Max Lüthi and the Literary Analysis of Fairy Tales power point PDF

Title Max Lüthi and the Literary Analysis of Fairy Tales power point
Author Cassie Long
Course Fairy Tale Grimms-Disney-Engl
Institution George Washington University
Pages 3
File Size 34 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 52
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Max Lüthi and the Literary Analysis of Fairy Tales power point notes...


Max Luthi (1909-1991): swiss literary theorist and folktale scholar ● The European Folktale ● Once Upon a Time On the Nature of Fairy Tales ● Sources: ○ Literary texts ○ European tales ○ Germanic focus ● Objectives: ○ What makes a fairy tale a fairy tale? ○ What are the essential laws that can account for the stylistic consistency of the folktale? ○ What makes a European fairy tale distinctive? ○ How does one distinguish it from other genres of oral folk prose? ● Key concepts: ○ One-dimensionality ■ Events appear natural and self-evident because the world of the fairy tale protagonist and otherworldly magic exist in one dimension ■ No shock or fear by protagonist in the presence of magic ● No sense of extraordinary ● Action-driven plot gives no time for pause ■ No explanation given for supernatural events ○ Depthlessness ■ No inner life: express no emotion, surprise, or pain

■ Actions reveal character not words ■ Relationships defined by gifts ■ Lack of connection to past, present, and environment ■ No depth, three-dimensionality ■ Passage of time is insignificant ● Sleeping beauty still young after 100 year spell ○ Abstract style ■ Gives folktale definition and clarity ■ Lack of realism + descriptive detail ● “Handsome prince”, “old woman”, “good girl” ■ Sharp outlines, clear contrasts, and extremes ■ Preference for bold colors, solid metals, precious and rare elements ■ Numbers: 123712 ■ Repetition and fixed formulas ● History of oral tradition ○ Isolation and universal interconnection ■ Isolated characters with no sustained connections ● Separated from family ● Home → real world ○ Tasks ● Interact with other characters in isolated episodes ○ Necessary gifts ○ Advice ○ No sustained relationships

● Isolated environments ○ Forest ○ Towers ■ Universal interconnection ● Coincidences ● Timely gifts ● Wisdom from others ○ Sublimation and all-inclusiveness ■ Motifs have origins in myths ● Rituals ● Incantantations ● Rhymes ● Number patterns ■ Motifs have been weakened and altered ● Jacob Grimm “broken down myth” theory ■ No true eroticism in love, courtship, and marriage ● Themes have been sublimated ■ Fairy tale’s universality ● Why does style matter? ○ Distinguishes it from other genres ○ Style is meaning ○ Plot resolutions are psychologically assuring ○ “The folktale is a world-encompassing adventure story told in a swift, sublimating style.” The European Folktale, pp. 82...

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