Med term chapter 6-12 PDF

Title Med term chapter 6-12
Author Ek Ke
Course Ancient Roots of Medical Terminology
Institution McMaster University
Pages 8
File Size 114.4 KB
File Type PDF
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chapters 1-5 for medical terminology material for midterm 2 and exam and first half of moodle and daily vocab...


Chapter 6 rhin/o - nose nas/o - nose sin(us)/o - sinus sept/o - septum antr/o - antrum pharyng/o - pharynx nasopharyng/o, rhinopharyng/o - nasopharynx epiglott(id)/o - epiglottis laryng/o - larynx trache/o - trachea bronch/o, bronch/i - bronchus pneum(on)/o - lung; air pulm(on)/o - lung pleur/o - pleura phren/o - diaphragm diaphragm(at)/o - diaphragm mediastin/o - mediastinum spir/o - breathing pne/o - breathing pneum(at)/o - air; lung pneu/ - to breathe/wheeze

Chapter 7 gnath/o - jaw maxill/o - the upper jaw mandibul/o - the lower jaw geni/o - chin ment/o - chin stom(at)/o - mouth or/o - mouth cheil/o - lip labi/o - lip bucc/o - cheek gloss/o - tongue lingu/o - tongue palat/o - the palate uran(isc)/o - the palate staphyl/o - uvula uvul/o - uvula

cion/o - uvula odont/o - tooth dent/o, dent/i - tooth periodont/o - the periodontium gingiv/o - gums ul/o - gums dentin/o - dentin (en)amel/o - enamel adamant(in)/o - enamel pulp/o - pulp cement/o - cementum

Chapter 8 front/o - the frontal bone pariet/o - the parietal bone occipit/o - the occipital bone; occiput atl(ant)/o - atlas; the atlas bone tempor/o - the temporal bone mast(oid)/o - mastoid process styl/o, styloid/o - styloid process petr/o, petros/o - petrous part of the temporal bone squam/o, squamos/o - squamous part of the temporal bone sphen/o, sphenoid/o - sphenoid bone zygomat(ic)/o - zygomatic bone ethm(oid)/o - ethmoid bone lacrim/o - lacrimal bone nas/o - nasal bone maxill/o - maxilla mandibul/o - mandible sutur/ - suture hy/o - hyoid bone x-auxis - the enlargement of x x-o-cirrhosis - the hardening of x x-o-cleisis - the closure of x x-(h)elcosis - the ulceration of x x-i-ferous - bearing x x-o-toxicosis - the poisoning of x x-o-toxic - poisonous to x x-o-toxin - a substance poisonous to x x-o-toxicity - the ability to poison x

x-apheresis - the removal of x x-(en)chysis - the injection of fluid into x x-o-campsia - the bending of x (therapeutic); the curvature of x (diagnostic) x-o-camp - an instrument for bending x x-o-tripsy - the crushing/rubbing of x x-o-tribe - an instrument for crushing/rubbing x

Chapter 9 celi/o - abdomen; abdominal wall abdomin/o - abdomen ventr/o - abdomen lapar/o - abdominal wall periton(e)/o - peritoneum mesenter(i)/o - mesentery splanchn/o - viscera viscer/o - viscera esophag/o - esophagus gastr/o - stomach stomach/o - stomach cardi/o - cardiac part of the stomach pylor/o - pylorus oment/o - omentum epipl/o - omentum duoden/o - duodenum cholecyst/o - gallbladder choledoch/o - common bile duct cholangi/o - bile duct hepat/o - liver pancre(at)/o - pancreas enter/o - (small) intestine jejun/o - jejunum ile/o - ileum col/o, colon/o - colon cec/o - cecum typhl/o - cecum append(ic)/o - appendix sigmoid/o - sigmoid fold proct/o - rectum, anus rect/o - rectum an/o - anus

sphincter/o - (anal) sphincter sial/o- saliva ptyal/o - saliva chym/o - chyme chyl/o - chyle chol/e, chol/o - bile bil/i - bile copr/o - feces fec/ - feces sterc(or)/o - feces scat/o - excrement /doch/o - duct x-o-stoma - an opening made in x hepatic/o - the hepatic duct pancreatic/o - the pancreatic duct

Chapter 10 lumb/o - loin inguin/o - groin perine/o - perineum genit/o - genitals ur/o, uron/o - urine; urinary tract urin/o - urine; urinary tract x-uria - the abnormal presence of x in the urine x-uresis - the passage of x in the urine nephr/o - kidney ren/o - kidney pyel/o - renal pelvis pelv(i)/o, pelv/i - renal pelvis ureter/o - ureter cyst/o, cystid/o - bladder; cyst vesic/o - bladder; cyst urethr/o - urethra sperm(at)/o - spermatozoon; semen semin/o, semen/o - semen osche/o - scrotum scrot/o - scrotum orchi/o, orchid/o - testis test/o, testicul/o - testis epididym/o - epididymis

vas/o - vas deferens vesicul/o - seminal vesicle gonecyst/o - seminal vesicle spermatocyst/o - seminal vesicle prostat/o - prostate phall/o - penis pen/o - penis balan/o - glans penis o/o - egg; ovum ov/o - egg; ovum men/o, emmen(i)/o - menses; menstruation x-o-menia - vicarious menstruation from x oophor/o - ovary ovari/o - ovary salping/o - uterine tube tub/o - uterine tube hyster/o - uterus metr/o - uterus uter/o - uterus cervic/o - cervix trachel/o - cervix colp/o - vagina vagin/o - vagina clitor(id)/o, clitor/i - clitoris vulv/o - vulva epis(i)/o - vulva nymph/o - nymphae hymen/o - hymen

Chapter 11 psych/o - mind phren/o - mind ide/o - idea neur/o - emotions er(ot)/o - sexual desire(love) nyct/o - night hypn/o - sleep; hypnotism oneir/o - dream narc/o - stupor pharmac/o - drug

esthes(i)/o - perception anesthes(i)/o - loss of perception hallucin/o - hallucination nos/o - desire hyster/o - hysteria epilept/o - epilepsy pseud/o - false (noun); falsely (adjective) x-o-phobia - a morbid dread of x x-o-phobe - one with a morbid dread of x x-o-philia - a morbid fondness for x x-o-philic - p.t. a morbid fondness for x (psychology); having an affinity for x (physiology) x-o-phile - one with a morbid fondness for x; one with a propensity to (do the action of) x x-o-phil - something with an affinity for x x-o-philiac - p.t./one with a propensity for/to x x-o-mania - a morbid fondness for x x-o-manic - p.t. a morbid fondness for x x-o-maniac - someone who has a morbid fondness for x x-esthesia - the perception of x x-anesthesia - the loss of perception of x x-o-lepsy - a seizure of/involving x x-o-lagnia - sexual gratification involving x

Chapter 12 hydr/o - water; fluid hygr/o - moisture aer/o - air; gas phys/o - gas sarc/o - flesh hist/o, hist/i - tissue synov(i)/o - synovia epitheli/o - epithelium kary/o - nucleus nucle/o - nucleus fibr/o - fibre in/o, inos/o - fibre elast/o, elastic/o - elastic tissue muc/o, muc/i, mucos/o - mucus myx/o - mucus blenn/o - mucus ser/o, seros/o - serum

lip/o, lipar/o - fat; lipids adip/o, adipos/o - fat steat/o - fat pimel/o - fat seb/o - sebum cer(umin)/o - wax cholester(ol)/o cholesterol hidr/o, /idr/o - sweat py/o - pus lith/o - calculus kerat/o - horn alcohol/o - alcohol alkal/o, alkal/i - alkali pur(in)/o - purine amyl/o - starch acid/o - acid acet/o, acet/i - acid ket(on)/o - ketone bodies galact/o - milk lact/o - milk ole/o - oil glyc/o - sugar sacchar/o - sugar opson(in)/o, opsin/o - opsonin myelin/o - myelin porph(yr)(in)/o - porphyrin eosin/o - eosin gel(at)/o, gelat/i - jelly zym/o, enzym/o - enzyme pepsin/o, peptin/o - pepsin prote(in)/o - protein album(in)/o - albumin pept(on)/o - peptone collagen/o - collagen fibrin/o - fibrin tox/o, toxic/o - poison arsen/o, arsenic/o - arsenic metall/o - metal crystall/o - crystal hyal/o - glass

vitr(e)/o - glass calci/o, calc/i - calcium anthrac/o - carbon cupr/i - copper sider/o - iron ferr/o - iron stann/o - tin thi/o - sulfur kali/o, kal/i - potassium iod/o, iodin/o, iod/i - iodine azot/o - nitrogen phoph(at)/o, phosphor/o - phosphate; phosphorus hal/o - salt oxy/, ox/i - oxygen coni/o - dust x-oma - a tumour involving x x-om(at)/o - a tumour involving x (plural) onc/o - tumour x-oncus - a tumour involving x...

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