Med Term Quiz 8 Studying PDF

Title Med Term Quiz 8 Studying
Author Michelle Eubank
Course Medical Terminology
Institution University at Buffalo
Pages 3
File Size 51.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 66
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Notes I used to prepare for Quiz 8...


11. adip-ose 12. ad-ren-al-in 13. Aur-ic-ula 14. aur-is extern-a 15. Bacill-ar 16. Calc-i-pen-ia 17. Calc-ium 18. Calor-i-meter 19. capit-ul-um 20. Cost-o-tom-e 21. Dent-icle 22. Diplo-bacill-us 23. Dors-ad 24. Extern-al-ize 25. Fibr-o-my-oma 26. Fistul-a 27. Frig-o-therap-y 28. Insul-in 29. Intern-al 30. Lei-o-my-o-fibr-oma 31. Meat-o-scopy 32. Myel-o-fibr-osis 33. My-o-fibr-il 34. Nas-al 35. Neur-o-trop-ic vir-us 36. Non-ose 37. Oste-o-synov-itis 38. Per-tuss-is 39. poly-radic-ul-itis 40. Post-nas-al 41. quadr-i-pleg-ia 42. pur-u-lent 43. radic-ul-o-mening-o-myel-itis 44. Ren-o-gastr-ic 45. Retro-virus-es 46. Sangui-ine 47. Sub-aur-al 48. tub-ectomy 49. tuss-ive 50. Vacc-ine 51. Vir-em-ia 52. Viscer-o-trop-ic 53. Viscus 54. Ultra-son-o-gram

55. ped-iatr-ic-ian 56. abdomin-o-plast-y 57. ab-enter-ic 58. adip-ectomy 59. ante-pyret-ic 60. aur-is intern-a 61. a-vir-u-lent 62. Bi-no-tic 63. Burs-o-path-y 64. Chron-o-graph 65. Circum-ren-al 66. chondr-o-cost-al 67. cost-alg-ia 68. dec-i-meter 69. dent-in 70. dors-odyn-ia 71. extra-hepat-ic 72. Fibr-o-my-alg-ia 73. Fistul-a-tom-e 74. hem-ic calc-ul-us 75. Homo-phob-ia 76. Infra-cost-al 77. Insul-in-em-ia 78. Inter-aur-icular 79. Intern-al-ize 80. Intra-crani-al 81. Myel-o-radic-ul-o-dys-plas-ia 82. Nas-o-gastr-ic 83. Non-tox-ic 84. Para-synov-itis 85. Peri-viscer-itis 86. per-tuss-oid 87. poly-blenn-ia 88. post-icter-ic 89. Pre-narc-osis 90. pur-u-lent synov-itis 91. Ren-o-gram 92. Retro-morph-osis 93. sangui-ine-ous 94. son-o-meter 95. super-vir-u-lent 96. supra-dia-phrag-mat-ic 97. synov-ectomy 98. tri-gastr-ic

99. tub-o-rrhea 100. Vacc-in-o-therap-eu-tics 101. Virus-em-ia 102. Viscer-o-ton-ia 103. bacillophobia --Morbid fear of bacilli 104. Antitussive: Agent that prevents or relieves coughing 105. cerebropathy : Any disease of the brain 106. postauricular: behind the ear 107: bursolith: Calculus formed in a bursa 108. Adipocyte: cell that stores fat 109. Fibroplasia: Development of fibrous tissue 110. Meatometer: Device for measuring the size of an opening or a passage 111. Hyperinsulinemia: Excessive amount of insulin (in the blood) 112. Lithogenesis: Formation of calculi 113. Visceromegaly: Generalized enlargement of the internal [abdominal] organs 114. Capitate: Head shaped 115: abdominalgia: pain in the abs 116. costochondral : pertaining to rib and cartilage 117. Sanguirenal : pertaining to the blood supply of kidneys 118. Geriatrician : Physician who specializes in the care of elderly people 119. Tuboplasty : Plastic repair of any tube 120. Dorsocephalad : situated towards the back of the head 121. Nasology : Study of the nose and its diseases 122. Synovioma : tumor arising from a synovial membrane 123. Calorie : unit of heat...

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