KWL Chart Template - EXAMPLAR PDF

Title KWL Chart Template - EXAMPLAR
Author Maggie
Course Perspectives in Liberal Arts
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 4
File Size 207.3 KB
File Type PDF
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IDS 100 Project 2 KWL Chart Template Prompt: In order to help you apply the lenses of liberal arts to your topic, you will complete the provided KWL chart. Use the information you gathered in the lenses chart (Project 1) to help guide you. In addition, the information from both charts will be useful to you in Project 3, the presentation, which you will work on in Modules Six and Seven and submit in Module Eight. Replace the bracketed text in the KWL chart below with the relevant information. Complete the following steps: 1. In the “K” column, identify your chosen topic and write what you already know about your topic in relation to each of the lenses. 2. In the “W” column, write what you want to know about your chosen topic in the form of questions in relation to each of the lenses. 3. In the “L” column, after reading the article you located associated with your chosen topic, summarize what you learned about your topic when looking at it through each of the lenses. Although the articles you review may not answer all of your questions, be sure to answer any questions possible in the space provided and explain your response. Also, note the citation for your article as it is provided to you, as you will need to reference this in future modules when creating your presentation slides. 4. Create a list of keywords you would use were you to continue researching your chosen topic. Consider the questions you had that were not answered by the articles you reviewed: Are there any terms/keywords that you might use to search for answers to these questions?

KWL Chart





What I know about my topic

What I want to know

What I learned

Keywords I could use to continue exploring my topic

My topic is Space Exploration.

This is what I want to know about my topic:

I already know the following about this topic:

● ●

Edwin Hubble discovered the cosmos

What I learned when exploring my topic through the social science lens:

How has space exploration impacted or influenced us?

Space exploration has helped us culturally and innovatively It has helped us improve the quality life of earth

Dark Matter Space technology Empty space

Have any of your questions been answered by the article you read? Explain.






What I know about my topic

What I want to know

What I learned

Keywords I could use to continue exploring my topic

● ●

The first images were captured of Earth in 1946

Laika was the first dog to aboard the Sputnik space craft

Who was the first person to go to space?

What is dark matter?

Do you have to be a scientist to contribute to space exploration?

Why did we explore space?

This answered my first question we were able to engineer many innovative technologies such as solar panels, heart monitors, storage, recycling and waste management, advanced robotics, health and medicine, transportation, engineering, computing and software.

Citation: [Coordination Group, I. S. E. (2013, September). Benefits Stemming from Space Exploration. Benefits-Stemming-from-Space-Exploration2013-TAGGED.pdf.

What I learned when exploring my topic through the natural science lens: ●

Many Scientists have studied dark energy until this day there are many unanswered questions on dark energy and matter. Scientists are still observing and are using math to figure what it is.

Have any of your questions been answered by the article you read? Explain. ●

Yes, this explained my third question on what dark matter and energy is. It is what makes up 95% of what the universe is.





What I know about my topic

What I want to know

What I learned

Keywords I could use to continue exploring my topic

Citation: NASA. (2019, June 27). Dark matter. NASA.

What I learned when exploring my topic through the history lens: ●

Russia and the US was the first to send out a human being to outer space

Have any of your questions been answered by the article you read? Explain. ●

Yuri Gagarin was the first to be sent out to space in 1975. Less than a month later Alan Shepard was sent out.

Citation: [Dunbar, B. (2011). Yuri Gagarin: First man in space. NASA. ts1/gagarin_anniversary.html.

What I learned when exploring my topic through the humanities lens:





What I know about my topic

What I want to know

What I learned

Keywords I could use to continue exploring my topic

● ●

We have a desire of exploring things we do not understand Helps us for future space explorations

Have any of your questions been answered by the article you read? Explain. ●

Yes, this answered my last question. It helps us answer the unknown questions we have been wondering for years. This will help us find future resources on other planets.

Citation: [Wiles, J. (2013, June 13). Why we explore. NASA. ore/why_we_explore_main.html#.YQeTNi1h 1-U....

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