Math1023 - Lecture notes all PDF

Title Math1023 - Lecture notes all
Author Nhu Le
Course MATH1023 Multivariable Calculus and Modelling
Institution University of Sydney
Pages 53
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Week 1 and 2 ● Quick equations ○ F=ma○ a=dv/dt=d2 x d t 2 ○ v=dx/dt ● Free falling objects ○ dv/dt=g ○ dv/dt=g−k v 2○ vdv dt=−GMr 2+k v 2● Gravitational force○ F=−GMm r 2where Gm> 0○ v(r)=±√❑ and g=6 10 − 11 m/kgs 2 ● Constant g and air friction depending linearly to velocity ○ F=F 1 −F 2 or grav...


Week 1 and 2 ● Quick equations F=ma ○ ○


dv −GM = 2 +k v 2 dt r

Gravitational force ○ ○

d2 x d t2

v =dx / dt ○ Free falling objects dv /dt = g ○ 2 ○ dv /dt =g−k v ○

a=dv /dt=

−GMm r2 v (r)=± √❑ F=


where and

g=6.67 x 10


m /kg s


Constant g and air friction depending linearly to velocity F =F1− F 2 or gravitational force minus air friction ○ F=mg − kmv where m is mass ○ −kt

○ ●

v =g /k

Terminal velocity

The order of a DE is the order of the highest derivative in it e.g. ○

● ●

g− A e k

For very large t, the motion is approximately free fall with constant escape and terminal velocity ○ Escape velocity v o =√ ❑ ○

v (t )=

d 12 v would be the 12th order d t12

The degree of a DE is the highest power of highest derivative

The standard form of a first order DE is An nth order DE is linear with form

dy /dx=f (x , y )

an (x )

d v dn v +...+a1 (x ) ❑ +a0 ( x ) y =b( x) n dx dx

All derivatives of y have power 0 or 1


Remaining term (RHS of DE) depends on x


a k of d vk dx

depends only on x for all k

Week 3 ● Radioactive decay dm / dt =−km , k >0 ○ Probability of decay is constant in time ○ The rate of change in mass is proportional to the current mass ○ K is the decay constant

○ ○

m (t)= A e−kt Half life, denoted by ■

● ●

t 1 /2 =

t1 /2 is the time such that

m (t1 /2 )=m 0 /2

ln 2 k

Population with x as population Linear x (t)=x o + kt

dx =k dt ○ If k >0 the population increases ○ If k =0 the population is constant ● Exponential x (t)= x o e kt dx =kx ○ dt ○ If k >0 the population increases ○

○ We assume birth rate minus death rate is constant Logistic ○

dx =g (t , x ) x dt

where g(t , x )

○ ○

If x is small, x(t) grows so g(t , x )> 0 If x is very large, x(t) levels so g(t , x )≈ 0

If x is too large, x(t) decreases so g(t , x )< 0

represents birth rate - death rate

dx =(k −a x o )x dt

dx =x (birth rate−death rate) dt ○ ○ ○

If (b.r. - d.r.) = f(t), then DE is separable If (b.r. - d.r.) = f(x), then DE is separable If (b.r. - d.r.) = f(x,t), then DE may or may not be is separable

dx =ax (b− x) dt ● Carrying capacity: b=k /a ; growth rate: k =ab b−x o b x (t)= where A= ○ −kt xo 1+ A e ●

Logistics equation in equivalent form is

○ ● ● Week 4 ●

If x = 0 and x=b are equilibrium solutions

Concentration = m/v (mass over volume) If the rate out = rate in, then the volume is constant

v (t )= v

where a , b>0

Week 5 Second order DE with constant coefficients ● y ' ' +ay '+by=0 has characteristic equation


m + am+ b=0 Case 1: if

a2−4 b >0 , then m 2+am + b=0 has distinct roots m 1 , m 2 −a ± √❑ ○ m 1,2= ❑ m x m x and y 2 =e are both solutions to y ' ' +ay ' +by =0 ○ y 1 =e 1


Then the general solution is



( A ,B∈R¿

a2−4 b distinct real roots from characteristic equation

Critical damping -> repeated real roots

Subcritical damping -> complex roots

Undamped, i.e. simple harmonic motion

Small angle approximation of pendulum motion

System of first order DE with constant coefficients (converting from system of first order DE into second order)

● ●

Converting second order DE into a system of first order DE

Week 6 ● Solving higher order inhomogeneous equations ○ ○

To find


To find


use the characteristic equation use educated guesses, then equate the


x to ¿¿ F¿

Amplitude of undamped oscillation with periodic forcing and resonance in undamped harmonic oscillator with periodic forcing



System of DE ○ Coupled systems have x, y in both equations

Types of systems ○ Uncoupled equations


■ Successively means to plug one into the other ○

System of first order DE

Week 7 Graphing in 3D j=(0,1,0 ) k =(0,0,1 ) Standard basis of 3D: i=( 1,0,0) - Use Right-hand rule where thumb is the z-axis and index is x-axis A curve in 2D can be represented by 1. An equation in x and y 2. The graph of a function f(x) 3. Parametric equations x=f(t) and y=g(t) Parametric equation examples

A curve in 3D can be parameterized by x=f (t ), y=g(t ), z=h( t ) ● To graph, make a table of values then join the points. ○ If t is linear, then only plot two points and join together by a straight line. Two ways of representing a surface in 3D 1. By equation x, y, and z 2. By graph of a function f(x,y) -

Rotation symmetry about the z-axis




z =x + y −1




Plane ax +by +cz = d where a, b, c, d are contained in real numbers ● We find three points on the plane, then connect them.

a y−¿ where ¿ 2 2 z −b ¿ =r ¿



is assumed to be contained in real

numbers ● The center is at (a , b) ● Infinitely long cylinder because x is not contained in interval 2


x y2 2 + 2 =z a2 b


z =x + y +1

z−c ¿2=r 2 2 Sphere y−b ¿ +¿ 2 x−a ¿ +¿ ¿


(Elliptic) Paraboloid


x y2 + 2 +c a2 b

Hyperbolic paraboloid


2 x2 − y +c a2 b2

red line sits inside the xz plane while the green sits in the y area


x2 + 2

y 2 z 22 =d , d ϵ {− 1,0,1 } −c b2

Let D be a subset of R2 . A real valued function of two variables is a exactly on real number, denoted by f (x , y ) to every (x , y )ϵ D .


● ●

The set D is the domain of the function f (x , y ) The natural domain is the largest set D for which f (x , y )

The range of the function is the set of all values of

function that assigns

is defined

f (x, y) where (x , y )ϵ D .

3 2 f : D ⊂ R → R , then the graph of f is the set of points ( x , y , f ( x , y ,))ϵ R where (x , y )ϵ D . - Equivalently, the graph of f (x, y) is the set of points in R3 such that z=f (x , y )

A level curve of a function f (x, y) is a curve in R2 satisfying the equation f (x , y )=c where c is a constant in the range of f. ● A level curve is the intersection of graph f (x , y ) with the plane z=c ● A level curve need not be a continuous curve. ○ It is just a set: called the level set ●

If c is not in the range of

f (x , y ) then {f (x , y )−c }=∅ , the empty set.

Week 8 Slope of tangent line to a surface intersected with a plane e.g. y=b ; thus this is with respect to x then is a curve ● If (a , b)ϵ D , Or we are intersecting the graph with the plane with the plane This curve γ 1 is the graph of g1 (x)=f (x , b) ○

y=b , aka the curve is a cross-section of the surface

● ● ●


g1 (x) is differentiable, then the slope of the tangent line to

γ 1 at (x , y )=(a , b ) is

Given a function

f : D ⊆ R 2 → R , (x , y )→ f (x , y) , the partial derivative of f with respect to x at (x , y )=(a , b)


provided the limit exists. Consider

f : D ⊆ R 2 → R , (x , y )→ f (x , y)

. If

f x (a , b) exists for all (a , b)ϵ D , then the function is said to

be differentiable with respect to x on D, and the partial derivative of the function with respect to x is the function of two variables given by

Slope of tangent line to a surface intersected with a plane e.g. x=a ; thus this is with respect to y ● If (a , b)ϵ D , then is also a curve

γ 2 is the graph of g2 ( y )= f (a , y ) ● Assuming g2 ( y ) is differentiable, then the slope of the tangent line to γ 2 at ●

This curve

Differentiation Rules

(x , y )=( a , b ) is

f (x, y) is sufficiently smooth, then ● To find f x (x , y ) , then treat y as a constant and apply the differentiation rules for the x variable ● To find f y (x, y ) , then treat x as a constant and apply the differentiation rules for the y variable


Multiple variables

Vector-valued function


and assume it is differentiable

x=a is y −f (a)=f '(a)( x −a) ● Geometrically, the tangent line just touches the curve y=f (x) at the point ( a , f ( a)) . ○ Note: the tangent line is never vertical since ¿ f ' (a)∨¿ ∞ ●

Consider exist. ●


f : D ⊆ R 2 → R , (x , y )→ f (x , y) , and assume the function is sufficiently smooth so that

Geometrically, the tangent plane to the surface surface at that point.

Equation of tangent plane ● The equation of a plane in

y =f ( x )

The tangent line to the curve



z=f (x , y ) at the point

containing the point

f x and f y

(a , b , f (a , b)) just touches the

(a , b , c) is

given by ○ Where a , b , c , α , β , γ ϵ R ( α , β , γ not all zero) The tangent plane to the surface z=f (x , y ) at (x , y )=( a , b ) contains the point the equation of the tangent plane is ○

(a , b , f (a , b)) . So

Calculating the unknown values α , β , γ ● Intersecting the tangent plane with the plane ●

Setting y=b


l1 in the equation of the tangent plane, gives the equation of l 1 :

−α γ

is the slope of

y=b , then we get a line

l1 and we can assume that

γ ≠ 0 , otherwise

l1 is tangent to the curve z=f (x , b) at x=a , so l1 has slope −α −β =f x (a , b) and similarly, =f y (a ,b) ○ So γ γ ○

Therefore the tangent plane is given by the equation −f x (a , b)( x−a)− f y (a , b)( y−b )+ z−f (a ,b )= 0 ○

The Equation of the tangent plane to the surface

z=f (x , y ) at the point

(a , b , f (a , b))

l 1 would be vertical

f x (a , b)

Week 9 Linear Approximation ● One variable ● Let the tangent line at point

y=g(x ) be

x=a of curve

x 0 of the curve is near a , then g(x 0 ) is approximately


● ●

Two variables The equation of the tangent plane to the surface

z=f (x , y ) at

z=f (a , b)+ f x (a , b )( x−a)+ f y (a ,b)( y−b ) ● If (x 0 , y 0 ) is near (a , b) then f (x 0 , y 0 ) is approximately

(x , y )=(a , b ) is

Differentiation ●

Let z=f (x , y ) defined by


f is differentiable ( f x , f y

exist). The differential

○ ●

Differentiation and linear approximation ○ If dx= Δ x and dy= Δ y , then dz ≈ Δ z since dz=f x (x , y) Δ x +f y (x , y )Δ y≈ Δ z =f ( x+ Δ x , y + Δ y )−f (x , y) ○ ○

Δ z is the increment in z

dz of the function is

Chain Rule ● Let z=f (x , y ) with x=g(t ) and y=h (t) , where derivative of z=f (g(t), h(t )) is given by

f , g , h are differentiable. Then the total

dz ∂ z dx ∂ z dy + = dt ∂ x dt ∂ y dt

● ●

Chain rule for partial derivatives Suppose that z=f (x , y ) with are differentiable.

∂z ∂ z ∂ x ∂ z ∂ y = + ∂s ∂ x ∂s ∂ y ∂ s

x=g(s , t)

and y=h (s .t) , where

∂z ∂ z ∂ x ∂ z ∂ y = + ∂t ∂ x ∂ t ∂ y ∂ t

f , g,h

Representing curve in

● ●



as a graph

Implicit function theorem

C ⊂ R 2 be a curve defined by


constant. ○ Suppose that

f (x , y )=k

(a , b) is a point on the curve


f (x , y ) is differentiable and k ∈ R is a

C ( so f (a , b)=k

) with the partial derivative

f y (a , b)≠ 0 . ○

● ● ●

Then there exists a region D around (a , b) such that the part of the curve is the graph of a differentiable function y=g(x ) , or the local result.

C in region D

Implicit differentiation (application of the implicit function theorem and chain rule)

y=g(x ) is defined implicitly by f (x , y )=k where k is constant, and if (without finding g(x) in explicit form) dy −f x ( x , y) = dx f y(x, y)


f y (x , y )≠ 0 , then

Week 10

Directional derivatives - motivation ○

Let the positive x-axis point east


h(x , y) be the elevation above the ground level. Then h x ( x, y) is the rate of change in if you travel east, and h y (x , y) is the rate of change in h if you travel north

f (x , y ) is differentiable, then: ○ We compute f x (x , y) by fixing the y


Examples: given

positive x-axis; We compute f y (x , y ) by fixing the

variable, so

x variable, so

f x (x , y) is the derivative in the direction of f y (x, y) is the derivative in the direction

of positive y-axis;

A vector is a quantity having both

direction and magnitude ○ The standard basis of ○

Any vector





is the set {i,j}

can be written as

u=u 1 i+ u2 j for some

u1 ,u 2 ∈ R

■ i is the vector pointing one unit in the positive x-axis, j y-axis ○

u=u 1 i+ u2 j is ¿ u∨¿ √❑ ¿ v ∨¿ 1 ■ A unit vector v has u , is the unit vector in the direction of u ● Any non-zero vector

The magnitude of a vector

( magnitude 1) ○

○ ○

The dot product of u and v is defined by u ⋅v =u 1 v 1 +u 2 v 2 (scalar) where theta is the angle between the vectors and ■ u ⋅v=¿u∨¿ v∨cos θ ■ The vectors must go away, not towards one another The vectors u and v are orthogonal / perpendicular if u ⋅v=0 Orthonormal vectors are unit vectors that are orthogonal to each other

0 ≤θ ≤ π

Directional derivatives

^u=u 1 i+ u2 j be the unit vector in the direction of a non-zero vector u. The directional derivative of a



● ●

f (x , y ) in the direction of u at the point (a , b) is defined by (provided the limit exists:)

We use the unit vector to define/compute

D u f =(f x (a ,b)i+f y (a , b) j)⋅ u^

Theorem 1

f (x , y ) is differentiable, then the directional derivative of f in the direction of u (not necessarily a unit vector) at (a , b) is ● Where ^u=u 1 i+ u2 j is the unit vector in the


direction of u

If we don’t use

^u but use u=10u^ =10 u1 i+10 u2 j , then 10( f x ( a ,b)u1 +f y (a , b)u 2)

● ● ● ● ●

Geometric meaning of Suppose

D u f (a ,b)

f (x, y) is differentiable and there exists vector u with

g (t)=f ( a +u1 t , b+ u 2 t)

where t ∈(δ , δ ) for small

^u representing unit vector of u

δ> 0

x=a +u 1 t , y =b +u2 t , z=g(t ) define a curve γ ○ This curve is the intersection of the surface z=f (x , y ) and the plane containing vector u and z-axis D u f (a ,b) is the slope of the tangent line to γ at (a , b , f (a , b))


Gradient and directional derivatives ● If f (x , y ) is differentiable, then the gradient of f 2

The gradient is a vector-valued function, also called a vector field in

The directional derivative of a differentiable function of f (x , y ) in the direction of u is ∇f (a , b) contains the ‘full’ info of 1st order derivative of f (x , y ) at (a , b) ; ○ gives

Du f

Properties of the nabla / del operator ∇(f + g)=∇f +∇g ○


∇f (a , b)⋅ u^

○ ○

∇(α f )=α ∇f where ∇(fg)=f ∇g +g ∇f

α is a real constant

D u f (a ,b)=∇f (a , b)⋅ u^ −¿ ∇f (a , b)∨cos θ where 0 ≤θ ≤ π is the angle between ∇f (a , b) and ^u D u f (a ,b)>0 1. iff 0 ≤θ ≤ π /2 Steepest ascent/increase in f : D u f (a , b) achieves its maximum value ¿ D u f (a ,b)∨¿ when θ=0 , i.e. in the direction of ∇f (a , b) ●


D u f (a ,b) 0 there exists δ > 0 such that ¿ f (x)−l∨¿ ε whenever

0 0 there exists δ> 0 such that ¿ f (x , y )−l∨¿ ε whenever 0...

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