MAC 2233-013 Sp21 Syllabus PDF

Title MAC 2233-013 Sp21 Syllabus
Author Anonymous User
Course Methods Of Calculus
Institution Florida Atlantic University
Pages 11
File Size 169.9 KB
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Syllabus for methods of calculus...


MAC 2233-013 - CRN 13434 - Methods of Calculus - 3 credits Course Days and Times: MWF 9:00am-9:50am Course Delivery Method: Online with Live Lecture This course will require electronic proctoring for exams and the Final Exam. You are required to have a webcam, microphone, speaker/headphones, reliable internet access, and a photo ID (FAU Owlcard). You are required to take the exams during the scheduled class time (with necessary exceptions made for students with extended time accommodations from SAS). COVID-19 Statement: Students experiencing flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath), or students who have come in contact with an infected person must immediately contact FAU Student Health Services (561-297-3512). Instructor: Dr. Jaree Hudson Instructor Email: [email protected] (use your FAU email or the Canvas Inbox for all emails). Instructor Office Hours: • All office hours will be through Webex or Zoom. • To make an appointment, go to the Canvas course, click on Cisco Webex, then the Office Hours tab, then the time slot(s) when you would like to meet. Lastly, click “Confirm Meeting” at the bottom. Both you and your instructor will receive an email with the meeting number and password for a Webex meeting at the selected time(s). • If none of the available time slots work for you, email your instructor and to set up an alternate time that works for both of you. • If you prefer to use Zoom, please make the appointment as stated above, but also send an email to your instructor asking to use Zoom instead and your instructor will make a meeting on that system for the appropriate time(s). • If you have trouble setting up or getting into an office hours meeting, email your instructor. • You may always email your instructor with any concerns, whether that’s homework questions, problems with Canvas, Zoom, Webex, or other course systems, or general questions or issues. TAs for this course:

Gabriela Oliva Truc Nguyen

[email protected] [email protected]

Course Description A descriptive and intuitive introduction to the methods and applications of differentiation and integration. Primarily for social science and business administration majors. This is a General Education course. This section is for nonbusiness majors and is aimed at majors in the life and social sciences. Instructional Method This course is fully online with live lectures at designated times MWF 9:00am-9:50am. This course is accessible only through FAU’s learning management system, Canvas. You must log into Canvas with your FAU ID and Password to access the materials and assignments in this course. If you do not know your FAU ID or Password, contact OIT for help. Students are expected to join the course during the assigned class time MWF 9:00am-9:50am am via 1

Zoom meetings offered by either the instructor or the TA. All lecture sessions offered by the instructor will be recorded and posted on Canvas. The course is organized into modules with due dates. The course begins with the Introduction module. You will open a new learning module to access the assigned reading materials, videos, presentations, and other relevant materials for each subsequent module. Prerequisites College Algebra (MAC 1105) or equivalent (with a minimum grade of C); or ALEKS PPL assessment (score of 45 or better); or Math Placement Multi-Factor 2 (score of 40 or better). Textbook Methods of Calculus by Papiya Bhattacharjee, adapted from Applied Calculus by Shana Callaway, Dale Hoffman, and David Lippman. Accessing Assignments Assignments will be completed on Canvas via the free online homework resource MyOpenMath. You will only be able to access the assignments through Canvas; you cannot use the MyOpenMath website itself. You can review the following information regarding MyOpenMath if desired: • MyOpenMath Privacy Policy • MyOpenMath Terms of Service • MyOpenMath Student Data Privacy Statement php Course Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes We will cover sections of the textbook selected from chapters 1 through 3, not necessarily all of them at the same pace. Minor reordering of material may occur, for presentation purposes. • Chapter 1: Functions • Chapter 2: The Derivative • Chapter 3: The Integral Objectives Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to: 1. Compute limits. 2. Compute derivatives. 3. Determine the relative and absolute extreme values of a function and solve applied optimization word problems. 4. Sketch and graph curves: determining where a function is increasing or decreasing, concave up or down. 5. Compute antiderivatives. 6. Find the area under a simple curve. IFP General Education Outcomes 1. Knowledge in several different disciplines; 2

2. The ability to think critically; 3. The ability to communicate effectively; 4. An appreciation for how knowledge is discovered, challenged, and transformed as it advances; and 5. An understanding of ethics and ethical behavior. 6. Information available at Course Evaluation Method Homework Worksheets Midterm Exams Final Exam Percent Grade Letter Grade

90-100 A

87-89 A-

84-86 B+

30% 5% 45% total 20%

80-83 B

77-79 B-

73-76 C+

65-72 C

50-64 D

0-49 F

Homework Homework will be assigned in Canvas and graded by the MyOpenMath system. Student will access and complete the homework on Canvas. Homework is not meant to be memorized as the problems appearing on the exam may not be directly from the homework. Homework assignments will have a due date, so students should pay close attention to both date and time (see schedule on last page). It is the students’ responsibility to read all emails and Canvas announcements in case changes are necessary. MyOpenMath grades parts of problems as all correct or all wrong. There is no partial credit; however students have multiple chances on each problem. Homework assignments will make up 30% of the course grade. Late homework is not accepted for any reason. No homework grades will be dropped. Worksheets Along with homework, worksheets will be assigned from various topics of the course. Worksheets will be available and due during class times and must be completed and submitted by the due date and time. Student will need to print the worksheets, work on it, and then upload a scanned pdf document on Canvas; it is also acceptable to work it out on paper as long you number the problems and show all work. Student can ask for help from the TA(s) or the course instructor to complete the worksheet. No late worksheet will be accepted. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all submissions are done completely, correctly, legibly, and on time. ONLY what has been submitted on Canvas by the due time will be graded: forgotten pages cannot be added later, and uploads that did not work or are unreadable will be graded as ZERO. There are NO EXCEPTIONS for this, including on the first worksheet. Completion of worksheets will make up 5% of the course grade. Exams There will be four midterm exams which consist of a mix of multiple choice and free response questions. Multiple choice questions are graded correct (for full credit) or incorrect (for no credit), so be careful selecting your response. You should study for the tests by reviewing your notes, homework assignments, and worksheets. No books, calculators, phones, notes, or help from any persons are allowed during exams. Your best 3 out of the 4 midterm exams will be counted towards your final grade as 45% of the course grade. All exams will be taken online via Canvas. All exams will be proctored by the course instructor and the TAs using a Zoom meeting during the scheduled class time. See the section entitled “Exams with Online Proctoring” for the protocols that will be followed for all exams for the course. Exams will be timed. No make-up exams are given without a verfiable, documented reason provided by the student as 3

soon as possible and accepted by the instructor. All make-up exams, if allowed, must be completed prior to the next assigned course exam. All make-ups must be completed before taking the final exam for the course. There is no partial credit given on exams. But, there are instances when your answers might not get recorded properly by the online system and these issues will be addressed by your instructor. For exams, you will be required to show your work on a piece of paper, write neatly, and number the problems clearly. After completing the test, you will scan the work along with your FAU ID and upload a pdf copy on Canvas. The scanned work must be uploaded and checked by the instructor or TA before you are allowed to leave the Zoom meeting. Midterm Exam Dates Midterm exams must be taken during the scheduled test time. Students with extended time from SAS will be accommodated. Exam Exam Exam Exam

1 2 3 4

Friday, February 5 Friday, Februrary 26 Wednesday, March 24 Friday, April 16

Final Exam The Final Exam consists entirely of multiple choice questions. Each question is graded correct (for full credit) or incorrect (for no credit), so be careful selecting your response. No books, calculators, phones, notes, or help from any persons are allowed during the final exam. The comprehensive final exam covers all the chapters and concepts that are taught during the semester. The Final Exam will be taken online via Canvas and will be graded by MyOpenMath. Final exam will be proctored by the course instructor and the TAs using Zoom meeting. Chromebook cannot be used to take the final exam. There are no make-ups on final exam. Final Exam will make up 20% of the course grade. Final Exam

Saturday, April 24

Time TBA

Exams with Online Proctoring Exams will be taken during the scheduled class time and proctored via Zoom by the instructor and TAs. You must have your camera on during the entire test. If you violate any of the following, you will receive a zero (0%) for the assignment, and there will be NO Makeup or Retake option. • You may not leave the Zoom meeting during the exam. • Once you have completed your exam, an instructor or TA must check your work upload before you are allowed to leave the Zoom meeting. • Prior to starting an exam or the final exam, you will need the following: ✧ Government issued photo ID or Student photo ID). Failure to show ID will result in Violation. ✧ Working camera and microphone. ✧ Stable internet connection. ✧ Up to 3 (but no more than 3) blank sheets of paper. Be prepared to show both sides of all sheets to the camera: failure to do so will result in your exam being flagged for a Violation. • The online testing environment should mimic the in-class testing environment, and has the following guidelines: ✧ You must make sure the camera view includes both your face and hands. Failure to do so will result in your exam being flagged. ✧ Testing Area: 4

✦ Sit at a clean desk or table (not on a bed or couch). ✦ Lighting in the room must be bright enough to be considered “daylight” quality. Overhead lighting is preferred; the source of light should not be behind you. ✦ Ensure your desk or table is cleared of all other materials. ✦ Be prepared to do a room scan, including your work area and a complete 360 degree rotation of your room. ✦ Make sure your laptop is fully charged, or keep the charger within arm’s reach. ✧ The following items/actions are not permitted: ✦ PHYSICAL CALCULATOR USE WILL RESULT IN VIOLATION: your are to use the calculator provided by the computer system. ✦ No notes, assignment, or any other websites can be opened during exams. ✦ Headphone use will result in Violation. ✦ Having more than 3 sheets of blank paper may result in flag. Failure to show blank paper(s) to camera may also result in a flag. ✦ Using a phone or any electronic device other than your test-taking device is not permitted. ✦ Multiple monitors are not permitted ✦ No writing visible on desk or on walls. ✦ No hats are permitted. Exception: religious attire. ✦ No watches or fit bands are permitted. ✦ No Blue Tooth devices of any kind (earphones, ear pods, speakers, etc.) ✦ No websites other than Canvas should be used or open while taking a proctored exam. ✦ Close all other programs and/or windows on the testing computer prior to logging into the proctored test environment. ✦ Make sure music/televisions are not playing in the background. ✦ Communication or receiving assistance from others is not permitted during a proctored assessment. Exceptions: FAU’s OIT help desk. ✦ No other persons except the test-taker should be in the room during testing. ✦ Remain visible in the web camera during the entire duration of the exam. ✦ Leaving the room during the testing period is not permitted. ✦ You must not take the computer into another room to finish testing (exam must be completed in the same room the “room scan” is completed in) Policy on Makeup Tests, Late Work, and Incompletes Students are responsible for arranging to make up work missed because of legitimate reasons, such as illness, family emergency, military obligation, court-imposed legal obligations or participation in Universityapproved activities, such as participating on an athletic or scholastic team, musical and theatrical performances and debate activities. It is the students’ responsibility to give the instructor notice prior to any missed work. Any student missing a test without an official excuse will receive a zero grade. Any excusable absence must be documented by a verifiable source, and the instructor must be notified AT LEAST THREE DAYS prior to the due date. Except in extraordinary circumstances, all make-up tests must be taken before the next scheduled test. In an emergency situation the student must inform the instructor about their missed work within 2 days of the due date for the missed work. The student must provide universityapproved documents within 2 days of the due date for a missed work in order to be allowed to make-up the missed work. All make-ups, if approved, must be completed before completing the final exam. There are no make-ups for final exam. The grade of I (incomplete) can only be given under the conditions specified in the “Incomplete Grades” section of the FAU Catalog, and supporting documentation will be required.


Classroom Etiquette Policy Disruptive behavior is defined in the FAU Student Code of Conduct as “activities which interfere with the educational mission within classroom. Students who disrupt the educational experiences of other students and/or the instructors course objectives in a face-to-face or online course are subject to disciplinary action. Such behavior impedes students’ ability to learn or an instructor’s ability to teach. Disruptive behavior may include but is not limited to non-approved use of electronic devices (including cellular telephones); cursing or shouting at others in such a way as to be disruptive; or, other violations of an instructor’s expectations for classroom conduct.” Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend all of their scheduled University classes and to satisfy all academic objectives as outlined by the instructor. The effect of absences upon grades is determined by the instructor, and the University reserves the right to deal at any time with individual cases of non-attendance. Students are responsible for arranging to make up work missed because of legitimate class absence, such as illness, family emergencies, military obligation, court-imposed legal obligations or participation in University-approved activities. Examples of University-approved reasons for absences include participating on an athletic or scholastic team, musical and theatrical performances and debate activities. It is the student’s responsibility to give the instructor notice prior to any anticipated absences and within a reasonable amount of time after an unanticipated absence, ordinarily by the next scheduled class meeting. Instructors must allow each student who is absent for a University-approved reason the opportunity to make up work missed without any reduction in the student’s final course grade as a direct result of such absence. Students are expected to join the course during the assigned class time MWF 9:00am-9:50am via Zoom meetings offered by either the instructor or the TA. All lecture sessions offered by the instructor will be recorded. Exams must be taken on their scheduled day during the scheduled class time. Students who have test accommodations through SAS must have SAS contact the instructor about their accommodations and then make appropriate arrangements with the instructor for tests. Although attendance is not part of the course grade, students will have the opportunity to score extra credit points by attending lecture sessions each week. If a student attends at least a total of 110 minutes of class time a week (remotely or in-person), 1 extra credit point will be earned for that week. If a student attends at least a total of 140 minutes of class time a week (remotely or in-person), 2 extra credit points will be earned for that week. A maximum of 2 extra credit points can be earned each week. This rule will be applicable between January 11 and April 9 (13 weeks), with a possibility of earning a total of 26 extra credit points. The extra credit points will be added to the homework category grade. For any week with 2 class periods (instead of 3), 1 point will be awarded for attending at least 70 minutes and 2 points for attending at least 90 minutes of class periods a week. Students will be expected to spend a considerable amount of time each day of the week on learning the materials from this course. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the due dates for each assignment and complete them on time. It is the student’s responsibility to read all correspondence and communications by the instructor, including Canvas Announcements and all emails. Students are encouraged to communicate with the instructor via FAU email or Canvas mail. Special Course Requirements Equipment Failure Notice: It is the student’s responsibility to have working equipment and reliable internet. Personal equipment failure and loss of internet or electricity is the sole responsibility of the student and is not an accepted reason for an assignment/exam make-up, retake, or extension on the due date. The student is required to address, and resolve, any equipment failures or loss of internet. • Hardware 6

✧ Dependable computer (Windows or MacOS). ✧ Computer speakers ✧ Webcam ✧ Scanning capabilities (for instance, the Genius App for smart devices) • Software ✧ Reliable web browser (recommended: Chrome or Firefox) ✧ Canvas app or Canvas access on laptop ✧ Once logged in to Canvas make sure your Internet browser is compatible. ✧ Zoom • Internet Connection ✧ Recommended: Broadband Internet connection with a speed of 4 Mbps or higher. ✧ To function properly, Canvas requires a high-speed Internet connection (cable modem, DSL, satellite broadband, T1, etc.). The minimum Internet connection speed to access Canvas is a consistent 1.5 Mbps (megabits per second) or higher. • Basic Computer Specifications for Canvas ✧ Operating system: Windows 10 or macOS Sierra (or higher). • Peripherals ✧ A backup option should be available to minimize the loss of work. This can be an external hard drive, a USB drive, cloud storage, or your folder on the FAU servers. • Technical Skills ✧ The general and course-specific technical skills you must have to succeed in the course include but are not limited to: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

Accessing Internet. Using Canvas (including taking tests, attaching and uploading documents, etc.). Using email with attachments. Creating and submitting files in pdf format. Downloading and installing software. Using presentation, graphics, and other programs. Posting and commenting in an online discussion. Searching the FAU library, FAU Websites, Canvas Help sites.

Technical Support In the online envir...

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