Honor Code synthesis essay PDF

Title Honor Code synthesis essay
Author Samaher Baidis
Course English Comp/Rhetoric
Institution Fordham University
Pages 2
File Size 37.6 KB
File Type PDF
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This synthesis essay talks about the conflict surrounding the honor code system and how it affects schools and universities in various ways. ...


The conflict surrounding honor codes have impacted educational platforms such as schools and universities in various ways. Honor codes are a set of rules that were created to prevent students from taking actions that are morally wrong. This system is being used in many schools and it has been confirmed that students have different perspectives on these rules. While some believe that the system benefits their education, others believe that it is unnecessary to limit students standards. However, schools should maintain honor code because not only does the system allow students to build relationships and trust in their communities, but these regulations also push individuals further into making a decision based on their morals and virtuousnesses. Some might believe that the honor code system should be eliminated because it does not make a difference in schools. In the article, “How Do Ya Spell Plagiarism?” by Chris Kahn, the author talks about how plagiarism has been a significant issue in schools and how the honor code has not done anything to fix this problem. For instance, Kahn states, “But even here, where honor is so well defined...plagiarism has been a problem.” (Source D). However, the reasons given by the opposite side are not strong enough to support their claim because although students might have been irresponsible for disobeying their schools regulations, the honor code system has been affecting the results of students since they have been learning to weigh the costs of taking such actions. According to the article, “Honor Codes Work Where Honesty Has Already Taken Root” by Jennifer Dirmeyer, the author discusses the benefits of maintaining an honor code system in schools. For example, Dirmeyer states, “students at colleges with honor codes..cheat less than their counterparts elsewhere do.” (Source C). The author points out the importance of having honor codes in schools by stating how students tend to cheat less when they are a part of this system. Thus, not only do they become aware of the risks of getting caught, but they also become more responsible which prevents them from cheating. Some might also believe that honor codes should not be maintained in schools because students are not honest enough when it comes to reporting their peers for cheating. According to the “Assessing Honor Code Effectiveness:Results of a Multipronged Approach from a Five Year Study”, the table shows a student survey based on their perceptions of academic integrity. The table displays that only 8% of students reported another fellow student for cheating which was a small percentage (Source E). However, the reasons given by the opposite side are not strong enough to support their thesis because although students might not report their peers due to personal relations, students overall would become less likely to cheat. In the article, “New Honor Codes for a New Generation” by McCabe and Pavela, the authors talk about how cheating is not acceptable among the students. For instance, it states, “Many students would simply be embarrassed to have other students find out they were cheating.” (Source F). Although most students did not report others for cheating, they were aware of how embarrassing and wrong cheating was . Since cheating was socially unacceptable by most of the students, this shows that they were aware of the fact that cheating is dishonorable. Therefore, honor code should be maintained because it helps student realise that cheating is morally wrong and unacceptable. Some might also say that honor code should be eliminated because it discourages students from going to school and causes them to drop out. In the article, “How Do Ya Spell

Plagiarism?” by Kahn, the author mentions how penalizing students has been affecting their education life in negative ways. For instance, he states, “Thirty nine of those accused of violating the schools honor code have either dropped out or been expelled-the only penalty available for such a crime.” (Source D). In spite of that, the reasons given by the opposing side are not strong enough because students should already be aware of the circumstances that might occur when they disobey the standards. For example, in the article, “Honor Codes Work Where Honesty Has Already Taken Root”, the authors state, “Students convicted of lying or cheating can expect to receive punishments ranging from suspension to expulsion.” (Source C). Since students are responsible for being honest and trustworthy, they are expected to obey the standards of the schools honor code. If students disobey and ignore these regulations, then schools have the right to carry penalties by expelling students due to their lack of honesty. Therefore, schools should maintain honor code because it allows student to become better individuals who learn to plan a brighter future for themselves....

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