HRM544 TERM Paper - human resource PDF

Title HRM544 TERM Paper - human resource
Author Siti Umairah
Course human resource
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 16
File Size 218 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 168
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Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................3 2.0 DISCUSSION.....................................................................................................................................4 2.1 Environmental or firm factors......................................................................................................4 2.1.1 Leadership style....................................................................................................................4 2.1.2 Physical environment............................................................................................................4 2.1.3 Work and life balance...........................................................................................................5 2.1.4 Conflict management............................................................................................................6 2.2 Employment factors.....................................................................................................................7 2.2.1 Job security...........................................................................................................................7 2.2.2 Work Engagement.................................................................................................................7 2.3 Employee-related factors.............................................................................................................8 2.3.1 Motivation............................................................................................................................8 2.3.2 Commitment of employee....................................................................................................8 2.3.3 Job satisfaction.....................................................................................................................9 3.0 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................10 References...........................................................................................................................................11


1.0 INTRODUCTION Today, various challenges faced by the public and private sectors that demand structural changes to keep them relevant. To achieve this, the performance of both public and private workers must be at the certain level of efficiency and performance. Work performance is the process by which managers are responsible for ensuring that their activities and productivity are in line with their organizational goals. Good employee performance can enhance organizational productivity and directly enhance the economy in the country. On the other hand, less motivated employees cause weaknesses in the organization's administrative system due to lack of commitment during the assigned tasks. In addition, management style and organizational culture are also identified as factors that influence employee performance. Employee performance is viewed as a set of behaviors that are relevant to the achievement of the organizational goals or organizational units in which a person works. The Government has promoted a performance-based work culture using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) applied in both public and private sectors to improve the quality of service delivery. In line with the vision, mission and function of the agency, each organization must measure the performance of the services provided to ensure that all services are delivered to the customer well. This indirectly provides a clear picture of the overall performance of the organization. Knowing the importance of employee performance in improving an organization's excellence, hence, the aim of this study was to find out the environmental or firm factors, employment factors and employee related factors that effecting employee performance. The approach of this study was empirical. Structured questionnaire were used to obtain information from respondents. The subjects of this study were Human Resource managers and a few employees in companies from various sectors. This study in the long run can help an organization identify issues within the organization and take appropriate action to improve the performance of their employees.


2.0 DISCUSSION There are three main factors that influence the employee performance in all sectors of employment. These are environmental or firm factors, employment factors and employeerelated factors

2.1 Environmental or firm factors 2.1.1 Leadership style Leadership style refers to the achievement of goals based on needs in different situations and will change according to one's behavior. Leadership style is important because it can create satisfaction between leaders and subordinates. It is even said that a worker's belief in the leadership style of an organization's leader can lead the organization to achieve its goals and at the same time have a positive effect on the relationship between employer and employee within an organization. Proper leadership can motivate members of the organization to follow the right direction to meet the goals of the organization and leadership can inspire employees to achieve their organizational goals with confidence. Leadership styles will influence the relationship between supervisors and followers and significantly motivate workers' motivations, attitudes, and performance. In order to maintain good work performance among the workers, choosing the right leadership style is essential

2.1.2 Physical environment Poor working environment, especially low quality air, noises, ergonomic conditions and lack of space, can affect mental health and job satisfaction. The unpleasant physical environment of the workforce affecting not only the motivation of the employee, but also the social relations, satisfaction, health and performance of the worker. Office workers spend more time in their workplace, so a physical office is essential to having a good and healthy work environment. Good workplace environment will increase the performance of workers within it. Then, a good physical office is needed for workers as it affects not only themselves, but also the good effects that organizations and companies can enjoy. Characteristics of the


office environment can have a significant impact on employee behavior, perceptions, and productivity.

In the workplace, workers who are satisfied with the physical environment are more likely to produce better work. Consumer satisfaction is an important factor in an organization’s success and is considered as a key indicator of performance. When employees have high levels of satisfaction with their work, it can indirectly increase employee commitment and organizational objectives can be achieved. The comfortable environment of the workplace plays an important role in the productivity of the work. The environmental conditions has the same options as money and opportunity. The environment in is the same in terms of organizational factors, in terms of physical factors such as sound, lighting and quality of indoor ventilation, space planning and layout and economic factors such as facilities, general aesthetics and support systems that organization provide, as well as the social atmosphere.

2.1.3 Work and life balance Work and life balance is a practice that is a concern in the field of employment relations. Work and life balance are essential in today's workforce. Recognizing these needs, most organizations began to pay particular attention to aspects of life balance. Workers who have work and life balance have a better job satisfaction than those who have to spend their time only at work. In addition, organizations that implement policies and practices that help balance work life not only deal with employee dissatisfaction, but also deal with issues such as turnover, absenteeism and job performance. Recognizing the importance and need for improving work and life balance, organizations should introduce policies and practices that are in line with their organization. Two of the most common practices are flexible work arrangements such as flexible working hours, work compression and job sharing. The second practice is the setting up of work situations to support work life activities such as childcare facilities, maternity leave, and parental leave. Both of these key practices are important to ensure that the day to day work of the employees is balanced and satisfies them especially in carrying out their tasks at work.


2.1.4 Conflict management Conflict management is how the organization and management are able to coordinate, direct and supervise conflicts that occur between individuals and individuals, between individuals and groups, between groups and groups or between organizations and organizations that aim to maintain the continuity and effectiveness of the organization. The purpose of managing conflict is to create an atmosphere of peace, kinship, togetherness and an atmosphere conducive to carrying out work activities in an organization. Nevertheless conflicts in an organization cannot be avoided. Conflicts that occur within an organization may be caused by conditions that precede it such as, the existence of dissatisfaction, different goals and value systems, the existence of communication, human and behavioral barriers, organizational structures for humans and their behavior. A protracted and unresolved conflict will have bad consequences in an organization. And each party will not feel satisfied with what has happened and will result in decreased performance. And this will make an impression on the work activities carried out by the organization. And the worst thing is to make an impression on one's job satisfaction, which is the nature of a person to work both positive and negative. Conflict management can be used to improve the performance and productivity of an organization and its members.


2.2 Employment factors 2.2.1 Job security Occupational safety is a hygiene factor that affects employee performance. Hygiene factors prevent dissatisfaction, but not motivation. Occupational safety does not produce output but prevents performance degradation. Employees are more satisfied or productive when their work is filled with motivational factors. While the driving factor will have a positive impact on job satisfaction that is closely related to performance. Employee safety is important in influencing employee performance.

2.2.2 Work Engagement Work engagement is the factor that help employees to achieve their job satisfaction. Work engagement is the positive aspect of achieving well-being at work. Work engagement encourages employees to work harder. Work engagement can be understand as a workers who have a good level of work engagement with their organization and have an opposite attitude toward workers experiencing burnout situations. In addition, empirical evidence shows that work engagement also helps to solve the problem of employee turnover and reduce costs for hiring and training. Work engagement is an important aspect of an organization as it is through the work engagement of employees that they are more than willing to contribute as their engagement in work is higher. They value the scope of their assignments and because of their deep involvement in their work they are able to work beyond the scope of assigned tasks and have high levels of loyalty to the organization.


2.3 Employee-related factors 2.3.1 Motivation Motivation is defined as the desire or willingness to do something, expressed by the activity or ability to meet certain conditions. Extensive research on employee motivation has been carried out today by companies across all divisions, despite their small size. These companies recognize that motivating their employees is essential to achieving their organizational goals. Motivated employees who are part of the work ethic of self-satisfaction, achievement and commitment are expected to create better quality of work and respect for organizational policies that will broaden the competitive advantage and efficiency. Motivation enhances job engagement by doing more meaningful and engaging work as well as the fact that it keeps employees more creative and increases their job performance successively.

Workers' motivation is the one of the most important elements of employee success, and ultimately the goals and objectives of the organization are achieved. Work motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic, is essential in an employee's life because they form the basis for working in life. It signifies the complex needs and strengths that empower an individual to perform certain tasks. Further, employee motivation is an important factor in business activity where high motivation is related to job satisfaction, pride in one's work, organizational commitment to lifelong performance and productivity.

2.3.2 Commitment of employee The commitment to an organization is defined as a willingness to contribute to an organization's goals. Employee commitment are influenced by a form of commitment that is an individual which is effective commitment, an individual who seeks to accomplish something more than he or she wants which is continuous commitment and has the responsibility to have it which is normative commitment. The concept of commitment to an organization can be useful if managers know the source of commitment. Overall commitment to the organization is the employee's positive relationship and attitude toward the attitude that reflects the confidence, trust and willingness of the employee to accept the organization's values and goals. 8

2.3.3 Job satisfaction Job satisfaction is defined as an enjoyment or positive feeling that arises from the value of a job or work experience. This feeling arises from every worker who reflects the true value of their work in the job situation. Humans are more likely to be normal in the face of certain tasks in an organization. Once they receive some internal and external rewards such as wage hikes, praise and other forms of appreciation, things will change soon. They will show a high degree of satisfaction with their work and organization. On the contrary, those who do not receive a reward will reflect low levels of satisfaction. Job satisfaction is said to have clear implications for job performance. The impact of job satisfaction not only on the employee but also on the employer and society as a whole. There is no doubt that there are problems in assessing job satisfaction and its relationship to job performance. However, an employee's job performance depends on his or her job satisfaction.


3.0 Conclusion

Limitasi"Kajian" Limitasi kajian secara praktiknya tidak dapat dielakkan. Hal ini kerana limitasi wujud setiap kali sesuatu proses kajian dijalankan. Antara limitasi yang wujud semasa melaksanakan kajian ini adalah dari aspek sasaran responden. Tambahan pula, kajian ini menggunakan borang soal selidik untuk


mengumpul data dimana ianya mempunyai beberapa kelemahan. Antara kelemahannya adalah kemungkinan berlaku ketidaktelusan ketika responden menjawab setiap soalan yang dikemukakan bagi mewakili diri mereka. Responden berkemungkinan menjawab soalan tanpa mengikut gambaran sebenar dan bukan berdasarkan pendapat peribadi mereka atau apa 11

yang benar-benar mereka lalui. Di samping itu, penggunaan borang soal selidik yang dijawab sendiri oleh responden boleh menimbulkan unsur bias dimana ianya akan mengakibatkan keputusan yang diperoleh adalah kurang jitu.

Limitasi"Kajian" Limitasi kajian secara praktiknya tidak dapat dielakkan. Hal ini kerana limitasi wujud setiap kali


sesuatu proses kajian dijalankan. Antara limitasi yang wujud semasa melaksanakan kajian ini adalah dari aspek sasaran responden. Tambahan pula, kajian ini menggunakan borang soal selidik untuk mengumpul data dimana ianya mempunyai beberapa kelemahan. Antara kelemahannya adalah kemungkinan berlaku ketidaktelusan ketika responden menjawab 13

setiap soalan yang dikemukakan bagi mewakili diri mereka. Responden berkemungkinan menjawab soalan tanpa mengikut gambaran sebenar dan bukan berdasarkan pendapat peribadi mereka atau apa yang benar-benar mereka lalui. Di samping itu, penggunaan borang soal selidik yang dijawab sendiri oleh responden boleh menimbulkan 14

unsur bias dimana ianya akan mengakibatkan keputusan yang diperoleh adalah kurang jitu. Job satisfaction can help to produce employees with better job performance. Research in determining work performance is particularly relevant as it will not only affect individual achievement, it will also impact the productivity of an organization. In formulating a performance measurement it is not only seen from objective approaches such as the number generated, performing activities within the allotted time, but also the completeness of the tasks that are responsible. But it can also be measured by subjective-oriented dimensions such as communication effectiveness, commitment to tasks, ability to make informed decisions and others that are not quantitatively measurable. The aim of this study is to looks at the level of employee’s performance as well as the factors that influence employee performance among the workers. The results showed that all the environmental or firm factors, employment factors and employee-related factors have a positive and significant relationship with employee performance. Therefore, this study proposes to look at other factors that may affect employee performance such as employee remuneration and others.


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