M3- Notes - 1asdfghjkl PDF

Title M3- Notes - 1asdfghjkl
Course Accountancy
Institution De La Salle University
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Thi smodul eal l owsev er yi ndi vi dualt ounder st andt hei mpor t anceofar ecr eat i onaland compet i t i vemul t i pl ayeract i vi t y .

Lear ni ngOut comes: 1.

Di scussedt hehi st or yofVol l eybal lBasi cSki l l s,Ter mi nol ogi esandFaci l i t i es,and Equi pment . 2. I dent i f yt hedut i esandr esponsi bi l i t i esoft heoffici at i ngoffic i al s. 3. Expl ai nt hei mpor t anceoft her ul esoft hegame. 4. Assessedt her el at i onshi pbet weent hebodyandmi ndi npur sui ngaheal t hyhabi t f orl i f e.

Theor i gi ns Wi l l i am G.Mor gan( 18701942) ,whowasbor ni nt heSt at eofNewYor k,hasgonedown i n hi st or yast he i nvent oroft he game ofvol l eybal l ,t o whi ch he or i gi nal l ygave t he name"Mi nt onet t e" . They oungMor gancar r i edouthi sunder gr aduat est udi esatt heSpr i ngfiel dCol l egeof t heYMCA( YoungMen' sChr i st i anAssoci at i on) .Af t ergr aduat i ng,Mor ganspenthi sfir st y earatt heAubur n( Mai ne)YMCAaf t erwhi ch,dur i ngt hesummerof1895,hemov edt o t heYMCAatHol yok e( Massachuset t s)wher ehebecamedi r ect orofphysi cal educat i on. I nt hi sr ol e,hehadt heoppor t uni t yt oest abl i sh,dev el op,anddi r ectavastpr ogr am of ex er ci sesandspor t scl assesf ormal eadul t s. Hi sl eader shi p wasent husi ast i cal l yaccept ed,and hi scl assesgr ew i n number s.He camet or eal i z et hatheneededacer t ai nt ypeofcompet i t i v er ecr eat i onalgamei nor der t ov ar yhi spr ogr am.Bask et bal l ,aspor tt hatwasbegi nni ngt odevel op,seemedt osui t y oungpeopl e,buti twasnecessar yt ofindal essvi ol entandl essi nt enseal t er nat i vef or t heol dermember s. Att hatt i meMor gandev el opedf r om hi sownspor t st r ai ni ngmet hodsandhi spr act i cal exper i ence i nt he YMCA gymnasi um.Descr i bi ng hi s fir stexper i ment s he sai d," I n sear chofanappr opr i at egame,t enni soccur r edt ome,butt hei deaofanetseemeda goodone.Wer ai sedi tt o ahei ghtofabout6f eet ,6i nches( 1. 98 met er s)f r om t he gr ound,j ustabov et heheadofanaver ageman.Weneededabal landamongt hose usi ngt hebal l ofbask et bal l ” . Mor ganaskedt woofhi sf r i endsf r om Hol y ok e,Dr .Fr ankWood,andJohnLynch,t o dr awupbasi cconcept soft hegamet oget herwi t ht hefir st10r ul es . Ear l yi n1896,aconf er encewasor gani z edatt heYMCACol l egei nSpr i ngfiel d,br i ngi ng t oget heral lt he YMCA Di r ect or s ofPhysi calEducat i on.Dr .Lut herHal sey Gul i ck, di r ect oroft he pr of essi onalphy si caleducat i on t r ai ni ng school( and al so ex ecut i ve di r ect oroft he depar t mentofphysi caleducat i on oft he I nt er nat i onalCommi t t ee of YMCA' s)i nvi t ed Mor gan t o make a demonst r at i on ofhi sgame i nt he new col l ege st adi um.Mor gant ookt wot eams,eachmadeupoffiv emen( andsomel oyalf ans)t o

Spr i ngfiel d,wher et hedemonst r at i onwasmadebef or et heconf er encedel egat esi nt he eastgymnasi um.Thecapt ai nofoneoft het eamswasJ. J.Cur r anandt heot herJohn Lynchwhower er espect i vel y ,mayorandchi efoft hefir ebr i gadeofHol y ok e. Mor ganexpl ai nedt hatt henew gamewasdesi gnedf orgymnasi aorexer ci sehal l s,but coul dal sobepl ay edi nt heopenai r .Anunl i mi t ednumberofpl ay er scoul dpar t i ci pat e, t heobj ectoft hegamebei ngt okeept hebal li nmov ementov erahi ghnet ,f r om one si det ot heot her . Af t erseei ng t he demonst r at i on,and hear i ng t he expl anat i on ofMor gan,Pr of essor Al f r edT.Hal st eadcal l edat t ent i ont ot heact i on,ort heact i v ephase,oft hebal l ' sfli ght , andpr oposedt hatt hename" Mi nt onet t e"ber epl acedby" Vol l eyBal l . "Thi snamewas accept edbyMor gan.I ti si nt er es t i ngt onot et hatt hes amenamehassur vi vedovert he y ear s,wi t hones l i ghtal t er at i on:i n1952,t heAdmi ni st r at i v eCommi t t eeoft heUSVBA v ot edt ospel l t henamewi t honewor d," Vol l eybal l . Wor l dwi deGr owt h The phy si caleducat i on di r ect or s oft he YMCA,encour aged par t i cul ar l y by t wo pr of essi onalschool sofphy si caleducat i on,Spr i ngfiel d col l egei nMassachuset t sand Geor ge Wi l l i amsCol l egei nChi cago( nowatDowner sGr ove,I l l i noi s) ,adopt edvol l eybal l i nal l i t s soci et i es t hr oughoutt he Uni t ed St at es,Canada ( i n1900Canada became t he fir st f or ei gncount r yt oadoptt hegame) ,andal soi nmanyot hercount r i es:El woodS.Br own i nt he Phi l i ppi nes( 1910) ,J.Howar d Cr ock eri n Chi na,Fr ankl i n H.Br own i n Japan ( 1908) ,Dr .J. H.Gr ayi nBur ma,i nChi naandi nI ndi a,andot her si nMexi coandSout h Amer i can,Eur opean,andAf r i cancount r i es. By1913t hedevel opmentofvol l eybal lont heAsi ancont i nentwasassur edas,i nt hat y ear ,t hegamewasi ncl udedi nt hepr ogr am oft hefir stFar East er nGames,or gani zedi n Mani l a. I n1916,t he YMCA managed t oi nduce t he power f ulNat i onalCol l egi at e At hl et i c Associ at i on( NCAA)t opubl i shi t sr ul esandaser i esofar t i cl es ,cont r i but i ngt ot her api d gr owt hofv ol l eybal lamongy oungcol l egest udent s.I n1918t henumberofpl ay er sper t eam wasl i mi t edt os i x,andi n1922t hemaxi mum numberofaut hor i z edcont act swi t h t hebal l wasfixedatt hr ee. Unt i lt heear l y1930svol l eybal lwasf ort hemostpar tagameofl ei sur eandr ecr eat i on, andt her ewer eonl yaf ew i nt er nat i onalact i vi t i esandcompet i t i ons.Ther ewer edi ffer ent r ul esoft hegamei nt hev ar i ouspar t soft hewor l d;howev er ,nat i onalc hampi onshi ps wer epl ayedi nmanycount r i es( f ori nst ance,i nEast er nEur opewher et hel evelofpl ay hadr eachedar emar kabl est andar d) . Vol l eybal lt husbecame mor e and mor e a compet i t i v e spor twi t h hi gh physi caland t ec hni cal per f or mance. Beachvol l eybal li sat eam spor tpl ayedbyt wot eamsoft wopl ayer sonasandcour t di vi dedbyanet .I thasbeenanOl y mpi cdi sci pl i nesi ncet he1996Games,I nAt l ant a Ol y mpi cs. Or gani zat i ons FI VBFédér at i on I nt er nat i onal e de Vol l eybal l( Engl i sh: I nt er nat i onal Vol l eybal l Feder at i on) ,commonl yknownbyt heacr onym FI VB,i st hei nt er nat i onalgover ni ngbody f ort hespor t sofi ndoor ,beach,andgr assv ol l eybal l . [ 1]I t sheadquar t er sar el ocat edi n Lausanne,Swi t z er l andandi t scur r entpr esi denti sAr yGr aça.

PVF-Phi l i ppi ne Vol l eybal lFeder at i on ( f or mer l y known as t he Phi l i ppi ne Amat eur Vol l eybal lAssoci at i on)i s a gov er ni ng body f orvol l eybal li nt he Phi l i ppi nes .I twas r ecogni zedast henat i onal spor tgover ni ngbodypr i ort o2015. NOVA-Negr osOcci dent al Vol l eybal l Associ at i on. NVF-Negr osVol l eybal l Feder at i on


At t ack/ Spi k e–i st heoffensi v et eam at t empt i ngascor e.Hi t t i ngt hebal latt henet l evel orabov et hati sdr i v endownwar d. 2. Bl ock–i sadef ensi vepl ayusedt oi nt er ceptahar ddr i v enspi k e. 3. DeadBal l –t hebal l i sdeadt hepl ayst opsf r om t hewhi st l eoft her ef er ee

4. Foul - Vi ol at i onoft her ul es. 5. St eppi ngont heendl i ne 6. st eppi ngont hecent er l i ne 7. out si de 8. 4hi t s/ t ouches 9. t ouc hi ngt henet 10. hol di ng 11. over r eachi ng 12. i l l egal swi t chi ng/ i l l egal r ot at i on 13. 5secondsvi ol at i on 14. backl i nepl ay er sspi kesont heat t ackz one 15. Game–t heendset .Happenswhenonet eam r eaches25poi nt s . 16. Hol di ng–happenswhent hebal lmoment ar i l yst opsatt hehandsorar msoft he pl ayer . 17. Di gPass–i st obatabal l t oat eammat e. 18. Ser vi ce–i st heactofput t i ngt hebal l i nt opl ay . 19. Set–up/ t oss–i sahi ghpasscl oset ot henett hati sex ecut edsot hatt heot her t eammat escanspi ket hebal l i nt ot heopponent ’ scour t .


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Ser vi ceTypes :Under hand,Si dear m,Ov er hand Di gPass Set up/ Toss Bl ock Spi k e/ At t ack Mi scel l aneousPass Fal l ,Rol l ,andDi v e


Rat ey our sel ff oreachski l laccor di ngt ot hescal ebel ow.Thenexpl ai nwhyy ougav e y our sel ft hatr at i ng. 0-Ihaveneverhear doft hi s 1-Ihavehear dt hi st er m buthav en’ tseeni tdonebef or e 2-Ihavehear doft hi s ,andseent hi s ,butdon’ tknowhowt oper f or mi twi t hcor r ectf or m 3-Icandot hi s,butam notusi ngt hecor r ectf or m 4-Icandot hi susi ngt hecor r ectf or m,i nanongamesi t uat i on 5-Icandot hi s,usi ngt hecor r ectf or m,i nagamesi t uat i on PRETEST( sel f assessment ) PASSI NG:012345Why ?

SETTI NG:012345Why ?

SERVI NG:012345Why?


I mpl ement st her ul esoft hegameanddi r ect si t . Hasaut hor i t yov erot heroffic i al s. Hast hepowert odeci deanymat t er si nvol vi ngt hegame. I saut hor i z edt oi ssuewar ni ngsandsanct i onst ot hepl ayer s. Umpire

1. 2. 3.

Assi stt her ef er ee. Cont r ol st hewor koft hescor er . Super vi seseachoft hepl ayer sont hebenchandr epor t sanymi sconductt ot he r ef er ee. 4. Cont r ol st henumberoft i meout sandsubst i t ut i onsofbot ht eams. 5. Checkst heact ualposi t i onsoft hepl ay er sont hecour ti naccor dancewi t ht he l i neupsheet . 6. Assi stt her ef er eei nal l cont act soft hebal l undert henet / ant enna. Scor er 1. 2. 3.

Fi l l upt hei nf or mat i onoft het eam member si nt hescor esheet . Recor dspoi ntscor edbybot ht eams. Moni t or st heser v er sandi nf or mst her ef er eei ft heycommi t t edavi ol at i onwhi l e ser vi ng. 4. Recor dst eam subst i t ut i onsandt i meout s....

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