Material-and non-material culture PDF

Title Material-and non-material culture
Course Sociology 2
Institution Ulster University
Pages 6
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Materiel Culture
Objects Physical That people do and those that make sense.
(From here, when it is said that a person is "materialistic".)
Non-material culture
Human creations are not incorporated into physical objects. values, norms, symbols, language and knowledge.


Material-and non-material culture Materiel Culture Objects Physical That people do and those that make sense. (From here, when it is said that a person is "materialistic".) Non-material culture Human creations are not incorporated into physical objects. values, norms, symbols, language and knowledge. Written observations The culture Among the cultural classes, we can find two different groups: Elements of the culture that we all know: The Values They are general ideas that people share about what is good or bad. The Standards They are specific guidelines for action that specify how people should behave in similar situations. The Symbols are objects, movements, sounds, or images that represent something other than yes same. The Language It is a system of verbal symbols with rules on which these symbols must be linked in order to convey more complete meanings. Ethnosentrium It is the tendency to regard models of own culture as good and correct as the measure to judge others. Cultural relativism He insists that every element of culture is relative to a particular time, place and circumstances. In a heterogeneous society there is always a dominant culture that imposes its perspectives and traditions on society. This reading speaks of the culture of white Christians in the middle and upper middle class of the United States. But I do not agree that it is only that, since in the United States there is also a culture of the Jews, which are very large and powerful in all means. A living example would be that in every TV show or movie movie always displays the name of at least one Jew in credits, either as a director, producer or actor. I agree that there is a culture of individualism in the United States that is when people are free to make their own decisions. Clearly Americans are very open minded people, and it is reflected in their lifestyle, what for the more demure society it can be a too liberal society.

It is absolutely true that the electronic media have had a major impact on culture, not just Western, I mean globally. Although there is still a high level of illiteracy in many countries, where even there are computers where there has been a tremendous amount of technological progress. A lot of information is shared on the internet, cellular telephony is an active part of the lives of millions of people. Without counting the rest of the devices electronics that can be found on the market today. The social building of reality It is clear that the behaviour of human beings depends on the social position they occupy or the role they play. More but people can make reality to someone else or define it differently. I understood from The social building of reality When people define their situation, depending on the reality they are in. The Social interaction It is then a continuous debate between the people who attend this meeting. In this process we handle situations in the way that suits us best. Thomas ' theorem I will explain this sentence as follows: We get that a situation that was not real now is because we are working to get it. etnometodología That's why it's good to say that reality is something people are creating in their daily interactions. But how do you define the word Fact? The answer to this question is the objective of ethnomethodology. This science is studying how people understand or make sense of their daily lives. Your aim is to explain how people make sense to countless situations that are familiar to them. Building reality People build their everyday experience according to the way he sees the world, based on the social environment in which he lives. I understand that this is why someone living in a humble neighborhood of the city will see a world of different leverage and have daily experiences altogether Different than a wealthy person living in one of the best sectors of the city. Again, I agree with the fact that people are defined and act according to the social environment in which they live and develop. The experience of building reality varies from one place to another, because culture is different in each country.

According to the graph, which shows the percentage of people who said they felt happy, Sweden is the country where people seem to be more satisfied than in other countries. This I think can be due to the tranquility that these people live and the standard of living they have is considered one of the highest in the world. Mass culture, spirit of consumption and fashion Speaking of fashion, film, advertising and cultural products, I am also talking about development, explosion of media, etc. The consumption of goods and the phenomenon of cultural trends have always existed. The social life of our time is imposing a growing degree of critical awareness on all of us. So I will analyze the three elements of the global phenomenon of the masses: (Part I) cultural production, combination of effort and structure: The women's fashion industry is an example of how new cultural aspects are being produced. Fashion is also the final result of a complex social process, like cultural production. In this process there are the cultural guardians, who are the people who regulate the flow of new cultural elements in society. (Part II) conspicuous consumption: It refers to the practice of the wealthy buyer, and his obsessive concern to maintain an image of status and high social rank using the elements you purchase. I think it is incredible that Material articles Define a large part of our image in society. (Part III) Tourism threatens the world's eighth wonder: I believe that the promotion and development of international tourism is changing people's behaviour. Today, tourism activities are seen as a way to fill the free time for consumers. But in my opinion, society has been put on the market too much. Television and the advertising industry have been transformed into powerful instruments for the multiplication of materialistic values. There is a part of reading where it says that cheap housing is not built for people in Social groups Without privileges, however, I do not agree with it because, at least here in Panama, the whole time is built incredibly affordable housing and excellent payment terms for low-income people. That's why it's what much of society was accustomed to consuming credit, and even though people less wealthy are trapped in debt as a result of buying goods and services for credit that don't always need, I think at least they have the satisfaction of betting Ale Po R something that will be for them, something of their own. The Post-modern society The three explanations of the concept of postmodern society, made up of three different characters, are the following:

The I-Postmodernism barry burke Educator Trends that can be observed in a post-modern society: art (painting, sculpture, architecture, music, etc., with lack of depth and significance), Philosophy And over New Times (a computer-based economy, information technology and robots). of the II-Adolescentización silvio botero Catholic Analyst Today's young people are the best example of post-modern fashion, and this creates a special kind of culture: ' Light ', which ensures that our next society will be weak. The Individualism It is alarming because people have become very selfish. The Hedonism It is synonymous with ease, comfort, fun and consumerism. As regards the SentimentalityWe to understand that love is not just love, but to make the other person happy. You have to leave selfishness aside. III-post-modernism macionis & plummer Professors Postmodernism refers to the social relations between the following industrial communities (I understand this concept as developed). Modernity has failed because: We have failed to eradicate social problems. Today's people have less hope for what the future can hold. Science no longer answers. Cultural debates intensified. Social institutions are changing. And

In the first part, I fully agree that the media have created a new electronic reality in which they have wiped out every sense of an objective reality. But not to say that you can no longer distinguish between the imaginary and the real. The values of society are still there because they go from generation to generation and I think people Still have the ability to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong, as well as the real reality. In that part of philosophy, how some left-wing thinkers dared to say that people do not have the ability to have an objective interpretation of reality? Does it not say the previous reading that each person builds his own reality based on his experience and interprets it differently? I do not think that we should question it because each person is a different world and no one has the right to criticize anyone, considering that we are all brethren who must be the children of God. As for the new Times, I agree that people today live in a different society from what we lived a few years ago. It is logical because everything changes and it evolves over time: People are made for it, no or something is preserved the same thousand years. And if our society is, as it is now, how will the world in which my children live? of the II I fully agree that the next generations will form a weak society, because with what you see today, I am aware of what young people have no interest in preparing, preserving social values, are impressively artificial, and do not seem to care more than fashion , music, sex, and drugs. For me it is incredible for before I found out that these things were only seen in places like the United States, where it is known that young people are very injured, but today is also seen here in Panama, and I could observe last year when I worked as a teacher in secondary Daria. And it is true that more and more the concept of individualism applies to our society, because it seems that people only look for their own good, no matter who they leave or who should pass. Who today teaches respect and consideration for the elderly? del iii I do not understand why reading claims that modernity has failed in what it is proposed. Bone, I understand that modernity is a way of life, but I did not know that it offered solutions to social problems, such as politics. I do not agree that science no longer has answers because, although new viruses are emerging, scientists are working to find new cures and they have achieved it because I read in the magazines new drugs that do amazing things. So I don't think they've stayed behind, only that every survey takes time, and it's very hard to find immediate results. To what extent can we say that the cultural debates are intensifying? I do not see people arguing about their ways. Simply people have freedom of expression and freedom of life,

and even if one does not agree with some things that are not going to be debated, perhaps they are secretly criticized or interrogated, but that is something that has not been made public. If you are talking to a friend or family member, there is no debate about it. I agree that individuals have found different and new ways to relate to each other. For example, there is no longer only the term lovers, but also special friends, Amigovios, or friends with rights. And the amazing thing is that each term means something else....

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