Population (work) - Course work for the semester PDF

Title Population (work) - Course work for the semester
Course Adv Expository Writing
Institution Indiana State University
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Course work for the semester...


1) Visit the International Data Base (IDB) on the U.S. Census Bureau’s website at https://www.census.gov/datatools/demo/idb/informationGateway.php.. Click on the link for COUNTRY RANK. a) While in COUNTRY RANK, enter the year 2020 in the appropriate box and find the 10 most populated countries (TOP 10 COUNTRIES). Copy and paste the list of countries along with their total population sizes in your answer. 1 China 1,394,015,977 2 India 1,326,093,247 3 United States 332,639,102 4 5 6 7

Indonesia 267,026,366 Pakistan 233,500,636 Nigeria 214,028,302 Brazil 211,715,973

8 Bangladesh 162,650,853 9 Russia 141,722,205 1 Mexico 128,649,565 0

1999 Chin 1,260,658,633 a 2 India 989,250,189 3 United States 279,040,168 4 5 6 7

Indonesia 210,746,403 Brazil 171,814,744 Russia 147,698,905 Pakistan 144,061,210

8 9 10

Bangladesh 126,541,747 Japan 126,512,858 Nigeria 122,200,766

b) 5 countries on my list were developing countries including Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria. c) 6 countries on my list were developing countries including Indonesia, Banglasdesh, Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan and Nigeria. d) Indonesia said at number four, while Pakistan rose to number five from seven. Nigeria rose from six from ten, and Bangladesh said at number 8. Finally, Brazil dropped from five to eight. Mexico replaced Japan and is currently tenth. e) For developed countries, the top three stayed the same, China, India, and the United States. Russia dropped from six to nine. Japan was replaced by Mexico,. 2) Stay in COUNTRY RANK at the International Data Base (IDB) on the U.S. Census Bureau’s website at . a) Find the top 10 countries for the year 2050. Copy and paste the list with the accompanying populations.


3) Ran Country Of Area Population k 1 India 1,656,553,632 2 China 1,301,627,048 3 4 5 6

Nigeria 416,996,080 United States 388,922,201 Pakistan 367,580,587 Indonesia 300,183,166

7 Congo (Kinshasa) 240,992,203 8 Brazil 232,304,177 9 Ethiopia 196,219,076 10 Bangladesh 193,092,763

a) India is expected to be the most populated, which will drop China to number two. The United States drops to number 4. b) There are more developing countries on the 2050 list than the 2020, the 2050 list has 6 countries as developing from number 5-10 are developing. c) How can you tell from looking at the changes in numbers and rankings of the countries in your list between 2020 and 2050 that most population growth is currently taking place in the developing world? d) When looking at the changes in numbers, 2050 is expected to have more developing countries listed at the most populus ones. I think this is interesting and shows the most population growth, because it is replacing some developed countries like Russia. Also Congo is number 7 and Ethiopia at 9, with it not being on either list, it shows population growth. 4) This is a question about the world’s population distribution and how it is expected to change over time. Using the 2018 World Population Data Sheet (included in assignment folder), answer the following questions; [The appropriate data are in the table that starts on page 8.] You do not have to show the calculations, but you HAVE TO SHOW THE POPULATION FIGURES FOR THE REGIONS USED IN YOUR COMPUTATIONS (please remember that all the population numbers are in millions) used for all computations. a) In 2018, what percentage of the world's people live in the LEAST DEVELOPED world? = 1027/7621=.1347=13.47% b) LESS DEVELOPED world(with China)? =6355/7621=.8339=83.39% c) In the MORE DEVELOPED world? =1266/7621=.1661=16.61% d) In 2030, what percentage of the world's people is projected to live in the least developed world, 1342/8571*100=15.66% i) less developed world(with China) =5841/8571*100=68.15% ii) more developed world? =1301/8571*100=15.18% e) In 2050, what percentage of the world's people is projected to live in the least developed world, less developed world, and more developed world? BE SURE TO SHOW THE POPULATION SIZE FIGURES FOR THE WORLD, LEAST DEVELOPED=1954/9852*100=19.83% f) , LESS DEVELOPED =8540/9852*100=86.68% g) AND MORE DEVELOPED REGIONS IN 2050.=1312/9852*100=13.31% h) Using selected data to illustrate your claims, describe the changes in population sizes (not the % of population in a region) in the least developed, less developed and more developed worlds expected between 2018 and 2050 depicted in your answers to a), b) and c) in a brief and clearly written paragraph. Use data to illustrate your claims. When looking at the most developed world, the change in millions of people go to 1,266,1301, 2

and 1312 in 2018, 2030, and 2050 respectively. The less developed world rises from 6,355, to 7,270, to 8540, in those year respectively. Lastly, the least developed world rose from 1,027, to 1,342, to 1,954 respectively. This is reflected within the precents as they all shown an increase, and there are no negative numbers. i) When looking at the population size, there is a trend that the population in all five categories of populations are growing. i) In a brief and clearly written paragraph, describe the changing percentages of the world’s people in the least developed, less developed and more developed world expected between 2018 and 2050 that you uncovered in a), b) and c). Use data to illustrate your claims. i) When looking at the population size, there is a trend that the more developed region of the world is going down with 16.61, 15.18, and 13.31 in 2018, 2030, and 2050 respectively. This shows that there more people being born in the lesser developing countries as the least amount is going from 13.47% to 15.66% to 19.83% this is showing that there are more people living there than other places. ii) j) How do you think the changes in the percentage distribution of the world’s population between the three major development regions of the world (least developed, less developed and more developed countries) between now and 2050 will impact your life here in the United States? Be sure to explain your answer. i) I think that it will impact my life, because we will have more competition as more people begin to move elsewhere. There will also be an increase in goods made from other places as they get more and more developed. These numbers will also change as more and more countries become developed. This affects me because we may see a change in power and production. The world may seem more crowded and the news may talk about new topics that are going on. One thing that will happen in the United States is that there will be more culture as people are able to move here from other places. 5) Go to the Musse de l'Homme (Paris, France) website at http://www.ined.fr/en/everything_about_population/. Once there click on the link for "All about population", and “population games” and select “the world population and me”. Then click “Let’s Go”. Show the data used for all computations. a) How old are you?-21 b) Use the menu bar for “Enter your age to find out” to find out how large the world’s population was when you were born, and how large the world’s population is now. The world population now is 1,730,560,000 bigger than the year I was born. How much larger/smaller in percentage terms is the world’s population now than when you were born? =7794800000/6064240000=1.2854*100=128.537-100=28.537% bigger now than the year I was born c) Click on North America, and make note of how much its population was when you were born and how much it is now. It was 308,978,000 when I was born, and 368,870,000 now. How much larger/smaller in percentage terms is North America’s population now than when you were born? =368,870,000/308,978,000=1.1938*100=119.3839-100=19.38% bigger than the year I was born d) Click on Latin America and the Carribean, and make note of how much its population was when you were born and how much it is now. It was 514,301,000 when I was born, and 653,962,000 now. 653,962,000/514,301,000=1.272*100=127.16-100=27.16% bigger than the year I was bord e) Click on Europe, and make note of how much its population was when you were born and how much it is now. It was 725,705,000 at my birth and 757,636,000 now. =757,636,000/725,705,000=1.04*100=104.40100=4.40% bigger than the year I was born. f) Click on Africa and make note of how much its population was when you were born and how much it is now. It was 791,504,000 when I was born, and 1,340,600,000 now. =1,340,600,000/791,504,000=1.694*100=169.37-100=69.37%


g) Click on Asia and make note of how much its population was when you were born, how much it is now. It was 3,692,740,000 when I was born, and 4,641,060,000 now. =4,641,060,000/3,692,740,000=1.257*100=125.68-100=25.68% bigger than the year I was born. h) Click on Oceania and make note of how much its population was when you were born, how much it is now. It was 31,014,300 when I was born, and 42,677,800 now. =42,677,800/31,014,300=1.376*100=137.61100=37.61% bigger than the year I was born. i) Describe the results of this exercise (using the answers in a through h) in a brief and coherent paragraph. Use some of your numbers from a to h to support your description. Start with the changes at the world level, making note of world population size when you were born and now and what the absolute and percentage changes have been. Then talk about the changes in the different regions. Try to be coherent and clear so it is easy to follow your narrative. i) The results of my numbers are very interesting and show me a lot. In all of my calculations, the population was growing, for example in North America, with a population of 308,978,000 when I was born, and 368,870,000 now it is 19.38% bigger than what it was. The most surprising calculation to me was that Africa had such a high population growth it was 791,504,000 when I was born, and 1,340,600,000 now which shows a population growth at 69.37%. 6) Stay at Musse de l'Homme (Paris, France), click on ALL ABOUT POPULATION, then POPULATION GAMES and the WORLD POPULATION. Then click on the links 1 THROUGH 5 to learn about the history of world population. (If this fails in one browser find another). Use the information provided in the videos to answer the following questions. a) In a short and coherent paragraph, describe how fast the world population is growing now and how large it is expected to be in 2080, 2145, 2210, 2275, 2340, and 2405 if it continues to grow at the same rate. i) There is a growth of two people per second so this means that the world population is going to get bigger. In 2080, it will be 15 billion, 2145 it will be 30 billion, 2210 it will be 60 billion, 2275 it will be 120 billion, at 2340 it will be 240 billion and finally at 2405 it will be 480 billion. b) Despite the projected numbers indicated in your answer to a), you will see that the United Nations thinks it is likely that world population will level off at around 11 billion by the end of this century, even though it is currently doubling in size every 60 years? Please explain why the United Nations takes this position. c) The United Nation takes this position, because family size is decreasing. The average family is projected to only have 2 children per family. d) Do you agree or disagree with the UN’s position and why or why not? i) I think that the Un has a good point with how the population is not going to double at a consent rate. I think that the UN does have a good point, I have seen it with many families that they are having less and less children. Although there are factors that can impact this such as a boom with children such like the baby boomers, or disease that makes the population less like Covid-19.


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