Intership Report FTMK UTeM Alimin PDF

Title Intership Report FTMK UTeM Alimin
Author Alimin Adlan
Pages 29
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Name of Student


Faculty Supervisor


Industry Supervisor


Training Period


Name of Organization



TRAINING PERIOD: 18/02/2019 – 02/08/2019


This industrial training report is submitted to Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka In partial fulfillment for Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligent)



With all my might I praise to Allah, our creator, for given me this opportunity. as I am given a chance to put an end to my short journey as student by finishing this industrial training program successfully. I like to thank him for giving a will to go on, a good health and ability to go through my industrial training program without any blocking and peacefully deliver my end. Thank you to my supervisor from Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligent), BITI, Dr. Abdul Karim Bin Mohamad for helping me and the rest of my course mates who have further expertise in professional league with lots of information and encouragement during this lonely journey. Many thanks to all BITI lecturer who have been given a lot of support and helping with the industrial training process and giving this opportunity to go last journey as student as industrial training trainee. Next, I would like to thank my host company supervisor, Mr. Khairul Faiz, the Senior Developer, Mr. Syed, the Senior Developer and Mr. Farid, the Senior Developer cum Team Leader, for giving me an opportunity to undergo my industrial training in Brainy Bunch Sdn. Bhd. I would like to thank all the staffs in IT Department for giving me a warm welcome and hospitality while my industrial training. I like to extend my thanks to my mom who always support me with the decision I’m making and my late dad for bringing me up and feel so sorry because he can never saw his son graduate and finally have his own life. Lastly, to my friends who give support calling and WhatsApp asking my well being as an industrial training trainee.



This industrial training report serves the purpose to record the details of my industrial training which was conducted in Brainy Bunch Sdn. Bhd. which is one of the many international Islamic Montessori in Malaysia where the headquarters where conduct my training at Raudhah City, Cyber Valley, Cyberjaya. This report will cover the details of my industrial training in IT department for a duration of six months which began from 18 th February till 2nd August 2019 at Brainy Bunch Sdn. Bhd. which is located at Raudhah City, Cyber Valley, Cyberjaya. Students who are undertaking the computer science degree in Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) are compulsory to undergo an industrial training at one of the IT company in or out of Malaysia for period of six months prior to graduating. Students can make their own choices to enter any IT company they want for their internship, as long the IT company is registered and recognized by MCMC. This is to ensure that students will getting the exposure to involve in IT related works instead of non-related works.






3 4 5 6 7

INTRODUCTION 1.1 Duration And Place of Training 1.2 Objective of Industrial Training

8 9

INTRODUCTION OF ORGANIZATION 2.1 Background of Organization 2.2 Business Orientation 2.3 Organizational Chart of Department 2.4 Function of Department

10 11 11 11

PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Task Specification 3.2 Implementation and Solution Method 3.3 Results of Task 3.4 Advantage, Disadvantage and Suggestion for Task Improvement 3.5 Knowledge and Skills Gain

12 13 18 18 20

Conclusion 4.1 Contribution Towards Organization 4.2 Conclusion

21 22




1. Figure 2.1 Brainy Bunch logo. 2.Figure 3.1: Composer logo 3. Figure 3.2: Laragon setup windows. 4. Figure 3.3: Example of Laragon’s command prompt. 5. Figure 3.4: Example of gitKraken branches. 6. Figure 3.5: GitHub logo. 7.Figure 3.6: Admin module bill view list. 8. Figure 3.7: Admin module bill view.



1. UTeM - Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka 2. IT – Information Technology 3. Sdn. Bhd - Sendirian Berhad 4. PA system - public address system 5. HOD – Head of Department 6. OS – Operating System



The industrial training program is a platform for final year student to go through an actual workplace and gain experience and perform the theories and practices learn in the class to the professional stage. BITU3926: Industrial training is a good opportunity for student to learn and gain experience and make preparation to get into professional world. There is word saying, “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience”. In our journey, we may stumble upon a rock but that does not inhibit our ability to keep gaining experience as we are trying to live a life we choose. Doing industrial training in actual workplace give you a lot of opening, it will also help you knowing what a real industry looks like, what the latest technologies people using out there. Other than that, it also helps you develop an attitude toward your workplace and how to deal with many kinds of people you might not know as a student. I as final year student must go through the industrial training as it is compulsory for me to graduate but I don’t see it as a burden instead as a challenge for me. Being expose to new workplace, a real workplace where there is multiple layered of organization chart. How am I going to implement all the theories and practical practices I have been learning until now into real world working environment? To think that I’m quite lucky to have study in Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka where all syllabus has practical practice in lab. Even though it was not enough, it is still enough for me to grab a fundamental before joining the team for a bigger project. In some ways, through the industrial training or industrial training, I also learned that I am still lacking in many ways when it come as an employee or myself. Being in industrial training giving me a proper look into myself and identify my strengths and weaknesses. There is saying from Immanuel Kant, “Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play.” Another reason I choose to take the industrial training is to be preparing myself to work in more challenging work environment. Life in school and university is incomparable with working life. Working life is challenging in many aspects as it requires great effort, commitment, and abilities, those are something that I need to be prepared and trained to. Other than that, I can gain professional skill by taking this industrial training course. At the same time, I also want to improve my communication skills and ability to interact with people. Realizing that by being part of working society, I will need to meet different people around the office, and I will have to communicate with them to settle their needs. Undergoing the industrial training also helps me learn through my learning in class can be implement through industrial training. Not only that, I am able to undergo challenges which is normal in working life 8


Duration and Place of Training

During my 6 months of industrial training, I want to actively take part in company project and contribute my knowledge obtained during my study for example creating a new page in an already develop system and handling all queries and controllers. I could see how developing system for mass use and development make during workshop 1 and final year project are different in term of time taking, size of the team and release in production. At the same time, I want to uphold the vision and mission of my host company in achieving its objective of establishment. I go through my industrial training course for the duration of approximately 18 weeks excluding holidays. I chose Brainy Bunch Sdn. Bhd. as my host company for me to complete my industrial training. I have several reasons of choosing this place to do my industrial training. First, the host company provide a hostel for staff. Thus, it would be much easier for me to go work cause the hostel is near to the workplace and it be advantage for me who live quite far from the host company. Secondly, I wanted to have a full of excitement and experiences period of industrial training. I had never gone to an education institution with IT background as backing. This is so different for me and I have experience something new every day. Perhaps, all the experiences while having industrial training in Brainy Bunch Sdn. Bhd. will be beneficial in future.


Objective of Industrial Training

The objective of having this industrial training are: 1. To give exposure to the students to the real working life; 2. Enable student to develop a deeper understanding on the course they are undertaking; 3. To provide the appropriate work-related trainings to students in the field of IT profession.




Background of Organisation

I did my industrial training at Brainy Bunch Sdn. Bhd. Raudhah City, Cyberjaya and I have gained a lot of knowledge and experiences. Brainy Bunch Sdn. Bhd. is a business centered around Islamic Montessori and private Islamic international school. Brainy bunch founded in 2010 now runs 105 campuses supporting 6000 students across Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Palestine. A Brainy Bunch subsidiary, RaudhahPay, provides technology services to these campuses. Brainy Bunch aims to provide education services to 1 million students across 6,500 campuses worldwide by 2030. The education provider has won strong support from the Malaysian Government and financial institutions for its ability to produce dynamic Muslim individuals fluent in English. One of the keys to success for Brainy Bunch is the creation of communication channels that enable parents to provide feedback, which the organisation uses to improve its services.

Figure 2.1 Brainy Bunch logo.



Business Orientation

For my being with my host company, Brainy Bunch, I have learned that Brainy Bunch use marketing-oriented business where the company did a lot of marketing through ads and brand placement. For 6 months of my training, there were time I indirectly working with marketing department for data entry work and from time to time my Head of Department, Mr. Azarul Hakim will press on marketing our department own brand, RaudhahPay and


Organizational Chart of Department I was assigned to Information Technology Department lead by Azarul Hakim as a

Chief Technological Officer and its Head of Department in which the department consists of a total of 8 employees. IT Department was established for the purpose to ensure that the Brainy Bunch technical support flow smoothly. IT Department is place where I learn and present all knowledge and wisdoms. IT Department exist since 2014 or so with only 2 support IT not including IT infrastructure. Starting January 2019, IT Department increase with adding a new team which is development team. Development team handle all development and production of RaudhahPay and until recently added Aischool, a school management system. The organizational chart of IT Department is starting with our Head of Department, Mr. Azarul Hakim, Mdm. Mardhiah and Mdm. Akmariza as IT Support unit, Mr. Shahidan, Mr. Afiq and Mr. Mahathir as IT infrastructure team unit, Mr. Farid Yusof, Mr. Syed Nasharudin, Mr. Khairul Faiz and Mr. Ridhuan Daud as IT Development team unit.


Function of Department

Brainy Bunch IT department mostly working on supporting technical stuff such as problems with laptop or computer also cloud printer setup. But with addition of development team, IT department also work on developing main project RaudhahPay, a payment gateway system and working on AiSchool, a school management system for all Brainy Bunch campuses. By addition with RaudhahPay, IT department also work on bill settlement for every bill purchase using RaudhahPay.




Task Specification

I started my industrial training on 18th February and ended on 2nd August 2019. As a trainee in Brainy Bunch, I was expected to work according to the office hours from 8 am until 5 pm. But sometimes, I started to work a bit early and mostly ended exceed the office hours because of the commitment of the works which mostly ad hoc job that is outside my job scope. My job description basically to assist development team in developing RaudhahPay. RaudhahPay is a payment gateway mostly using by a parent to pay a school fee. RaudhahPay rate per transaction is one of the lowest in Malaysia and has support for FPX transaction, debit/credit card transaction and offline payment. Apart from that, RaudhahPay is a core project that me and development team had been run for production. Assisting IT Support team and IT Infrastructure also one of many works I did. The task like managing public address (PA) system, data entry and company website management give me a few benefits in enhancing my non-job related skill but a professional skill seeking by a lot of other company role like Human Resource (HR) and admin clerk also providing me a skill that that is usable and useful for me if I want to look into another career path such event manager for handling PA system. In my main task, I must assist the development team to maintain our IT department product which is a subsidiary of Brainy Bunch, RaudhahPay. For me to maintaining the RaudhahPay, my supervisors have assigned me to learn Yii2 framework which is a PHP framework that use for developing RaudhahPay. Yii is a high performance, component-based PHP framework for rapidly developing modern Web applications. The name Yii can be considered as the acronym for Yes It Is! Yii2 inherits the main spirit behind Yii for being a simple, fast and highly extensible PHP framework. It take me a week to learn and after that I have to download Laragon, a local web host for my local database and GitKraken, a repository system that connected to git server and also a task management schedule which then change to Trello because of pricing and an easy to use compared to GitKraken.



Implementation and Solution Method

At the beginning of the task, I was task to make bill view in admin module. First, I need to download and install composer into my workstation. I then asking them to ask how they install composer into their workstation, apparently, they are using different operating system than mine which is I’m using windows and they are using macOS for developing workstation. Because of different OS issue they suggest me using Laragon, a localhost server. By downloading Laragon, I can download and install composer into my workstation with ease with using laragon own command prompt and installing following the documentation readied at laragon host website.

Figure 3.1: Composer logo


Figure 3.2: Laragon setup windows.

Figure 3.3: Example of Laragon’s command prompt.


Using laragon, I can setup my local database and before starting my work I must clone the git repository into my gitKraken that I have install into my workstation. Cloning process is a bit tricky for me as I am not familiar with using git repository system and this is my first time using such thing for software developing. By using the uniform resource locator (URL) I can clone a copy of git repository version into my gitKraken in my local workstation. After that, I must create a local workspace for my first task. I need to create a branch from a branch 1.2.2. After the branch is created, I can start my first task creating a bill view for admin module.

Figure 3.4: Example of gitKraken branches.

I take my time to complete my task, as it is very challenging for me as I did not have any prior knowledge of using Yii2 framework. But it is fun to learn that, I can code in simple ways and have flexibility in my coding. After done my first task I was task with several task that is to improve my bill view in admin view. By doing this, made me think of the design and what kind of plugin should I use for my view. Of course, the main thing is the functionality of model of my module. Because of this I have done a lot of experimenting and trying what design fit into my admin module.


Figure 3.5: GitHub logo.

Figure 3.6: Admin module bill view list.


Figure 3.7: Admin module bill view.

During 6 months of my training, I have accumulated various experiences and wider my knowledge through activities and tasks had been assigned to me. My HOD, Mr. Azarul Hakim, encourage me to try working with another department and diverse my task across the department. As I have been explaining on my main and core tasks and relating these experiences with the course that I have at UTeM especially Artificial Intelligence core and elective courses. My field of work require me to involve in developing a web-based application by using PHP language and JavaScript language. This kind of work make me work with user requirement and how to meet them. This closure of task given can be related to one of my relative course subjects which is Web Development. My task is programming to fix bug and added view to module. It is sad that none of my task involve with artificial intelligence which is my core. But in future, when the next phase of development implementation of artificial intelligent can be made when e-wallet is implemented.



Result of Task

The task that I have been working on all is being recorded inside Trello and I can see the progress of my last task and my current task. Improving every day, instead of not knowing my process and progress by keep shorten my time taken to complete all the task. By doing this I can see my improvement and let me assess my skill and knowledge at the same time. The result of the task can be seen by accessing to since this is where all my work will be deployed. Seeing my work were used by public I feel some kind of achievement. The feeling of looking at something that you make and how it was accepted and use in production is very satisfying for me.


Advantage, Disadvantage and Suggestion for Task Improvement

Through all task given to me, I can assure that I have deliver with my utmost care and completing with success and accepted by my supervisor and code reviewer for development team. Of course, there is imperfection from me as I am currently learning and trying to improve myself. As Abigail Adams once says, “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” As it is saying something like godsend and gift might happe...

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