Learn Reflection Journal 1 2020 JM PDF

Title Learn Reflection Journal 1 2020 JM
Author Thomas Franco
Course Anatomy and Physiology I
Institution George Brown College
Pages 2
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George Brown College, School of Nursing Practical Nursing Program Reflective Journal Recordings

Student: Jonathan Marcel

ID# 101283247

Clinical Instructor: Jonas Lim

Date: October 03rd, 2020

Professional Standard Select 1 professional standard from CNO professional standards with 1 indicator that relates to the described event (E.g. Accountability, 5a: found in clinical performance evaluation tool) KNOWLEDGE: Each nurse possesses, through basic education and continuing learning, knowledge relevant to her/his professional practice. INDICATOR: Knowing where/how to access learning resources, when necessary; LEARN framework: Look back, elaborate and describe: Look back at a recent meaningful and relevant practice event that you personally experienced within the last 2 weeks. Briefly describe what happened: experience, event or change in your practice that was significant to you. Analyze the outcomes: Identify key issues then compare and contrast the situation with what you have learned in nursing. Use supporting scholarly nursing literature. Revise the approach: Based on the analysis, decide what will you continue to do and what you will change in the future. New perspective: What is your learning plan with defined actions or strategies for the practice improvement? Look Back: On the day before my first online lab, I remembered that my laptop stopped working and I panicked. Elaborate: On the day before my first online lab, I remembered that my laptop stopped working and I panicked. The backstory will explain why I panicked. The 2 weeks before that Friday on the Sunday before labour, my nephew spilled juice on my MacBook at around 7 pm while watching a show with his mother. I called apple support and explained to them what had happened. They gave me the number to a nearby certified Apple certified technician. I called them and to my unfortunate self, as per usual, they were closed that labour day weekend and opened on Tuesday 11am. I had to bring my laptop in, on the following Tuesday. I begin to panic and started to call of my friends for a spare laptop because class would start at 9 am that day for me. I messaged the teacher to explain the situation. She told me if I cannot make it to that online session, she would email me the work. I agreed to that. That Tuesday morning, one of my friends called me early in the morning at around 8 am to offer me an old laptop of his for free. I went to his place and grabbed it. That laptop was old, and I planned on using it, only until my MacBook got fixed. My friend’s laptop was unbearable, and I couldn’t do much with it. The collaborate app could not work on it and everything was a hassle to do. It stopped working the day before my first virtual lab/clinical. I told myself, “enough is enough already. You should by a new laptop.” I went on amazon and ordered a laptop. It said the laptop would be at my place before 2 pm. That did not happen. The laptop got to my place at 3:15 pm or so. I messaged my instructor and told him of my dilemma. He told me I could join the session with my phone, even though that’s ideal because the interactive portions of the app are limited on there. I showed up 30 minutes late to the virtual clinical practicum, only thanks to my instructor. I lasted through most of the session but could not really follow through with everything that was being said and done. My anxiety went straight to the roof. I stepped outside of my room a for a bit to breathe. I felt like I was a failure. I felt that my instructor would view my behaviour as both unacceptable and unprofessional. This meant his first impression of me left a sour note on his mind. I felt like the advisor felt like I was incompetent, which is not the case at all. I’m usually razor sharp when it comes to my education. I’ve decided I needed to improve my readiness so that I can be competent in my knowledge. Analyzes: Potter (2019) states that nurses and their patients have a fiduciary relationship, which is when a professional provides a service that causes the recipient to trust the specialized knowledge and integrity of the professional. Nurses are supposed to provide knowledge to the patient, practice with competence and provide safe care (Porter, 2019, P. 102). According to the CNO (2020), nurses are responsible for practicing in accordance with the practice documents outlined by the college and legislation. As self-regulating professionals, nurses should always be on top situations and ready for any problem that requires critical thinking (CNO, 2020, P. 3-4). As a student nurse, I follow the same professional standards that every other nurse follows, and I failed to do so when my laptop broke down. Revise: In this clinical scenario, I made the simple mistake of not buying a new laptop as soon as my MacBook broke down. I should have messaged my instructor as soon as it happened to keep him in the loop of things. I should have found a way to do my course work as needed. However, by acknowledging my faults, I have been staying up late to catch up with all of my course. I’m almost caught. It is tiring but I have to get back to the A+ student that I was last semester. In order to ensure my practice is consistent with the CNO guidelines and the clinical labs standards, I will: 1) Acknowledge that my behaviour is unacceptable ; 2) Review CNO practice standards; 3) Ask my clinical instructor on insight on how I can better myself; 4) Go to virtual clinical practicum prepared and ready. New Perspective: From this situation, I have learned the importance of being on time and prepared for online clinical sessions. I have learned that the professional standards outlined by the CNO are to be adhere to. I’ve learned the importance of being knowledgeable on how to acquire the resources that I need to be a successful nurse. I’ve learned that being on top of things will eventually keep my colleagues safe, my patients safe and ultimately, my self safe. S121Refl ect i v eJ our nal Recor di ngf orALLSemes t er s

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George Brown College, School of Nursing Practical Nursing Program Reflective Journal Recordings Reference: College of Nurses of Ontario. (2002). Professional Standards. Retrieved from https://www.cno.org/globalassets/docs/prac/41006_profstds.pdf College of Nurses of Ontario. (2020). Entry to practice: Competencies for Practical Nurses. Retrieved from: https://www.cno.org/globalassets/docs/reg/41042_entrypracrpn-2020.pdf Potter, P. A., Perry, A.G., Stockert, P.A., & Hall, A.M. (Eds.). (2019). Canadian fundamentals of nursing (5th Cdn. ed.) (J. C. Ross-Kerr, M. J. Wood, B. J. Astle & W. Duggleby, Cdn. Adapt.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada Self- Evaluation: Outstanding, Competent, Acceptable, Unacceptable, Unsafe: Unacceptable: Lateness and missed work Unsafe: Missing clinical work Clinical Instructor’s feedback and recommendations related to your self-reflection and your performance in clinical:

I have reviewed the Clinical Instructor’s comments _____ (initial) Over the term, the student should address all competencies from the semester clinical evaluation tool.

S121Reflect i v eJ our nal Recor di ngf orALLSemes t er s

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