Marijuana legalization argumentative essay PDF

Title Marijuana legalization argumentative essay
Author Damseso 2916
Course English Composition I
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 3
File Size 82.7 KB
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Foundations of English Composition Touchstone 2 27th of June 2021

Marijuana legalization Marijuana legalization has been a controversial issue for some time. The issue is up for debate. If you ask different people, marijuana is either unethical or medically beneficial, depending on their viewpoint. However, one recurring topic is the harm that marijuana poses. Supporters of legalization point to supposed health benefits or the fact that it is no more harmful than other drugs as reasons for their support. Contrary to its critics, marijuana is a harmful drug that has negative consequences for individuals and society. The information in this essay will demonstrate that legalization is desirable.

In 1937, marijuana was banned. Since that time, marijuana has been prohibited. Buying or selling cannabis results in hefty fines and possible incarceration. However, a burgeoning legalization movement has been making advances. The push to decriminalize marijuana use and cultivation is gaining momentum in states across the United States. Medical marijuana has been permitted in California since 1996, and recreational marijuana use is widely accepted, despite still being illegal. Possession of small amounts of marijuana is a minor misdemeanor in the state. Since then, a slew of other states have followed in California's footsteps, legalizing or at least decriminalizing the beloved plant. Connecticut became the 19th state to legalize recreational marijuana usage on Tuesday, despite still being illegal under federal law. Those 21 years old or older can possess and consume marijuana starting on July 1, under the new law, which also provides the basis for the development of a new cannabis sector in the state, and seeks to redress racial inequalities originating from the nation's war on drugs.

Many people oppose marijuana legalization. Marijuana may be used as a gateway drug to other illicit drugs, including cocaine or heroin, by drug users. The side effects of marijuana use (laziness, delayed reaction time) make it far too easy for people to put themselves in danger, especially when driving a motor vehicle. Many people have come to the conclusion that

marijuana has negative implications and can lead to addiction, just like any other drug. Therefore, people who use marijuana should be brought to justice.

I believe legalizing marijuana will have an impact on reducing crime, especially in the urban community. People can't access marijuana solely through illegal means, because the narcotic is banned. It often leads to a life of crime for those who are not well-adjusted. If marijuana were legalized, there would be a safe, legal mechanism to obtain marijuana. It could lead to fewer cases of desperate people stealing and engaging with criminals, which could lead to violence and death. According to a 2017 study, the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Colorado was associated with a significant decrease in deaths from opioids, reversing an upward trend in deaths in the state (a trend reversible since the legalization of marijuana).

It can also be addictive and harmful to your health, but it can also have medicinal benefits when used properly. Marijuana is used to treat pain and sickness. There have also been studies that show marijuana can be beneficial in the treatment of neuropathic pain (pain caused by damaged nerves), cancer, and multiple sclerosis, among other conditions. Furthermore, there are no conclusive studies conducted to determine whether moderate marijuana use has any negative effects on one's health (as with any other drug). Because it is harmless, it should not be considered illegal to get and use.

Additionally, legalizing marijuana would significantly reduce law enforcement expenditures and make the judicial system more effective. It is estimated that 545,601 marijuana arrests were made across the US in 2019, accounting for 35% of all drug-related arrests, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting program. Overcrowding in prisons has been demonstrated to increase recidivism. Therefore, the violence learned in prison tends to continue after release. Marijuana legalization prevents anyone from being convicted of buying, selling, or using the drug permanently outside society.

Additionally, it's a significant time and resource saver for law enforcement officials to not have to chase down users and sellers of marijuana, and that is good for the economy and the community. Taxpayers would spend less, as they would not pay for additional people to be imprisoned. In 2010, there were options for legal dispute resolution, and the FDA could oversee the quality of marijuana to assure its safety.

Based on the data and arguments offered in this essay, compared to the harm produced by many other psychoactive substances, both legal and illegal, in common use, the likelihood and

magnitude of harm caused by heavy marijuana users is insignificant. These other psychoactive substances include alcohol, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine, and heroin. Marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana is still illegal because major tobacco lobbyists believe it will impact their profitability. Marijuana legalization would benefit people in need, reduce public spending on policing and incarceration, and keep those who legitimately want it out of a life of crime. Marijuana does not have any negative effects, so there is no logical reason to keep it illegal. Marijuana legalization could address many problems with the justice system and the economy. Recent research has shown that legalizing marijuana reduces violence and trafficking associated with the illegal drug trade, thereby reducing the power and wealth of cartels and drug gangs. In addition to reducing drug-related crime, legalizing marijuana has been shown to be a significant source of tax revenue. A country intending to legalize cannabis use and sale in a controlled market should draw on the vast expertise gained from other applicable regulatory regimes for psychoactive substances to achieve success. These include pharmacy and prescription systems, monopolies on the sale of alcoholic beverages, labeling and licensing requirements, as well as availability and taxation restrictions. Commercial interests should be held to a low level of influence and should be discouraged from promoting their own products. It is also important to consider the serious lessons learned from the minimum market controls frequently implemented in the tobacco and alcohol industries, as well as the positive examples.


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