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SO602: Social Research Methods Carmen Kee (ck404) Qualitative Research Project Word Count: Interview transcript: Interview 1/3: Interviewer: Good afternoon, today I’ll be asking you a few questions based on your personal opinion and briefly reflecting on your higher education experience for a research project I am carrying out. I want you to feel completely comfortable and be as honest as possible, but if you do at any point feel out of your comfort zone or may wish to withdraw, please do let me know. Do you have any further questions before we proceed with the interview? Participant: Will my participation in this interview remain anonymous? Interviewer: Of course, the recording will be deleted as soon as I transcribe the interview and will be stored in a safe place to ensure confidentiality whilst this process is taking place. Participant: Alright that’s fine, thank you. Interviewer: So, let’s get started, I want to know more about you so I can understand you better, how old are you? Participant: I’m 19 years old at the moment but I’ll be 20 soon Interviewer: What university or higher education institution are you studying at? Participant: I’m currently studying at the university of Kent, studying 2 nd year marketing. Interviewer: If you had to describe your time at university, would it be more positive or negative? Participant: Is that in terms of my course or the experience in general including social factors? Interviewer: It can be about anything to do with your personal experience at university, or you can generalise it as a whole if you prefer. Participant Well socially, I feel like everyone is quite friendly here. As in, you do get the odd snobby people on your course but overall, I feel like everyone knows we’re in the same boat. I have found friends who I know will be my friends for life and I think that’s what makes my personal experience so positive and makes me enjoy coming to uni rather than just for the purpose of learning. Don’t get me wrong, my course is really interesting and I do enjoy it, but knowing I have so many people around me with the same interests and that I get along with so well makes it an even better experience for me. Interviewer: That’s so good to hear, I’ve spoken to so many people who are completely unhappy with being at university more to do with social factors so it’s really good to hear you’re enjoying it! I guess some people just have more luck than others in situations like these and you just have to take things as they come. So, is your experience at university now similar to what you expected it to be before you came? Participant: To be honest, I was terrified to start this journey of my life. I remember I used to sit there and realise that one day I would be alone, not knowing anyone and having to get on with life as normal in this new world. Like I don’t know, I always thought in my mind it would be like entering a world where everything was already functioning as normal and I’m just joining not knowing anything or anyone. When I started though, I realised that everyone kinda knows we’re all in the same boat and everyone’s just so nice to each other. I’d say it’s nothing like how I expected it to be, it’s a lot better and I felt so relieved when I realised I was just overthinking it.

SO602: Social Research Methods Carmen Kee (ck404) Qualitative Research Project Word Count: Interviewer: Yeah, to be honest I think that’s how most people think before they start university because I know that’s definitely what I thought as well. I remember being dropped off by my best friend and literally cried when she left because I felt alone after that point but I was fine after I started to interact with my flatmates who I did not expect to be that friendly. Have you encountered any issues whilst being here that you weren’t expecting? Participant: Well of course I was expecting the whole moving in and getting to know people experience to be so much more different to how it turned out to be but also, I’d say the importance of money management was a shock to me because I didn’t realise how much you had to manage your funds here. Before I came, all my older friends made it seem like student loan had you covered for life, like I saw them all flash designer clothing and I thought yeah, it’s going to be a breeze but the reality of it was nothing like that. I don’t think I’ve struggled that much financially in my life. Interviewer: I think a lot of students get caught up in the idea that student loan will provide everything you need and more and get really excited with the amount of money that will be coming in without taking into consideration having to pay for necessities like food and rent. I never believed it would be this difficult either to be honest, it can even get to the point where you sometimes even feel like you can’t even invest in small things of interest. Do you have any hobbies or specific areas of interest? Participant: Not really, I don’t have an area of life that I’m really passionate about but I’d say I really do enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends. Interviewer: Family time does put a smile on everyone’s faces doesn’t it. So, have you been to any live music shows or anything like that before? It doesn’t have to be with family, it could be with anyone in general. Participant: Hmmm, I’ve been to a few concerts to see hip hop artists that I like but I don’t think I’ve ever been to like a proper live music show with people in suits and stuff. Interviewer: Oh, that’s interesting, I know there’s only very few people who have been to live music shows especially at our age. I know I definitely haven’t. Participant: Yeah, I feel like it’s one of those things you go to if your parents are middle class and actually enjoy things like that otherwise no one would really go out of their way to go to one, because they’re usually quite expensive as well. Interviewer: I agree, when you’re young you’re kind of forced into liking what your parents do and even when you get older, I feel like young people are less likely to take an interest in activities like this because of how expensive it can be. Participant: Yeah, that’s exactly it. Interviewer: So, are you the first in your family to attend higher education? Participant: Yeah, I am, my parents weren’t privileged enough to be able to go to university which is why it was a big thing when I decided to go. Obviously, we have more opportunity nowadays with student finance and government support which probably didn’t exist back in the day when my parents and other members of my family were young so they might have wanted to but just lacked the opportunities to. Interviewer: I think that’s the case with many young people nowadays, that’s why we should all be grateful for the opportunities we have and work harder because in some countries, this wouldn’t even be an option for some simply because of money. Do you think your parents are financially supportive of your higher education?

SO602: Social Research Methods Carmen Kee (ck404) Qualitative Research Project Word Count: Participant: Well my parents don’t have the best jobs in the world and they don’t earn loads but I must say, they do try really hard to help me when I need it. For example, they pay my rent for me and will give me money if I desperately need it but it’s not often because I know they don’t have a lot and I don’t want to carry on being a burden. I feel like a part of the experience is the struggle and being able to work through it by yourself. Interviewer: That’s really good, of course parents are going to be worried when you move out because at the back of their minds their biggest worry is probably whether you’ve eaten dinner! But it’s good that you know it’s not 100% their responsibility to make sure you’re fed and have access to the basic essentials, I mean it’s not like we’re young children anymore! So, have you suffered from any financial difficulties during your time at university? Participant: Not really, I’d say obviously just having to prioritise what I’m spending on but apart from that I don’t think I’ve been really broke but I think that’s because of my part time job. That helps me a lot. Interviewer: Wow it’s so good that you have a part time job as well, it must be hard to balance your work and education. Participant: I’m not going to lie, sometimes I do feel like giving up the job when it comes to the times where I have deadlines but also need to go into work to do my shifts but it works out somehow in the end which is good I guess. Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time? Participant: Well it all really depends on my luck, I obviously really want a career in the business industry doing marketing and what I enjoy but I know society is so competitive these days that it becomes so difficult to actually find a good job that I love and I know good things don’t come easily. Hopefully by that time I will have a solid career but there is also a possibility that I may still be working smaller jobs and still searching for the perfect career. Interviewer: Anyway, that’s the end of the interview. I want to thank you so much for your time today, your responses will definitely come in handy for my study. Participant: It was a pleasure! Thank you for making me feel so comfortable, I felt like I was having a general chat with a friend! Interview 2/3: Interviewer: Good afternoon, today I’ll be asking you a few questions based on your personal opinion and briefly reflecting on your higher education experience for a research project I am carrying out. I want you to feel completely comfortable and be as honest as possible, but if you do at any point feel out of your comfort zone or may wish to withdraw, please do let me know. Do you have any further questions before we proceed with the interview? Participant: Nope, everything is quite clear to me. Interviewer: Okay, let’s get started then. So, I want to get to know you in order to understand you better. How old are you? Participant: I’m 20 years old studying architecture at the university of Lincoln. Interviewer: Architecture seems like such an interesting subject, are you enjoying your course? Participant: Yeah, I’ve never liked writing essays and doing really academic things, but even though we still do some of that in this course I feel like I enjoy it a lot more

SO602: Social Research Methods Carmen Kee (ck404) Qualitative Research Project Word Count: because its more interactive and the course itself is just so interesting. It’s not like you’re learning out of a textbook. Interviewer: That’s good, it’s good to hear you’re enjoying your course. So, would you say your experience at university as a whole is more positive or negative? Participant: I’d say it’s a mixture of both, I found it really difficult to settle in at first and I never thought I’d be able to be happy at university. I really like my course but I just felt like I would never find anyone who I can call my real friend. Especially being away from my close friends who I’d usually spend every day with, trying to find new people to hang around and be yourself around is a difficult stage of this. Interviewer: Were you expecting it to be easy to make friends once you got here? Or was there anything in general that didn’t turn out the way you expected? Participant: I’m usually a really outgoing person and making friends isn’t hard for me cause I like to think I can talk to anyone and have a nice conversation, but in terms of making real friends who I can keep around and actually want to chill with is hard because there’s so many types of people here you literally have to get to know them all and filter through which I was not expecting to be this difficult. I do really enjoy my course though and I like how independent I am here not having my parents breathing down my neck. Interviewer: So apart from the situation with friends, have you encountered any other issues at university which were unexpected? Participant: I guess just getting to know the area as well. Coming from London to a city which is completely different in terms of social and cultural factors, it has been hard to adapt to, and living so far from home means not being able to just get on a train whenever I feel like I’ve had enough here so you are just forced to adapt to the new environment which has taken quite a bit of time, but I do still feel really out of place here sometimes. Interviewer: Yes, that must be hard, I don’t think I could ever move that far away from home away from everything I’m used to but I guess it’s all a part of the experience. So, in terms of hobbies and interests, I want to know if you’ve ever attended a live music show in your lifetime? Participant: I’ve been to a few concerts to see artists that I really like but I think I remember when I was really young, my parents took me to watch an orchestra. Even though I had no interest in that type of music whatsoever, they took me when I was really young, I don’t even remember it that well but I just remember it was boring. Interviewer: Oh, that’s interesting! I’ve personally never been to one but I guess it’s just one of those things you do if you’re really into it. Do you have any other hobbies or interests? Participant: I grew up going to galleries and museums with my parents and my family members which didn’t end up being as boring as the orchestra so I think I’ve just grown to really enjoy going to them, there are even some museums that I’ve been to over and over again. I also really enjoy swimming, I’ve done it from a young age so I’ve just grown to love it. Interviewer: That’s so good! It’s really good to have something to be passionate about. I love museums too, they’re such fun ways to learn new things! Participant: I know, they’re just the best. Interviewer: So, are you the first in your family to attend higher education?

SO602: Social Research Methods Carmen Kee (ck404) Qualitative Research Project Word Count: Participant: No, my mum studied an English degree and my dad studied a law degree. Interviewer: That’s interesting, they’re both such good subjects to study I’m sure they’ve ended up with really good jobs. Would you say they are financially supportive of your education? Participant: Yeah, they definitely are, they pay for my rent and give me spending money on a regular basis. I think it’s because they’ve been through it and they understand how difficult it is in this stage to manage your finances and be able to live so they never want me to suffer with money whilst living out because they’re so focused on how well they want me to do with my education. Interviewer: Would you say you’ve suffered from any financial difficulties then whilst living out for university? Participant: Definitely not, I’m not one to take advantage of what I have so I do control my spending but I know my parents will always be a solid support system for me so money is never an issue for me. Interviewer: Where would you say you see yourself in 5 years’ time? Participant: I definitely see myself having a solid career, hopefully in the field of work I am currently studying. I would like to start a family by then also. Interviewer: Alright well that is the end of the interview for now. Thank you so much for your time today, do you have any further questions before I end the recording? Participant: No, it was a pleasure to take part in this and I wish you the best of luck for your study. Interview 3/3: Interviewer: Good afternoon, today I’ll be asking you a few questions based on your personal opinion and briefly reflecting on your higher education experience for a research project I am carrying out. I want you to feel completely comfortable and be as honest as possible, but if you do at any point feel out of your comfort zone or may wish to withdraw, please do let me know. Do you have any further questions before we proceed with the interview? Participant: Nope Interviewer: Okay, so a major part of this study is personal experience. So, I’d like to know how old you are. Participant: I’m 23 years old. Interviewer: Have you ever studied in university? Participant: Yes, I studied French with business at the University of Kent, Medway campus but I’ve graduated now. Interviewer: If you could describe your time at university, would it be more positive or negative? Participant: My university experience was a bit weird actually, even though I felt like no one really liked me I still made a lot of lifelong friends there which was not how I expected it to turn out at all. But when I was there I didn’t really like it so I decided to commute second and first year from London just so I could get away from there. So, I’d say my experience was more negative than positive but I didn’t have a terrible experience.

SO602: Social Research Methods Carmen Kee (ck404) Qualitative Research Project Word Count: Interviewer: Apart from that, did you face anything during your time that you weren’t expecting? This could be about any aspect of university. Participant: Not really, I knew it was going to be difficult but I’d say I never thought I’d end up commuting because I didn’t like it that much. Interviewer: I can imagine! Commuting takes so much time and effort, you really have to be dedicated to commit to it cause it’s so difficult for most people. Participant: Yeah, there were so many times I was so close to not attending my lectures and stuff cause it just seemed so far away but I just had to suck it up cause I decided to make that decision. Interviewer: Do you have any hobbies or interests that you enjoy doing in your spare time? Participant: To be honest, I don’t really have time for hobbies. I work full time now and even when I was at university, I worked a part time job and with the commuting as well, I felt like I had no time at all for myself. But I really enjoy travelling, it’s just expensive. Interviewer: Have you ever been to any live music shows or anything like that? Not just at an older age, it could be from a younger age. Participant: No, I’ve never been to anything like that. I don’t even know why, I was never brought up to go to anything like that. We were a simple family, we would just go food shopping and church together that’s about it. Interviewer: Has anyone else in your family attended higher education? Participant: Well my sisters also go to university but they’re younger than me, so before me I was the first to attend. My parents migrated from different countries so they never really had the opportunity to. Interviewer: But would you say they’re financially supportive of your education? Participant: Definitely, I don’t know what I would have done without their support because they paid for my accommodation in first year but when I started commuting second and third year and I was also working part time, I didn’t need as much money so I funded those years myself mostly but I know they would have provided support if I needed it. Interviewer: So, would you say you only suffered financial difficulties in first year when you moved out? Participant: Yes, most of my financial difficulties were in first year because moving out is a whole other level of money management even with the support of my parents and the government but second and third year, although I was commuting, it was still expensive because I was paying so much for travel but it was different because it wasn’t chunks of money at once and I was also working part time so it was less difficult for me. Interviewer: Did you see yourself to be where you are now before you graduated? Participant: I knew that finding a good job that was related to my course would be difficult, especially because society is very competitive these days with jobs so I’m not surprised that I’m still working for a small company, but I do believe that if I try harder, I will find my dream job soon. Interviewer: Well, thank you for your time and information about your personal experience. That is the end of the interview, do you have any questions about anything that you want to ask? Participant: No everything is fine, thank you for listening to me!

SO602: Social Research Methods Carmen Kee (ck404) Qualitative Research Project Word Count:...

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