IST 195 Exam 1 Study Guide PDF

Title IST 195 Exam 1 Study Guide
Author Cathryn Willing
Course Information Technologies
Institution Syracuse University
Pages 8
File Size 83.8 KB
File Type PDF
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IST 195 Exam #1 Study Guide Exam Date: 9/30 ________________________ ●

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MOOC ○ Massive online open course ○ Khan academy Showrooming ○ Going into a store physically, then shopping around using a smart device to find a better price Webrooming ○ Look online first and then buying it in the store Cars as a service (CaaS) ○ Cars as an automated service Howard Aiken ○ Created the Mark 1 in 1944 Harvard Mark 1 ○ Concept from Howard Aiken ○ 51 ft long ○ 8 feet tall ○ 5 tons ○ 500 miles of wire ○ First real computer put into use 305 RAMAC ○ 1956 ○ IBM Supercomputer ○ 5 MB of storage ○ 1 ton 150,000+ Moore’s law ○ Observation made in 1965 that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double every 24 mos. ○ B/c of this -- the power of the computer is doubled in this time and the cost per transistor decreases Types of computers ○ PC ■ Personal computer ○ Server ■ Provides services to other computers or devices on a network ■ Multiple people using a single computer ■ More powerful computer ● Web servers ● Mail servers → gmail ● File servers → share files


● Game servers ● Media servers ○ Mainframes ■ Large, expensive, powerful computer that can handle billions of transactions a day ■ Process more than 83% of transactions around the world ■ 6 figures (100,000+) ■ Not practical ○ Super Computers ■ Fastest, most powerful computers ■ Processing more than one quadrillion instructions per second ■ 7 figures ■ Mainly used by government → NSA, NOA Green computing ○ Involves reducing the electricity consumed and environmental waste generated when using a computer ○ Strategies ■ Recycling ■ Using energy efficient hardware and energy saving features ■ Extending the life of computers ■ Virtual computing Virtualization ○ A process that allows a single physical computer to support multiple operating systems that operate independently Cambridge Analytica/ Facebook ○ Facebook as a news organization ■ Is it the largest?? ● Grabs users attention and sells attention to advertisers ● Deciding what is newsworthy ○ 2018 data breach ○ Cambridge Analytica Internet Research Agency ○ Russian linked propaganda tied to 2016 presidential election ○ Information warfare → biggest threat globally Facebook Algorithm ○ Facebook's algorithm (how do they decide what shows up?) ■ Relevant to the users ■ 1,500 stories it could show you based on 100,000 variables ○ Inventory → how much content ○ Signals → considerations of content ○ Predictions → considerations of person ■ All equate to overall score ■ #1= signal (commenting) ■ #2 = sharing

3 ■ #3= reacting Active v. passive interactions ■ Active ● Commenting ● Sharing ● Reacting ■ Passive ● Clicking ● Watching ● Viewing Brand awareness ○ Attention your brand gets across all platforms Applause Rate ○ Add up all applause from specific post ○ Divide # of followers ○ Multiply by 100 Amplification Rate ○ Add up all times a post was shared ○ Divide by # of followers ○ Multiply by 100 Operator precedence ○ A set of rules that defines which procedures to perform first in order to evaluate a given mathematical expression Formulas vs. Functions ○ Formulas ■ What you write into a function ● Using = sign ■ Functions ● Already built into excel Conditional Formatting ○ Allows you to set rules for cell formatting Pivot Tables ○ Enables someone to easily and quickly analyze large amounts of data Delimited Files ○ Separating the values in each row with specific characters ■ Uses of underscores/dashes instead of spaces ○ Most spreadsheet or database applications are able to import or export data in a delimited format Big Data ○ Taking massive amounts of information from different areas and then analyzing that data First, Second, and Third Party Data ○ First party data ■ Data that your organization owns ○

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Collected by the organization ● Surveys, forms, etc. ○ Second party data ■ Data you may trade with partners ■ Exchanging data back and forth ■ Legal if the consumer is “aware” it is happening ● Normally in terms and conditions section so consumers mau no unconsciously know when agreeing yet doesn't make a legal difference ● Don't know how it was collected/ accuracy of data ○ Third party data ■ Data you purchase ■ Collecting data (public data) ● Credit, buying habits, mortgage 4 Major Types of Data ○ (1) Structured ■ Highly organized and manageable ■ Excel files, database records ■ Easy to analyze ○ (2) Unstructured ■ The structure is not formally defined or anticipated ■ Images, audio, PDFs ■ Hard to analyze ○ (3) Semi-structured ■ Hybrid data ■ Emails, forms, tweets ■ Can see timing, charactered ■ Contents of tweet is harder to analyze (unstructured) ○ (4) Geospatial ■ Includes info on positions ■ Snapchat ● Location services The Four V’s of Big Data ○ Volume = scale of data ○ Variety = different forms of data ○ Velocity = analysis of streaming data ■ How fast the data is coming at you ○ Veracity = uncertainty of data Questions to ask about data ○ What data do we have? ○ What other data should we have? ○ How can we use it? ○ How can we drive value from data? Types of Analytics (acquire and organize data → perform descriptive,


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predictive, and discovery analytics → take prescriptive actions based on) ○ Descriptive ■ What happened and why ■ Past and present ○ Predictive ■ What is likely to happen and why ○ Discovery ■ Find something important without asking the question ○ Prescriptive ■ The culmination of the above when it tells what is the solution or action to take Data Warehouse ○ Taking data that is typically scattered throughout many applications and systems in a variety of forms ■ Islands of data ○ Building reports of the above is challenging if at all possible ○ Need to transform, merge, and purge ○ Once in uniform it is possible to produce reports and dashboards Dashboards Marketing Automation ○ Software platforms designed for marketing departments and organizations to more effectively market People behind operating systems ○ Bill Gates - Microsoft ○ Ken Thompson - UNIX and AT&T(bell laboratories) ○ Steve Jobs - Apple ○ Linus Torvalds - LINUX Functions of Operating Systems ○ Provides user interface (GUI) ○ Managing resources (memory, processing, storage) ○ Coordinated hardware components ○ Runs applications ○ File management ○ Start and shut down a computer ○ Establish an internet connection ○ Automatically update because it is on all the time and push auto updates Types of Operating Systems ○ (1) Desktop ■ Windows ■ OSX ■ UNIX ■ LINUX ■ Chrome OS ○ (2) Server


■ Windows server ■ Mac OSX server ■ UNIX ■ LINUX ○ (3) Mobile ■ Google android ■ Apple iOS ■ Windows phone Open source ○ Why ■ Social benefits → collaboration creates communities ● Creativity ■ Freedom → developers decide direction ■ Transparency ■ Security ■ Use the community to make a better product ○ How to make money ■ Developer ■ Consulting ■ Support ■ Paid certification ■ Open source acquisitions → IBM acquired RED HAT for 34 Billion LINUX v. UNIX ○ LINUX ■ Most successful project ■ Developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991 -- resembles UNIX ■ Open source software developing system ■ Originally used command line interface ● Now GUI ■ Type of UNIX ○ UNIX ■ Base operating system originally developed for midrange computers Ubuntu ○ Most popular version of LINUX ○ Main goal is security ○ Grapple user interface ○ Makes money off support 4 main computing functions ○ (1) Accept input ○ (2) Process input ○ (3) Produce input ○ (4) Storage ■ Changing ... Motherboard

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Main circuit board of a computer All communication is wired through the motherboard ■ System board, mainboard ○ All components are connected CPU- central processing unit ○ Contained a single chip called a microprocessor ■ Intel/amd ○ Cores ■ (CPUS) ■ Multiple cores per chip ■ Dual core processor → 1 physical chip operating as 2 CPUS ■ Cores and parallels ● Multicore processors = 2 or more separate or independent CPUS within a system unit ● Parallel processing → allows computers to do multiple things at 1 time (not systematic) ○ Control Unit ■ Instructions ■ Tells the computer how to carry out a task ○ ALU ■ Arithmetic login unit ■ Execute it ■ Performs arithmetic and logical operations ○ Transistors ■ On a chip and uses nanotechnology ■ The more transistors on a chip the faster it goes ○ Nanotechnology ■ Study of manipulating matter on an atomic or molecular level Ports ○ USB, HDMI, Thunderbolt, Ethernet ○ USB-- universal serial bus ■ Can connect up to 127 different peripherals ○ USB-- universal serial bus ○ USB A/B ○ USB-C ○ USB 3.1 v. USB 3.0 RAM - random access memory ○ Chips hold programs and data that the CPU is presently processing ■ Volatile or temporary contents are lost when the computer is powered off ○ Volatile v. Non-volatile CPU Memory Cache ○ Speeds up the process of the computer because it stores frequently used instructions and data Traditional Hard Drives vs. SSD

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Traditional ■ Analog ■ Mechanical becomes fragmented and eventually moves slower ○ SSD ■ Digital that has no moving parts ■ Moves faster but is more expensive ○ Today's hard drives use solid state with no moving parts Bit v. byte ○ The bit = binary digit ○ 1 bit = 2 values (1 or 0) ○ 2 bit = 4 values (10 01 11 00) ○ 3 bit= 8 values (000 010 001 100 110 111 101) ○ 8 bit = 256 values aka byte Decimal v. binary ○ Decimal = base 10 ■ There are 10 digits because we have 10 figures ○ Binary = base ■ We only have 1’s and 0’s Storage capacities ○ Kilo thousand ○ Mega billion ○ Giga billion ○ Tera billion ○ Peta quadrillion ○ Exa quintillion Binary arithmetic ASCII v. Unicode ○ ASCII ■ 7 bit (128 values) ● This takes care of 0-9 A-Z and punctuation ● Standard reference table for the english language to have it represented by a binary conversation ● How computers talk ○ UNICODE ■ Every character in the world is included ■ More than 100,000 characters represented ● Includes ASCII- universal character set...

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