Inglese domande esame PDF

Title Inglese domande esame
Course Lingua inglese
Institution Università Telematica Pegaso
Pages 6
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FIL FILE E AIU AIUTTO IIN NGL GLES ES ESE E uso so più aamp mp mpio io ris rispe pe petto tto a ma man ny 1. “A LOT OF” ha: Un u “MUCH” È generalmente usato: Con gli un 2. unco co coun un untab tab table le no noun un unss 3. Siaa p per er i co cou unta ntabl bl ble en no ouns cche he pe perr gl glii u unc nc ncou ou ount nt ntab ab able le nou ouns ns “SOME“ si usa: Si 4. gott ….. A headache: I’ve go ….. ANY orange juice in the fridge: Is th 5. there ere ….. CHILDREN are singing in the concert: How m 6. man an anyy 7. Does he get up up ….. EARLY in the morning: Does ….. FROM England: Do yyou 8. ou co com me ….. FROM your bedroom window: Wha 9. hatt ccan an yo you u sse ee 10. ….. GO TO the cinema after the conference: Wo Would uld yo you u llik ik ike e to 11. ….. MY bike. Do you like it: Thi Thiss is 12. ….. MY demonstration last night: Did he w watc atc atch h 13. ….. SCHOOL do you go to? St. Mary's or Highlands: Which 14. ….. SKATEBOARD is this: Whose 15. ….. TO the airport? If so, could you give me a lift? I am afraid I’ll miss my flight if I don’t hurry up: Are you goin going? g? 16. ….. WHEN he is not at work: What d does oes Jim do? 17. ….. YOU ever visited London: Have 18. ….. YOUR umbrella, it's raining: Tak Take e 19. who o A SCAPTIC customer is someone ….. doesn’t believe to all your publicity: wh 20. AN AIRPLANE is ….. a car: fas faster ter tha than n 21. ATTRAVERSO quale meccanismo di formazione lessicale (word formation) si formano i termini “unfold” e “misadventure”: Affixat ffixation ion 22. BEN HAS bought another stamp. He really likes collecting them, …..: does oesn’t n’t b be? e? 23. COME ON, I really need this favour! You will lend me your car, ….. you: Won’ on’tt 24. COME tradurresti la frase Kevin è il maggiore di tre figli: Kevin is the eld eldest est of thr three ee so sons ns 25. COMPLETA in modo corretto la seguente frase: “we’ll go by taxi …..”: If it ra rains ins 26. COMPLETA In modo corretto la seguente frase: ”YOU WOULD PASS THE ESAM ….. ”: If yo you u stu studied died h hard ard arder er 27. COMPLETA la seguente frase: I was driving to the post office when …..: I saw Gi Giorgi orgi orgio o 28. COMPLETA la seguente frase: The Hotel restaurant was …..: On th the e sec second ond flo floor or 29. COULD YOU ….. this form, please? We need all your details before we sign the contract: fi fillll iin n 30. DOES she ….. the date of the exam: reme emembe mbe mberr

31. EXCUSE me, is there a post office near here? Yes, there’s one on King’s Road ….. the supermarket: Next to 32. EXCUSE me. Where can I buy some sausages, please: At a bu butc tc tche he her's r's 33. EXCUSE, that pen you just put in your pocket is .....: Mine 34. GIUSEPPE Garibaldi,….. monument we saw earlier in the square, was nicknamed “the hero of two worlds”: Who Whose se 35. GOOD afternoon mrs. Jones, .....: Is Bo Bob b at hom home e 36. HE ….. a shower before he goes to work: Has 37. HE earned ….. last year: a llot ot o off m mone one oneyy 38. HE passed his English exam very: easily 39. HE was mowing the lawn when I ….. him yesterday: saw 40. HONEY IS ….. than apple jam, don’t you think: sw sweete eete eeterr 41. HOW ….. she see her friend: Of Often ten do does es 42. HOW many people ….. in your family: are tthere here 43. HOW much ….. where you live?: Do h hous ous ouses es ccost ost 44. I ALWAYS ….. an ice-cream on a hot day!: enj enjoy oy eeatin atin atingg 45. I AM ….. the football match on TV tonight: wat watchi chi ching ng 46. I AM not going to watch this film. It’s …… !: Frig Frighte hte htening ning 47. I AM sorry I can’t be of service. I’d gladly help you. If I …..: Coul Could d 48. I ASKED her …..: not go aw away ay 49. I CAN'T find my glasses anywhere, ….. them?: ha have ve yo you u see seen n 50. I DON’T know which of these two handbags I should buy. The red one’s nicer, but it’s also …..: More expe expensiv nsiv nsive e 51. I KNOW I told you I’d do it, but now I realize I’m not … it: Up 52. I LIKE going to the swimming pool ….. the summer: In 53. I LIKE to cycle ….. the river in the afternoon: al along ong 54. I SOSTANTIVI non Numerabili: Hann anno o so solo lo llaa fform orm ormaa sin singola gola golare re 55. I THINK that her job is ….. then mine: bett etter er 56. I USED to be able to speak German, but now ….. It:: I’v I’ve e for forgotte gotte gotten n it 57. I WAS speaking slowly, but he ….. understand me: co could uld n not ot 58. I’D LIKE ….. on holidays next month: to go 59. I’M HUNGRY ….. for a pizza: Let’s go 60. I’M SORRY, but I’m not sure I quite understand what you want, ..… you be more specific?: Co Could uld 61. I’M SORRY, I have no chalk for you to write on your blackboard. You … some in that drawer, though: might ffin in ind d 62. IF I ….. time, I'll go to the hairdresser's: hav ave e 63. IF IT’S sunny we’ll go for a walk, but if ..... I guess we’ll have to stay inside: It rai rains ns 64. IF YOU don’t know a world in English, you can always ….. in a dictionary: look it up

65. IL FUTURO con “to be going to” si usa per: Ind Indicare icare l’in l’inte te tenzi nzi nzione one di com compie pie piere re un’ un’azi azi azio one ffut ut utur ur uraa 66. IL PARADIGMA di un verbo irregolare: È semp sempre re ccom om omposto posto da ttre re el eleme eme ementi nti 67. IL PASSATO dei verbi regolari si forma aggiungendo la desinenza: “ed” aalla lla for forma ma bas base e de dell vver er erbo bo 68. IL PAST continuous indica: Un Un’az ’az ’azion ion ione e co continu ntinu ntinuata ata n nel el pa passat ssat ssato o 69. IL PRESENT Perfect si forma in base alla seguente struttura: Sogg Soggetto etto + aausi usi usiliare liare +p par ar artici tici ticipio pio pa pass ss ssat at ato o 70. IL PRESENT perfect si usa quando: Manca un p precis recis reciso o rif riferim erim eriment ent ento o tem tempora pora porale le 71. IL PRESENT progressive viene normalmente usato in inglese per descrivere: Azi Azioni oni di na natura tura tem tempo po poran ran ranea ea 72. IL SIMPLE past può tradursi in Italiano: con il pass passato ato remo remoto, to, il pa passa ssa ssato to pr pross oss ossimo imo o ll’im ’im ’impe pe perfe rfe rfetto tto 73. IL SIMPLE present viene normalmente usato per descrivere: azioni com compiute piute con una d dete ete etermin rmin rminaata ffre re requ qu quenz enz enzaa 74. IL SUPERLATIVO dell’aggettivo “bad” (cattivo) è: Wors orstt 75. IL TERMINE “environment-friendly” è un composto formato da: sostan ostantivo tivo + avv avverbio erbio 76. IL VERBO "have got": Si com comport port portaa co come me verb verbo o aausili usili usiliare are 77. IL VERBO “can“ è usato: Per esp esprim rim rimere ere un’ un’abi abi abilità, lità, una cap apaci aci acità tà tà,, pe perr fa fare re una rich richies ies iesta ta o ch chied ied iedere ere un p perm erm ermesso esso 78. IN INGLESE il passato remoto del verbo “parlare” è: Spok Spoke e 79. IN INGLESE la formazione del comparativo di maggioranza: Com Comport port portaa varia variazion zion zionii mo morfo rfo rfolo lo logic gic giche he p per er gli agg agget et ettivi tivi m monos onos onosilla illa illabici bici e b bisi isi isilla lla llabici bici 80. IN INGLESE la preposizione di tempo 'in' è usata per indicare: Le sta stagioni gioni 81. IN INGLESE la preposizione di tempo usata in riferimento ai giorni della settimana è: On 82. IN INGLESE, la formazione del superlativo: Com Compo po porta rta varia variazio zio zioni ni mo morfo rfo rfolo lo logic gic giche he pe perr gli ag agget get gettivi tivi m monos onos onosill ill illabi abi abici ci e bi bisilla silla sillabic bic bicii 83. IN QUALE delle seguenti frasi la “Question tag”è usata correttamente: It was a ter terrib rib rible le exp experie erie erienc nc nce, e, w was as asn’t n’t it 84. IN UNA frase del passato, l’espressione “USED TO” (es: I used to smoke a lot 10 years ago) serve ad esprimere: Un’a Un’abit bit bitudin udin udine e del pass passato ato che no non n corri corrispo spo sponde nde più al pres present ent ente e 85. INDICA tra le quattro qual è La frase corretta: Last mon onth, th, I we went nt to Ro Rome me wi with th the them m 86. IS JOHN in ….. bedroom: his 87. IT STARTED to rain while I ….. for the bus: Wa Wass wa waiti iti iting ng 88. IT’S Not fair!! You’re always picking ….. me!: On 89. IT’S really hot today, ….. a cold drink: Woul ould d yo you u lik like e

90. JACK often ….. his kite on the beach: Flie Fliess 91. JOHN has good marks at school, but mine are …..: bette betterr 92. L’AFFERMAZIONE “I live in Rome” risponde alla domanda: Wher here e do yo you u lilive? ve? 93. L’AFFERMAZIONE “it’s mine” risponde alla domanda: Wh Whose ose u um mbrel brella la is it? 94. LA FORMA affermativa contratta del verbo essere è solitamente usata: Ad un livel livello lo pi più ù iinfo nfo nformal rmal rmale e di co com munic unicaz az azio io ione ne 95. LA FORMA interrogative della frase“ Fiona was asleep” è: Was Fi Fiona ona a slee sleep? p? 96. LA FRASE “Jason has got a few friends in Boston” significa: Jas Jason on ha qu qualc alc alche he am amico ico a Bosto Boston n 97. LA FRASE “less and less people have a permanent job“ significa: Son Sono o se semp mp mpre re me meno no le pe perso rso rsone ne ccon on un pos posto to fis fisso so 98. LA FRASE ipotetica di second tipo (second conditional) viene usata per indicare una condizione: Poc Poco o pro probabil babil babile e 99. LA MODALITA' deontica esprime: Un obbl obblig ig igo o nei co confr nfr nfron on onti ti del des destina tina tinatario tario del me mess ss ssagg agg aggio io 100. LA PREPOSIZIONE "from" esprime: Modo da luog luogo o 101. LAST Tuesday I ….. to the passport office: ha had d to ggo o 102. LE VARIAZIONI ortografiche relative al present progressive riguardano: Il verb verbo o prin principa cipa cipale le 103. LISTEN! The boy next door ….. the guitar: Is p play lay laying ing 104. LUCKY Tom! He's ….. to Mexico in the morning: Fl Flying ying 105. MY brother is an absolute beginner when it comes to learning English, but I ….. five years: Have bee been n st stud ud udying ying it fo forr 106. MY company’s ….. are in Milan: head eadqua qua quarte rte rters rs 107. MY dad goes to work ….. 7 o’clock: At 108. MY secretary ….. making coffee for me: Hates 109. MY secretary ….. making coffee for me: does oesn’t n’t lilike ke 110. NEL genitivo sassone il possessore: Può es esse se sere re rap rappres pres presenta enta entato to da pe perso rso rsone ne ne,, ani animali mali o ssogg ogg ogget et etti ti iina na nanima nima nimati ti 111. NELL’AMBITO della “Word Formation” (formazione lessicale), il fenomeno della conversione può implicare: Un cam cambiam biam biamento ento ortog ortografic rafic rafico, o, fon fonolo olo ologico gico e il pas passagg sagg saggio io da una ccate ate ategori gori goriaa gr gram am amma ma matica tica ad un’a n’alt lt ltra ra 112. NELLA frase ipotetica di primo tipo (first conditional) in lingua inglese la frase principale è al:: Fu Futuro turo 113. NELLE frasi affermative del verbo essere, gli avverbi di frequenza come “often” e “rarely” si collocano: Do Dopo po il ve verb rb rbo o es essere sere 114. NELLE risposte brevi, gli avverbi di frequenza come “often” e “rarely” si collocano: Prim rimaa d dell’a ell’a ell’ausilia usilia usiliare re do do/doe /doe /doess 115. NEXT SUMMER my wife and I are going to greece. You've been there, ….. You? What's it like?: hav haven en en't 't OH DEAR! There aren't ….. chairs for fifteen people!: Eno Enough ugh

116. OUR daughter ….. to run her own business: is llear ear earning ning 117. OH DEAR! There aren't ….. chairs for fifteen people!: Eno Enoug ug ugh h 118. OUR employees’ ….. is from 12.30 to 1.30: lun lunch ch tim time e 119. OUR marketing manager ….. your customers last month: me mett 120. Our marketing staff ….. your client last week: Met 121. PER esprimere un’azione pianificata nel futuro useremo: Il pres present ent cont continu inu inuous ous con va valore lore di ffutu utu uturo ro 122. PONI al futuro la seguente frase: I can’t come to the meeting today: I won won’t ’t be abl able e to co come me to th the e meeti eeting ng tom tomor or orrow row 123. QUALE delle seguenti affermazioni relative agli aggettivi possessivi in lingua inglese è falsa: Son Sono o pre precedu cedu ceduti ti da un arti artico co colo lo 124. RISPETTO all’Italiano la coniugazione verbale in lingua inglese risulta forma semplificata: Nella forma 125. SALLY invited me out to dinner, but I told her …..: I’d aalre lre lread ad adyy ea eaten ten 126. SAM, have you got ….. red pen, please: A 127. SHE ….. a house in the town centre: has go gott 128. SHE ….. to run her own business:: iiss le leaarnin rningg 129. SHE got ready for her presentation ….. a moment: in 130. SHE used to live in London when ….. for that company: She w wor or orked ked 131. SI USA il simple past anziché il present perfect quando: L’eve L’evento nto desc descrit rit ritto to ne nella lla fra frase se no non n pro produce duce pi più ù eff effetti etti su sull p prese rese resent nt nte e 132. SORRY I'm late mum. I'll get home as ….. as I can: Soon 133. SORRY, I ….. any cake to give you: Have aven’t n’t ggot ot 134. THANK You, …..: you' ou're re we welco lco lcome me 135. THAT email is for ….., not for Paula: me 136. THAT little boy is my ….. : Son 137. THE best option in life in not always …..: The ea easie sie siest st 138. THE comedy ….. was on TV last night was very funny: Which 139. THE game was exciting, ….. it?: wasn’t 140. THE girl with the blonde ….. is my sister: Ha Hair ir 141. THE jeans in the shop ….. in the other shop: Are Aren't n't aass cchea hea heap p aass 142. THE pizzas are finally here! You ….. have the margherita or the marinara. The choice is yours: Can 143. The Robinsons always go ….. the mountains ….. holiday: To/o To/on n 144. THE say the world’s oil reserves ……………run out in about half a century. I wonder how we will manage then: Ar Are e goi going ng to 145. THE Service in this restaurant is awful. Can you believe it? …..three quarters of an hour for my main Course, and there’s still no sign of it: I’I’ve ve b been een wa waiti iti iting ng 146. THERE isn’t ….. water in the bottle, we’ll have to buy another one: much 147. THERE’S someone at the door, …… I get it: Shall

148. THEY ….. a beautiful house: Ha Have ve go gott 149. THIS car has seen better days. I’d buy a new one if I ….. the money: Ha Had d 150. THIS package is really heavy! Give me a hand with it, ….. you: Wi Willll 151. TIM always ….. a big English breakfast: has 152. TRA le seguenti l’espressione avverbiale che indica una maggiore frequenza rispetto alle altre è: Tw Twice ice aan nh hour our 153. WE’VE chosen them, because their service is ….. in the market: th the e cchea hea heapest pest 154. WE’VE got a big gym ….. our school: Behi Behind nd 155. WENDY ….. sing but she’s a fantastic dancer: Can Can’t ’t 156. WHAT ….. When he is not at work: d does oes Jim do 157. WHAT are you ….. ? I’m ….. a delicious cake: Do Doing ing ing/ma /ma /making king 158. WHAT time ….. in your office for the meeting: did sh she e aarrive rrive 159. WHAT time ….. to bed during the week: Do yo you u us usuall uall uallyy go 160. WHAT time do you ….. in the morning: Get up 161. WHAT were you doing at 7:30 on Sunday evening? I …..TV: Wa Wass wa watch tch tchin in ingg 162. WHEN doing a multiple choice exercise, you should always read all the options …..: Ca Caref ref refully ully 163. WHEN I have a cold, I always ….. a lot: sne neez ez eze e 164. WHY are you wearing my new pink jeans? …..!: ta take ke tthem hem of offf 165. YOU ….. do this if You don’t feel ready: Don on’t ’t h hav av ave e to 166. YOU ….. feel guilty for what happened. It wasn’t your fault: Mu Must st stn’t n’t 167. YOU ….. open the door before the train gets into the station. It's very dangerous: Mu Mustn stn stn’t ’t 168. YOU don't have any plans for today? Great! ….. go to the cinema with me: How abo about ut...

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