Author Aiman Rae Rae
Course Access to Information
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
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3 THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS (IFLA)3 INTRODUCTIONThe Worldwide Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the primary international organisation representing library and information service users' concerns. IFLA is a non- profit organisat...


3.0 THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS (IFLA) 3.1 INTRODUCTION The Worldwide Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the primary international organisation representing library and information service users' concerns. IFLA is a nonprofit organisation that is autonomous, international, and non-governmental. In addition, IFLA was founded to promote international understanding, collaboration, discussion, research, and growth in all areas of library activity, such as bibliographical, information services, and staff education, as well as to offer a body through which these activities may be coordinated. Internationally, librarianship can be represented as a topic of interest. Finally, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the global voice of libraries, representing the profession's interests and working to enhance services across the world. The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) benefits from a large membership, a lively professional community, and tight relationships with partners. President of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) from 2021 to 2023 Barbara Lison is her name. Every IFLA president will serve for two years, and after that, the president will be replaced. The membership of the IFLA will elect a new president.

3.2 HISTORY AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF (IFLA) On September 30, 1927, during the Annual Meeting of the United Kingdom Library Association in Edinburg, Scotland, IFLA was created, and this year, IFLA is commemorating its official 90th birthday. The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) was founded in 1929 with 15 members from 15 nations. However, IFLA today has over 1500 members from almost 150 nations worldwide. IFLA was founded in the Netherlands in 1971, and the Royal Library in The Hague, the country's main library, generously hosts the organization's headquarters. As a result, IFLA's headquarters are in The Hague, Netherlands. The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) was established to give Providing a venue for librarians all around the world to exchange ideas and encourage international cooperation. collaboration, standardisation of library practise, and expansion of library resources

3.3 MISSION, VISION AND OBJECTIVES OF (IFLA) MISSION The International Federation of Library Association (IFLA) is a non-profit organisation that inspires, engages, empowers, and connects the worldwide library community. The goal of the mission was to figure out how IFLA goes about achieving its goals. The words summed up what IFLA works to help its members. and beyond, by providing tools and information, a debate and learning platform, and assistance on behalf of others, while striving to ensure the IFLA Federation's long-term viability. VISION The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is a strong and united worldwide library field that supports literate, informed, and participatory communities. According to the vision, the agencies are working hard to build a better future. IFLA serves as a point of reference for the agency's operations that benefit both IFLA and the library. field in terms of providing direction and inspiration for all of the agencies' activities. OBJECTIVES IFLA promotes high standards in library and information service supply and delivery. Next, promote general awareness of the need of effective library and information services. Finally, we represent our members' interests across the world.

3.4 PARTICIPATION AND MEMBERSHIP FROM OTHER BODIES, COUNTRIES, ASSOCIATION OR TYPES OF MEMBERSHIPS Participation from other bodies :  UNESCO IFLA have formal associated relationship with UNESCO, and they involved in a big range of work such as the Memory of World, Information for All and World Book Capital Programmes, and the MIL (Media and Information Literacy) Alliance, also work around trafficking and heritage protection, cultural diversity, and internet governance and freedoms.

 UNITED NATIONS There is also observer status with the United Nations.

 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS (ICSU) IFLA has associate status with the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU).

 WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION (WIPO) IFLA has official observer status at WIPO. IFLA are focused primarily on work in the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights related to limitations and exceptions to copyright for libraries, and on work to implement the Marrakesh Treaty, including along the Accessible Books Consortium.

 THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION (ISO) Paola Manoni is working with IFLA’s Cataloguing section and was IFLA’s representative to ISO. IFLA is a category A liaison, linked with ISO/TC 37 (Language & Terminology), and content resources, ISO/TC 46 (Information & Documentation), ISO/TC 46/SC 8, (Quality – Statistics and performance evaluation), ISO/TC 46/SC 9, (Identification and description) and ISO/TC 171, (Document management applications).

 WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO) In 1999, IFLA also created observer status with the World Trade Organization (WTO).

IFLA has also granted consulting status to a number of non-governmental organisations working in similar topics, including:

 INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE BLUE SHEILD (ICBS) IFLA’s representative in ICBS is IFLA Secretary General Gerald Leitner, and IFLA is one of the Founding Four organisations, with a permanent seat on the Committee.

 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON ARCHIEVES (ICA) IFLA are members, along with the International Council on Archives (ICA). The ICA is dedicated for the record effective management and the preservation, care and use of the world’s archival heritage through the representation of records and archive professionals around the world.

 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF MUSEUMS (ICOM) IFLA collaborates with ICOM at the World Intellectual Property Organization, as well as in their work around cultural heritage.


 INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (IPA) MEMBERSHIP  Within the broad subject of library and information science, association members include associations of library and information professionals, library and information services, and educational and research institutes.  Individual library and information services, as well as all sorts of organisations in the library and information sector, can join as Institutional Members, while international organisations within IFLA's area of interest can join as International Association Members.

3.5 PRODUCT AND SERVICES SERVICES REFERENCES AND INFORMATION SERVICES The Reference and Information Services Section will address all aspects of reference work, in all kinds of libraries, in the world. Current interests include the new electronic environment and the resulting changes in reference work, the future role of reference work, and the quality of reference services. Future investigation, discussion, and programming will focus on: ➢ User-centered reference services ➢ Organization, education and staffing of reference services ➢ Ethics and the provision of high-quality service ➢ The impact of social media and mobile technologies on reference and information services ➢ Reference collections in a digital world ➢ Changing business models from publishers for provision of reference information ➢ Marketing/Visibility of library reference services ➢ Providing a forum for information on the nature of reference work in different parts of the world BIBLIOGRAPHY National bibliographies are a permanent record of the cultural and intellectual output of a nation or country, which is witnessed by its publishing output. They gather the bibliographic information of current publications to preserve and provide ongoing access to this record CATALOGUING The Cataloguing Section analyses the functions of cataloguing activities for all types of material and media, including both bibliographic and authority information, for the benefit of all users. INDIGENOUS MATTERS The Section's main purpose is to support the provision of culturally responsive and effective services to indigenous communities throughout the world. Its main objectives are to promote international cooperation in the fields of library, culture, knowledge and information services to indigenous communities that meet their intergenerational, community, cultural and language needs, and to encourage indigenous leadership within the sector, exchange of experience, education and training and research in all aspects of this subject.

INFORMATION LITERACY The primary purpose of the Information Literacy Section is to foster international cooperation in the development of information literacy education in all types of libraries and information institutions. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The Information Technology (IT) Section promotes and advances the application of information technologies to library and information services in all societies, through activities related to best practices and standards, education and training, research, and the marketplace. Created by IFLA in 1963 at the beginning of the commercial computer era, the IFLA Section on Information Technology (IT) has led the Federation through changes in computer and communications technology by introducing, describing, teaching, and predicting its use for information delivery. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT The IFLA KM Section has engaged in several activities to increase conversation between its members and others interested in the global aspects of knowledge management. This includes knowledge sharing strategies, processes and practices of organizations, and the implementation of KM culture in libraries and information environments. LIBRARIES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS The Section's major purpose is to support the provision of the library service and reading promotion to children and young adults throughout the world. Its main objectives are to promote international cooperation in the fields of library services to children and young adults, and to encourage the exchange of experience, education and training and research in all aspects of this subject. LIBRARY SERVICES TO MULTICULTURE POPULATIONS The Section brings together libraries and institutions interested in the development and availability of library services designed to meet the needs of cultural and linguistic minorities. LIBRARY SERVICES TO PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS The Section for Library Services to People with Special Needs provides an international forum for the discussion of ideas, sharing of experiences and development of tools designed to promote and improve the effectiveness of library and information services to special needs groups, and the promotion of national and international cooperation at all levels LITERACY AND READING The Section provides a focal point for the promotion of reading and literacy in libraries; and the integration of reading research and reading development activities into library services for all citizens SUBJECT ANALYSIS AND ACCESS The Section on Subject Analysis and Access focuses on methods of providing subject access in catalogues, bibliographies, and indexes to documents of all kinds, including electronic documents. The Section serves as a forum for producers and users of classification and subject indexing tools, and it works to facilitate international exchange of information about methods of providing subject access.

3.6 BENEFITS IFLA is the voice of libraries, information services and information professionals globally. It is the ideal instrument for formulating goals, exerting influence as a community, protecting interests, and finding solutions to global problems. IFLA opens up an international network for you to exchange ideas and promote international actions in cooperation, research and development in all fields. The cooperation and active involvement of its members are necessary for IFLA to achieve its objectives. Benefits of being an IFLA member:

 Extend and strengthen its professional network at the international level  Think in terms of strategy: decide which priorities to put on the political agenda by making use of your right to vote  Get involved in an IFLA working group and participate in the development of standards and recommendations; attend meetings, seminars and workshops, debate fundamental issues with colleagues from all over the world and exchange information on the topics on which you work  Benefit from a reduction on the prices of the IFLA Annual Congress and on some of its publications  Receive a free copy of the IFLA Annual Report  Enjoy a free subscription to IFLA Journal  You do not have to pay the 10% additional fee charged to non-IFLA members for IFLA ILL vouchers (international interlibrary loan).

3.7 FUTURE PLANNING IFLA STRATEGY 2019-2024 Our Strategy: A Roadmap for the Future This document represents a milestone in IFLA’s journey from Vision to Strategy to Action. It is the result of a uniquely inclusive process – the IFLA Global Vision – launched in March 2017. By engaging tens of thousands of library and information workers from over 190 countries in a conversation about the strengths and opportunities of the library field, the Vision has provided the energy, and represented the guiding star for this Strategy. On this basis, IFLA’s Professional Units and Governing Board, working with the Headquarters Team, have developed this document, drawing also on an assessment of IFLA’s existing strengths, and its commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It was approved by the IFLA Governing Board on 12 April 2019.

Structure: A Framework for Actions The IFLA Strategy 2019-24 is a document for the library field, by the library field. It is designed to be a reference point, not only for IFLA’s own Professional Units, headquarters and regional and languages offices, but also for our membership and the library field as a whole. It should be the catalyst for a new energy and a new alignment in our efforts. Our Strategic Directions highlight four areas of focus in delivering our mission: 1. Strengthen the Global Voice of Libraries 2. Inspire and Enhance Professional Practice 3. Connect and Empower the Field 4. Optimise our Organisation In each Strategic Direction, four Key Initiatives provide a framework around which we can all develop actions to strengthen our field and achieve our vision.

3.8 POINTS OF VIEW ABOUT THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATION AND INSTITUTIONS (IFLA) IFLA is the global voice of libraries, representing the interests of the profession and working to improve services worldwide. They benefit from a strong membership, a vibrant professional community, and close collaboration with partners. The point of view is the IFLA will :  Empowering libraries to enable their user communities to have equitable access to information;  Building the strategic capacity of IFLA and that of its members;  Transforming the profile and standing of the profession;  Representing the interests of IFLA's members and their users throughout the world.

The author proposed that IFLA update its website since there are so many fractions on it that it confuses people, including the author, when they access it. IFLA also deleted any websites that were no longer in use, as this is one of the causes. This might cause misunderstanding or lead to individuals receiving incorrect information about IFLA.

3.9 CONCLUSION The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) is the finest example for national and international organisations engaged in bibliographic control efforts. IFLA is a global association that provides direction, policy, mission, practises, and other resources to libraries all over the globe.To make any improvements, use information services. The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) plays a vital role in the world of libraries and encourages all libraries to achieve greater success in the future IFLA is also passionate about preparing its future to be the finest leading international organisation serving the interests of library and information services and their users, as the writers can see. Furthermore, IFLA collaborates extensively with other organisations. UNESCO, the World Trade Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization, and others have all said that IFLA membership provides significant benefits. and users, as well as providing them with beneficial services....

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