Kwl chart PDF

Title Kwl chart
Author Kàyànnà Bullcoming
Course Perspectives in Liberal Arts
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 4
File Size 142.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 16
Total Views 170


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My topic: Special education and learning disabilities I already know the following about this topic: There are different types of learning disabilities Not every case is the same Its due to genetics and neurobiological factors. the problems that can be interfered with are learning basic skills.

This is what I want to know about my topic: What are the different types of learning disabilities? What's all the factors that can cause learning disabilities How does a child learn in a classroom while having a learning disability? What are some ways to cope while having a learning disability? Does a student with learning disabilities experience any negative effects from being in a regular classroom? What resources are available for students, both adult and children, that struggle with learning disabilities? What are the necessary steps to help you or your child get a diagnosis for a learning disability? What causes one to have a learning disability? Are there any mental health diagnoses like depression commonly found in individuals with Learning

What I learned when exploring my topic through the social science lens: Teacher swi t hst udent swho haveanyf or m ofal ear ni ng di sabi l i t ymustt ak et he appr opr i at er out ewheni t c omest ot eachi ngawhol e c l ass r oom ofst udent s .

Examples of strategies that help are the use of auto texts and Encouraging or requiring students to work in groups together help increase interaction with their peers.

Have any of your questions been answered by the article you read? Explain. Yes, my third question, how does a child learn in a classroom with a learning disability was answered Citation: Cowden, P. A. (2012). Cognitive strategies for students with mild learning disabilities. Education, 133(1), 151+. Retrieved from /doc/A302463839/OVIC? u=nhc_main&sid=OVIC&xid =f7ffe3b What I learned when exploring my topic through the natural science lens: Medications, substances, and toxins could have been

KEYWORDS KEYWORDS I COULDE USE TO CONTINUE EXPLORING MY TOPIC Learning disabilities Special education Medications associated with learning disabilities Learning disabilities and pregnancies Leading factors of learning disabilities Coping mechanism

Disabilities? Can a person be discriminated against for having learning disabilities?

a factor for a developing brain to result in learning disabilities Further research has been found that learning disabilities did not form just during pregnancy, childbirth can be a factor as well as early childhood development.

Have any of your questions been answered by the article you read? Explain. Yes, my question asking what Can cause one to have a learning disability was answered, Citation: Jain, R., & Pandey, N. (2015). Specific Predictive factors in children with learning disability: A qualitative study. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 6(12), 1215– 1219. Retrieved from gin?qurl=https%3A%2F HYPERLINK " ogin?qurl=https%3A%2F %2Fdocview %2F1776182405%3Faccoun tid%3D3783" HYPERLINK " ogin?qurl=https%3A%2F %2Fdocview %2F1776182405%3Faccoun tid%3D3783" HYPERLINK " ogin?qurl=https%3A%2F %2Fdocview %2F1776182405%3Faccoun

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What I learned when exploring my topic through the history lens: On January 29, 2000 a speech to the Partners in Special Education Task Force to deal with the top of disabled children and special purpose schools. The subjects of Transformational Change, Transparency, and Teambuilding were the main focuses. Transformational change consisted of society changing so doors of opportunity opened for people with disabilities. Have any of your questions been answered by the article you read? Explain. No, none of my questions were answered from this article Citation: Bryan, J. L. (2000). Children with disabilities. Vital Speeches of the Day, 66(13), 410. Retrieved from px? direct=true&db=khh&AN=2 992843&site=hrclive&scope=site

What I learned when exploring my topic through the humanities lens: Creating group activities between both special education teachers and art specialists to increase the available art activities for students with disabilities and to increase the knowledge of adaptions for students which provide evidence of the benefits of the arts to students to improve the academic, social and affective functions. People learn in different ways, different speeds, and inspired by different kinds of stimuli. Have any of your questions been answered by the article you read? Explain. No, but this article showed me the positive ways children learn in a classroom Citation: Ponder ,C. ,& Ki ss i nger ,L.( 2009) .Shak en andSt i r r ed:APi l otPr oj ecti n Ar t sandSpeci alEducat i on. Teac hi ngAr t i stJ our nal ,7( 1) , t ps : / / doi 40– or g. ez pr oxy . snhu. edu/ 10. 108 0/ 15411790802454360...

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