Med term words - Kyle McLeister PDF

Title Med term words - Kyle McLeister
Author Anonymous User
Course Medical Terminology
Institution University of Saskatchewan
Pages 13
File Size 46.4 KB
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Kyle McLeister...


x-al pertaining to x x-ic pertaining to x x-ous pertaining to x x-ar-y pertaining to x x-ar pertaining to x x-an pertaining to x x-in-e pertaining to x x-ac pertaining to x x-oid resembling x x-ia an abnormal condition involving x x-ist one who (does the action of) x one who specializes in x x-in a substance (which does the action) of x x-iz-e to (do the action of) x to make (something) x x-it-is the inflammation of x x-o-rrhex-is the rupturing of x x-o-schis-is the splitting of x x-ias-is the abnormal presence of x x-o-clas-is the breaking of x x-os-is an abnormal condition involving x x-o-path-y a disease of x x-o-megal-y the enlargement of x x-o-phag-y the ingestion of x

x-o-gen-es-is the production of x x-o-poi-es-is the formation of x x-o-kin-es-is the movement of x x-alg-ia pain in(volving) x x-odyn-ia pain in(volving) x x-o-pleg-ia the paralysis of x x-o-pen-ia a deficiency of x x-o-rrhag-ia the rapid flowing of (something from) x x-o-malac-ia the softening of x x-o-necr-os-is the death of x x-o-sten-os-is the narrowing of x x-o-scler-os-is the hardening of x x-o-pt-os-is the downward displacement of x x-agr-a gouty pain in x x-o-rrhe-a the flowing of (something from) x x-edema the swelling of x x-o-cel-e the protrusion of (something through) x x-o-lith a calculus in(volving) x x-o-spasm a spasm of x x-ism-us a spasm of x x-ec-top-ia the displacement of x x-ec-tas-ia the distention of x x-o-plas-ia the formation of x

x-o-dys-plas-ia the defective formation of x x-o-troph-y the growth/nourishment of x x-o-dys-troph-y the defective growth of x x-a-troph-y the lack of growth of x x-a-sthen-ia the lack of strength of x x-o-therap-y treatment by means of x x-iatr-y the healing of x x-o-stas-is the stopping of x x-o-plast-y the surgical repairing of x x-o-cent-es-is the surgical puncturing of x x-o-rrhaph-y the suturing of x x-o-tom-y the cutting of x x-o-stom-y the making of an opening in x x-ic-s the science of x x-o-log-y the study of x x-o-scop-y the examination of x x-o-metr-y the measurement of x x-o-graph-y the recording of x x-o-pex-y the adhesion of x (diagnostic) the fixation of x (therapeutic) x-o-lys-is the disintegration of x (diagnostic) the separation of the adhesions of x (therapeutic) x-o-trop-ism the tendency to preferentially affect x (diagnostic or therapeutic) x-o-phag-e something which ingests x

x-o-tom-e an instrument for cutting x x-ec-tom-e an instrument for cutting out x x-o-scop-e an instrument for examining x x-o-clast something which breaks x x-o-stat something which stops x x-o-gen a substance which produces x x-o-path one with a disease of x x-o-graph an instrument for recording x x-o-gram a record of x x-o-meter an instrument for measuring x x-ec-tom-y the cutting out of x x-o-gen-ic producing x x-o-gen-ous produced by x x-o-trop-ic preferentially affecting x x-us masculine, (the/a) x x-a feminine, (the/a) x x-um neuter (the/a) x x-on neuter (the/a) x x-(e)us masculine pertaining to x x-(e)a feminine, pertaining to x x-(e)um Neuter, pertaining to x x-orrhaphy

the suturing of x x-orrhea the flowing of (something from) x x-edema the swelling of x x-o-lith a calculus in(volving) x x-o-lith-ias-is the abnormal presence of a calculus in(volving) x x-o-plast-y the surgical repairing of x x-o-plast-ic pertaining to the surgical repairing of x x-o-dys-troph-y x-o-dys-troph-ic x-o-dys-troph-ic pertaining to the defective growth of x x-o-phag-ous pertaining to the ingestion of x x-o-gen-es-is the production of x x-o-gen-et-ic pertaining to the production of x x-o-stas-is the stopping of x x-o-stat-ic pertaining to the stopping of x x-edemat-ous pertaining to the swelling of x x-o-spastic pertaining to a spasm of x x-ec-tas-ia the distention of x x-ec-tat-ic pertaining to the distention of x x-o-pect-ic pertaining to the adhesion/fixation of x x-o-rrhect-ic pertaining to the rupturing of x anthrop-o man, human som(at)-o body derm(at)-o skin epic-derm(at)-o

epidermis cyt-o cell x-o-cyt-e a cell of x arthr-o joint mel-o limb acr-o extremities cephal-o head trich-o hair blephar-o eyelid ophthalum eye ot-o ear rhin-o nose pros-op-o face faci-o face cervic-o neck trachel-o neck om-o shoulder brachi-o arm ancon-o elbow cheir-o, chir-o hand dactyl-o digit onych-o nail thorac-o chest steth-o

chest mast-o breast mamm-o breast thel-o nipple omphal-o navel umbil(ic)-o navel glut(e)-o buttock gon-o, gony-o knee pod-o foot ped-o foot oste-o bone x-ost-os-is the ossification of x oss(e)-o bone skelet-o skeleton crani-o skull Latin form of crani-o crani-um clav-i-cul-o, clad(ic)-i collar bone cleid-o collar bone latin form of clav-i-cul-o, clad(ic)-i clav-i-cul-a acr-om-i-o acromion latin form of acr-om-i-o acr-om-i-on corac-o, corac-oid-o coracoid process humer-o humer-us cubit-o

elbow uln-o ulna latin form of cubit-o cubit-us latin form of uln-o uln-a carp-o (latin carp-us) wrist phalang/o, phalang-es phalanges scapula-o (latin scapul-a) shoulder blade rachi-o, rachi-,rhachi-o, rhachispine spin-o (latin spin-a) spine myel-o spinal cord, bone marrow spondyl-o vertebra cost-o, cost-i (latin cost-a) rib stern-o (latin stern-um) sternum xiph-o, xiph-oid-o xiphoid process cox-o (latin cox-a) hip pelv-i, pelv(i)-o pelvis ili-o ilium ischi-o ischium sacr-o sacrum coccyg-o coccyx acetab-ul-o acetabulum femor-o femur pat-ell-o (latin pat-ell-a) knee-cap tibi-o

tibia fib-ul-o fibula tars-o tarsus calcane-o calcaneus tal-o talus astragal-o (latin astragal-us) talus chondr-o cartilage cartilag(in)-o (latin cartilago) cartilage my-o, my-os-o muscle ten-o, tenon(t)-o tendon tend-o, tendin-o (latin tendo) tendon desm-o ligament syn-desm-o, syn-desm-os-o (latin syn-desm-os-is) ligament ligament-o (latin ligament-um) ligament apo-neur-o, app-neur-os-o aponeurosis achill-o Achilles' tendon mus-cul-o (latin mus-cul-us) muscle vertebr-o vertebra en-cephal-o brain cerebr-o cerebrum, brain cereb-ell-o cerebellum mening-o meninges ep-en-dym-o ependyma neur-o

nerve nerv-i nerve gangli(on)-o ganglion neuron-o nerve cell (neur-o)gli-o neuroglia rad-i-cul-o radicle sym-path(et)-o, sym-path-ic-o sympathetic nerves vag-o vagus nerve opthalm-o eye opt(ic)-o eye ocul-o eye cor-e, cor(e)-o pupil pup-ill-o pupil ker(at)-o cornea corne-o cornea sclera-o sclera retin-o retina uve-o uvea ir(id)-o iris cycl-o ciliary body cili-o, cilli-ar-o ciliary body chor-oid-o, chori-o choroid con-junct-iv-o conjunctiva canth-o

canthus phac-o lens dacry-o tear lacrim-o tear dacry-o-cyst-o tear sac tympan-o middle ear malle-o hammer incud-o anvil sta-ped(i)-o stirrup myring-o tympanic membrane membran-o membrane hemat-o (haem-) blood x-(h)em-ia the abnormal presence of blood in x sangu-in-o, sangui-i blood hem-o-glob-in-o hemoglobin plasm(at)-o, plasm-a plasma thromb-o clot thromb-o-cyt-o platelet sphygm-o pulse card(i)-o heart aort-o, aort-ic-o aorta valv(-ul)-o valve ventr-i-cul-o ventricle peri-card(i)-o

pericardium my-o-card(i)-o myocardium angi/o, vas/o vessel vas-o, vas-cul-o vessel arter(i)-o artery phleb-o vein ven-o vein cap-ill-ar-o capillary varic-o varix cirs-o varix lymph-o, lymphat-o lymph lymph-angi-o lymph vessel lymph-aden-o lymph node splen-o spleen lien-o spleen (endo)crin-o secretion hormon-o hormone aden-o gland gland-ul-o gland pine-al-o pineal gland hypo-phys-(e)-o pituitary gland par-ot(id)-o parotid gland thyr(oid)-o thyroid gland para-thyr(oid)-o

parathyroid gland thym-o thymus ad-ren(al)-o adrenal gland supra-ren(al)-o adrenal gland insul-o Islets of Langerhans gonad-o gonad Noun singular masculine -us Noun feminine singular -a Noun neuter singular -on Adjectives Masculine (-us type) -us Adjectives feminine (-us type) -a Adjectives neuter (-us type) -um Adjectives neuter (-is type) -e Adjectives feminine (-is type) -is ... ......

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