Kinesiology Quiz 1 And Test 1: Study Material Guide Notes PDF

Title Kinesiology Quiz 1 And Test 1: Study Material Guide Notes
Course Kinesiology
Institution Northeastern University
Pages 48
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Kinesiology Quiz 1 Study Guide Introduction:  Coordinates- a reference system to help define direction and magnitude o Clinical coordinates- joint motion is described using clinical coordinates unless otherwise specified  Origin- an arbitrary point on the body when the body is in anatomical position  X, Y, and Z axes o Global coordinates o Relative/Local coordinates  Sagittal plane: o Medial/lateral axis penetrates the sagittal plane (motion occurs around axis)  Cuts the body into left and right halves, looking at body from the side o Joint motions in sagittal plane:  Ankle- dorsiflexion/plantarflexion  Shoulder- flexion/extension  Hip- flexion/extension  Frontal plane: o Anterior-posterior axis penetrates frontal plane (motion occurs around axis)  Cuts the body into front and back halves, looking at the body from the front o Joint motions in frontal plane:  Cervical- lateral flexion  Shoulder- ABD/ADD  Wrist- radial/ulnar deviation  Ankle- INV/EV (occurs at subtalar joint)  Transverse plane: o Vertical axis penetrates the transverse plane (motion occurs around axis)  Cuts the body into upper and lower halves, looking at the body from the top o Joint motions in transverse plane:  Cervical- rotation  Shoulder- IR/ER  Ankle- ADD/ABD  Osteokinematics- a study of the movement of a bone with relation to the other o Joint range of motion o Position- the location of a body component o Motion- the movement of a body component  The act of the body part moving from one position to another  Open chain- the distal bone moves freely while the proximal bone is fixed  Closed chain- the distal bone is fixed while the proximal bone moves freely

Arthrokinematics- study of the movement of the articular surfaces o Articular surfaces can:  Spin- a single point of a moving object rotates on a single point of a stationary object  Ex: radial head spinning on humeral capitulum during supination/pronation  Glide (slide)- a single point on the moving object contacts multiple points on the stationary object  Roll- multiple points on the moving object contact multiple points on the stationary object o In joints with concave-convex configuration both limbs roll and slide  Concave-Convex rule:  Concave moving on convex: concave segment rolls and glides in same direction  Convex moving on concave: convex segment rolls and glides in opposite directions  Choose the moving segment, select a point, look at where the point would move Kinematics- a study of position and position change without considering the cause of the position change o Isometric- muscle is working but not moving o Concentrically- muscle is working/shortening o Eccentrically- muscle is working/lengthening o If gravity can help the agonist is not going to work in order to save energy  Antagonist works eccentrically o When gravity is not helping, agonist works concentrically o Primary mover is the muscle that works the most o Co-contraction stabilizes the joint: both antagonist and agonist must work in order to maintain a position

Biomechanics 1  Forces: o Internal force- generated by muscle o External force- generated by gravity o Torque- angular force  Newton’s laws- basis of musculoskeletal biomechanics o Law of inertia- an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion, unless there is a force changing its current status  Inertia- the ability of an object to resist change  The greater the mass, the greater the inertia  Whiplash- body moves forward, head stays in same position  hyperextension torque of cervical spine, damages to soft tissue structures (deep neck flexors, anterior longitudinal ligament, etc.)

Moment of inertia- ability of an object to resistant change in an angular movement  Moment of inertia- angular term  Inertia- linear term  I = mr ^ 2 o I = moment of inertia o M = mass o R = radius of rotation o Law of acceleration: F = ma o Law of Action-Reaction: for every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction  Ground reaction force- when you apply a force to the ground, the ground will generate a reaction force to you  The ground reaction force is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force that the body exerts on the ground Analysis of force o Movements results from interaction of internal and external forces o To perform force analysis you need to have basis knowledge of:  Coordinate- global and relative/local  Global coordinate- describes a position in relation to the space o Origin- an arbitrary point in the space defined as (0,0) o X- represents the AP direction of the space (parallel to the floor) o Y- represents the vertical direction of the space (perpendicular to the floor)  Relative/local coordinate- describes a position of a segment in relation to the adjacent segment o Coordinate system changes depending on your movement o X is parallel to the body segment that is moving o Y is perpendicular to the X  Features of force:  Force has an application point o Muscle force- the attachment of the muscle to the bone o Gravity- the center of mass of the body segment  When standing, center of mass is at S2  Force has a magnitude o Muscle force- biceps produce N o Gravity- weight of the forearm  Force has a direction: changes depending on coordinate system

o Global coordinates- muscle force is moving upwards in the vertical direction o Relative coordinates- muscle force has an angle of pull so it’s difficult to describe direction o Vectors have both direction and magnitude (force, displacement) o Scalar has only magnitude, no direction (mass, distance)  Force decomposition:  When force is neither parallel to the X axis nor parallel to the Y, it can be decomposed into an X component and Y component. o The resultant force, the X component, and the Y component all have the same application point.  X component will be parallel to x-axis  Y component will be parallel to y-axis  The resultant force, the X component, and the Y component can form a right triangle (with simple shifting) o Hypotenuse = resultant force o Adjacent = x component o Opposite = y component o COS= A/H o SIN = O/H o Applying force to a body segment can make the segment rotate about its joint  Joint is an axis of rotation, rotation is a joint movement  Not always true, rotation is not just about force but also about moment arm. If there is no moment arm there will be no rotation. Torque = force * moment arm o To make a segment move about the joint, we need both force and moment arm.  Torque is the angular term for force o Moment arm = the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to the force vector  You might need to extend the force vector  When force penetrates the axis of rotation, there is no moment arm  no rotation Simple joint movement analysis: o Application point = distal attachment of muscle o Acceleration due to gravity = -9.8 o If net torque is negative (downwards), the exercise would be too difficult for the client.

Biomechanics 2: 

Levers: o A lever system is formed by forces, axis of rotation, and moment arm o 3 types of levers in our body:  First class lever- axis of rotation is in the middle and resistance and effort are on the two sides  Ex: AO Joint  Application point: center of mass  Second class lever- resistance is in between the axis of rotation and the effort  Mechanical advantage- helps us save energy or effect o Moment arm for effort is larger than the moment arm of resistance  Ex: calf muscles when plantar flexing o Ball of foot is axis of rotation o Plantarflexors are effort o Resistance is in the middle  Third class lever- effort is located between the axis of rotation and resistance  Most commonly observed in the body  Excursion advantage- we can get the job done with shorter distance of traveling o Effort is near the axis of rotation so you don’t need to travel much for the action to happen but it requires more force o Moment arm for effort is shorter than moment arm for resistance (no mechanical advantage)  Ex: elbow flexors o Elbow joint is axis of rotation o Elbow flexors are effort o Weight in hand is resistance Momentum = mass * velocity o Anything that is moving has momentum. Check the velocity to know if something is moving. o Transfer of momentum: momentum can transfer from one object to another  Intersegmental dynamics- transfer of momentum  When you move the femur, the pelvis moves  When you move the arm, the shoulder moves  This is why stabilization of joints is so important o To stop momentum of an object, you need to apply a force to the object over a period of time. In other words, you need to generate impulse  Impulse = force * time  Mass*acceleration*time = force * time = impulse

o Impulse can be used to both generate and break momentum Work (J) = force * displacement (S) o S = terminal position – initial position o Work occurs when a force causes an object to move o Muscle work: can be positive, negative, or absent  Positive work:  Ex: elbow flexors generate force and the elbow is flexing  Concentric contractions  Generating energy  Negative work:  Ex: elbow flexors are generating force, but the elbow is extending  Eccentric contractions  Absorbing energy  No work:  Ex: elbow flexors are generating force but the elbow is not moving at all  Isometric contraction Energy (scalar) is the capability for the system to do work. There are two types of mechanical energy: o Potential energy  Energy due to its position  M*g*h  M = mass  G = gravity constant  H= height  Stored energy  Once potential energy is released it can do certain work  It does not do work if it’s stored o Kinetic energy  Energy due to motion  ½(m/v^2) o Energy can never be destroyed: potential energy + kinetic energy = constant  Kinetic and potential energy values may change (inversely related) but the total mechanical energy is constant o Loss of potential energy transforms to kinetic energy to get the work done Power (Watts) = work/time o Positive relationship with work o Negative relationship with time o Rate at which the work is done o Power = work / t = F*S / t = F * V

Kinesiology Quiz 2 Study Guide Hip  Joint Surfaces: far more stable than shoulder o Acetabulum: junction of pelvic bones  Faces anteriorly, laterally, and inferiorly  Articular surface is horseshoe shaped  Acetabulum is filled with fat and ligamentum teres  Requires weight bearing to develop o Femur: longest, strongest bone in the body  Slight anterior/posterior bowing allows: slight flexion in weight bearing, high compression loads, compression posterior and tension anterior  Femoral head: 2/3 of the sphere is covered with articular cartilage  But not the fovea (center point)  Angles of inclination and angle of torsion- you can’t change these angles but it will help you determine what a patient is predisposed to or what can be contributing to their problems that you can fix.  Angle of inclination: frontal plane neck to shaft angle o Normal: 125º but 140º-150º at birth o Coxa valga: > 125º  Seen in DDH, Spina Bifida, NWB CP  Causes varus at the knees (compensation to stay in midline)  Abduction at hips with weight bearing to maximize joint congruency o Coxa vara: < 125º  Seen with slipped capital femoral epiphysis  Causes valgus at the knees (compensation to stay in midline)  Adduction at hips with weight bearing to maximize joint congruence  Angle of Torsion (anteversion): transverse plane “twist” o Normal: 10º-15º but 35º at birth o Excessive anteversion: >15º  Toes in as compensation to stabilize hip/maximize joint congruency with weight bearing (a lot of hip IR) o Retroversion: 17º of valgus = hallux valgus (bunion) o Happens when big toe doesn’t extend normally and is usually genetic/common in people with very pronated feet Musculature of Foot and Ankle o Intrinsic muscles of Foot: allow for adaptation of the foot  Often they have to work hard if arch is too high or too low o Windlass Effect of Toe Extension: support of arch architecturally  Plantar fascia is stretched with toe extension to create a more rigid level arm/ more arch support  Creates more supination in forefoot for rigidness when walking

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Therefore, lacking toe extension  lack of tightness of plantar fascia  not as much arch support Subtalar neutral- line talus up under tibia and fibula and see if the person can hold it and if it’s architecturally stable Rearfoot deformities: o Uncompensated: in open chain what the foot looks like o Compensated: what the foot looks like when it hits the ground and has to compensate so you are stable  Where assessment begins, then look at uncompensated o Rearfoot varus:  Forefoot alignment may be normal  Calcaneus is inverted when subtalar joint is neutral  Compensated by pronation at STJ  Can lead to heel spurs, shin splints, bursitis, lateral ankle sprains o Forefoot varus: leads to more problems up the chain  Compensated by pronation at STJ  Compensation results in everted calcaneus, IR of tibia, decreased foot rigidity (pronation)  Can lead to hyper pronation, hallux valgus, fasciitis, patellar maltracking, shin splints  If necessary amount of pronation does not exist, weight bearing occurs laterally Forefoot valgus: o Mid-stance of gait usually unaffected unless extreme o Compensated by supination at STJ o Can lead to lateral ankle sprains, ITB syndrome

Kinesiology Test 1 Study Guide (excluding quiz 1 study guide material) Introduction to Movement Analysis:  Qualitative movement analysis: non-numeric evaluation of motion based upon direct observation; systematic observation and introspective judgment of the quality of human movement o Helps guide our intervention strategies and clinical decision making o Functional screening:  Observation of a gross movement pattern, identifying dysfunction, direction for quantitative measures  Tests: overhead squat, hurdle step, in-line lunge, shoulder mobility, active straight leg raise, trunk stability push-up, rotary stability  Quantitative analysis: numeric evaluation of motion based upon data collected during the performance; measurement of key biomechanical variables related to a movement  Functional movement: a coordination of movements throughout the kinetic chain to create purposeful movement o Multiple plane and multiple joints o Dysfunctional movement indicates an increased risk of injury  Range of Motion (ROM) assessment o A quantitative method of measuring joint integrity o Goniometry  ROM can be passive or active  End range assessment- ROM is measured at end range  Normal values for a patient are determined by comparing to the other side  Reliable measurement with a standard err or 5 degrees accepted  Methods- goniometry o Starting position is zero (some exceptions) o Documentation:  0-180 degrees  -15-0-180 degrees o AROM procedure:  Position -> explain -> AROM -> align goni -> take reading o PROM procedure:  Position -> explain -> PROM -> assess end feel -> align goni -> take reading o End feels- soft, firm, hard  Firm is most common  Manual muscle testing- current standard for assessing strength in the clinical setting o Used to determine the capacity of a muscle or group of muscles to generate force o Make tests or break tests  Hand help dynamometry is more accurate  Isokinetic is gold standard  Limitations: cost, lengthy set-up, size o Graded on a 0-5 scale

Procedure for MMT: o Position patient in AG position -> explain and demo -> stabilize the proximal segment -> observe the movement -> full ROM AG apply resistance or not full ROM AG move to gravity minimized position Dynamometry- quantitative and objective measurement o Limitations: reliability of make vs. break test, tester’s strength, resistance location, holding device stable, cost

Biomechanics 3  Movement analysis- an analysis of how internal and external forces interact with a body segment o Static analysis- why a body segment is not moving  No net force, sum of all forces = 0  No net torque, sum of all torques = 0 o Dynamic analysis- why a body segment is moving  Linear force= sum of all forces acting on a segment  Angular force= sum of all torque acting on a segment Intro to Balance  Balance: from a mechanical perspective, if we can keep the body center of mass (COM) within the base of support (BOS), then we maintain balance. o Definition captures static balance but not dynamic balance  Balance is an interaction of vision, proprioception, and vestibular input  BOS is the area bounded by the feet o Increase BOS by increasing area bounded by the feet or separating feet diagonally o Assistive devices increase BOS but patients align their Com with the center of BOS so their posture may shift toward the side of the assistive device

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Challenging BOS to test balance o Approach 1: single leg stance test  Eyes open, hands on hips, unassisted  Older adults who are unable to perform the one-leg stand for at least 5 seconds are at increased risk of falling  To make it harder, eyes closed o Approach 2: tandam stance test: move feet closer to each other  Place one foot in front of the other, heel to toe  Older adults who cannot hold the tandem stance for at least 10 seconds is at increased risk of falling COM- a concentrating point of the body around which all the particles are evenly distributed o In “quiet” standing, the COM locates in front of S2 o The location of COM will change when the body moves and can move outside the body o Moving COM away from the BOS is a challenge to balance  Functional Reach test- reach as far as you can forward without taking a step Center of gravity (COG) is the vertical projection of the COM to the ground o COG is on the ground but lines up with COM Center of pressure (COP) is the application point of ground reaction force on the foot o Measured by a force plate o Ground reaction force always goes from COP to COM  Ground reaction force helps stop us when walking Ankle Strategy- ankle is used as axis of rotation for maintaining balance o Used when perturbation (external force that changes position) is:  Slow, low amplitude, the foot contact surface is firm and wife o Muscles are recruited distal-to-proximal; they fire to prevent a fall o Perturbation pushes person backwards: first TA, then quads, then abs o Perturbation pushes person forwards: first calves, then hamstrings, then back extensors Hip Strategy- hip is used as axis of rotation for balance o Used when perturbation is:  Fast, large amplitude, foot contact surface is narrow or unstable o Muscles recruited proximal-to-distal; they fire to prevent a fall o Perturbation pushes person backward- hip extension: first back extensors, then hamstrings o Perturbation pushes person forward- hip flexion: first abdominals, then quads Stepping Strategy- used to prevent a fall when perturbations are fast, large amplitude, or when other strategies fail o BOS moves to “catch up with” COM

Bone, Joint, and Muscle Mechanics  Bone: o Function:  Stability- provide a frame to support the body  Mobility- provide attachment sites for muscles allowing movement of limbs  Protection

o Types:  Cortical (hard) bone- dense, forms hard outer layer of bone  Trabecular (spongy) bone- low density, fills interior of bone  Bone is rigid but light so that it is protected and strong but isn’t too heavy that we get fatigued easily o Fractures occur when an excessive amount of forces is applied to the bone  Compression Force: two forces move toward each other in the same line of action  Gravity force goes down, floor force goes up so when someone hits the ground  compression force  Tension Force (tensile force): two forces move away from each other in the same line of action  Ex: transverse patella fracture- quads pull up on patella, patella tendon pulls down trying to hold it in place  Bending force- compression force applies to one side of the obje...

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