Introductory French FLS 100 - Test 2 Review PDF

Title Introductory French FLS 100 - Test 2 Review
Course Introductory French
Institution Seneca College
Pages 11
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Introductory French FLS 100 - Test 2, Unite #2 Au Lycée Review: ER Verbs: Parler (to speak): 

Je parle (I speak).

Tu parles (you speak).

Il/Elle parle: (he/she/it speaks).

Nous parlons (we speak).

Vous parlez (you speak).

Ils/Elles Parlent (they speak).

 Adorer (to love). Aimer (to like; to love). 

J’aime (I like). *(New form)*

Tu aimes (you like).

Il/Elle aime (he/she/it likes).

Nous aimons (we like).

Vous aimez (you like).

Ils/Ells aiment (they like).

 Aimer Mieux (to prefer (to like better).  Arriver (to arrive).

 Chercher (to look for). Commencer (to begin, to start). 

Je commence (I begin).

Tu commences (you begin).

Il/Elle commence (he/she/it begin).

Nous commençons (we begin).

Vous commencez (you begin).

Ils/Elles commencent (they begin).

 Dessiner (to draw).  Détester (to hate).  Donner (to give).  Etudier (to study). J’étudie (I study). Habiter (á/en) (to live). 

J’habite (I live).

Tu habites (you live).

Il/Elle habite (he/she/it lives).

Nous habitons (we live).

Vous habitez (you live).

Ils/Elles habitent (they live).

Manger (to eat). 

Je mange (I eat).

Tu manges (you eat).

Il/Elle mange (he/she/it eats).

Nous mangeons (we eat). *New Form*

Vous mangez (you eat).

Ils/Elles mangent (they eat).

 Oublier (to forget). J’oublie (I forget).  Partager (to share). Nous partageons (we share).  Penser (que/qu’…) (to think (that…)).  Regarder (to look (at…)).  Rencontrer (to meet).  Retrouver (to meet up with; to find (again)).  Travailler (to work).  Voyager (to travel). Nous voyageons (we travel).

Note that je becomes J’ when it appears before a verb that begins with a vowel sound. For example, J’habite á Bruxelles. (I live in Brussels). Or J’étudie la psychologie. (I study psychology).

With the verbs adorder, aimer, and détester, use the definite article before a noun to tell what someone loves, likes, prefers, or hates. For example, J’aime mieux l’art. (I prefer art). Or Marine déteste les devoirs. (Marine hates homework).

Use infinitive forms after the verbs adorder, aimer, and détester, to say that you like (or hate, etc.) to do something. Only the first verb should be conjugated. For example, Ils adorent travailler ici. (they love to work here). Or Ils détestent étudier ensemble. ( They hate to study together).

Verbs ending in -ger (manger, partager, voyager etc.) and –cer (commencer) have spelling change in the nous form. For example, nous voyageons avec une amie. (We are traveling with a friend). Or nous commençons les devoirs. (We are starting the homework).

Forming Questions and Expressing Negation: 

There are several ways to ask a question in French. The simplest way is to use the same wording as for a statement but with rising intonation (when speaking) or setting a question mark at the end (when writing). This method is considered informal. For example, vous habitez á Bordeaux? (You live in Bordeaux?) Or Tu aimes le cours de français? (You like French class?)

A second way is to place the phrase Est-ce que… directly before a statement. If the next word begins with a vowel sound, use Est-ce qu’. Questions with est-ce que are somewhat formal. For example, est-ce que vous parlez français? (Do you speak French?) Or est-ce qu’il aime dessiner? (Does he like to draw?)

A third way is to place a tag question at the end of a statement. This method can be formal or informal. For example, on commence á deux heures, d’accord? (We’re starting at two o’clock, OK?) Or nous mangeons á midi, n’estce pas? (We eat at noon, don’t we?)

A fourth way is to invert the order of the subject pronoun and the verb and hyphenate them. If the verb ends in a vowel and the subject pronoun is il, elle, or on, -t- is inserted between the verb and the pronoun. Inversion is considered more formal. For example, parlez-vous français? (Do you speak French?) Or mange-t-il á midi? (Does he eat at noon?) Or est-elle élève? (Is she a student?)

If the subject is a noun rather than a pronoun, invert the pronoun and the verb, and place the noun before them. For example, le professeur parle-t-il français? (Does the teacher speak French?) Or Nina arrive-t-elle demain? (Does Nina arrive tomorrow?)

The inverted form of il y a is y a-t-il. C’est becomes est-ce. For example, Y a-til une horloge dans la classe? (Is there a clock in the class?) Or est-ce le professeur de lettres? (Is he the humanities professor?)

Use pourquoi to ask why? Use parce qu’ before a vowel sound) in the answer to express because. For example, pourquoi retrouves-tu Sophie ici? (Why are you meeting Sophie here?) Or parce qu’elle habite près d’ici. (Because she lives near here.)

Expressing Negation: 

To make a sentence negative in French, place ne (n’ before a vowel sound) before the conjugated verb and pas after it. For example, Je ne dessine pas bien. (I don’t draw well). Or ne parlez pas en cours. (Don’t talk in class.)

In the construction (conjugated verb + infinitive), ne (n’) comes before the conjugated verb and pas after it. For example, Abdel n’aime pas ètudier. (Abdel doesn’t like to study.) Or vous ne détestez pas travailler? (You don’t hate to work?)

In questions with inversion place ne before the inversion and pas after it. For example, Abdel n’aime-t-il pas étudier. (Abdel doesn’t like to study). Or ne détestezvous pas travailler? (Don’t you have to work?)

Expressions of Agreement and Disagreement: 

Oui (yes).

Bien sûr (of course).

Moi/toi non plus (me/you neither).

(mais) non no (but of course not).

Pas du tout (not at all)

Peut-etre (maybe, perhaps).

For example, vous mangez souvent á la cantine? (Do you eat often in the cafeteria ?) Or non, pas du tout. (No, not at all).

Use si instead of oui to contradict a negative question. For example, il ne cherche pas le sac á dos? (Isn’t he looking for the backpack?) Or Si. Il cherche aussi les crayons. (Yes. He’s looking for the pencils too.)

Present Tense of Avoir: Avoir (to have): 

J’ai (I have).

Tu as (you have).

Il/Elle a (he/she/it has).

Nous avons (we have).

Vous avez (you have).

Ils/Elles ont (they have).

Expressions with Avoir : 

Avoir…ans (to be… years old).

Avoir besoin (de) (to need).

Avoir de la chance (to be lucky).

Avoir chaud (to be hot).

Avoir envie (de) (to feel like).

Avoir froid (to be cold).

Avoir honte (de) (to be ashamed (of)).

Avoir l’air (to look like).

Avoir raison (to be right).

Avoir sommeil (to be sleepy).

Avoir tort (to be wrong).

Days of the Week: 

La Semaine (the week).

(Le) Lundi (Monday).

(Le) Mardi (Tuesday).

(Le) Mercredi (Wednesday).

(Le) Jeudi (Thursday).

(Le) Vendredi (Friday).

(Le) Samedi (Saturday).

(Le) Dimanche (Sunday).

Paragraph Answer for the Test: Your name and where you are from. Mon nom est James Lavallee et je suis d'Aurora, Ontario, Canada. The name of your College/University and where it is located. Le nom de mon collège Seneca est campus Newnham et il est situé dans la région de Toronto.

The courses you are currently taking and your opinion of each one. Les cours que je suis actuellement inscrit en psychologie, en sciences humaines, sont le français, la sociologie, la recherche universitaire et de l'écriture et la philosophie. 

I fine Psychology very difficult because there is a lot of memorization. J'amende la psychologie très difficile parce qu'il y a beaucoup de mémorisation.

Humanities is very interesting because I am fascinated with History. Sciences humaines est très intéressant parce que je suis fasciné par l'histoire.

French is very engaging because our class participates in oral activities together. Le français est très engageant car notre classe participe à l'ensemble des activités orales.

Sociology is very easy because I understand the class very well. La sociologie est très facile parce que je comprends très bien la classe.

Academic Research and Writing is a lot of work because the teacher gives long assignments. La recherche universitaire et l'écriture est beaucoup de travail parce que le professeur donne les affectations long.

Philosophy involves lots of critical thinking and many other understandings on how we look at different subject areas. Philosophie implique beaucoup de pensée critique et beaucoup d'autres conceptions sur la façon dont nous attendons à différents domaines....

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