Med. Terminology BIOL 2600, 2021-2022, Nova Southeastern University PDF

Title Med. Terminology BIOL 2600, 2021-2022, Nova Southeastern University
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Nova Southeastern University
Pages 8
File Size 219.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 83
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Med. Terminology BIOL 2600, 2021-2022, Nova Southeastern University...


Department of Biological Sciences

BIOL 2600 - Medical Terminology

I. Course Information Course: BIOL 2600 - Medical Terminology Semester Credit Hours: 3.0 Course CRN and Section: 22147 - L01 Semester and Year: Fall 2021 Course Start and End Dates: 08/23/2021 - 12/12/2021

II. Instructor Information Name: Jaffe, Mark Email: [email protected] Phone: 954-262-8083 Office Hours:





1:00pm - 6:00pm

Zoom/jParker 348

Please make an office appointment using the Zoom link below. For those students who have class conflicts with the posted office days and hours, email the instructor to arrange an alternative day and time. Here is the Zoom invite information. QWpsYitUVElEQT09 Meeting ID: 644 358 7776 Passcode: earth If notified that Face-to-face office appointments are allowed by the University, this will require students to wear a mask, maintain social distance, and limit the contact time to 15 minutes or less. This course is administered by the Department of Biological Sciences. If the instructor cannot be reached, please contact the Department of Biological Sciences at 954-262-8424.

III. Class Schedule and Location Day Date 08/23/2021 - 12/12/2021

Time Location


Programs On-line Online Venue-CANVAS

Please note: All courses scheduled on campus as lecture or lecture/lab must be attended in person. For residential courses, students may not change seats throughout the semester for all regular class meetings. Please be aware that the seat you take on the first day of class will be your permanent seat.

IV. Course Description This course covers the basic structure of medical terms, including roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Emphasis will also be placed on the terminology of body systems. Medical terms related to anatomy, physiology, Generated: 8/20/2021

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pathology, clinical procedures, laboratory tests, and medical abbreviations will be covered. Also, students will learn medical terminology related to specialized areas of medicine such as cancer medicines, nuclear medicines, radiology/radiotherapy, pharmacology, and psychiatry. Prerequisites: BIOL 1080, BIOL 1100, BIOL 1400, BIOL 1500, or BIOL 1510 or BIOL 1510H. Experiential Education and Learning (ExEL): Successful completion of this course satisfies 1 ExEL unit. Frequency: Every Fall and Winter.

V. Course Objectives / Learning Outcomes 1) Analyze numerous medical terms and have a solid foundation on which to build a larger vocabulary. 2) Recognize medical terms and understand the context in which that word will be applied for all human body systems. 3) Build medical terms given the definitions of the term. 4) Accurately pronounce medical terms by reading medical terms and documents in class. 5) Demonstrate the ability to clearly communicate medical terminology concepts using both verbal and written forms of communication. 6) Create a professional pamphlet using graphics that conveys information to a layperson. 7) Perform an interview of a health care professional in order to demonstrate the ability to communicate medical terminology at the professional level. 8) Produce a professional medical document such as a discharge summary to develop problem solving skills.

VI. Materials and Resources Book Url: NSU Book Store

VII. Course Schedule and Topic Outline Course Schedule: Class schedule is subject to modification, but not without prior notification.




Assignment Due


1. Introduction to course 2. Medical Term Word Parts 3. Interview Instructions

1. Syllabus 2. Chapter 1 3. Canvas

1. Canvas Introduction 2. Student Info form 3. MyMedTermLab #1 4. What’s my Phobia


1. Human Body 2. News Article Analysis

1. Chapter 2 2. News Article Instructions

1. MyMedTerm Lab #2 2. News Article Practice


1. RX Instructions 2. Medical Haiku 3. Integumentary System

1. CANVAS RX 1. MyMedTerm Lab #3 & Medical Haiku 2. Medical Haiku Instructions 3. Skin Lesions 2. Chapter 3


1. Integumentary System 2. Musculoskeletal Systems 3. Intraterm Exam #1

1. Chapter 3 2. Chapter 4

1. MyMedTerm Lab #4 2. Movements 3. Chapters #1-3


1. Musculoskeletal Systems 2. Pharmacology 3. RX Presentations

1. Chapter 4 2. Drug medical terms

1. RX & OTC 2. Prescription Drugs


1. Cardiovascular System

1. Chapter 5

1. MyMedTerm Lab #5 2. Vital Signs HR and BP

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1. Blood 2. Lymphatic System 3. Blood & Lymphatics

1. Chapter 6

1. MyMedTerm Lab #6 2. Blood Tests 3. Immunity


1. Midterm Exam:

1. Chapters 4-6, Terms from rd/ for exam date and time phobias, RX and News Articles


1. Respiratory System 1. Chapter 7 2. Interview Presentations and 2. Canvas CANVAS Postings

1. MyMedTerm Lab #7 2. rr and Spirometry 3. Interview Assignment


1. Digestive System 2. Pamphlet Instructions

1. Chapter 8 2. CANVAS Pamphlet Instructions

1. MyMedTerm Lab #8 2. Metabolism


1. Urinary System

1. Chapter 9

1. MyMedTermLab #9 2. Urinalysis


1. Intraterm Exam 2 (Chapters 7- 1. Chapter 10 9) 2. Reproductive System

1. MyMedTerm Lab #10 2. Birth and Development 3. Chapters #7-9


1. Endocrine System 1. Chapter 11 2. Pamphlet Presentations and 2. CANVAS Discussion CANVAS Postings

1. MyMedTerm Lab #11 2. Pamphlet Assignment


1. Nervous System

1. Chapter 12

1. MyMedTerm Lab #12 2. P NS and CNS


1. Special Senses

1. Chapter 13

1. MyMedTerm Lab #13) 2. Ears and Eyes


1. Final Exam:

1. Chapters 1013, Terms from Interview Pamphlet, and News Articles

Consult rsewizard/ for exam date and time

VIII. Assessments A. MyMedicalTerminologyLab Assignments: (Up to 130 points) Students will complete medical terminology lab assignments for each chapter (#1-13). Each chapter is worth up to 10 points. B. Medical Haiku: (Up to 20 Points) Students will create a medical Haiku both in and out of the classroom. The instructions for this assignment will be introduced during a scheduled class session. (See the instructions and grading rubric on Canvas and the detailed class schedule). Terminology from this assignment may be used on the midterm exam. C. RX Experiential Assignment: (Up to 30 Points) Students will research and compose a report on two different drugs. . The instructions for this assignment will be introduced during a scheduled class session. (See the instructions and grading rubric on Canvas and the detailed class schedule). Terminology from this assignment will be used on the midterm exam. D. Intraterm Exams (Up to 200 points) Students will take two 100-point timed exams throughout the semester. One before midterm at the end of Generated: 8/20/2021

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the 3rd week (Chapters #1-3), And one after midterm at the end of the 11 th week (Chapters #7-9). Students must be logged into Canvas on time to use all 50 minutes of exam time allocated. Note: While these exams will cover the same content areas, individual students may be given a set of different questions on their individual exams. E. Midterm Examination: (Up to 140 points) Students will take a 140-point midterm exam that will cover the material after the 1st intraterm exam focusing on textbook chapters 4-6 & material presented in lectures, Medical Haiku, RX assignment and one posted news article. The exam will include both objective and subjective questions. Oral pronunciation will be assessed as well. The exam will cover the same content areas and students may be given different questions on their individual midterm exams. The midterm exam will take place according to the College Exam Schedule. Consult for exam date and time. F. Written Assignment #1: Experiential Interview Project (Up to 100 Points) Students will research and conduct a visual (face-to-face, Zoom, Skype, Facetime, etc.) interview with a licensed provider in the field they hope to enter. The instructions for this assignment will be introduced during a scheduled class session. (See the instructions and grading rubric on Canvas and the detailed class schedule). Replacement Assignment #1: In the event the college is closed due to a pandemic or other disaster and classes continue online, a replacement assignment will be posted in the Canvas assignment folder. G. Written Assignment #2: Experiential Professional Pamphlet (Up to 100 points) Students will create a pamphlet or brochure based on their future practice. The instructions for this assignment will be introduced during a scheduled class session. (See the instructions and grading rubric on Canvas and the detailed class schedule). H. Final Comprehensive Examination: (Up to 200 points) Students will take a 200-point final exam that will cover the material after the 2nd intraterm exam focusing on textbook chapters 10-13, material presented in lectures, Interview & Pamphlet Assignment terms and two news articles. Oral pronunciation will be assessed as well. The final exam will cover the same content areas and students may be given different questions on their individual final exams. The final exam will take place according to the College Exam Schedule. Consult for exam date and time.

IX. Grading Criteria Your final grade is determined by your performance on a number of different tasks:


Final Grade

93.0 and above A

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59.9 and below F

X. Course Policies Department of Biological Sciences Statement on Academic Misconduct : Any impropriety (e.g., cheating/plagiarism) on examinations and/or any coursework or enabling any such impropriety may constitute grounds for failing the course. A form describing any academic misconduct will be sent to the Dean's office and kept in the offending student's permanent record. Further disciplinary action may occur at the level of the University according to the University catalog (2021-22_undergraduate_catalog.pdf ( ) - section on academic integrity. Students will complete all course assessments online asynchronously per the official class Eastern Time Zone schedule each week. Contact the help desk for any technology issues that arise. The Canvas companion platform is used as a depository for handouts, discussions, emails, quizzing, testing and assignment folders. All assignment due dates and times are posted in the Canvas calendar, detailed class schedule, and the designated assignment folders and adhere to the Eastern Time Zone. There will be no unexcused make-ups allowed or late work accepted. Although the Canvas assignment link may allow a late upload, this does not mean that your late work will be graded. Work conflicts, late registration, vacations, family events, etc. are not eligible for make ups. The midterm and final exam periods adhere to the college’s testing schedule and all students are required to attend these sessions as scheduled. Make up for these exams will require approval of the Department of Biological Sciences department chair. Make Ups and Late Work. The professor reserves the right to allow makeups to qualified absences. If you miss an exam or an assignment, as soon as the student is capable, he or she must email the instructor their request for a makeup and provide an explanation as to why this should be considered a qualified absence and plan on making up the missed work or exam within 1-2 days.. In your request do NOT attach any personal information (e.g., doctor’s notes, legal documents, etc.). Waiting until the next class session you attend to request any make up or to turn in a late assignment may not be honored even for excused absences. If the absence is qualified, the instructor will arrange for the student to take the makeup exam, quiz or upload the makeup assignment within a 1-2 days of the request either in the testing center or online. Note: No bonus assignment will be accepted late! It is at the faculty of record discretion to accept unexcused late work for grading and assess any late penalty deductions. Students who upload an assignment late should explain why the assignment should be accepted for grading in the assignment comment box. Late work will be graded at the discretion of the instructor unless excused. If allowed late, there will be penalty points accessed. Although the first time you submit a late unexcused assignment I may accept it for grading, do not expect future late work by the same student to be accepted if unexcused. Please adhere to the assignment due dates and times listed in the Canvas Calendar and Detailed Class Schedule. All quizzes and exams will be completed in the Canvas Quizzing folders and will require internet access and a cellphone and or laptop electronic device. All quizzes and exams including any allowed makeups will be proctored by Respondus or other proctoring software with webcam to prevent dishonesty. The exam window will be open from 6 pm to 11:59 pm. You are not permitted to photograph or record the test questions! If you do photograph or record the exam questions, you will receive a grade of 0 for that exam and your name will be submitted to the Academic Integrity Committee for further disciplinary action. If granted by the instructor, any makeup exam will either be in the testing center on the main campus of NSU if available or during a specially arranged and recorded Zoom session online. A recorded Zoom session make up will require that the student’s webcam be on them the entire time with no other resources available including the use of the textbook, lecture notes handouts, lab manual, publisher’s test bank, or additional electronic devices such as a laptop, IPAD, etc. Student use of technology will only be used to access the Zoom session and the Canvas quizzing folder. Note: The makeup quiz or exam will cover the same content area using a different set of questions and may also be in a different format (e.g., true/false, matching, short answer, fill-in-the-blank, essay, or oral questioning, etc.). Note: Makeups for absences one or more in a week, or for repetitive absences will need to be determined by NSU’s Office of Disability. See the college wide statement at the end of this syllabus for their contact Generated: 8/20/2021

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information. I will do my best to return phone calls and Email messages within 24 hours Monday – Friday and within 48 hours Saturday – Sunday In compliance with FERPA, I will only discuss grades and review graded material privately during office hours, not in the classroom, laboratory. Students may sign up to reserve a 15-minute office appointment in person or via Zoom in advance using the Canvas Calendar feature. feature in Canvas: All written assignments must be uploaded as a Microsoft office product with the signed and dated authorship form (e.g., MS Word) or as a PDF by the student into the designated discussion and/or assignment links in Canvas by the posted due date and time. It is the student’s responsibility to assure that all their documents have been uploaded by double-checking before the due date and time that their assignment is visible and downloadable for a PC. A screenshot is not acceptable proof of compliance. If Dr. Jaffe may inform you that your upload is wrong or missing and allow you to correctly upload the assignment on a case by case basis. Any required work not submitted for processing will be given a 0 grade. For assignments that use, after uploading the assignment, the student is also responsible to review their matching report in the assignment link. They do not have to explain any matches that are required as part of the assignment. For instance, the authorship title form, layout, headers, and any citations. Students should limit quoting (to no more than 5 %) and must keep matches to any one source excluding the required content to less than 2%. However, if there are high matches beyond the above percentages, or if the student feels they should explain the matches, they should type an explanation of all concerning matches and type that directly into the assignment comments box within 24 hours after the assignment was due. Note: It is at the faculty of record discretion to accept unexcused late work for grading and assess any late penalty deductions. Students who upload an assignment late must also explain why the assignment should be accepted for grading in the assignment comment box. Late work will be graded at the discretion of the instructor on a case by case basis. If allowed late, there may be penalty points accessed. Although the first time an uploaded unexcused late assignment may accepted for grading, does not imply that future unexcused late work will be accepted for grading. Please adhere to the assignment due dates and times listed in the Canvas Calendar and Detailed Class Schedule. Replacement (B onus or Extra-credit) points: Will be very limited in scope and are only intended for students who have the time and interest in those activities. They are not intended as a substitute for poor performance on course assignments and exams. Students should concentrate their efforts on the assigned readings and assessments. The bonus assignments are not a requirement of this course and may be discontinued at any time at the discretion of the instructor. The bonus assignments will NOT be accepted late and will not total more than 3% towards the student’s final grade even if the student earns more than this amount. Grade/Academic Grievances Faculty members serve as the initial contacts for all grievances involving the fairness of a grade, or any classroom or instructor activity, in their courses. Students unable to resolve a grade/academic grievance with a faculty member should contact the appropriate department chair or program director in the college responsible for the course, who will make a final decision on the fairness of the grade. Grade/academic grievances will not be permitted to proceed any further unless evidence of discrimination or a violation of rights can be demonstrated. Grade/academic grievances must be initiated in a timely fashion, no later than the end of the semester following the occurrence of the grievance issue. The student may forfeit all rights under the grievance procedure if each step is not followed within the prescribed time limit. ( undergraduatestudies/forms/202122_undergraduate_catalog.pdf – section on Grades/AcademicGrievances).

XI. University Policies Students should visit to access additional required college-wide policies. It is your responsibility to access and carefully read these policies to ensure you are fully informed. As a student in this class, you are obligated to follow these college-wide policies in addition to the policies established by your instructor. The following policies are described o...

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