Logicomp 301 course work PDF

Title Logicomp 301 course work
Course Philosophy and Computation
Institution University of Auckland
Pages 5
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Assignments 1, 2 & exam questions - good practice!...


Assi gnment1 1.AbacusMachi nes Cr eat easi ngl eabacusmachi newi t ht hr eei nput st hatadds,subt r act s,mul t i pl esor di vi dest hefir stt woi nput s( t het hi r di nputdet er mi nest heoper at i on) . Wr i t et heent i r emachi neusi ngonl yt he[ +1]and[ 1]abacuscomponent s;donotuse abst r act i onsorshor t cut sl i k ea[ seta=0]box . 5Mar ksf or : 1. Demonst r at i onofunder st andi ngofabacusmachi nes. 2. Consi der i ngawkwar dcasesandex cept i ons . 3. Cl eardescr i pt i onsorl abel l i ngofpar t soft hemac hi nesoIcanf ol l owhowt he machi newor ks. 4. Accur acy . 5. Accur acy .( y es,2mar ksf ori tact ual l ywor ki ng) 6. Bonusmar k( s)f oraddi ngafif t hf unct i ont hati si nt er est i ng:( squar er oot , pseudor andom number s,l ogar i t hms,2048( Li nkst oanext er nalsi t e. ) ,t he wei r dert hemor ebonus) .

2.Pr i mi t i v eRec ur si v eFunct i ons Desi gnapr i mi t i v er ecur si v ef unct i ont hatsor t st hedi gi t sofa4di gi tnumber . 5Mar ksf or : 1. Adescr i pt i onoft heal gor i t hm y ouuse.Ir ecommendsomef or m of pseudocode. 2. Demonst r at i onofunder st andi ngofr ecur si v ef unct i ons . 3. Consi der i ngawkwar dcasesandex cept i ons . 4. Cl eardescr i pt i onsorl abel l i ngofsubf unct i onssoIcanf ol l owhowt he al gor i t hm wor ks . 5. Accur acy . 6. Bonusmar k( s)f orflai r-e. g. ,i mpl ement i ngaQui cksor tal gor i t hm r at hert han Bubbl esor t

3.I nfini t y ( a)LetAandBbecount abl yi nfini t eset s .Deci dewhet hert hef ol l owi ngar et r ue f oral l ,some( butnotal l ) ,ornosuchset s ,andgi v er easonsf ory ouranswer s .  

A∪∪Bi scount abl yi nfini t e A∩∩Bi scount abl yi nfini t e

A\ Bi scount abl yi nfini t e,wher eA∖B={x|x∈A∧X∉B}A∖B={ x| x∈A∧X∉B} .

( b)LetFbet hesetofal lt ot alunar yf unct i onsf:N→Nf : N→NandFC t hesetofal l t ot alunar ycomput abl ef unct i onsf:N→Nf : N→N.  

Showt hatt hes etFC i scount abl yi nfini t e. I st hesetF\ FC al socount abl yi nfini t e? Gi v er easonsf ory ouranswer s.

1Mar kperbul l etpoi nt .

4.Hal t i ngPr obl em Expl ai nwhyyoucan' twr i t eapr ogr ammet hatwi l l det ecti nfini t el oopsi nany pr ogr amme.Beast echni calandpr eci s easy oucan. I fyouusei nt er nets our ces ,( 1)don' tc opy ;( 2)don' tpar aphr ase;( 3)don' tev enquot e -r esear chi nf or mat i onandwr i t et hei deasi ny ourownwor ds;( 4)i ncl uder ef er ences t oev er yt hi ngy our ead.Any t hi ngel sei si nt el l ect ualt hef t/academi cmi sconduct . 5Mar ksf or : 

Anacc ur at e,cl ear ,pr eci se,r el evantdescr i pt i onoft hei ssueandans wer i ng t hequest i on.Thi sanswers houl dr eadhal f waybet weenanessayandapr oof .

5.Opt i onalr epl acementquest i on I fyoudon' tl i k eoneoft hequest i onsabove,y ouc anr epl acei twi t ht hef ol l owi ng quest i on: i ansonnet( Li nkst oan Desi gnadet er mi ni s t i cal gor i t hm t hatr ecogni sest heSpencer ex t er nalsi t e. )r hymi ngscheme.Thati s ,i tr ecogni sesanyst r i ngoft he f or m ABABBCBCCDCDEE,wher et hesubst r i ngsA,B,C,D,Ear e eachar bi t r ar yst r i ngsoft hel anguage.Assumet hel anguagei s{ a,b,. . . ,z} * . [ Exampl e:nnmmopmopmnnnm i sast r i ngoft hef or m ABA,wi t hs ubst r i ngsA= " nnm"andB=" mopmopmn" . ] 5Mar ksf or : 1. Adescr i pt i onoft heal gor i t hm y ouuse.Ir ecommendsomef or m of pseudocode. 2. Demonst r at i onofunder st andi ngofst r i ngmani pul at i on. 3. Consi der i ngawkwar dcasesandex cept i ons . 4. Cl eardescr i pt i onsorl abel l i ngofpar t sofy ourcode/ al gor i t hm.

5. 6.

Accur acy . Bonusmar k( s)f orflai r .Her ear et wopossi bl esuggest i ons:

( a)I mpl ementy ourcodei nasi mpl eappt hatIcanuse-i . e.st andal oneex eor websi t e. Li nkst o ( b)Desi gny oural gor i t hm t oobeyt hefir stquat r ai nofSpencer ' sSonnet75( anex t er nalsi t e. )( OnedayIwr ot ehernameupont hes t r and. . . )Thati s ,y our al gor i t hm shoul der aseeachsubst r i ng( A,B,et c)aspar tofi t spr ocessi ng,r ec r eat e t hesubst r i ng,t hener asei t .

Assi gnment2 Q1Johnl i k esAmanda' sbl ogandAmandal i k esGeor ge' sbl og.Johni saj our nal i st butGeor gei snot . Wi t hi nt hegr oup:Doesaj our nal i stl i k et hebl ogofaper sonwhoi snota j our nal i s t ? a)Respondwi t hy es,no,ornotenoughi nf or mat i on. b)Pr ovet hecor r ect nessofyourans werf ora) . c)Wr i t eanal gor i t hm ( i nanyf or mat )pr oduci ngt hepai rwi t ht her equi r edpr oper t i es . d)Di dy ouneedmor ei nf or mat i onf orc ) ?Doy ouneedt oc hangey ouranswert oa) ?

t p: / / mor al machi ne. mi t . edu( Li nks Q2Tak eat estofj udgi ngwi t hMI TMor alMachi neht t oanex t er nalsi t e. ) . a)Commenty ouranswer si nr el at i ont or esponsesi nt hedat abase. b)Commentont heMor alMachi neapp:t hegood,t hebadandpossi bl e i mpr ov ement s.

Q3John Searle’s “Minds, brains, and programs” (1980) contains a summary of his Chinese Room argument against AI ever gaining understanding. Pages 8-34 contain commentary from various experts, followed by Searle’s generally dismissive responses to the commentary on pages 34-40. Sel ectoneexper t ’ sc r i t i ci sm t haty out hi nki si nt er est i ngbutnotqui t er i ght . Summar i set hei rcr i t i ci sm.Expl ai nwhaty out hi nki ssl i ght l ywr ongorcoul dbe i mpr ov ed.I mpr ov ei t .

Quest i on4:Ther ear emanywebpagescal l i ngt hemsel v es“ Tur i ngt est s ”f r eel y av ai l abl eonl i ne.Fi ndonet hatl ooksi nt er est i ng( per hapsi tusesi mages ,orpoet r y ,or anamus i ngchatbot ) . Descr i bet hes t r engt hsandweaknessesoft he“ Tur i ngt est ”y ousel ect edf ort est i ng whet heracomput ercani mi t at esomebehavi ourofahumanbei ng.I ncl udei t sURL. Suggesty ourownv ar i antofaTur i ngt estt hatcoul dbei mpl ement edusi ngt oday’ s t echnol ogy ,andex pl ai ns omeofi t sst r engt hs.

Ex am 2020 AnswerTHREE( 3)oft hef ol l owi ngquest i ons. 400600wor ds


Di scusst heet hi csandmor al sofsel f dr i vi ngcar sby : i )gi v i ngshor tdescr i pt i onsofet hi csandmor al s;AND i i )di scussi ngoneet hi calandonemor ali ss uer ai sedbyt het echnol ogyofsel f dr i vi ngcar s;AND i i i )anal y si ngwhet hert her ei sanyconfli ctbet weent hesei ssues;AND i v)pr esent i ngar gument sf orand/ oragai nstt hepossi bi l i t yofr esol vi ngt hese i ss ues.

2. Di scussobj ect i v eandsubj ect i v emat hemat i cs;t henat ur alquest i ont hese concept spose;andHi l ber t ,Tur i ng,Post ,andGödel ' sposi t i onsr egar di ngt hi s quest i on. 3.

Di scusst hepowerandl i mi t sofdeepl ear ni ng.

4. Di scussbi gdat aandspur i ouscor r el at i ons,andpr esentar gument ssuppor t i ng orchal l engi ngt hec l ai mt hatt hei romni pr esencehamper st heut i l i t yandcr edi bi l i t y oft hefiel d. 5. Di scussonef eat ur eofHumanst hati sof t ent houghtt obedi fficul tor i mpossi bl ef orAr t i fici alI nt el l i gence.Ar guef ororagai nstt hi sf eat ur ebei nga usef ult estf orr ealvsar t i fi ci ali nt el l i gence.Rai se,andr epl yt o,atl eastone obj ect i ont oy ourposi t i on. 6. Di scusst heChi neseRoom t houghtexper i ment .Ar guef ororagai nstt he s i gni ficanceoft hi sex per i ment .Rai se,andr epl yt o,atl eastoneobj ect i ont oy our posi t i on. 7. Di scusssomeet hi calchal l engesf orhumanst r eat i ngadv ancedAr t i fici al I nt el l i gencesasf ul l ymor alagent s .Rai se,andr epl yt o,atl eastoneobj ect i ont o y ourposi t i on. 8. Di scussoneet hi calchal l enget hatcur r enti nf or mat i ont echnol ogyc r eat es, affect s,orr educes( ex cl udi ngsel f dr i vi ngcar s) .Expl ai nt heet hi cali mpactoft he t echnol ogy .Rai se,andr epl yt o,atl eastoneobj ect i ont oy ourposi t i on....

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