ID 2202 - 2021 Fall - History of ID - Medina - syllabus PDF

Title ID 2202 - 2021 Fall - History of ID - Medina - syllabus
Course Hist-Modern Indust Dsgn
Institution Georgia Institute of Technology
Pages 3
File Size 89.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Syllabus for Joyce Medina's history of modern industrial design. Year 2021, includes topics, calendar and grading policies...


ID 2202 HISTORY OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGN Instructor: Joyce Medina, Ph.D. Office: 156 B West Arch. Office hours: Tues., Thurs; 2-3pm e-mail: [email protected] Textbook: textbook chapters posted on-line in Canvas ( under “modules” as “texts”

This course surveys the history of design from the Industrial Revolution to our contemporary times. It focuses on general design principles (formal, functional, historical, stylistic and ideological), historical data (influences, zeitgeist, “progress,” the avant-garde), the rise of industrial design as a profession (engineering vs. aesthetic concerns, studio vs. manufacturing plant), principles of mass production (new materials, product testing, consumer politics), the role of design programs and schools, and contemporary issues in design (human factors approaches, sustainable design).

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to define and discuss the major stylistic periods in the history of design; recognize the work of the major designers; understand the influence of art, politics, history, philosophy and technology on the evolution of these design movements; and utilize terminology and interpretive approaches to synthesize all of this material. Organization:

Class meetings will consist of lectures with slides which are organized by “topics” (see “Schedule of Lectures” for the listing of topics). These lectures will be accompanied by “slide sheets” which will be uploaded to Canvas; they will list all of the images discussed along with “important terms” used in the lecture to explain that topic. Additional material, “texts,” will be uploaded to Canvas in support of each topic. These “texts” will present more in-depth explanations and factual information and will constitute the textbook for the course. General Responsibilities and Expectations: There will be five tests: these tests will examine comprehension of the materials presented in class and as resources in Canvas. Please see the file “Sample Test Questions” posted in (Canvas) “Module: Introduction” for more information about the format of the tests and how to prepare to perform well on the tests. Each test examines the material studied since the last test; there will be no comprehensive final. Each test is worth 20% of your final grade. Final grade averages will be calculated as: A: 100-90; B: 89.9-80; C: 79.9-70; D (also passing): 69.9-60.

Attendance: Regular attendance is crucial for doing well. There is no substitute for seeing the slides projected while receiving information during the lecture. You are required to attend all lectures. There will be a seating chart and attendance will be recorded. Five or more “unexcused absences” will seriously affect your grade. Make-up tests will be scheduled only for students with an “excused absence” for that date. “Excused absences” are granted by the Dean of Students office ([email protected]) who determines whether an excuse is allowed. Make-up tests for missing the originally scheduled test will require notification from the Dean of Students office and then the test can be scheduled.

Academic Integrity:

Georgia Tech aims to cultivate a community based on trust, academic integrity, and honor. Students are expected to act according to the highest ethical standards. For information on Georgia Tech's Academic Honor Code, please visit or Any student suspected of cheating or plagiarizing on a quiz, exam, or assignment will be reported to the Office of Student Integrity, who will investigate the incident and identify the appropriate penalty for violations.

Student-Faculty Expectations: At Georgia Tech we believe that it is important to continually strive for an atmosphere of mutual respect, acknowledgement, and responsibility between faculty members and the student body. See for an articulation of some basic expectations – that you can have of me, and that I have of you. In the end, simple respect for knowledge, hard work, and cordial interactions will help build the environment we seek. Therefore, I encourage you to remain committed to the ideals of Georgia Tech, while in this class. Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities:

If you are a student with learning needs that require special accommodation, contact the Office of Disability Services (often referred to as ADAPTS) at (404)89-2563 or, as soon as possible, to make an appointment to discuss your special needs and to obtain an accommodations letter. Please also e-mail me as soon as possible in order to set up a time to discuss your learning needs.

Schedule of lectures: ID 2202 History of Industrial Design 8-24 8-26 8-31 9-2 9-7 9-9 9-14

Introduction Design of the Industrial Revolution Arts and Crafts Movement Art Nouveau Art Nouveau continued Jugendstil, Secessionstil, Wiener Werkstatte, Early Modernism Test #1

9-16 9-21 9-23 9-28 9-30 10-5

Frank Lloyd Wright Art Deco Bauhaus Design International Style: Le Corbusier International Style continued: Mies van der Rohe; De Stijl Design Test #2

10-7 10-12 10-14 10-19 10-21 10-26

Scandinavian Design Fall Break World’s Fair, NYC, 1939 Streamlining Rational Design Test #3

10-28 11-2 11-4 11-9 11-11 11-16

Mid-Century Modernism Neofunctionalist Design Pop Design Post-Modern Appropriation Brutalism Test #4

11-18 11-23 11-24/26 11-30 12-2

Deconstructionism Blobism Thanksgiving holiday Futurism Test #5

**Schedule is subject to change **...

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