Kinesiology 1000 Lab D- Skill Related Componets of Fitness PDF

Title Kinesiology 1000 Lab D- Skill Related Componets of Fitness
Author Dawson Wevers
Course Introduction to Health and Wellness
Institution University of Lethbridge
Pages 3
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0909 Lab D- Skill Related Components of Fitness Lab 5 -2:00 Oct. 21, 2016

Skill Related Components of Fitness Lab Questions: 1. The six components of skill related fitness are balance, coordination, agility, power, speed, and reaction time. All six of these components contribute to an individual’s overall level of motor skill capability. Agility can be defined as the ability to quickly change body position and direction in an accurate manner. Power can be defined as the ability to exert a certain amount of force rapidly. It is produced through the combination of speed and force. A specific example where agility is used in an athletic situation, is a running back in football, needing to bust through a hole provided by his lineman in order to gain a certain amount of yardage quickly, while avoiding tackles. Running backs in football also use the SRF component (skill related fitness component) of agility when they catch a ball from their quarterback and turn up the field avoiding tackles and changing their body positon and direction while doing so. Agility is also used in the sport of basketball, in a fast break situation when the point guard pushes the ball up the court in order to create a scoring chance before the defense has time to set up and get back after they converted a bucket or experienced a defensive stop. An example of where the SRF component of power is demonstrated, is through the sport of tennis. This is shown when a tennis player serves the ball at their opponent. Tennis serves are very hard in terms of miles per hour and require a lot of force to be exerted on the tennis ball, through the tennis racket and the tennis players body, which provide the force being exerted. Power is also important in tennis, to keep an opposing player at the back of the court, creating a difficult time for them to return your shots effectively. Tennis also displays the SRF component of agility, when a player changes direction to return the ball in a quick manner. Another example of where power is prevalent in a game situation associated with sport, is through a wrist shot or slap shot in hockey. Furthermore, if one lacks power they will be unable to get the puck to the net before the goalie can react, which means their chances of scoring will be zero to none depending on how much power they have. If a person has more power they have a better chance of scoring because the goalie has less time to react, making it harder for the goalie to stop the puck. 2. An example of a non-athletic, non-fitness/exercise activity that needs the use of three of the skill related fitness components at once, would be juggling. Juggling requires, balance, coordination, and reaction time. Balance is required at the stationary level in terms of visual balance. Balance is required in juggling because you have to balance the balls in your hand and remain balanced in your core at the stationary level. Those that do not have very good balance, are unable to juggle. Juggling requires the second skill related fitness component of coordination. This is clearly shown when an individual has to throw balls in the air and catch the other balls in their opposite hand, all while creating a circular fluid motion. Coordination is also required in juggling as one must be able to use both hands. This means that in most cases a person must be coordinated with both hands, in order to be able to juggle. Thirdly, the skill related fitness component of reaction time is prevalent through the activity of juggling. Reaction time is shown as the body quickly responds to multiple stimuluses, as the balls are repeatedly thrown into the air and then caught in a fluid motion without stopping. Reaction time is used through the hand responding to throwing the ball up, while the opposite hand catches the other ball or balls in the other hand. The brain and body must also react and respond to different stimuluses, when the balls are coming down from the air after they are released. Coordination is also connected in juggling through the right part of the brain being connected to the left arm and the left part of the brain being connected to the right arm. This is what allows for the coordination of receiving the balls and then throwing them into the air, in that fluid motion that juggling requires.

3. My three weakest components of skill related fitness are definitely balance, coordination, and speed. In order to improve in each of these three areas, I need to practice them on a daily basis

0909 Lab D- Skill Related Components of Fitness Lab 5 -2:00 Oct. 21, 2016

and perform exercises that will enhance my skill level and ability in each of these areas. An activity which would help my overall balance would be Tai Chi, which is a form of martial art. This aids in helping overall balance, as it strengthens and targets all of the physical components needed to stay upright. These being: leg strength, flexibility, range of motion or ROM, and reflexes, all of which tend to decline substantially as age increases. Yoga is another activity that aids in helping overall balance through the stretches that yoga requires you to perform. Both of these activities would be very beneficial to me, due to my lack of overall balance as a whole. Coordination is the second area where I am lacking a bit in overall ability/capability. An activity which I could perform to help myself with coordination is throwing a tennis ball against a wall, using both my left and right hand in alternating fashions. This activity would help with hand-eye coordinate, which is very beneficial for sport. This would help because it would increase my ability to throw and catch with both hands, thus creating better overall coordination. Another activity that could help me with coordination is skipping. Skipping helps hand, eye, and foot coordination. It helps coordination because skipping requires the movement of jumping mixed with twirling the rope in sequence of each other. These are two tough skills to complete in sequence with each other, and that require coordination at its finest. Finally, the third area that I need to work on personally is my overall level of speed. An activity that I could do to increase my speed is squats or various types of sprints, such as uphill and downhill as well as regular 100 m or 50m. These exercises increase leg strength and muscle, which help with explosiveness, which in turn contributes to a better overall speed in areas of running. It would also enhance my ability of speed for sport specific areas. Individuals with stronger legs and a higher overall muscle mass to body fat ratio tend to be faster in events such as running and in sports where running is required like lacrosse and football. Another example of an activity that I could use to better my overall speed is to use video breakdown, to determine how long my stride is and to see whether I need a more explosive start or a better finish. Speed can also be improved through training your glutes (buttocks muscles), using the exercise of deadlifts. This helps with leg strength and helps to improve speed because with stronger legs one can run faster and have a more explosive start, as well as maintain their speed for a longer duration. 4. An example where strong components of skill related fitness can compensate for weaker ones is in an Olympic weightlifter. A weightlifter of this nature may be lacking in the skill related fitness components of reaction time, agility and speed as specifics, but would certainly still be a stronger, more diverse athlete when it comes to strength and overall fitness than the majority of other people. He would have an abundance of power and even coordination, as well as good balance that will still allow him to be considered a true athlete and that compensate for his lack of skill related fitness components in other areas. Another example would be an athlete like me who participates in multiple sports, but still lacks essentials that are associated with skill related fitness and specifically the components of speed, balance, and coordination. My ability to have a high level of agility, reaction time, and power all contribute to my success as an athlete. They help me as an individual, in overcoming and compensating for the weaker skill related fitness components that I possess. A specific example is when I play the sport of lacrosse, I am able to achieve success, due to my personal makeup of having strong components of agility, power, and reaction time. When I play lacrosse the specific skill related fitness components that I am strong in help to compensate for my weaker skill related fitness components, of balance, speed, and coordination....

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