I AM documental\'s summary (apuntes/ resumen) del documental I am PDF

Title I AM documental\'s summary (apuntes/ resumen) del documental I am
Author karen lorena flechas
Course Teoría y Práctica de los negocios
Institution Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia
Pages 3
File Size 52.2 KB
File Type PDF
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este es un pequeño resumen con apuntes del documental "I AM" de un director reconocido en Estados Unidos, conocido tambien por dirigir la pelicula " Ace-ventura"...


I AM. Tom Shadyac, a director of films, most of them comedy such Ace Ventura, is the author of this documental. This idea of documental starts with a broken hand and a nasty concussion turned critical when he developed post-concussion syndrome. He had tried with traditional medicine but it was not help, and with alternative therapies like biofeedback and hyperbaric oxygen, but nothing seemed to work. He did not want to be a suicidal patient like many others, but over the months he had come to terms with his death. In those moments of his life he thought about what he was going to leave before leaving, taking advantage of his situation he found what he wanted to leave something that he had discovered, it was that the world in which he was living was a lie, how he lived was a lie. After months of isolation, out of nowhere and suddenly his post-concussion symptoms began to recede. So he decided to embark on a journey to answer two questions, what is wrong with our world? And what can we do about it? He asked some today's significant minds, authors, journalists, religious leaders, historians, academics, etc. They began by talking about how not only does the biosphere exist, but there is another layer created by humans that Wade Davis called the ethnosphere, the sum total of all the ways that humans have imagined the world in existence. About science and how this is the greatest story we have created and how it has been changing for more than 300 years, coming to have a vision that we are separated and that to have physical contact with one thing or another person we need shovel it, touch it, measure it, manipulate it, tasted it to see if it is real or not, and according to that vision that has emerged from science is that we’re basically made of material stuff and we work in mechanistic ways and we are running our society as if we are pieces of a machine and as if the world is a machine, extending all sectors of our life celebrating and promoting independence and competence and so we fashion our world with the idea of needing to be significant at someone else expense. We are programmed to be number one and win. We became selfish machines because we fell from exist fundamentally as singular individuals and only secondary as social beings and that tends to create separation. Our work is not to be citizen it's to be a consumer, it happens because we think wealth and happiness are synonyms. And that was what happened to Tom as he was achieving success, he was buying more and more things, he was filling up with unnecessary things in the hope that that would make him happy but the reality was different and it is because we believed what if a little girl amount makes us happy to have 10 times of those things will not be ten times happier and that is a lie. And we become cumulative people without asking ourselves the question Will this make me happy or not? Well, there are people who seem to have everything but are actually very unhappy. There is a word that was used "wetiko" which means cannibal not in the sense of eating human flesh but of eating the life of another and people get infected with wetiko, that it’s a mental illness. We privilegiate the ideas of self- interest, the idea of materialism as the pathway to happiness we need more stuff and to get more stuff and protect it we have to make war whether it's an actual war or in effect I wore of the rich against the poor. That is why the market is a monster because we have turned it into something that seems natural but the market and the economy

are not anything created by nature but we have created it ourselves. And it is due to the problem of the separation of humanity from the natural world and the sense that the economy is the most important thing in our lives. But how we are and we are constantly changing a life to a future of 200 years It will be very different from how we know it today but for several changes to occur first We will have to world shaking changes they're either going to come or we're going to become extinct. But that greedy, aggressive and violent vision of us is not really like that, because it is not in our nature to be beings of such little consciousness. It is in our nature to be competitive but at the same time it is in our DNA being cooperative, is the way in which we have adapted to survive. In the human evolution we have the ability to cooperate and to take care of others. and Darwin said sympathy is the strongest instinct in human nature but people who popularized Darwin ignores that part to Darwin. We cannot have a lonely existence; we need from the first moment a reference to be able to act as human beings in order for us to be human. Today's science works on a part of neuroscience called mirror neurons, which is why we could be empathetic with other people. Apes, dolphins, and possibly elephants are now known to have so-called mirror neurons where if an action is done that was performed once in the past, the mirror neurons lights up as if itself is doing the action. But it also refers to empathic behaviors, when we see someone suffering we are able to feel it. We also have a nerve called the vagus nerve, which causes the chest to expand in a certain way and we feel a huge urge to cry, making us feel a lump in our throat. We can say that when we serve others, we actually discover deep contentment, where we can really see almost and ecstasy that it absents from the opposite. That it's utopian to believe in a world where love and compassion answer every aspect of our lives even our business lives, but there is a place called Heart Math that studies the human heart where it breaks with the idea that the brain is the central engine of our body and that in return it is our heart. Well, 90% to 95% of the nerves are carrying information from the body to the brain and not the brain to the body, in a sense heart is the boss of everything. It has been shown that states of compassion are healthy for us, these states renew us psychologically, love, care, gratitude, compassion, all those feelings are positive for us, and that is the reason for how it positively affects our body and the same would happen but negatively with the feelings that are bad and discourage us, those feelings do not let us think clearly they hinder us and then make us regret. The Heart contains an intelligence isn't just all gooey emotion. In fact, it is the first system to perceive information intuitively, affirming that the heart really is the primary access point to what one could call spirit or higher self. Everything is connected all the time, there is no separation fundamentally, the separation is given by the sense of sight, beyond this we are all connected with all being and living matter. The human emotionality creates a very real, energetic field that radiates out from us, and other living systems are attuned to those energetic fields. These sorts of experiments of thought and emotion affecting distant living systems have been performed time and again, with the same results always, we affect each other’s hearts, we affect each other’s minds. Schlitz “Reality isn’t an it, it is a relationship between the parts. It only takes form when relationship happens.”

What is now discovering is a science that talks about all of those intuitive ideas that native cultures, traditional cultures and Eastern religions has understood for pretty much all time. We were part of a greater whole, we are not alone in the universe and in the existential life. We have embrace the whole, see all of nature as family, see humanity as family....

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