Learning goals - At the beginning of the semester, students were given a paper about the learing PDF

Title Learning goals - At the beginning of the semester, students were given a paper about the learing
Course College Composition II
Institution California State University Sacramento
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At the beginning of the semester, students were given a paper about the learing goals of the course. This is a filled out verison of the worksheet and things that I did in the class that proved what I was supposed to learn in the class....


My freshmen year of college I have taken remedial English10/11 which is equivalent to English 5. During my first semester of remedial English, I felt as if I was too smart to take the class because I took advanced placement English when I was a senior in high school. However, now that I am done with my final semester of remedial English, I now know that I was placed into this class for a reason. My essays were sloppy, unorganized, and non-scholarly. I believe I should pass English 11 because now that I have taken the time to reinforce each learning goal into my every scholarly work that I have produced. Goal 1: T To o help sstudent tudent understand w ways ays that readers read and write in and beyond the university In English 10 we opened the semester by reading 3 articles that talked about writing process. There were two articles that are still stuck with me today, “Shitty first drafts” By: Anne Lamott and “Unteaching the five-paragraph essay” by: Marie Foley. Lamott explained to us that it is important to write shitty drafts to get that one perfect essay. Foley then goes on the explain that high school English teachers should stop teaching the five paragraph essay method because it hinders out creative thinking and doesn’t allow for an imagination. Foley struck a nerve for me because I believe that the five paragraph essay method is effective in the means of a jumping off point. When I was a senior in high school, I wrote two term papers, one for Economics and one for advanced placement English. I used the five paragraph essay method as a starting point to gather important information and then I composed ten page papers that exceeded five paragraphs.

When the class was done reading the writing process articles, we were instructed to compose a 2-3 page essay about the writing process articles. The paper included a summery, technics, and personal experience. Because I feel so strongly about the five paragraph essay method, I wrote my paper in five paragraphs. My introduction was traditional and included a thesis with 3 main points that I modeled the rest of my paragraphs after; then there was a conclusion at the end. However, I wrote a couple essays with the five paragraph essay method last semester and received exceptional grades for them. The reason why I believe I have completed goal number 1 is because I was about to use a central process for a variety of purposes. I took risks because my English professor doesn’t share my same point of view and acknowledging the five paragraph essay method as being useful, however, I was able to receive passing graded on essays I wrote using the five paragraph essay method. I was also able to discovery my intellectual curiosity for the writing multiple essays “Shitty first drafts” and take my time to compose a scholarly paper. Goal 2: T To o help sstudents tudents understand processes of read reading, ing, writing, and re research search During the first semester, Professor Delehaunt let the class choose an award winning book that would help encourage a learning process. My class choose a book called “The Wrong Girl” by: Hank Philppii Ryan. Ryan created a book that entailed fearful stories about abandoned children, children who were placed into the foster care system, and a group of children that would clean up after a crime scene and steal from the deceased. Even though this book wasn’t equivalent to a traditional college text

book, “The Wrong Girl” challenged our thinking because of the content. There was a massive about of characters that we have to keep track of because in some way, they all mean something and contribute to the story. While we were reading the book, professor Delehaunt would give us prompts along with quotes that she had picked out from the book. One prompt addressed our personal experience and how we felt in the mist of our family. We had to develop and essay that included research from our personal lives and put together a cohesive essay that would be reviewed and critiqued by our peers. Professor Delehaunt gives us participations points when we participate in peer reviewing. Peer reviewing is helpful in the ways of criticism because, as the writer, I am bias towards my own work. A second set of eyes helps me figure out what I have done wrong and what I need to fix. The reason why I have completed this goal is because, during both semesters, I have participated in both the classroom discussions and in peer reviewing. I have used the discussions and the peer reviewing as a learning tool to help me become a more scholarly writer. However, it doesn’t stop here, I will take these life lessons on to my more intense writing course because a second set of eyes is always better than one. Goal 3: T To o help sstudents tudents develop a Meta cogn cognitive itive understanding of proc proces es esses ses of reading, writing and thin thinking king When starting off this semester, right away, we began working on our research project. First we would pick a topic and then we would generate a question. For my research topic I choose, workplace romances. I choose this topic because I have a close and personal relationship with this topic. I work in a grocery store that all the

employees like to date each other however, the relationships always end badly. My essential question changed over time but, for my final research project my question is “How does a workplace romance affect a work environment”? Throughout all my scholarly journals that I have read, 3 out of 5 of them have indicated that many workplace romances turn into sexual harassment cases. Because I work in a dysfunctional work environment, I was able to generate my own questions about the lifestyles that some individuals what to live. Because of this research project I have be self-reflecting a bit because of the environment I surround myself around. Just like in first semester when we had to write a short essay about ourselves and why we feel like outcasts. Because I don’t want join the military, become a nurse, or become a state worker, I am considered an outcast. I want to be a sociologist and help those who can’t help themselves. The reason why I have completed this goal is because, during both semesters I have self-reflected and have used Meta cognition to determine essential questions about a topic that is close to me. Because I have completed my research project I have completed this goal. I could not have come up with an essential question, created a proposal, critiqued scholarly journals, compose a literature review, and then input my argument without using my Meta cognitive understanding.

Goal 4: T To o help sstudents tudents understand textual con conversations versations

The reason why I have completed this goal is because I know how to properly cite scholarly journals in an MLA format. I was also able to make sure that I never plagiarized other persons work. Goal 5: T To o help sstudents tudents understand and engag engage e in reading and writing as communal processes The reason why I have completed this goal is because I can use other criticism and create scholarly work. I can take these life lessons and use my Meta cognitive understanding and to create a scholarly essay. Goal 6: T To o help sstudents tudents think critically about discour discourse se communities as contact zones where diff diffe erent cultures b both oth connect and come into conflict The reason why I have completed this goal is because, I was able to write a literary review without using my opinion. Then I was able to write my argument paper while using my opinion and my personal experience. For all these reasons, I believe that I should pass English 11. My writing went from a catastrophic disaster to an organized and scholarly writing. I own most of my successes to the help of goal number 2. Because of peer review, I was able to understand that some of my writing is unnecessary and some of it is actually pretty good. With the help of my class mates and Professor Delehaunt, I am not prepared for English 20, however, I will not be taking it for a while because I don’t have exactly 30 units yet. However, I didn’t just learn writing skills, I learned life lessons. What I learned in these 2 semesters I will take with me to whatever class I go to....

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