Lab 5 A Field Fitness Manual PDF

Title Lab 5 A Field Fitness Manual
Course Kinesology Lab
Institution University of Waterloo
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Kin 104L - Lab 5: A Field Test for Fitness: Seniors Fitness Test – Fall 2021 LAB 5: ASSESSMENT AND INTERPRETATION OF A FIELD TEST: SENIOR FITNESS TEST INTRODUCTION: As an assessor in the field of Kinesiology, you will be interacting with clients/patients across a wide range of ages and physical abilities. When working with older clients in particular, fitness assessments that are typically used for healthy, younger, and middle-aged individuals may not be easily performed or suitable. So far in KIN 104L you have had the opportunity to learn about lab-based assessments (EMG, ECG, YMCA Cycle Assessment). LAB 5 has been designed to introduce you to a “field” assessment specifically used in older populations to evaluate components of an individual’s fitness in a setting outside the lab. The series of assessments that you will be administering to your volunteer is referred to as the Senior Fitness Test. Any quality senior fitness test would include an assessment of the basic components of fitness: strength, endurance, balance and coordination, flexibility, body composition, and cardio/aerobic capacity. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. To develop skills of professional conduct when working with a participant/client. 2. To understand and administer assessments that are commonly done in a community setting (that is outside the Lab). 3. To develop your skills in administering the Senior Fitness Test. 4. To illustrate the ability to interpret the resulting values in relation to population norms. EXPECTATIONS: ฀ Read and become familiar with the information in this document. ฀ Use the equipment provided in your KIN Kit to assist in gathering the physical measures on your participant. ฀ Secure a volunteer that can act as your participant. Although this assessment is designed for adults 60 years and over, you will administer this assessment on a participant in your age range. You will take a photo of each test. ฀ Dress in professional attire for the evaluation or as a Kinesiologist performing fitness assessments. ฀ Practice collecting all the information and the physical measurements required for the Lab on this participant. ฀ Complete the LAB 5 ASSIGNMENT. The lab assignment will include the results of the Senior Fitness Test done on a student participant and a case study that will provide you with the results of the Senior Fitness Test of a client that has been assessed in the CCCARE facility. You will interpret the results and address specific questions.

Lab 1-1

Kin 104L - Lab 5: A Field Test for Fitness: Seniors Fitness Test – Fall 2021 BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Field Test: “to test (a procedure, a product, etc.) in actual situations reflecting intended use”. A field test provides the ability to evaluate components of fitness outside the laboratory setting, without expensive equipment or trained personnel, and at a low cost. As a high school student, you were likely exposed to field tests such as the shuttle run, sit ups, push-ups, 12-minute Cooper run, etc. These tests were administered because they provided an easy way to assess the fitness of a large group. The Senior Fitness Test The Senior Fitness Test offers the most comprehensive and reliable test battery for assessing physical fitness in adults ages 60 and older. This test identifies weaknesses that cause mobility problems, allowing you to develop exercise programs to improve functional fitness and prevent future mobility issues, as well as track and evaluate progress over time. The Senior Fitness Test (SFT) is a simple, economical method of assessing the physical attributes that older adults require to perform daily activities. The Senior Fitness Test consists of a battery of six different tests including measures of lower- and upper-body strength, aerobic endurance, lowerand upper-body flexibility, agility, and balance. The series of tests can be conducted with minimal space, equipment, and technical requirements, making it easy to administer in most clinical and community settings, or in the home environment. This is a reliable and valid test and can be performed in older adults ranging from healthy to physically frail level of function. When performed in accordance with the administration guidelines, the results derived from each test can be compared to normative reference standards based on a sample of 7183 community-dwelling older adults ranging in age from 60-94 years. The manual presents clear instructions on preparing and administering the tests, and normative data for interpreting the test results. LABORATORY INFORMATION: 1. Lab Manual (Procedures and Protocols): Open LAB 5 MANUAL and download to your computer. Read the protocols provided and practice your skills BEFORE meeting with your participant. 2. Procedures that have VIDEOS available for you to review are indicated by the icon 3. Set up a time to meet with your volunteer participant to obtain consent, complete the GAQ, measure resting heart rate and blood pressure, and administer the Seniors Fitness Test. 4. Download the LAB ASSIGNMENT to your computer to record the information obtained on your participant, answer lab questions and save to your computer to upload on or before due date. LAB ASSIGNMENT: All information collected in this lab can be recorded in this document (Consent and GAQ, and Senior Fitness Test data and as well as questions to answer related to this lab experience.

Lab 1-2

Kin 104L - Lab 5: A Field Test for Fitness: Seniors Fitness Test – Fall 2021 Professionalism and Intake

A Professionalism and Intake checklist has been provided to help you develop the skills needed to interact professionally with a participant. Please read this checklist and watch the associated video.  Have all paperwork and equipment readily available.  Present yourself in a professional manner – proper hygiene, appropriate attire, wash hands or wear gloves & mask (if necessary.)  Introduce yourself to the participant, address them by their name.  Smile, maintain eye contact and adopt an open, friendly posture on level with the participant.  Address participants concerns and questions with sensitivity and patience.  Use open-ended questions to gather the information.  Be observant to the participant’s disposition, e.g., are they anxious?  Fill-out the Informed Consent and the GAQ.  Before touching that participant for the selected assessments, ask permission.  Explain/demonstrate to the participant what you will be doing as you proceed through the measurements. PURPOSE: To develop soft skills and professional skills while obtaining Informed Consent and completing the Get Active Questionnaire. Read through both worksheets before interviewing your participant. You can type the information directly into the document. For the signature, you will need to take a picture of the participants written signature and upload the signature picture into the document. 1. CONSENT As part of your participation in KIN 104L LAB 5, you will need to complete a consent form for your participant. A consent form is provided to KIN 104 L students to use in the assessments for this lab to obtain consent for your volunteer participant. Please read through this and be familiar with the content. There are five parts to a consent form: 1) The purpose of the testing is described. 2) There is a list of the tests your participant will be performing. 3) The risks and discomforts of the tests are described. 4) The benefits of the tests are described. 5) The responsibilities of the participant are outlined. 6) How the information will be used and stored (use of medical records). 7) The participant’s informed consent is obtained after the participant has had ample time to read the form and ask questions. The consent form is the first form completed so that you have the participants “consent” before proceeding with any questionnaires or measurements. Verbally explain the consent form with your participant to ensure that the participant knows and understands the purposes and risks associated with the assessments. Ensure the participant has had an opportunity to ask questions and has sufficient information to give informed Lab 1-3

Kin 104L - Lab 5: A Field Test for Fitness: Seniors Fitness Test – Fall 2021 consent. It should also indicate that the participant can withdraw from the procedure at any time. All reasonable efforts must be made to protect the privacy of the participant’s information. You must have completed the consent form for this course. Complete “Informed Consent - Worksheet 1” with your participant. 2. GET ACTIVE QUESTIONNAIRE (CSEP-GAQ)-WORKSHEET 2 This questionnaire was created by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) . It is designed to be a self-administered survey with the purpose of identifying individuals who should seek advice from an appropriate health care provider or qualified exercise professional before becoming more physically active. For the purposes of the lab, you should administer the GAQ with your participant instead of filling it out ahead of time. Even if the survey is completed in advance by the participant, it is always good practice to review the document with the participant for completeness and to ensure that none of the questions have been misinterpreted. To complete the survey, the participant is instructed to:     

Fill out pages 1 - 2 completely and honestly. If they answer “yes” to any question on page 1 or if he/she is unsure If YES to any answer, review the Reference Document. Sign and date the declaration The Reference Document is designed to give the participant advice about any “yes” responses and to make an informed decision about the appropriateness of physical activity/exercise and may also direct them to a health care provider and/or qualified exercise professional for further information/clearance. Complete “GAQ -Worksheet 2” with your participant.


Heart rate Blood Pressure Video Resting Heart Rate: Palpation Procedure  Participant sitting with back resting against the chair, with feet flat on floor and arms on chair rests, for at least 5 minutes prior to taking HR.  Use index and middle finger to palpate radial artery, just proximal to the thumb.  Using a 30s count, start the stopwatch simultaneously with a beat, counting the first beat as 0, multiply by 2 to get beats per minute.  If the participant’s RHR is > 99 bpm, have them sit quietly for an additional 5 minutes and then repeat.  Record the last HR recorded. Resting Heart Rate Classifications < 60 bpm 60-99 bpm >99 bpm

Bradycardia Average range Tachycardia Lab 1-4

Kin 104L - Lab 5: A Field Test for Fitness: Seniors Fitness Test – Fall 2021 A participant should not be allowed to partake in the “active component of an assessment ( including the aerobic or muscular strength and endurance testing protocols) if the reading is ≥ 100 bpm after two readings. It should be recommended that participants with heart rates ≥ 100 bpm be referred to their physician. Always perform the heart rate determination before taking blood pressure Blood Pressure (BP) Arterial blood pressure can be estimated using a stethoscope and sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) (Figure 1). Inflating a blood pressure cuff changes the flow of blood through the artery. When the cuff is fully inflated, blood flow in the arm (brachial artery) should be occluded below the level of the cuff. As pressure is slowly released, the blood moving through the artery creates what are known as Korotkoff sounds. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) is determined by the first perception of sound (1st Korotkoff sound). This is the point when the pressure of the blood is just enough to overcome the pressure exerted on the arterial wall by the cuff, and turbulent blood flow begins to flow through the artery below. The pressure at which the first tapping sound is heard represents the systolic blood pressure. Continue deflating the cuff and listening for the tapping sound. The sound will become louder as turbulent blood flow travels through the artery, bouncing and hitting the walls of the artery. Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is determined when the sounds are fully muffled (4th Korotkoff sound) or have completely disappeared (5th Korotkoff sound). At this point, the pressure of the cuff does not restrict blood flow through the artery below, and blood flow becomes laminar. It is recommended that the 5th Korotkoff sound be used as the measure of diastolic blood pressure. The diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is determined when the sounds cease to be tapping in quality and are fully muffled (4 th Korotkoff sound) or completed disappears (5th Korotkoff sound) as the pressure in the cuff does not restrict blood flow through the artery below and flow becomes laminar. It is now recommended that the 5th Korotkoff sound is used as the measure of diastolic blood pressure. Equipment and positioning

Figure 1: Blood Pressure Cuff and Stethoscope

Figure 2: Location of the Arm & Cuff at Heart Level

Lab 1-5

Kin 104L - Lab 5: A Field Test for Fitness: Seniors Fitness Test – Fall 2021

Figure 3: Location of the Brachial Artery, Blood Pressure Cuff and Antecubital Space Procedure:  Participant sits with back against the backrest of the chair, feet flat on floor, legs and ankles uncrossed and left arm relaxed.  Tester sits with legs together, parallel to left side of participant, facing the participant.  Ask permission to secure the cuff and to palpate the participants brachial artery.  Wrap the cuff around the participants’ bare left arm (either can be used) such that it surrounds the brachial artery, with the lower margin two to three centimetres above the antecubital space (Figure 2).  Palpate the brachial artery and place a mark (X) with a pen for future reference.  Support the arm comfortably at an angle of 10 - 45 degrees from the trunk, with the lower edge of the cuff at heart level.  Hold participant’s arm out straight, with hand placed under elbow (participant to keep arm relaxed).  Do not rest your arm on the participant’s leg. Be mindful of contacting their body.  Rapidly inflate the cuff until about 30 mmHg above the expected systolic blood pressure value. (Estimate a systolic BP of 120 mmHg so inflate to 150 mmHg) (Figure 3)  With earpieces pointed forward in your ear, position the stethoscope diaphragm over the brachial artery (X), in complete contact with the skin but not touching the cuff or tubing.  Release the cuff pressure at a rate of about 2 mmHg/second.  Systolic blood pressure (SBP) is determined by the first perception of sound as the pressure drops.  Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is determined when the sounds cease to be tapping/disappears.  Open the dial fully to release any remaining air from the cuff.  If the participant’s SBP is > 144 mmHg or DBP is > 94 mmHg, wait an additional 5 minutes then repeat.  Record the SBP and DBP to the nearest 2 mmHg on the data sheet.

Lab 1-6

Kin 104L - Lab 5: A Field Test for Fitness: Seniors Fitness Test – Fall 2021 Table 1: Blood Pressure Classification in Adults Classification and Management of Blood Pressure (BP) for adults SBP (mmHg) DBP (mmHg) BP Classifications Normal < 120 And160 Or >100 Adapted from ACSM Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription 11th edition 2020

Signs and Symptoms: As part of your professional conduct, it is imperative that you monitor your participant’s wellbeing during the entire evaluation. If, at any time, the participant appears to be pale/flushed, are sweating or are light-headed, respond by discontinuing the assessment. Anticipate the possibility of them fainting and gently lie your participant on the ground with their feet elevated. Once your participant feels well enough to get up, have them sit-up first for a period. Only when your participant feels well enough to get up, may they do so. SENIOR FITNESS TEST SET-UP: • Organize all equipment and have available • Measure out distances • Obtain Consent • Administer the GET ACTIVE QUESTIONAIRE • Administer the Senior Fitness Test • Record all data in LAB 5 Assignment data sheet • Complete LAB 6: SENIOR FITNES TEST ASSIGNMENT and upload to Dropbox by due date. SENIORS FITNESS TEST 30-Second Chair Stand

Purpose To assess lower body strength. Needed for numerous tasks such as climbing stairs, walking, and getting out of a chair, tub or car, and may reduce chances of falling. Description: Count the number of full stands that can be completed in 30 seconds with arms folded across chest. 1 trial. Risk zone: Less than 8 unassisted stands for men and women.

Lab 1-7

Kin 104L - Lab 5: A Field Test for Fitness: Seniors Fitness Test – Fall 2021 Arm Curl

Purpose To assess upper body strength. Needed for performing household and other activities involving lifting and carrying things such as groceries, suitcases and grandchildren. Description: Count the number of bicep curls that can be completed in 30 seconds holding a hand weight of 5 lbs (2.27 kg) for women; 8 lbs (3.63 kg) for men. Choose dominant hand, 1 trial. Risk zone: Less than 11 curls using correct form for men and women. 2-Minute Step Test

Purpose This is an alternate aerobic endurance test, for use when space limitations or weather prohibits administering the 6-minute walk test. Description: Count the number of full steps that can be completed in 2 minutes, raising each knee to a point midway between the patella (kneecap) and iliac crest (top hip bone). Score is number of times right knee reaches the required height. 1 trial. Risk zone: Less than 65 steps for men and women. Chair Sit-and-Reach Purpose To assess lower body flexibility, which is important for good posture, for normal gait patterns and for various mobility tasks, such as getting in and out of a bathtub or car. Description: From a sitting position at the front of a chair, with one leg extended and hands reaching toward toes, measure the number of inches (cm) (+ or -) between extended fingers and tip of toe. Choose dominant leg, 2 trials, record the best trial. Risk zone • •

Men: Minus (-) 4 inches or more Women: Minus (-) 2 inches or more Lab 1-8

Kin 104L - Lab 5: A Field Test for Fitness: Seniors Fitness Test – Fall 2021 Back Scratch Test

Purpose To assess upper body (shoulder) flexibility, which is important in tasks such as combing one’s hair, cutting on overhead garments, and reaching for a seat belt Description: With one hand reaching over the shoulder and one up the middle of the back, measure the number of inches (cm) between extended middle fingers (+ or -). Choose dominant side, 2 trials, record the best trial. Risk zone • •

Men: Minus (-) 4 inches or more Women: Minus (-) 2 inches or more

8-Foot Up-and-Go Purpose To assess agility/dynamic balance, which is important in tasks that require quick maneuvering, such as getting off a bus in time or getting up to attend to something in the kitchen, to go to the bathroom or to answer the phone. Description: Record the number of seconds required to get up from a seated position, walk 8 feet (2.44 m), turn, and return to seated position. 2 trials, record the best trial. Risk zone: More than 9 seconds.

Lab 1-9

Kin 104L - Lab 5: A Field Test for Fitness: Seniors Fitness Test – Fall 2021 Senior’s Fitness Test – Normative Data Table 1: Normal Range of Scores - Men

Table 2: Normal Range of Scores – Women

Lab 1-10

Kin 104L - Lab 5: A Field Test for Fitness: Seniors Fitness Test – Fall 2021

30 second chair stand

SENIOR FITNESS TEST – Sample Data Collection sheet. # of full stands:

Arm Curls (฀ light resistance ฀heavy resistance) ฀ Right ฀ Left Chair Sit and Reach (cm) ฀ Right test leg ฀ Left test leg

# of repetitions

Trial 1: +฀ / - ฀ Trial 2: +฀ / - ฀ Best Trial: +฀ / - ฀

Back Scratch (cm) ฀ Right test hand ฀ Left test hand

Trial 1: +฀ / - ฀ Trial 2: +฀ / - ฀ Best Trial: +฀ / - ฀

2- Minute Step Test (# steps)

# of Steps

8 ft Up & Go (second...

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