Media Revision – END OF TERM CAT PDF

Title Media Revision – END OF TERM CAT
Author Steph Mercuri
Course Media
Institution Victorian Certificate of Education
Pages 2
File Size 72.1 KB
File Type PDF
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full unit 1 course notes...



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Representation (including positive and negative) ; media products are representations of reality; they are interpretations and constructions which are mediated by the process of selection, omission and construction. selection; Selection is what parts of a representation are intentionally chosen. To be displayed, and have a major effect on how the representation is conveyed to the viewer. omission; the intentional choice of leaving out specific parts of media construction; placing together different elements such as footage and sound to create a media product. Such as, video footage and sound code; A code is the technical element of media such as lighting, sound and camera. A set of signs and symbols designed to create meaning. convention; The elements that create and shape the story and plot, such as character motivation and cause and effect links. Conventions are inferred/created by audience

Representations: Representations in The Australian Dream (people, groups, settings, themes) People: Adam goodes, his family, politician, athlete, commentators and fellow indigenous footballers, well recognised names involved Themes: (positive and negative connotations): Racism/hardship-not only Adam Goodes but Aboriginal people,(his mother in the Stolen Generation/Australia Day are reminded of killing)/acceptance/unity/identity(what does it mean to be Australian/indigenous) representation of Adam: A cultural hero, ! continues to fight for equality and reconciliation. Selection and Omission- examples where selection and omission were used throughout The Australian Dream Omission: shown clips/ segments of comments, Adam Goodes war dance and afl matches Codes - How the audience creates meaning through codes and conventions within The Australian Dream technical codes: camera shots/techniques, lighting, editing, sound Acting: Real and raw perception of Adam Goodes. He was clear, sometimes emotional in his words that heightened the audience’s connection to his hardships. Editing: use of excerpts including vintage film of disadvantaged Indigenous Australians (black and white), many montages, frequent crossover between voice overs reflecting on injustices, live coverage from his Australian of the year award Camera shots: high quality shots representing the atmosphere and how the crowd can get caught up in ‘racist’ / ‘bad’ behaviour symbolic codes: properties/objects, settings, body language, costumes, dialogue and colours. Clothing: majority in his football jersey (aboriginal round- represented the AFL’s support for the Indigenous community) Setting:, Sydney and Melbourne, MCG- historic landmark of Australia, home of football which signifies the goal of Adam Goodes throughout his career, to become a professional football player and advocate for Aboriginal Culture., Outback - Adam Goodes ventures to Land owned by the Aboriginal Community to learn the history of his people and embrace his nationality. He seeks refuge in the land when he has hardship and adopts Abpriginal cultural practices. Mise en Scene: Football: Traditionally an Indigenous game, Marn Grook, the game, the game and Goodes’ passion for the sport are all representations of the pride he has in his relation to the Indigenous Culture. conventions: story principles, generic structures, character and story arcs, cause and effect, point of view, the structuring of time -

Point of view: Adam Goodes’ in which he examines racial politics, identity and belonging Cause and effect:

What makes The Australian Dream uniquely Australian? Besides the obvious title, The Australian Dream Documentary expresses the culture it’s built on by describing the history of Australia, including the persecutions against the Aboriginal People and the continuing descrimintation Indigenous people face everyday. The location primarily Sydney and Melbourne and hotspots of the MCG, home of the Australian Football League, represents relevant aspirations for many young and old Australians. The dream of becoming a professional football player is prevalent through society for the sport, culture and community. In the Documentary many fans get aggravated and boo for Adam Goodes, and not long after many join in due to the sometimes overwhelming culture and mob mentality for some. The sense of loyalty and determination Aussie fans contribute to the game is put forth in spite of any ulterior motive or underlying meaning which in this case could be perceived as racial descrimination. Additionally, Adam Goodes ventures to Land owned by the Aboriginal Community to learn the history of his people and embrace his nationality. He seeks refuge in the land when he has hardship and adopts Abpriginal cultural practices. What Australian values are expressed through the narrative? Australian values for example, equality is shown

MEDIA REVISION – END OF TERM CAT throughout the narrative and was brought up many times. In the documentary, the way Adam was displayed and treated in the football industry did not show equality. People were racist, they booed him when he received the ball and got a goal. Not many Australian values were seen towards the start of the docco by other Australians towards Adam. However Adam taught the audience to be ourselves and to not be affected by the way people treat you. How and why did/might Australian audiences read and respond to these narratives in a specific way? What is the style/aesthetic of the production? Can you see references to the styles of other producers or other works that came before, or are these narratives a departure from the historical style of Australian narratives? Style:documentary departure from historical style- indigenous discrimintaiojn/racism took parts from past discrimination (Nicky Winmar) How is The Australian Dream narratives able to be classified as ‘Australian’? Refer to any of the following that are relevant: the Broadcasting Services Act (1992), the funding sources, makeup of the production crew, the content, creative control, etc. -

with funding from the Australian Government, Screen Australia and Film Victoria

Chills: When Adam Goodes revolted against disproving fans and performed a traditional Aboriginal war dance, the emotion he was feeling was reflected through the intense sound , prideful (chants, skilful dance)

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Recognisable and relatable to an Australian viewer Iconic football figures (Nathan Buckley, Eddie McGuire, Nova Peris, Nicky Winmar Mate-ship within the Sydney Football club standing up for Goodes Recognisable settings to an Australian audience ( MCG, Outback, Melbourne city)...

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