Klausurinformationen GEE Social Gaming PDF

Title Klausurinformationen GEE Social Gaming
Course Social Gaming
Institution Technische Universität München
Pages 7
File Size 172.3 KB
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Total Downloads 71
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Infos und Guideline zur Social Gaming Klausur...


Fact sheet for the RETAKE Graded Electronic Exercise for IN0040 + IN2241 (Social Gaming / Social Computing) on October 5th, 2020 Official start time: 08:00 (sharp). Working time: 60 minutes Nature of the „exam“ Due to Corona, the “physical” retake exam is replaced by a graded electronic exercise („GEE“) (open Book).

Concept and Reasoning •

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Physical exams are still deemed too problematic these days (possible virus transmission, too many supervision personnel required, international students cannot attend etc.) by students, examiners, scientific staff and the study dean of the Faculty of Informatics. Proctored exams are also considered problematic by students, examiners, scientific staff and the study dean of the Faculty of Informatics. Therefore, instead of a physical written exam, we will offer an open book graded electronic exercise (GEE) conducted with the system TUM-Exam https://www.tumexam.de/ and especially: https://tumexam.de/static/handreichung_submissions_students.pdf Why open book? Because making sure that e.g. lecture material is not used at all in this “remote” setting appears to be very difficult. We will have a shorter working time than usual (in our case 60 minutes (plus an extra 15 minutes submission time) instead of 90 minutes). We will have roughly 1215 assignments (instead of 25 as in the overloaded concept of years before). It is not the goal to make the assignments more difficult than usual due to the “open-book” concept. Some assignments might just have a slightly different character (“explain the rationale behind....” instead of “name three of the five xyz” or “provide the expression for xyz” which may be easily derived in a closed book setting but could just simply be looked up on the slides or quickly communicated by some text message (which is, of course, strictly forbidden). We may nevertheless still have some of these “old style, closed book” questions, when appropriate. Always remember: If assignments should appear difficult to you and time pressure is high for you, so is difficulty and time-pressure for all other participants. Do what you can do and if it should turn out at grading that the assignments were too difficult or the time was not enough for most of the students, just perceive the exam as overloaded (a concept which is actually GOOD for students). we will adapt the grading schema accordingly (within certain boundaries of course). IMPORTANT: Due to the new structure of the “exam”, the original promise to take 40 % of the exam questions from the pool of questions in each slide set, CANNOT BE UPHELD, since the assignments have to change a little bit in nature as explained

above. However, you may of course still use them for your preparation. A lot of them are still valid for the GEE, but will be adapted accordingly.

Principal Organization •

How to interact with TUM-exam and the principal organization of this general “electronic submission” style of “exams” (GEEs) is described here: https://tumexam.de/static/handreichung_submissions_students.pdf Principal steps: o Make yourself familiar with TUM-Exam, e.g. where to get the personalized login-link (login with Matriculation number (WITH leading 0), no password required) to TUM-Exam (where you GET and UPLOAD your “exam”-(GEE)-pdf) using the link above. o Choose a tool to fill out the pdf during the GEE working period. Please regard that certain tools have caused problems in the past for some users (see respective section below and see the recommendations in https://tumexam.de/static/handreichung_submissions_students.pdf). o log into one of the bbb rooms of the exam: (normal browser (Chrome is recommended) and no credentials required). § https://bbb.in.tum.de/geo-492-wt9 (family name A-H) § https://bbb.in.tum.de/geo-zn2-ryr (family name I-P) § https://bbb.in.tum.de/geo-xku-mc3 (family name S-Z) o Use your full name as your name in BBB. o Share your video (not your screen, because that is unfortunately only possible one at a time) from a web-cam that shows you and your screen. Due to data-protection laws this is voluntary. Why is it nevertheless recommended? Because if we can see you working correctly, that substantially lowers your chance of being invited to an additional oral cheating-checkup. o You may also use your smartphone’s camera to show you and your screen. Just log on to bbb with the phone (as a second log-in or as your only log-in). o please be in the BBB room 15 minutes before the start of the exam, we can then check your camera-arrangement and check for your identity, if necessary (e.g. in case your camera shows your screen and you only from behind). o Keep your microphone muted at all times. o For the direction of the communication from you to the supervisor of the room, we will use PRIVATE chats in BBB. We will block you from being able to write to the public chat and only allow you to write into private chats with the supervisor of your BBB. Announcements will still be done (unidirectionally) via the public chat. However, there will not very likely be any super-important public announcements. So if you do not regard the BBB-chat (e.g. because you only have a small screen) that will not likely be super-important. o Use your personalized TUM-Exam link to download the PDF with the assignments and the text-fields for your answers: This link is published in

TUM-Online in the “additional information” section of the exam results for this “exam” some time ahead of the start time (usually a day or two). There is no other possibility to get your PDF! Make sure that you understand where to find the link! o You just need your matriculation number to login to TUM-Exam and to access the PDF. o The exams are personalized. Your exam has specific elements to it and only you can download and upload your exam. o At the beginning of the working period (== official start date of the exam) the PDF becomes visible for download in TUM-Exam. you can then download the PDF and start working. o during the 60 minute working period, work on the assignments either: § directly in the PDF with your keyboard (recommended !) or by using a tablet with electronic pen § OR you can print PDF with the assignments, work on paper with a normal pen, and at the end scan or make photos and submit the scanned image files (not recommended !!!) o The submission period starts at the same point in time as the working period but is 15 minutes longer than the working period (i.e. submission period == 75 minutes in total). Within these 15 minutes (or of course also earlier if you wish :-)) you need to start the upload in TUM-Exam. During the submission period you may upload new versions of your PDF with the solutions. Once the submission period is over, no submission is technically possible anymore. The upload may take longer than these 15 minutes (the system enqueues your submission and may start it a couple of minutes later) and may last until the end of the additional upload period of 30 minutes that starts immediately after the submission period is over. Unchanged uploads may also be restarted during that time if anything goes wrong (e.g. if your connection breaks down). If by any chance your internet connection should fail completely (e.g. your flatmate cuts the DSL-cable with the vacuum cleaner) or anything goes terribly wrong technically when trying to submit: contact the supervisors in the public chat of the BBB session. Make sure you email your PDF solutions in these cases immediately (!) to [email protected]. Whether these email-submissions will be accepted depends on the circumstances. The later they arrive, the slimmer the chances of acceptance become. --> Do not gamble too hard with the “extra working time” of 15 minutes (submission period minus working period). Use the working period to work and once this is over immediately begin the submission process. It is your own risk, if you push submitting to the very end of the 15 minutes.

Cheating •

This is a special situation. This special situation requires a lot from all of us. We all need to behave professionally and honorably. I appeal to all of you: PLEASE WORK CORRECTLY! Cheating is an official violation of the code of conduct of TUM and will definitively warrant the full scale of official measures that are legally possible.

Cheating includes any violations of the terms laid out in this document and especially includes exchanging content with other persons (participating or not) during working / submission period or using illegal content (e.g. retrieved during working / submission period from the Web) As a means of anti-cheating, we strongly recommend using a web-cam in BBB that preferably shows your screen and yourself. If we can see that you work correctly, this severely diminishes your chances of being invited to an additional oral checkup. We are allowed by the TUM legal department to conduct additional oral checkups (conducted via BBB) to check for possible cheating (as random checks and especially in cases where we suspect any cheating, maybe also due to plagiarism checks during grading). We will inform you via email whether you are chosen for this additional check-up. the oral checkup’s sole outcomes are: o cheating cannot be “proven” with sufficient confidence --> your GEE grade counts without change o cheating is detected e.g. by you being unable to sufficiently explain your answers or their related background or being unable to show a level of knowledge on par with the quality of your submissions. --> your GEE grade is changed to 5,0 Please note: I am not at all fond of all this “checkup stuff”, since I guess that 99% of you will work correctly and “suspecting” you “all” is not justified and somehow disgusting. But we got to make this whole GEE fair for all participants, which implies that certain checkups are necessary. If I get knowledge of cheating I will CRACK DOWN HARD on those persons!!! This is definitively where Mr. Nice Guy ENDS. Cheating in normal exams is also a foul move but in times where we need to stand together and allow everyone a safe exam and your international fellow students who cannot attend an exam at all, cheating is considered much more severe!! The consequences will DEFINITVELY consider THROWING YOU OUT of your study program. if cheating is detected in which more than one person is involved (e.g. person A copied content from person B or vice versa) all involved persons will be treated as cheaters irrespective of their particular role. Copying encompasses exchanges via any kind of communication and of course extends to mere reformulations of illegal content.

Definition of „Open Book“ •

Material you are allowed to use: o The module’s lecture slides and the exercise materials o All material referenced in the slides of lecture and exercise (e.g. all of the background reading) o An English dictionary (an electronic dictionary (e.g. leo.org) is also allowed) o personal notes (cheat-sheets, comments, remarks on the slides etc.) from preparing the exam (handwritten or typed + printed). Notes may also come from other students, however, of course, you need to have them BEFORE the working period starts ;-)

o Any allowed material may be viewed and searched on your computer (e.g. with a PDF viewer). Printing is not necessary. But of course, you may also use the “physical” form of the allowed materials (real books, print-outs etc.). material and resources that you are not allowed to use: anything else :-). That includes especially: o anything retrieved from the Web during the working time or submission time except those materials that are explicitly allowed or for purposes related to downloading or uploading your PDF. This includes especially material found via Google-Search, Google Scholar, and other Web-search-engines, digital Libraries (Springer, ACM, IEEE etc.), etc. o any content is forbidden that is transmitted to you via any physical or electronic means by any other person during the working time other than the exam supervisors or, of course, the official GEE material (e.g. the assignment sheet).

Using your Internet connection, Software and Devices During the working period and submission period you may use electronic devices (e.g. laptop, tablet), software and services, and especially any network connection on any device only for the following purposes: • Interacting with TUM-Exam. i.e. especially downloading and uploading the GEE PDF • writing your solutions by filling out the GEE PDF • printing and scanning / photographing the GEE assignment sheet (if necessary. This is NOT RECOMMENDED though) • Using BBB or other means for communicating with the exam-supervisors (e.g. via Email) in emergency cases (e.g. something with TUM-Exam doesn’t work etc.) • Looking up unclear words from the assignment sheet in an electronic English dictionary (e.g. Leo.org) • Accessing TUM-Online or the Moodle page of the module. • viewing and searching in the allowed materials (--> you do not need to print materials) During the working period and submission period you may especially not use any network connection on any device to • access the Web in general (other than for the allowed purposes specified above) this especially includes o Google-Search, Google Scholar, and other Web-search-engines o digital Libraries (Springer, ACM, IEEE etc.) • to communicate in any form with other persons except for the exam supervisors. • Do not use docker! You can just view your ipynb files with a text editor. One reason for forbidding “Googling” is my experience with a past open book machine learning exam where students desperately searched on Google for solutions for almost all the working time instead of working on the assignments themselves.

Communicating with other persons during the working period and submission period

During the working period, submission period, and upload period you may not communicate or collaborate with other persons (except for the exam supervisors) in any form (e.g. faceto-face, text-based communication (chats, instant messaging etc.), audio-based communication (e.g. telephony), sign language, gestures, smoke-signals etc. :-))

Answering: Filling out the PDF, Math stuff • • •

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You may answer in English or German or any comprehensible mixture of these languages. Drawings or very complicated math formulas will not be part of the exam. However, with very very low probability you may decide to use notationally “simple” math stuff in your answers. You can use any form of notation that is comprehensible for us. We recommend simple LaTeX-like math notations: examples: • \sum_a • \sum_{a=1}^\infty • sum_a=1^infty • \int_s=0^N • P(w_1,w_2,...,w_n) • P(A|B) • \theta • theta • --> or \rightarrow You don’t need to become a LaTeX expert. Use any notation that we can understand. E.g. instead of “\int_{x=0}^N exp(x)dx” you may, of course, also write “ integral from x=0 to N exp(x) dx” Filling out the PDF with a PDF viewer and your normal keyboard should be the preferred way. Anything else is not really necessary or recommended. Regard that we impose restrictions on how long your answer may be by the size of the answer box. Regard that TUM-Exam uses an image-based processing chain: anything not visible at the time of submission cannot be regarded. So if you write so much in an answer boy that the scrollbar appears the stuff that is not visible is cut off and LOST in the submission process!!!! Please read the TUM-Exam instructions concerning filling out https://tumexam.de/static/handreichung_submissions_students.pdf You may, of course, use your own physical pen and paper on the side to make additional notes and try out solutions etc. However, that should not be really necessary. Some tools seemed to have had the “effect” that text entered into the answer boxes seemed to “disappear” after finishing the edit. This seemed to occur especially when using Preview on MacOS for PDF editing and saving the edited PDF under the same name again. It seems that this can be mitigated by using “Export to PDF” and using another filename. Some browser-based PDF editors (e.g. with Edge) have also caused similar problems.

You can “try out” your tools using the old August 10 exam pdf uploaded to the Moodle page of the module. Mixing keyboard-based entries and “handwritten” stuff via electronic pen and tablet in the answer boxes seems to work in principle, but is not really recommended. Filling out via keyboard is the recommended way.

Grading Remarks • • •

If we ask you to provide two arguments and you provide three where one is wrong or faulty, you cannot get full points. If you provide a correct reasoning for something and add other false arguments, you cannot get full points. If you just select and copy material from the allowed material you will get less points then if you formulate in your own words.

Test run •

We will not have a test-run for the retake GEE....

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