MDC1 ATIcase Study 1 PDF

Title MDC1 ATIcase Study 1
Course Medical Surgical 1
Institution Rasmussen University
Pages 5
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Module 02 Assignment- ATI Video Case Study on Therapeutic Communication Purpose 1. Identify therapeutic and non-therapeutic communication techniques. 2. Identify congruency between verbal and non-verbal communication. 3. Document the conversation and label the parts of the conversation.

Course Competency 

Apply strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing basic care and comfort for clients.

Instructions For this assignment, fill out the template provided directly after these instructions.

1. Listen to the ATI video case study called Therapeutic Communication. 2. Record the conversation, indicating the comments made by the nurse and client in the correct columns.

3. Observe and document the verbal and non-verbal communication. 4. Label the verbal and non-verbal communication as therapeutic or non-therapeutic. 5. Provide the rationale for each of the labels (therapeutic or non-therapeutic). 6. Indicate a statement or response that may have been more therapeutic for those believed to be barriers to communication.

7. At the conclusion of the conversation, write a paragraph indicating how you would feel if you were the client in this situation.


Nurse  “Hello, my name is Catherine, and I’ll be asking you some questions”  “Could you please state your name and date of birth?”  “Alright Mr. Toledo, are we feeling any better now?”  “And what exactly makes you say that?”  “Don’t worry, things will get better soon”  “I know exactly how you feel, I felt the same way when I lost my father”


 “Perhaps you should just focus on something else, to get her off your mind”  “Hello, my name is Catherine and I’ll be asking you some questions”, “Could you please state you names and DOB?”  This establishes confidence and a rapport with the patient by stating who she is and what she will be doing during their session.  “I felt the same way when I lost my father”  This shows the nurse showing empathy by putting herself in the client’s place.


Alternate Response

Non verbal

 “Are you feeling any better now?”  This is a closed ended question that does not allow the client to elaborate on how he is feeling.  “Don’t worry things will get better soon”  This is providing false reassurance to the client, as the nurse has no way of knowing the timeline on if things will get better for the client.  “I know exactly how you feel”  This is assuming how the client feels and can make them feel as if their feelings are unimportant and not unique. It can cause the client to not continue to share their feelings. It also makes it feel as if she is dismissing his feelings by saying that.  “Perhaps you should just focus on something else to get her off your mind”  The nurse used a patronizing tone of voice when speaking to him about the death of his mother, which devalues what he was saying. When a patient is hopeless and lonely, the hardest thing to do is to move on. By saying this, the nurse is not addressing how the patient can begin to heal, just that he needs to get over it. This comment is also imposing the nurse’s opinion rather than letting the client express how he feels. After the client expressed his feelings, the nurse should clarify what she heard and ask the client to explain more. When hearing that the patient was dependent of his mother, she could have asked for him to elaborate on the types of things his mother helped him with so that she could try and implement a plan and offer resources to the patient. The nurse could have used phrases like “ you said you do not think you can do this anymore, it sounds like you are feeling hopeless? Can you tell me more?” This type of phrasing would have been better questions to have the patient clarify his feelings go into more detail of his situation at home.  Judgmental facial expressions (raised eyebrows, pursed lips)  Does not maintain eye contact with client  Displays an aloof appearance  Faced the client, slightly leaning forward posture


With the nurse facing the client and slightly leaning forward, it shows that she has an open posture and is interested in the client.


By raising her eyebrows, pursing her lips, and looking down at the table instead of maintaining eye contact with the client, the nurse showed disinterest or possibly disagrees with what the patient had to say and it could be distracting to the patient. The nurses aloof appearance made it seem like she did not really want to be there and that she was just going through the motions to get the session done.

Alternate Response

The nurse should have maintained eye contact, she should present herself to be more open for communication and nod her head to show the patient that she is actively listening to what he is saying. By softening her facial expressions (not raising eyebrows or pursing lips), she could present herself as more approachable and understanding to the client’s difficult situation.

If I was the client in this scenario, I would feel very uncomfortable, irritated, and not wanting to share much detail about my feelings. The nurse did not give the impression as if she was truly interested in what the client had to say and did not validate their feelings. Instead, she gave false reassurance and her nonverbal communication demonstrated that she was annoyed with some of the responses. If I were seeking care from this nurse, I would want her to be empathetic and nonjudgmental.

Module 02 Assignment- ATI Video Case Study on Therapeutic Communication Rubric Total Assessment Points - 45

Levels of Achievement Criteria Verbal and NonVerbal Communication (10 Pts)

Therapeutic or Non-Therapeutic Communication (10 Pts)




Verbal and nonverbal communication is correctly identified and rationale for identification is vague.

Verbal and nonverbal communication is correctly identified and rationale for identification is reasonable.

Verbal and nonverbal communication is correctly identified and rationale for identification is complete.

Verbal and nonverbal communication is correctly identified and rationale for identification is thorough.

Points - 0-7

Points - 8

Points - 9

Points - 10

Therapeutic or nontherapeutic communication is correctly identified and rationale for identification is vague.

Therapeutic or nontherapeutic communication is correctly identified and rationale for identification is reasonable.

Therapeutic or nontherapeutic communication is correctly identified and rationale for identification is complete.

Therapeutic or nontherapeutic communication is correctly identified and rationale for identification is thorough.

Points – 0-7

Points – 8

Points - 9

Points - 10

The alternate response provided is reasonable and/or mostly related to the conversation in the case study. Points - 8

The alternate response provided is complete and related to the conversation in the case study.

The alternate response provided is in-depth and explicitly related to the conversation in the case study.

Points - 9

Points – 10

The additional paragraph provided is sufficient and relates back to the conversation in the case study.

The additional paragraph provided is comprehensive and skillfully relates back to the conversation in the case study.

The alternate response provided is vague and/or Alternate Response incomplete.

(10 Pts) Points – 0-7

Additional Paragraph (10 Pts)


The additional paragraph provided vague and/or seldom relates back to the conversation in the case study.

The additional paragraph provided is reasonable and occasionally relates back to the conversation in the case study.

Spelling and Grammar (5 Pts)

Points: 0-7

Points: 8

Points: 9

Points: 10

Numerous spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience's ability to comprehend material.

Some spelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience's ability to comprehend material.

Few spelling and grammar errors.

Minimal to no spelling and grammar errors.

Points: 0-2

Points: 3

Points: 4


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