarism (Iowa Supreme Court Board of Professional Ethics & Conduct v. Lane). In that case, the punishment for attorney Lane (suspension of his license to practice) was more severe than the punishment imposed on attorney Cannon. What distinction did the court make between these two cases? Do you agree with the court’s ?reasoning In my career, I plan to adhere to the fundamental ethical ideals of trust, fairness, and kindness. I believe that trust is vital because it not only makes one trustworthy, but it also allows one to spend less time thinking and more time doing something positive. Since I don't have to waste time pretending, honesty makes work easier.It also makes my interactions with others more fruitful when I . teach them the truth, which benefits me because people reciprocate

Essay 3: Two Lives of Integrity: Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass Based on your reading of Shenk's article, "Lincoln's Great Depression", please identify two of Lincoln's most successful adaptation strategies (skills, habits, or ways of thinking) that helped him use his struggle with depression to accomplish worthy goals. Provide textual evidence (e.g. quotations) to support your answer Lincoln's "higher aim," according to Shenk, was to "secure justice for all and to be truly esteemed by the fellow man, striving to do what he aspired to do his pre-destined work for him in the world." Lincoln "believed that there was a predestined work for him in the world," according to Shenk his aim, according to this quotation, was to ensure that everyone was treated fairly. Shenk's greatest desire, he wrote, was to be "truly respected by my fellow men, by making myself deserving of their respect." (Shenk.) In this way, Lincoln hoped to inspire his fellow citizens and set the best example for them .to follow

What idea or insight in the full article would you recommend to others (a friend, perhaps)? Provide a direct quotation from the article to

support your answer In response to an idea or insight in the full post, I will advise others to develop critical skills and capacities in order to achieve our life's aspirations and aims, regardless of what we are going through. Shenk's writings provide detailed advice about how to yoke our own despair and reclaim hope in the same way as Lincoln did. Lincoln has a way of turning his suffering into gifts for the common good.Shenk highlights Lincoln's options in dealing with long stretches of solemn sadness in a way that mirrors what anyone dealing with this illness can face. Shenk said, "He looked for sense in a position where he was in danger. He found salvation by looking at ".flaws Based on the two assigned speeches from Douglass, what characteristics does he display as a thinker and a writer? (People continue to read these speeches because they're powerful and memorable. What makes them powerful and memorable?) Cite a .specific example from each speech to support your answer With his soaring intellect and aristocratic attitude, Fredrick Douglas captivated readers. He comes off as a theorist and writer who campaigns for human liberty and justice. He advocates for a multiracial America by using vivid examples and metaphors.He calls for a multiracial America in his speech "a hybrid country," stressing the rights of Asian-Americans, including the right to lead and vote. Douglass claims that the country suffers from self-deprivation.These lines "I have said that the Chinese will come, and have given some reasons why we may expect them in very large numbers in no very distant future. Do you ask, if I favor such immigration, I answer I would? Would you have them naturalized and have them invested with all the rights of American citizenship? I would. Would you allow them to vote? I would. Would you allow them to hold office..."During the festival, he also uses explanation to deliver an oration in honor of Abraham Lincoln. It is more of a celebration of African-Americans' experience of the country as freedmen than of Abraham Lincoln in this case.As a result, I can honestly conclude that his mastery of literacy methods makes his speeches .strong and unforgettable The speeches shaped an exceptional autobiography rich with personal characteristics. Douglass, as one of the best men the world has ever seen, was a fearless revolutionary who preached freedom in a white-dominated society.With the help of his tenacity, he gained the confidence to discuss important topics such as democracy and immigration. The speech portrays him as a selfless individual who wishes the best for everyone, regardless of race. He returns to the south in order to protect the slaves from the knowledge that he was a slave. He

is a conscientious individual who is concerned not about his own well-being but with the well-being of the majority. "And here I hold that a liberal and brotherly welcome to all who are likely to come to the United States is the only wise policy ”.which this nation can adopt "The Composite Nation- 1869

Leading a life of integrity: based on the readings in both assignments above, please identify at least one quality of character exhibited by .Lincoln and Douglass you might wish to cultivate in yourself The speeches reveal various aspects of Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln that I want to develop in myself. His speeches show him as a dreamer of a classic American Dream story that starts on a tough note and concludes with substantial improvement for the country as a result of his sweat, tears, and blood.Abraham Lincoln, who gave rise to new prospects and possibilities for all Americans, made him realise his dream. In his address, Douglas notes that Lincoln brought hope to the slaves and changed the world by encouraging them to realise their dreams. I'd like to put this into practice in the future by assisting countless people who are struggling across the world. Douglass states, “You are the children of Abraham Lincoln," figuring out what a statue means (Douglas, 1876). This also shows Douglas as diligent and assiduous by not giving up on the most critical aspects.By not giving up on the most important aspects, Douglas demonstrates .his diligence and assiduousness Douglas is also cheerful and appreciative. In his voice, he talks favorably of Lincoln's life. Focusing on the most important aspects of Lincoln's life, Douglas chooses to pay tribute to his memory by praising both his role in abolishing slavery and his contribution to the republic. He states, “I warmly congratulate you upon the highly interesting object which has caused you to assemble in such numbers and spirits as you have today”.In addition, Lincoln's character is shown to be hardworking, patient, intellectual, and loving. He is concerned with the well-being of all Americans, emphasizing the importance of freedom, democracy, and justice for all.Douglass reaffirms this in his closing remarks that If our action is following the principles of justice, liberty, and perfect human equality, no eloquence can adequately portray the greatness and grandeur of the future of the Republic" (Douglas, 1869).Since saying that, he is still diligent that “We shall spread the network of our science and civilization over all who seek their shelter whether from Asia, Africa, or the Isles of the sea” (Douglas, 1869).Overall, he remains the most exceptional .figure in American history that everybody aspires to be like

Essay 4: Statement of Gratitude Write a concise statement of gratitude (400 words or less) identifying the ethical and intellectual debts you owe to family members, teachers, or friends. Fictitious names are permitted, but the statement of gratitude should be genuine

I am thankful to all of the people who have helped me get to this great point in my life. Without my mother's encouragement, I am confident that I would not have progressed to this point in my life. Her never-ending attempts to assist me in developing a rational mind and understanding are greatly valued.I might have given up along the way if she hadn't inspired and pushed me to keep working and aim for the best. She advised me to never stop believing in myself, and this has greatly aided me in a period when I was on the verge of depression.And as time and age passed, she never stopped urging me to take every chance that came my way, and many of the projects I've been able to come up with and execute are as a result of taking advantage of the opportunity door that was .available to me It's a shame that I've forgotten to understand the help that my teachers have given me after I was taken to them by my parents with little experience. It's incredible how quickly I've developed into a specialist in their care, and I'm . thankful to Mr. Ravi for his help with my ventures and realistic practice I can't leave without thanking the people who have helped me through good and bad times. You have been a great supporter of mine, and I am thankful to have you as mates. Shravanraj is one of my great friends, whom I must accept . because you are the one who taught me the importance of true friendship I thank you all for your unwavering encouragement and guidance during this .time

Essay 5: Shattered Glass What scene in the film made the strongest impression on you? Please .describe The Shattered Glass movie is a 2003 drama movie this is primarily based totally on a 1998 article, Vanity Fair. It is ready a younger journalist who falls from grace after it's miles found that he had fabricated maximum of the articles he wrote and were given posted at The New Republic magazine. Stephen Glass rose to meteoric heights at his 20s as a younger creator that tickets him to turning into a group of workers of The New Republic in early 1998, wherein 27 of the forty one memories are completely or in part made up. His live at The New Republic is frustrating; he is sort of a sociopath who .feigns intellectual contamination to humans to govern them Trip to Bethesda” is the scene that had the most powerful affect whilst Glass attempts “ to quash the suspicion Lane had through taking him to an nameless constructing in Bethesda. At timestamp 0:10, Glass and Lane stroll to the alleged web page of the conference of the hackers. At 0:19, Glass explains wherein he become seated whilst amassing proof on the “Hack Heaven” article. At timestamp 1:38, he techniques a receptionist to investigate approximately a hackers' conference. At 1:43, the receptionist

famous that the constructing is closed on Sundays. ss shamefully attempts to explain, however appears to wander away of phrases at 1:56. Glass explains to Lane wherein the hackers took their dinner with him being an attendant amongst different 9 different .attendants. At 2:35, Lane asks Glass to go the street

What habits did Glass develop that proved harmful to him? How can ?you avoid developing comparable bad habits yourself The complete movies display a grasping Glass who attempts to apply idea to jot down his articles to benefit fame. He attempts a quick reduce to fame, however his deception does now no longer cross unrewarded. He begins off evolved from grace, and his international on the cease comes crumbling down while he loses his job. They don't have any cause to doubt what the writers placed within side the paper, however at instances it is a complete fraud. To Glass, he had fooled everyone, he become an amazing writer, and nobody needed to doubt him, due to the fact human beings might stroll away if he were given sucked. However, they did not recognize they have been promoting lies to the public, «trust» that they'd bestowed on Glass. potential and employers who paintings in distinctive institutions. It might be a exceptional method to dig dip approximately the personnel a business enterprise is ready to rent to make certain they've a records of the employee. This is due to the fact even instructional integrity at college might be a disclaimer to the employers who require integrity and honesty of their business enterprise. Besides, they ought to have history assessments .of a prison that might supply crook convictions of the employers

What advice would you give to editors about how to avoid hiring someone like Stephen Glass? What kind of pre-employment screening do you recommend? Please remember see this related Integrity Seminars video Since many reporters are "philosophers", there is a pressing need for a thorough examination of personal characteristics that can lead to poor performance, especially in the media. As a consequence, rather than being unnecessarily diplomatic, I would encourage the editor to look for personal values such as confidence and forthrightness when recruiting people such as journalists, teachers or any employee in any firm of that .matter

Essay 6: Retirement Banquet Briefly identify any notable differences between your first answer and your answers to this concluding assignment. "Notable differences" would include a change in priority of answers (for example, #1 was .(moved to #4 My response to assignment question two does not require a drastic change. If

people had to define my personality after my retirement or some formal event, the following would be the most significant characteristics: integrity, kindness, imagination and insensitivity.Since I think these are the actual characters I display in my everyday connections, there are no major variations in the . responses. As a result, my goals should not change in the final task

Please identify any Seminar ideas, readings, or exercises that help ?account for those differences. How did they influence your thinking The seminar thoughts that have inspired my thought have to do with ethics. The importance of ethics in daily life cannot be overstated. People are expected to .behave with fairness, dignity, and consideration

How is a good life defined, and what is your plan to achieve it? Please refer to themes from the assigned readings to support your .answer A good life, according to Russell (2013), consists of making choices and taking steps that make a person comfortable and stress-free, as well as fulfilling a certain goal in life. On a personal standpoint, the main goal and aim of my life as a student is to increase my satisfaction by adhering to the defined academic norms, which includes completing and publishing plagiarism-free exercises and articles.Plagiarism is a serious crime that can result in death. Plagiarism, according to Harris (2017), is characterized as the act of exhibiting some individual's thoughts and efforts as one's, with or without their specified .permission, by inserting such work as one's without a defined acknowledgement...

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