Industrial Training Report PDF

Title Industrial Training Report
Author Ayush Chaurasia
Course c language internship report
Institution Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology
Pages 6
File Size 168.6 KB
File Type PDF
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this is the training report on c language which we hae done in 20 days of our industrial training...


INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT CERTIFICATION COURSE IN C LANGUAGE Submitted in partial fulfilment of the Requirements for the award of

Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering

Name : Ayush Chaurasia University Roll No. :190180101014

SUBMITTED TO: Department of Computer Science & Engineering Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology

 About the course :

I’d done training in C language at AGL Softwares Haldwani from 5th march 2020 to 22 march 2020.  Introduction of the course : The C programming language was created by Dennis Ritchie in 1972. A low-level procedural language, C is designed to work across platforms and provide access to important features like memory management. C programming builds up the source code for many UNIX operating systems, compilers, video games, and even other computer programming languages like Python. Although it lacks more modern programming features like object-oriented programming, C remains one of the most widely used general-purpose programming languages in the world with broad applications in computer science and software engineering.  Course Content :  Learn C Basics First Turbo C++ installation: compile and run first C program – Installation guide for turbo C++. Also, refer this for getting to know the compilation and execution steps of a C program. First C Program – What all basic components work together to make a complete program. Learn little basics of C building blocks.

Keywords in C – List of reserved words and their purpose for C language.  Decision Control Statements in C If statement – Basic usage, flow and examples of if statements. If-else statement – Use of If-else in a program. Flow diagram and examples. Switch-case – How to use switch-case statements in C and what’s the role of break while using this control structure.  Loops in C For loop – Examples, flow diagrams and use of for loop in C. while loop – A guide on While loop usage with flow diagrams and examples. dowhile loop – All about do-while loop along with differences between while and dowhile.  C – Loop control statements Break statement – How and where to use break statement in a C program. Continue statement – Its syntax, usage along with few C example programs. Goto statement – How to use goto in a program and why it should be avoided while developing an application in C.  Array Tutorials in C Arrays – Array basics. 2D array – How to implement and use a 2D array in program.

Pointer to Array Passing array to function – Learn passing of an array to a function as an argument.  C – Strings Strings and String functions – All about string and string functions. A complete guide.  Functions in C C functions – What’s the use of functions and how to implement them in a program. Function Call by value method – In the call by value method the actual arguments are copied to the formal arguments, hence any operation performed by function on arguments doesn’t affect actual parameters. Function Call by Reference method – Unlike call by value, in this method, address of actual arguments (or parameters) is passed to the formal parameters, which means any operation performed on formal parameters affects the value of actual parameters.  Structure Structures in C – Complete guide for structures in C.  Pointer in C Programming C Pointers – What are pointers and how to use them. Pointer to pointer – Tutorial on pointer to pointer (Double pointer). Function Pointers – All about function pointers Passing pointer to functions – Learn how to pass a pointer to a function.

 File I/O File I/O – Learn how to perform Input/Output operations on files in C. Also, get to know the handling of text/binary files in a program.  Operator Precedence table Operator Precedence – Includes various types of operators in C.  Introduction to Dynamic Memory Allocation and Linked List 1. Allocation block of memory (Malloc) 2. Allocation Multiple Blocks of Memory : Calloc 3. Releasing the used space: free 4. Altering the size of block : Realloc 5. Concept of Linked list, Advantages of Linked list 6. Create, Insert, Delete operations of singly linked list  After doing and practicing all the above topics I start practicing for the problem solving skills and also started practicing for coding and programming questions on different coding platforms like hackerearth and codechef. This training has given me self confidence to tackle coding problems and also gave me knowledge about how coding. Afterall it was fun and very knowledgeable experience doing this....

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