Marketing hvghcgfch vhbn vghcvghn nbgcgf b cgfc bv bgffsdfsefefsgfergergggerg PDF

Title Marketing hvghcgfch vhbn vghcvghn nbgcgf b cgfc bv bgffsdfsefefsgfergergggerg
Author f17bb033 M. Ahmad Abduhu
Course Ed.S. Practicum In Education A
Institution University of Northern Iowa
Pages 2
File Size 62.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 83
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7-P's/4-P's is an important marketing tool that helps businesses to introduce their right services/products in market at right time in right place with right price and with right promotions. You can use it before the creation of any kind of strategy for your NPO. It helps you to position the organization in its context and to explain where and when it offers its unique services to different stakeholders. To do the same in the NPO environment, we will use 7-P's Marketing Mix for HelpAge International because that NPO provide services to helps older people to claim their rights, challenge discrimination, and overcome poverty, so that they can live happy life. PRODUCT: HelpAge International provides equal benefits to target group. What is important for you here is to understand what the beneficiaries really need. You use a marketing plan to create an effective 'product or service' that matches the job 'consumers' want. In Pakistan, its purpose is to promote the well-being and inclusion of older women and men, and to reduce poverty and discrimination in later life. They work with older women and men in low- and middle-income countries to find better services and policies, as well as changes in the behavior and behavior of individuals and communities in old age. It focuses on issues affecting older people around the world, such as disaster risk reduction and climate change, rights, health, social protection, HIV and AIDS and employment. PRICE: Price will be the money needed to plan and implement projects and the necessary personal expenses (time, political position,…) to support your goal. FUNDS are often met with donations, organizational funds, sale etc. In the case of corporate sponsors, you can present these costs as an 'investment'. As the company has potential profits, such as Social Return on Investment (aka SROI). Operational & PERSONAL EXPENSES do not depend on how HelpAge defines them and can be considered more closely within the same group. On the other hand, you benefit from understanding the effort required by an activist or volunteer to support your cause, or even a beneficiary to accept your help. Is it low enough for them to engage with HelpAge? Is it necessary to compensate them in some way or to reconsider what is offered and what? LOCATION: It means easy access to the product to the customer/consumer and vise versa. For HelpAge this means you have to pay attention to the location of the donors and the needs of the beneficiaries. While the last point is the best way, it is always good to remember that, for

example, corporate donors often invest in a project near them. Not only for obvious reasons, but also to monitor and engage with employees. PROMOTION: It refers to all of the key communication tools you use to provide information, about a product or service, to various stakeholders (whether it is informative or appealing to their feelings). These include: Advertising, Marketing Promotion, Public Relations, Your Sales and Your Community. In HelpAge this can be represented by the information and communication tools used on Social Media, Websites, Blogs and In-person Events (such as fundraising events). PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: It includes the way a NPO assures its customers when selling an intangible app. In the case of HelpAge this goes beyond giving your sponsors 'concrete proof' of their spending. By doing this, you will improve the chances of more donations. PROCESS: It is the way in which service is delivered to customers. In HelpAge case, this could mean very different things, depending on which person you want to focus on (donors, beneficiaries,…). The important thing to keep in mind here is the consistency of your message. The way in which this process is conducted reflects your NPO and is the standards for social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. PEOPLE: Who work in the services are also part of it - they increase or decrease the value of the service. If you think HelpAge work is based largely on the help of volunteers and other donors, you should be careful how you choose and treat them. Properly selected and investing in them will add value to what you ‘sell’. Not only because it is reflected in the product or in the process itself, but also because it enhances the way the customer (donors, beneficiaries,…) perceives it....

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