Inglese B2 Riassunti Brani PDF

Title Inglese B2 Riassunti Brani
Author Laura Zanchi
Course Lingua inglese
Institution Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Pages 3
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UNIT 2: UP, UP AND AWAY The text is about construction PROJECTS. In the west of London there is a vast building site: the Heathrow Airport, that has fifty terminals. It includes also new road and rail links and transport network to London. This big construction project brings problems, like trickly techniques, the installation of electronics.. Tony Douglas is the responsible of this project. For three years he ran BAA’S (British Airports Authority) supply chain. The project is kwon as T5. He has a big responsibility because if he doesn’t complete on time and on budget, it could take the whole company down. BAA decided against giving the project to an outside supplier. The T5 agreement carries risks and BAA created a found of money precautionally to sustain any extra-costs.

UNIT 3: THINK BEFORE YOU MEET The unit is about TEAMWORK, that is ability of a group of people to work well together and to reach common goals. Every team player has one or different rules in the group. The text explains that people spend a lot of time in meetings and there is much time wasted. Managers spent three-quarts of their time in meeting and only the 25% think that they are useful. Team leader should be sure to discuss important subject matters, share important information and solve problems, before creating meetings. It’s important run meeting properties in order to create a team working. In conclusion, a meeting must be FOCUSED.

UNIT 4: HOW ABOUT NOW? INFORMATION is a key resource or modern business. Information management has a direct impact on performance. The information system is composed by people, processes and resources. IT allows this information to be shared, processed, exchanged and stored. Information systems are connected to internal or external networks. Mr. Reiner heads General Electric and he has the project to computerizing as much as possible the business, buying and selling online, sitting up digital information system the connects everything involved in company’s business. Reiner uses a color-coding system to check the status of programs. He can use the internal network to alert managers. Using monitoring software, managers have access to certain indicator of performance, so they can see how goals they reach. The new networked companies will be able to monitor their operation in real time. Real time technology will have an important impact on the work of companies.

UNIT 5: THE MARCH OF THE MOBILES The TECHNOLOGY has created innovative product and every day there are new model of electronics , and market is saturated. Nanotechnology is the new growth market. An example is mobile phone for dogs, created by a startup company. More devices not for adults will appear, because the mobile phone market is saturated. Examples of new market-sectors: children, devices for machinery equipment, phone with satellite tracking and technology for animals. With the new technology the market won’t be real saturated (/actually the market will never really be saturated) and the industry has far to go before it reaches the market limits.

UNIT 6: THE HARDER HARD SELL ADVERTISING is a means of communication between a company and costumers, used through media (like tv, radio, magazines, website..). Businesses are helped by advertising agencies to create advertising campaigns, in order to advertise their products. The advertising industry is growing thanks new variety of media and new technologies. If the consumers are better informed, the results will be better. There are different types of advertising: special offers, in-store displays, business to business, web banners, website, newspaper, direct mail .. . Some people think that advertising is a highly cost-effective way to reach a specific group of clients, and so, not every companies are good at building brand (make your brand know everybody) with less costs, like through internet.

UNIT 7: THE PEOPLE VS USA The activities of all companies are subject to national e INTERNATIONAL LAW, which establish/lay down the conditions to operate in their home market and abroad. Companies and individuals use law firm to take legal action in order to obtain compensation for harm. In a legal action there are two parts: the litigant, that brings the lawsuit against the defendant. The text is about the Sealed Air Company, that buys a company involved in a offensive litigation, the company bought, had became almost bankrupt because of litigation. There are different kind of litigations: antitrust, product liability, shareholder, contract failure. The consequent of litigation are share price falls, leaving the company opposed to more lawsuits. Litigation is a problem, because leads to large compensation payment that have negative impact to the economy. The penalty must be proportionate to the harm suffered.

UNIT 8: GUCCI BRANDS are mark of quality and they distinguishes a product from another one similar, and give a brand-identity. A brand is composed by the project, logo, name. The brand manager has the role to create a brand awareness. Text is about the brand Gucci. The name evokes prestige and luxury of an Italian brand. Gucci is a multi-brand conglomerate now. Gucci empire born in Florence in the 1921 when Guccio Gucci opened a leather shop. He concentrated the brand to an high -quality, making the products status symbol. The sons Rodolfo and Aldo took over the management and expanded the brand in cities like London, Paris, Palm Beach. In the eighteens the brand lost popularity, because of the means of distribution. The reputation returned thanks to Tom Ford, that designed new products and De Sole was the responsible of marketing. Despite hard times, Gucci remains in a strong position.

UNIT 9: FREUD, FOLLY AND FINANCE Most business venture starts as INVESTMENT by enterpriser, that is someone who starts a company and takes risks in order to make a profit or Roi. Money for a new business come from venture capital, bank or business angel. A growing business increases profits and share dividends for shareholder. Some companies invest on bonds on the global stock markets. The text is about strange decisions in people’s life. In stock market, investors dealing with the uncertainty. Daniel Kahneman touch that in bonds market the psychological insights are very important. The surveys have shown that :people are overly optimistic attitude about future gains; people negotiate easily accepting the first price quoted by the seller; people put a lot of emphasis on thing they have seen and experienced themselves; people have difficulty to admit they had wrong about decisions; people spend a lot of time for small decisions instead the big ones; people are more focused on loses than on gains. Regretting past decisions can have a negative influence on future investments.

UNIT 13: A PATH TO HELPING THE POOR The BANKING sector has 4 type of institutions: 1. Central Banks, that implement the monetary policies of government and countries, and fix interest rates for other banks. 2.Commercial Banks, that take deposits and make loans to private and to businesses. 3.Investment Banks, that provide advices or services to corporations or individual clients. 4.Microcredit Banks, that lend sum of money to people for development. Mr. Lesseps thinks that the only way to solve problems about poverty, terrorism is through investment. BlueOrehard is a microfinance institution that makes short-term loans in order to help developing countries. Microcredit loans amount $1000 or less to poor people. These people are ignored by commercial banks. Only 5% of loans are not repaid. The aims of this micro financial institution is not only make money but also help the poor investor to make money. Blue Orehard typically asks two to seven percentage points for interest rates (more than international banks) and they decides are based on risks factors. Microcredit is considered a growth market....

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