Title IFFA ICE 2 - ICE
Course First Additional Afrikaans
Institution Varsity College
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Shareefah Gathoo 19011376 IFFA6311 ICE Task 2

Objective: “Writes simple definitions” “Writes a simple story, using the writing process more independently” In this activity, the learners will be asked to write down words from the story “Thembela in die wind” that they do not understand. They will then also be required to develop a short story just like the one they read about their favourite type of weather. This activity must be done on their own and without the help of their peers. Learners should then share their stories with the class once completed. Learners will be given a worksheet to complete to guide them during the writing process of their story.

DEVELOPING A STORY Name: __________________________ Date:_________________ Directions: Answer the questions in the box to brainstorm the details of your story before you begin writing.

Who is the main character?

Who are the other characters?

What is their name?

What are their names?

How old are they?

How are they linked to the main character?

What do they look like?

Draw a picture of the main character.

Draw a picture of the other characters.

What is the setting of the story?

What is the plot?

Where does the story take place?

What issues do the characters face?

What time does it take place during the day?

How do they find a solution to the problem?

What is the weather like?

What happens at the end of the story and how does it end?

Draw a picture of the setting.

Draw a picture of an event that happens during the story.

Reference List Daly, L., n.d. Thembela in die wind. [ebook] Available at: https://www.nalibali.org/story-library/multilingual-stories/thembela-wind [Accessed 4 May 2021]....

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