Skill Related Fitness Components PDF

Title Skill Related Fitness Components
Course Physical Education 1
Institution AMA Computer University
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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Skill-related Fitness Components

Module 5


Skill-related Fitness Components

In this lesson, you will be able to determine your skill-level in performing several activities that involve your movement patterns (i.e. in sports and physical activity). Through the different skill-related fitness tests, you will also discover which skill-component/s you are weak or, strong at. Knowing about your current skill-level sets you on the right track in choosing the most appropriate sport in the future. At the end of this module, you will be able to: 1. recognize the relevance of knowing your current physical fitness level to determine the appropriate physical improvements you need to do. 2. know the different skill-related fitness components in Physical Education and how it affects a person’s motor skills and sport performance. 3. know the different tests that can be performed for each skill-related fitness component. 4. relate daily activities and sporting activities that develop the different health-related and skill-related fitness components to improve a healthy lifestyle. 5. perform basic skill-related fitness components activities to grasp knowledge obtained from discussions. 6. appropriately perform basic skill-related fitness component activities to deepen your knowledge obtained from discussions. 7. analyze and distinguish the differences between the concepts of health and skill related fitness components of physical fitness. 8. understand the importance of regular physical activity and exercise through different activities that develop each skill-related fitness components. 9. analyze and distinguish the different skill related fitness components of physical fitness. Within the module, you will be provided with activities that specifically measure and target each skill-related fitness components. Through the different activities provided in this lesson, you will know how the different skill-related fitness components relate to your current health, fitness, and wellness. When in doubt, move it all out! Ensuring that you move and use your body properly, puts you at lower risk for developing health-related diseases. It also improves your movement patterns and your overall physical capacity to do work and become energetic throughout your life.

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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Skill-related Fitness Components


Skill-related Fitness Components Unlike health-related fitness components that focus on the body’s general health and condition, the skill-related fitness components are assessment tests used to determine a person’s current capacity in performing several sportrelated movements.

These activities often involve, heavily dynamic movements that require a person to accelerate and decelerate quickly. Knowing your current skill-related capacity protects you through any form of activity. This is because, you would know which skill and conditioning level is most appropriate for you at present. This then could also help guide you in choosing the best exercises and training programs that would suit your level of fitness. The focus of the lesson would be about performing the following tests to determine your current skill-level: I. II. III. IV. V. VI.

Agility – Planting Rice Drills Balance – Stork Balance Stand Test Coordination – Wall Toss Test Power – Vertical Jump Test Reaction Time – Ruler Drop Test Speed – 20-meter Dash

Assess for success! All assessment tests for fitness are an integral part of a good and sound exercise program. Without performing any health and skill-related fitness tests, you are putting yourself at risk for unnecessary injuries and other physically debilitating conditions.

Along the module, there will be activities provided for you to better understand each skillrelated fitness component. The best thing for you to do is to, go through the lesson first and perform the activities afterwards. Also, throughout the module, you will notice that, unlike the health related fitness components that focus on specific organ systems, the skill related fitness components are more associated with your level of performance and skills. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Skill-related Fitness Components


Importance of Skill-related Fitness Tests The development of these skill-related fitness components evolved together with the developments in sport. That is why, the movements involved in these fitness tests tend to be sport-specific and is best improved through practice --- a lot of practice. You will find throughout this lesson that each component is somewhat link to the other. Often times, they are so related that you need one component to make the other component work. Their coherence results in overall good performance in sports or recreational activities that you might want to get yourself into someday. During the performance of different activities, you may also discover that you are excellent in one skill-related fitness component but you lack the other components and need to improve on them. You might also notice that, when you are good in a skill-related component, you may possibly lack a specific health related fitness component, or vice versa. Do not worry in case you do notice this, because this is all too normal for everyone, even professional athletes still have areas for improvement in their craft. The goal of the module is for you to be inspired in getting touch with your sporty-self and you’d be more knowledgeable about the skills involved in some of the different sports and exercise in the fitness industry.

Physical Fitness Tests - Skill-related Fitness Components I.

Agility Agility refers to your ability to change the position of your body quickly and accurately. This component of fitness focuses on rapid and sudden changes in the body’s velocity when, you are responding to a particular stimulus or to multiple stimuli.

Almost all sports involve this skill-related component. This is because all sports tend to make dynamic or active movements that require the body to transfer from one place to another, at all times. This component is probably one of the many reasons why watching sporting events seem thrilling. Without agility, sports might occur at a snaillike pace. Think of a game that you’ve recently watched? Do players seem to move at a fast rate? If you are seeing it as that, then agility is that skill related fitness component at work. The fitness test used to measure agility is the Planting Rice Drill or the Suicide Drill. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Skill-related Fitness Components


Be light on your feet. In performing the agility test, make sure to distribute your weight evenly and be light on your feet so that you will be able to move quickly and accurately.

Planting Rice or Suicide Drill This activity is not only used for determining your agility, it can also be used in specific sports during trainings. Sports like soccer and basketball incorporate this drill in their training routine because it also helps build Cardiovascular Endurance. Suicide Drills require you to run at a very fast pace performing explosive movements during its entire duration, making it high-intensity in nature. Materials for Planting Rice Drill 1. Timer/Stopwatch 2. Line Markers – ex. stones, chairs, tape, or cones 3. Partner – ask the help of a partner to time you during the entire drill. Planting Rice - Pre-test Guidelines 1. Find an open space where you can run and perform the task. It could be a basketball court, a park, or an empty parking space. So long as the area can allow you to run and no obstructions would inhibit you to successfully perform the drill. 2. Divide the open space into 4 equal parts with approximately 4.5 meters in distance. Divide it using markers like rocks, chairs, or tape; but, if you have exercise cones you can use that for the drill instead. 3. Mark your starting line. This is the place where you will return during the execution of the test. Upon securing your space... 4. Perform a quick warm-up exercise. Don’t forget to prepare your body for the demanding task ahead. Simply jog or brisk walk continuously for 10 minutes in order for your body to be prepared for the drill that you are about to perform. Before the start of the test you need to: 5. Set your stopwatch to 5 minutes. This is the only duration of the agility drill that you will perform today. This is an ideal duration usually for beginners like you who are new to physical activity.

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Skill-related Fitness Components


If you are currently physically active, you can increase the time between 1015 minutes to increase the challenge of the drill. Ask the help of your partner to keep track of your time, at the start, during, and after the duration of the test. Planting Rice Drill – Test Proper Again, the test requires you to run back and forth throughout the space you’ve prepared, this way you will be able to gauge your skill of agility. As soon as you or your partner starts the timer: Step 1: From point 0 run towards point 1 as fast as you can and upon approaching it, touch the ground or the marker. Step 2: Run back to point 0, then touch the ground. Step 3: Head towards point 2, then touch the ground or the marker. Step 4: Run back to point 0 and touch the ground. Step 5: Head towards point 3 and run as fast as you can back to point 0. Step 7: Head towards Point 4 and run back as fast as you can back to point 0. Step 8: Keep doing the same sequence until 5-minute marker ends. Below is a simple diagram that would help guide you in performing the test properly:

Planting Rice Drill Diagram

Look straight and keep focus Throughout the execution phase, keep your focus by looking straight ahead on the direction of each marker in the drill. This way, you will be able to easily shift your body’s position and react to the sudden changes in your balance.

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Skill-related Fitness Components


Other Test Guidelines The activity is an agility drill which means it requires you to shift your body from one place to another, that is why: a. you need to run as fast as you can towards each marker and return to the starting line at a quick rate as well. b. you need to touch the ground or the markers you’ve placed. This is an added challenge to your body in performing this agility drill. This is also to, let your body become aware in quickly reacting to the sudden change in movements and positions presented to it. c. you do not stop or slow-down during the 5-minute interval of the execution of this agility drill. Remember that the challenge is to improve your skill of agility as well as to contribute to the development of your cardiovascular and muscular endurance. After the exercise do not forget to: d. perform a cool-down exercise. Try doing a 5-minute slow walk RIGHT AFTER the drill. e. stretch the muscles that you’ve used during the activity. This way you won’t feel sore the following day or the next days ahead. Try doing these simple exercises for your stretch:  Torso Stretch – this stretch is for the muscles at the sides of your torso.  Quad stretch – this stretch is for the muscles at the front of your thighs.

Image Source: Torso Stretch - Quad Stretch – Hamstring Stretch – Ankle Stretch –

 

Course Module

Hamstring stretch – this stretch is for the muscles at the back of your thighs. Ankle Stretch – this is where you plant one foot to the floor and you bring the other in front of you. Place your hands on the wall and keep your foot flat and feel the stretch at the back of your legs.

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Skill-related Fitness Components


Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds and perform each on the right and left sides of the body. Perform each of the exercise for at least 3 consecutive sets before changing to stretch the other side of your body. Don’t forget to breathe properly as you perform each of the stretch exercise. Did you finish the 5-minute agility drill? How did you feel before, during, and after performing the activity? Were you successful in finishing strong? Or were you running out of breath after the allotted time? Where do you think can you possibly use this skill? Do you play Basketball? How about Soccer or Football? Have you ever tried playing racquet sports like: Tennis, Badminton, or Pingpong? These are some sports that really need agility. Without this skill you won’t be able to make quick decisions during your game play. Developing your agility component not only improves your fitness skill but it also helps you overcome events in your immediate environment. Just the same with endurance trainings, agility drills can be incorporated in your trainings, throughout the lessons, you will see how it is very much essential in sports and everyday activities.

Run fast if you can! If you are agile enough, you may also be able to protect yourself from danger by moving more quickly. Your stealth would help you make quick judgments that would help you evade the dangers of your environment and possibly save you from life threatening situations (e.g. robbery or attack).

II. Balance The second skill-related fitness component is known as, Balance. This component of fitness refers to, your ability to maintain equilibrium while moving or stationary. Balance is further subdivided into two types and these are: static and dynamic balance.

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Skill-related Fitness Components


II. A. Static Balance The first type of balance is known as, Static Balance. This type of balance refers to your ability to retain your center of mass above your base of support in a stationary position. Do you still remember where your Center of Gravity is located in your body? Recall that during the previous lessons, it was mentioned that your center of mass or center of gravity (COG) is located within the midline of your abdominal area.

Image Source: Center of Gravity

Simple activities like, standing upright or sitting comfortably in a chair, is static balance at work. Several muscles within your body work hand-in-hand with your COG to help you maintain your position. With a weak set of muscles (particularly your abdominal muscles), it would give you a poor sense of static balance and prevent you from maintain non-moving positions at a prolonged rate. Quick Activity for Static Balance Try this one on your seat: a. Take your back off of the chair’s rest. b. Try to sit up straight and plant your feet flat on the floor c. Place your hands on your laps. d. Keep your back straight and hold this position for 30 seconds.

Did you feel the muscles of your back working? Was it hard for you to sit up right because you are used to slouching? Static balance is clearly at work in this simple activity. Your center of mass is evenly distributed when you try to keep your body in the right posture at all times. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Skill-related Fitness Components


Without it, you will keep on falling over and fail to keep yourself upright even while you are in a seated position.

Image Source: Activity (Sitting Straight) 13/2013/09/sit-up-straight-class.html

II. B. Dynamic Balance The second type of balance is called, Dynamic Balance. This refers to your ability to maintain your balance while performing different bodily movements. Unlike in static balance where you are stationary, this type of balance occurs when you are in motion. When you are shifting your body from one place to another, dynamic balance is at work.

Image Source: Balance on Bosu ball

Image Source: Dynamic Balance -

Dynamic balance works hand-in-hand with Agility, as well as, other skill-related fitness components. This is because, our bodies are meant to move in different directions all the time. Without dynamic balance, movements will be impossible to make. You would not be able to run, let alone walk because your body’s not in sync with your center of mass. Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Skill-related Fitness Components


Stork Stand - Test Proper It is a basic test that evaluates your body’s ability to maintain the integrity of its center of mass, because of, the challenge of a limited base of support. For this test you would need a timer or a stopwatch, and a partner to help you in determining your balance. Follow these simple steps to perform a Stork Stand Test: Step 1: Stand up from your chair and plant your feet flat on the floor. Step 2: Place both your hands on your waist, as you do this take in a deep breath Step 3: Slowly exhale then bring one heel off of the floor towards your knee. Upon doing these movements… Step 4: Ask your partner to start the time once your heel lifts off of the floor. Step 5: You must perform the test for 3 consecutive times and note how long you performed each of the trials. Step 6: Record the longest time that you’ve performed the test among the three trials. Stork Balance Test – Other Guidelines Other guidelines for the test include: 1. Stopping the time as soon as your form breaks. This will be very observable when:  Your arms move  Your bent heel goes down  You start hopping around with the planted foot.  Or the foot of the bent leg moves away from the straight leg. 2. Don’t push your bent leg towards your knee. This is because this applied pressure may bring discomfort or worst injury to your knee joint.

Images Source: Stork Balance Test Snapshot health-tip-strengthen-your-balance.html Stork Balance Test - health-tip-strengthen-your-balance.html

Course Module

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness Skill-related Fitness Components


Don’t forget to breathe! Most of the time, when you breathe properly, your movements also become more fluid. As opposed to holding your breath throughout your exercise, where your muscles tense up and it becomes harder for you to be consistent in your activity.

Stork Balance Test – Standards You can check how well you did by looking at the Stork Balance Test Standard. The standard indicates how long or how many seconds were you able to perform the trials. Remember that you need to take note of the highest score amongst the three attempts. Stork Balance Test - Standards Category



> 50


40 – 50


25 – 39


10 – 24


< 10

Try to look at this example so you would know how to properly understand your test result: Joe did the stork balance test and was able to get the following data: (1) 48 seconds; (2) 51 seconds; (3) 55 seconds. Since the test requires Joe to perform it for three (3) trials, he will only record his best time. Notice that in the example, the subject best performed the test for a duration of fifty-five (55) seconds. Looking at the standard for the stork stand balance ...

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