Riassunti esame inglese Prudente PDF

Title Riassunti esame inglese Prudente
Course Lingua Inglese
Institution Università degli Studi di Torino
Pages 4
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INGLESE (PROFESSORESSA PRUDENTE) English exam : comprehension and Essay 1) Read the track and underline the key words 2) Read and analyse the text, underlying (with different colours) the answers / the key concepts and the examples to use in your own production 3) Brainstorming with key words 4) Outline (scaletta) of the topic 5) Write the essay in a draft copy 6) Copy it in the fair copy (only after have red it more times, and after have controlled the translation of words)

The body of the analyses : 1) You have to analyse the title 2) The MACRO LEVEL : you have to underline the medium, genre, context, purpose 3) The MICRO LEVEL : you have to underline and understand the stance “posizione”, reader’s involvement, persuasion and judgement 4) You have to understand if he want to form the reader or to inform him 5) You have to analyse the article : Words form of verbs contrast between MONOGLOSSIC and HETEROGLOSSIC contrast between SUBJECTIVE or OBJECTIVE, IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT contrast between “me” and “the other” point of view of the author

The body of the essay : 4 (/5) principal parts : 1) Title (must recreate a sort of effect to attract the reader), and subtitle 2) Introduction : with a phrase which have to attract the public, with a general presentation of the topic and a presentation of what we are going to write about (introducing also a clear phrase, where you described the stance of the writer; you also have to put there the section from where the article has been taken) 3) Development : 2/3 concepts with obligatory examples 4) Conclusion : final concept (not to be repetitive)

TO REMEMBER : 1) The use of logical connectors (underline them in the text) 2) The use of a formal language (never use the contract form) 3) The search of synonymous during the Brainstorming 4) Change the line (on which you are writing) every time you finish your phrase and you change context. 5) Quotes like that : [“Humanity in destroyed!” (Jester Keller, The Guardian, October 10th 1982] 6) Count of the number of words  When you write you have to know who is your read ship (common reader or expert), what is your purpose (to explain, to persuade) in order to be clear and responsible of what you are doing.

GENERAL SUMMARY OF LESSONS: You have to analyse the text from two different points of view : The MACRO LEVEL (medium, genre, context, purpose) The MICRO LEVEL (stance “posizione”, reader’s involvement, persuasion and judgement) 1) Attitude of the writer is what includes the emotions of him (so what will affect the reader) , his point of view and ethics about the topic (so how he will judge the topic) and his aesthetics (so what he will appreciate about it and what not) Trough it you have to understand if the text has been written to : Form the reader (and so writes in a subjective way) Inform the reader (and so writes in an objective way) *Said what we have written before you can understand the different types of newspapers existing in England : -

The Telegraph ( of the conservatory political party)


The Guardian ( of the progresses political party, only for intellectual people)

But how can we do it? How to analyse a text in order to understand it? 

Analyse of the title : the title of an article can help you to understand better what you will read through the following lines

Analyse of the article (but not a superficial one, an deepen “approfondita” analyse of every words, because every one of them have an important meaning!) Ex : “Imagine”  the verb “imagine” can help to understand the writer wants to attract on the feelings, more than on the rationality Ex : “But, hey,…”  this word express Pathos and complicity between the writer and the reader Ex : “sensible”  this word has a double sense, it can affect the reader through the emotions, or through the five senses, it depends only from the context.

Analyse also the form of verbs in order to understand time and space (using examples in our future production), because in English they have a different meaning from the Italians. Ex : The Past Simple symbolizes actions which are ended, instead Present Perfect symbolizes an action which still has consequences on the present.

What can we understand, based on the analysis ? 

The relationship between the author and the reader : the ALIGNEMENT, the contrast between “me” and “the other”, his ENGAGEMENT in the topic. Ex : when the author wants to attract the attention of everyone (common people and intellectual expert people) uses technical details with an informal language

The point of view of the author (his ATTITUDE), who can reject something through a NEGATION, who can PROCLAIM something through words like “obviously”, who can SUPPOSE something (“perhaps”), or who can ATTRIBUTE some quotes to x (“X said….”). In this way you know if he agrees with the other or not, and you can understand how he wants to AFFECT the reader (so his JUDGMENT on the topic)

The contrast between SUBJECTIVE and OBJECTIVE, IMPLICIT and EXPLICIT : because in the academic language the writer has to be objective and clear, but a journalist, in order to attract the attention of the readers, sometime explains his idea in an explicit way or in an implicit one (for example if he speaks about political topics, which are more delicate).

The contrast between MONOGLOSSIC (use of a single type of language) and HETEROGLOSSIC (use of different types of language)

The “MUST KNOW” : Heteroglossic VS Monoglossic : -

Heteroglossic : it can be a phrase, where more opinions are described or discussed one with the other .


Monoglossic : it can be a phrase, whit only one point of view (probably from the author)

Entertain : it is a subjective explicit phrase, where the author says perfectly what he thinks snd his point of view (Personally I think, I feel, …) [Date of the Brexit : 23 June 2016]...

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