Lecture Notes 6 PDF

Title Lecture Notes 6
Course Introduction To Computers And Data Processing
Institution Brandman University
Pages 3
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These lecture notes were written for the CSCU 200 Course taught by Professor Jill Kennel....


Information System Facts A system is a set of connected parts or procedures that lead to something being accomplished. For example, a car uses a steering system, an electrical system, and a braking system to travel to its destination. Similarly, an information system is a combination of technology, people, and procedures used to organize, analyze and store data. These different parts of the system are used together to improve processes and increase an organization's value. The table below describes these three main components in greater detail. Information System Components Technology In an information system, technology can be broken down into three basic parts: hardware, software, and data. Hardware are the things that you can physically touch, like computers, keyboards, storage devices, or tablets. Software is the computer programs that provide instructions to hardware telling it what to do. Data are information that are collected and stored in a system. These can be numbers, words, pictures, or sounds.

People Information systems can't work without the human resources and talent we can find in programmers, database administrators, system analysts, security specialists, and many more. People use the information system to analyze data and make sound decisions for the organization. Procedures A procedure is the sequence of steps or policies taken to reach an ultimate goal. One way to think about it is to say procedures are to people what software is to hardware. Procedures tell people what to do and how to react in certain situations.

Systems Analysis Facts An efficient, secure information system requires careful planning and design. The systems analysis and design process typically involves end-users, software engineers, systems administrators, and managers of an organization. The table below describes key concepts associated with information systems analysis and design. Systems Analysis and Design System Development Life Cycle The methodology used by systems analysts is called the System Development Life Cycle, or SDLC. Since software applications are typically central to an organization's system, SDLC can also stand for Software Development Life Cycle. Traditionally, the SDLC is divided into a series of phases, from preliminary

analysis and design to implementation and maintenance. Waterfall Model Historically, the waterfall model has been the most widely used development model. It divides the SDLC into a series of sequential or linear phases, from preliminary analysis and design to implementation and maintenance.

Iterative Design Today, most information systems are developed using an iterative process that involves designing, implementing, and testing smaller pieces of the overall project, then cycling back and doing more analysis and design. For example, rather than redesigning the entire system at once, an organization might start by implementing a single enterprise application, such as new sales and marketing software. This process continues until the entire system is in place. The Agile method is one of the most popular iterative models, especially in the software development industry. Planning Phase The planning phase involves gathering information about the technology and software needs of an organization, deciding which options are most feasible, and setting timelines and deliverables for the entire project. In this phase, the organization decides who will supervise the project and who will be part of the design and development team. The final planning document details the goals of the information system in responding to new business opportunities and making operations more efficient.

Analysis Phase In the analysis phase, the project team takes a close look at any existing information systems that are already in place. For example, if the organization currently uses a transaction processing system to track customer orders, the team will determine if this system is adequate or needs to be upgraded. Does the organization need a better support system to help business leaders make more informed decisions? Do product developers have the processes and tools they need to work efficiently? The requirements for the new information system will bridge the gap between the existing system and the goals of the new one. Design Phase The design phase takes the system requirements document from the analysis phase and produces detailed specifications that cover all aspects of the system. These specifications account for security risks and include computer system requirements, network configuration, cloud hosting services, database design, and application software solutions. In some cases, the design phase might include a series of prototypes that can be tested by potential users of the new system.

Implementation Phase In the implementation phase, developers and administrators purchase and install new hardware and software, integrate the various system components, and test the operation of the new system. For example, developers would need to ensure that a new ecommerce application operates seamlessly with an organization's existing inventory control and distribution systems. After the system is thoroughly tested, employees may need to receive training. Before retiring the old system, the project team might decide to keep it running in parallel with the new system for a while. Another way of easing the transition to a new system is to implement it with a small pilot group first. Maintenance Phase In the maintenance phase, the new system needs to be monitored and evaluated. When the project team identifies problems, they might need to cycle back to the earlier planning and analysis phases to improve the system. For example, if a data breach is discovered, the organization must determine the cause of the breach and implement a plan to avoid future vulnerabilities....

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